Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Household Arts

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Index of Household Arts Honors (18)

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AY Answer Book Development Stages
No Icon
No Answers

Some Answers

25% Answered

50% Answered

75% Answered

Comprehensive Answers

100% developed  as of 25 Jul, 2009 Baking
100% developed  as of 23 Oct, 2008 Basic Sewing
100% developed  as of 22 Jun, 2006 Cooking
100% developed  as of 25 Mar, 2008 Cooking - Advanced
100% developed  as of 25 Apr, 2007 Cultural Food Preparation
100% developed  as of 11 Feb, 2009 Dressmaking

0% developed  as of 5 Dec, 2006 Dressmaking - Advanced
100% developed  as of 25 Mar, 2008 Food - Canning
100% developed  as of 5 Jul, 2006 Food - Drying
100% developed  as of 17 Apr, 2007 Food - Freezing
100% developed  as of 16 Apr, 2007 Housekeeping
100% developed  as of 24 May 2006 Laundering

0% developed  as of 3 May 2007 Mat Making
100% developed  as of 24 Feb, 2006 Nutrition
100% developed  as of 24 Feb, 2006 Nutrition - Advanced
100% developed  as of 15 Sep, 2006 Quilting
0% developed  as of 18 May 2008 Tailoring
50% developed  as of 16 Jun, 2008 Tapa Cloth

Division Honors

General Conference

East Africa Division

Euro Africa Division

North American Division

South Pacific Division

Index of Household Arts Honors by Skill Level

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Skill Level 1 Household Arts Honors

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Skill Level 2 Household Arts Honors

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Skill Level 3 Household Arts Honors

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