Pinyin/Duanwu Festival

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English-Hanzi-Pinyin version

《Duanwu Festival》


The season of eating zongzi,
yet many people have no appetite.

Zài chī zòngzi de jìjié,
xǔduō rén bìng méiyǒu wèikǒu.

Is it just remembering Qu Yuan,
this is just a legend.

Jìniàn Qū Yuán ma,
nà dōu shì chuánshuō.

Who said poets have suicide complex,
all are false.

Shuí shuō shīrén yǒu zìshā qíngjié,
quán shì guǐnào de。

We eat zongzi, drink realgar wine,
is concealing a kind of mood.

Wǒmen chī zòngzi, hē xiónghuángjiǔ,
shì yǎnshì yīzhǒng qínghuái.

is like nothing has happened.

Hǎoxiàng shénme dōu méiyǒu fāshēng.

When Duanwu festival has arrived,
I think of Hai Zi:
"Facing the ocean, spring is warm and the flowers open".

Zài Duānwǔ dàolái de shíhòu,
wǒ xiǎngqǐle Hǎi Zǐ:
“Miàncháo dàhǎi, chūnnuǎnhuākāi”.

Flowers opened,
who will go and view the sea.

Huā kāi le,
shuí qù kàn hǎi ne.