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Common Lisp/Advanced topics/Files and Directories/C struct

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Lisp manipulation of C structures

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Ultimately, dealing with a struct generated by a C or C++ program involves loading that structure into a buffer and picking out the individual fields. Similarly, sending such a structure involves composing a buffer.

Some type conversion is necessary when using strings or characters in Lisp.

The preferred approach here is to use '(unsigned-byte 8) for bits coming from or going to the C structure.

While character arrays may be cheap in other languages like C or permit exploiting the de facto nature of the ASCII character set, that's the wrong approach for ANSI Common Lisp.

The ANSI specification does not guarantee that a character will contain ASCII or ISO-8859-1 or similar character sets. In fact, the ANSI spec only guarantees up to character code 96 [1] even though contemporary implementations may support Unicode.

Similarly to what's advised for Files and Directories, simply read or write a vector of unsigned bytes.

Anything in the rest of your Lisp program that needs to work with actual strings or characters should convert only as needed after reading.


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(defun read-c-file (&optional (file-path "data.struct") (max-length 48))
  (with-open-file (stream (merge-pathnames file-path)
			  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
			  :direction :input)
    (let ((buffer (make-array max-length
			      :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
			      :fill-pointer t)))
      (let ((actual-length (read-sequence buffer stream
					  :end max-length)))
	(setf (fill-pointer buffer) actual-length)
	(format t "received=~a max=~a buffer=~s~%" actual-length max-length buffer))

Use of fill-pointer for the array is optional but recommended to help track the actual length received, which may differ from what was attempted to be read.


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(defun write-C-file (buffer &optional length (file-path "data.struct"))
  (unless length
    (setf length (length buffer)))
  (with-open-file (stream (merge-pathnames file-path)
			  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
			  :direction :output
			  :if-exists :rename)
    (let ((written (length (write-sequence buffer stream))))
      (format t "wrote=~a bytes buffer=~s~%" written buffer)))


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When processing the vector of '(unsigned-byte 8) elements, convert each field of the corresponding C structure as needed based upon byte offsets. (Note that it's actually a vector despite being created with make-array. The distinction is that this has only a single dimension.)

Extracting a string from the raw bytes:

(map 'string #'code-char
     (subseq buffer *start-index* *end-index*))

Extracting just one byte:

(subseq buffer *state-index* (1+ *state-index*))

Of course, you'll need to assign the resulting value from each of those prior two examples.

Meanwhile, assigning into the buffer of raw bytes:

(setf (elt buffer *magic-number-index*) (logand #xFF *preamble-value*))

It's important to protect what you're assigning into; use of bitmasks like logand work well for this.

For more than just one byte, such as inserting sequence2 to become a subset within sequence1, you could use:

(replace sequence1 (map 'vector #'char-code sequence2)
	 :start1 a :end1 b)

or following the examples above:

(replace buffer (map '(vector '(unsigned-byte 8)) #'char-code string-text)
	 :start1 *start-index* :end1 *end-index*)

A helper function is provided below that avoids an intermediate vector from getting created.

Helper Functions

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(defun map-replace (fn sequence1 sequence2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2)
  "Alter elements of first sequence with those from second but after applying function
to that element first, performing each element in order.

Results will be identical to the following but without creating
intermediate vector:
  (replace sequence1 (map 'vector #'char-code sequence2) :start1 start1 :end1 end1)

See also: http://common-lisp.net/project/trivial-utf-8

Side-effects: sequence1 gets modified unless sequence2 is effectively nil.
Returns sequence1 after all modifications.
     for i upfrom start1 below (or end1 (length sequence1))
     and j upfrom start2 below (or end2 (length sequence2))
     do (setf (elt sequence1 i) (funcall fn (elt sequence2 j))))

(defun network-bytes-to-number (buffer start-index total-bits)
  "Convert network byte ordered sequence of unsigned bytes to a number."
  (unless (= (mod total-bits 8) 0)
    (error "Please specify total-bits as total for multiples of eight bit bytes"))
  (let ((value 0))
    (loop for i downfrom (- total-bits 8) downto 0 by 8
       for cursor upfrom start-index
       do (setf value (dpb (elt buffer cursor)
			   (byte 8 i) value))

	 (format t "buffer[~d]==#x~2X; shift<< ~d bits; value=~d~%"
		 cursor (elt buffer cursor) i value))

(defun number-to-network-bytes (number total-bits &optional buffer (start-index 0))
  "Convert number to network byte ordered sequence of unsigned bytes characters."
  (unless (= (mod total-bits 8) 0)
    (error "Please specify total-bits as total for multiples of eight bit bytes"))
  (unless buffer
    (setf buffer (make-array (/ total-bits 8) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
  (loop for i downfrom (- total-bits 8) downto 0 by 8
     for cursor upfrom start-index
     do (setf (elt buffer cursor) (ldb (byte 8 i) number))

       (let ((value (ldb (byte 8 i) number)))
	 (format t "number=~d: shift>> ~d bits; value=~d #x~2X; buffer[~d]==#x~2X~%"
		 number i value value cursor (elt buffer cursor))))

Time & Epochs

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If converting time values from another language, let alone operating system, be aware that the epoch (semantics for value 0) may be different.

ANSI Common Lisp has midnight 1 January 1900 UTC as the value 0 while Unix and many C libraries use 1 January 1970. Simple arithmetic converts between the two.