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Personal Pronouns

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Personal Pronouns appear in 2 kinds: independent words (in accusative, like 'me, him, her' etc.) or suffixes (subjects to verbs or possessors).

Nominative Genitive Dative/Accusative
1st – (I) -et (we) -ó (my) -ot (our) zú (me) set (us)
2nd -em (thou) -tí (you) -om (thy) -omí (your) šem (thee) šemtí (you)
3rd -en (he/she) -ít (they) -on (his/her) -os (their) ze/ta (him/her) íst (them)


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The nominative forms are suffixed to the verbs as subjects. e.g. to say 'he finds' we add suffix –en 'he' to verb stem húr- 'to find' to form húren.

There is no 1st person in nominative, and we use the bare verb stem. E.g. tégan to form 'I love'


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Genitive forms are suffixed to nouns to indicate possessors of that noun. E.g. korom ‘thy book’, navaot ‘our master’, únrétíos ‘their lords’.

The 3rd plural genitive form –os is irregular.


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Accusative is used when a pronoun is the direct object of a verb. English examples are 'I love him', 'I choose you'. Dative is when the pronoun is the indirect object, ex: 'I talk to you', 'You work for him'. Accusative/Dative pronouns unlike the others, are independent words. E.g. çev šem ‘I thank you’, tagema b’zú ‘give to me!’ (Note: Most examples of these pronouns occur in the dative case (i.e., as indirect objects) -- the case for the accusative is less strong.)

It is hypothetically assumed therefore that the accusative of 3rd person singular and plural can be sen and sít respectively.

Other pronouns

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There are also other pronouns:

  • met 'this'. Indicative pronoun which follows the noun. E.g. bacana met, 'this map' but it is also prefixed to the noun e.g. a met m'la, 'this lizard' (a- is a "direct object indicator". The rules for using it are not quite clear, in translations it can be omitted.)
  • mot 'that, which'. Relative pronoun. E.g. rem'la sexen poant, mot tornen, ‘the lizard has saliva, which it spits’, also used with the element gor ‘time’ and forms gormot ‘then’