Gyakuten Kenji 2/Episode 4: The Forgotten Turnabout/Beginning, Part 2

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The body was found in the meeting room of the P.I.C., where Edgeworth was supposed to be right about now. Karin, the nurse from earlier, is studying the body with her grandmother, Dr. Bonnie Young (伊丹 乙女 (いたみ おとめ) Itami Otome). Young is the director of the hospital Karin works for. She's also the coroner in charge of performing the autopsy on the victim. She won't give you any details on the victim, but you do at least have permission to investigate the scene.

Investigation: Grand Tower - P.I.C. Meeting Room / 捜査 ~検事審査会・審議室~

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First, talk to the police officer. He informs you that a special keycard is required to enter the room. Security (セキュリティ Sekyuriti) is added to your Logic. The person who found the body was a member of the P.I.C., who had arrived to attend the day's meeting. Go around to the back of the room and examine the statue of Lady Justice. Examine the bloodstain at her feet. Judging from the amount of blood, it's likely that the victim was killed around here, and the body was moved post-mortem. After examining the bloodstain, a familiar face enters the room - Franziska von Karma (狩魔 冥 (かるま めい) Karuma Mei), the daughter of Manfred von Karma, who is currently working with Interpol on the trail of a smuggling ring. If she's here, then the smuggling ring may be involved in this case, but she won't give you any details. Dr. Young informs Franziska that she has finished the autopsy. She still won't let you near the body, but eventually agrees after Edgeworth asks Franziska for permission to investigate further.

File:GK2 4-2 Deduce purple flower.png
File:GK2 4-2 Candelabra.png
File:GK2 Case 4 Logic 01.png
File:GK2 4-2 Keycard.png

Finally, you can examine the body. First, examine the stab wounds on the torso. There are three entry wounds, piercing through the jacket's breast pocket. Examine the Candelabra (凶器のしょく台 kyōki no shokudai) to the lower right to add it to the Organizer. This has three prongs, which matches the number of wounds on the body, so this is likely to be the murder weapon. Examine her right hand, which is holding a blue card. The back of the hand has an old burn mark. The card in question is a Keycard (カードキー Kādo kī), which is added to your Logic. Connect this to Security (セキュリティ). Gumshoe checks the data of the card, and finds that it is used for entering this room. The Keycard (カードキー kādo kī) is added to the Organizer. Examine the notepad beside the victim. It's Kay's "Promise Notebook", in which Kay wrote down all the promises she made to her father as a child. It was a piece of evidence in a case from seven years ago, that had gone missing. According to the police officer, this was the only evidence by which they could identify the victim, meaning her name may not actually be "Kay". Next, examine the purple flower on the victim's jacket. This looks familiar... Deduce from your Purple Flower (紫の花) that the one Kay was holding when she was found was probably torn off the victim's jacket. According to Franziska, this means that Kay may be a possible suspect.

Examine the victim's jacket. Edgeworth remarks on how it appears to be made for a man, since the buttons are on the right side. In one of the pockets is a pair of pure white gloves. Finally, examine the victim's head. It has some blood on it, indicating that she may have suffered a head wound at some point.

File:GK2 4-2 Autopsy Report.png

Finally, Prosecutor Debeste turns up, accompanied by Judge Courtney, as usual. They recognise the victim - Jill Crane (籠目 つばさ (かごめ つばさ) Kagome Tsubasa), one of Courtney's fellow P.I.C. members. After an introductory whipping from Franziska, Debeste receives the Autopsy Report (検死結果 kenshi kekka) from Karin and Dr. Young, who leave afterwards. According to the autopsy, the victim's head wound was post-mortem, and the candelabra dealt the fatal blow. The estimated time of death is late last night. Debeste immediately orders Kay's arrest. Edgeworth is not pleased, and demands an explanation.

Debeste's Argument: Why We Suspect Kay? / 一柳の推理 ~一条 美雲を疑うリユウ~

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Debeste's Argument
- Why We Suspect Kay? -

  1. I am the best in the world. No one else can do what I do.
  2. Yes! That's why I was the first to realize that Kay Faraday is the culprit!
  3. She broke into the meeting room in order to steal something.
  4. In other words, she's the only one who could have killed Ms. Crane!
~一条 美雲を疑うリユウ~

  1. この世で一番すぐれている人間は、いつも一番のこのオレさ。
  2. そう!オレは一等先に気づいた!一条 美雲こそが犯人だと!
  3. 彼女は審議室に侵入して、盗みを働こうとした。
  4. つまり、彼女以外にカゴメ弁護士を殺せた人間はいないというわけだ!

Rebuttal: Why We Suspect Kay? / 追求 ~一条 美雲を疑うリユウ~

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File:AJAA Investigation Report.png
File:GK2 4-2 Victim's Letter.png

Present the Keycard (カードキー) on the third statement. The room can only be entered by using a keycard, so how did Kay get in without one? Courtney shows you the room's Keycard Record (カードキーの使用記録 kādo kī no shiyō koroku). Jill Crane entered at 12:52 AM, and, according to Courtney, Kay entered alongside her. But Kay didn't even know the victim... but Courtney claims to have evidence to the contrary. She shows you the Victim's Letter (被害者の持っていた手紙 higaisha no motte ita tegami), which was found in Crane's breast pocket during the autopsy. It appears to have been sent from Kay to the victim, and mentions "revenge for 12 years ago". Edgeworth claims that this is insufficient evidence for suspecting Kay, and demands further explanation from Courtney.

Courtney's Testimony: The Letter from Kay / 水鏡の推理 ~ミクモの手紙~

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Courtney's Testimony
- The Letter from Kay -

  1. The relationship between Kay Faraday and Ms. Crane is as documented in the letter.
  2. She roped Ms. Crane into assisting her with her plan.
  3. However, for some reason, their partnership broke down.
  4. Ms. Crane was murdered... But with her dying breath, she managed to retaliate.
  5. Her parting gift is this letter, which she tucked safely away in her left breast pocket.

  1. 一条 美雲とカゴメさんの関係は、先の手紙のとおりです。
  2. 彼女はカゴメさんをそそのかし、みずからの計画に加担させた。
  3. しかし、この共犯関係は、なんらかの理由で破たんしたのです。
  4. カゴメさんは殺害され・・・・最期に一矢を報いた。
  5. それがこの手紙。カゴメさんが左胸ぽけっとに守っていたものです。

Rebuttal: The Letter from Kay / 追求 ~ミクモの手紙~

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On the fifth statement, present the Autopsy Report (検死結果). Crane was stabbed in the left breast, so how did the letter survive? The letter must have been planted by the real killer to frame Kay. There is, however, another suspect besides Kay. When asked to present evidence, present the Keycard Record (カードキーの使用記録). An unnamed person used their keycard at 10:15 PM, over two hours before Crane. This other person could have simply waited in the room until Crane arrived, and then killed her. Courtney says that she is the person in question, and that she simply entered the room to make "preparations".

File:AAIME Prosecutors Badge.png

The argument is interrupted by the arrival of Blaise Debeste (一柳 万才 (いちやなぎ ばんさい) Ichiyanagi Bansai), the chairman of the P.I.C., and the father of Sebastian, who he calls an "idiot". Blaise says he wants the case to be cleared up as quickly as possible - and that means arresting Kay now, regardless of the uncertainties. For Edgeworth to oppose him would mean forfeiting his Prosecutor's Badge... Edgeworth doesn't even have to think about it. He takes his badge out of his pocket, and abandons it on the meeting room's stand. Kay blames herself for forcing Edgeworth to resign, and runs out of the room. Edgeworth follows after her, after giving Gumshoe his final order - "don't follow me".