A-level Computing/AQA/Paper 1/Fundamentals of algorithms

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In this unit you will see several algorithms that operate on the data structures you have seen in the previous unit.

  • 0% developed  as of March 6, 2016Graph traversal algorithms systematically visit all the vertices in a graph
  • 100% developed  as of March 6, 2016Tree traversal algorithms systematically visit all nodes in a tree
  • 75% developed  as of March 6, 2016Reverse Polish notation, an alternative way to represent arithmetic expressions, requires stacks or trees
  • 75% developed  as of March 6, 2016Searching algorithms check if a given data item exists in a data structure or not
  • 50% developed  as of March 6, 2016Sorting algorithms put a collection (typically an array) of items in ascending or descending order
  • 0% developed  as of March 6, 2016Optimisation Algorithms find the best solution to a problem, e.g. the shortest path from one graph vertex to another