65c02 Assembly
This book is a guide to the 65c02 Assembly language. This book will teach the different memory addressing modes and instructions of the 8-bit WDC 65c02 processor.
This is an edit of the 6502 Assembly book, with the addition of the new instructions/modes on the 65c02.
[edit | edit source]Syntax will vary between assemblers - this book will use the following syntax throughout:
Syntax | Base | Example |
%00001111 |
Binary | LDA #%0001
$FA |
Hexadecimal | LDA #$0E
123 |
Decimal | LDA #100
[edit | edit source]The 65C02 CPU has an 8-bit data bus, and a 16-bit address bus. All registers are 8-bit except for the 16-bit Program Counter (PC) register. Therefore the CPU is considered to be 8-bit.
That the address bus is 16-bit means that the CPU can access 2^16 individual bytes of memory, from address $0000 to address $FFFF, which is 65536 bytes (64KB).
Communication with peripheral units (e.g. video, audio, disk and controllers for a game system) is often performed with memory-mapped I/O.
The memory is divided into "pages", each of 256 bytes (within the range of an 8-bit offset). Page n is the n'th page in the memory, with a starting address of 256*n, and end address of (256*(n+1))-1. E.g. the "zero page" starts at address 0, and ends at address 255. See memory layout below for more details.
Slightly less than half of the 65c02 CPUs opcodes deal with memory stored in the Zero Page. Memory stored in the zero page often takes less time to process.
[edit | edit source]
Register | Size (bits) | Purpose |
Accumulator (A) | 8 | Used to perform calculations on data. Instructions can operate directly on the accumulator instead of spending CPU cycles to access memory |
X register (X) | 8 | Used as an index in some addressing modes |
Y register (Y) | 8 | Used as an index in some addressing modes |
Program Counter (PC) | 16 | Points to the address of the next instruction to be executed |
Stack Pointer (SP) | 8 | Stores the stack index into which the next stack element will be inserted. The address of this position is $0100 + SP . SP is initially set to $FD
Status (SR) | 8 | Each bit represents a status flag. Flags indicate the state of the CPU, or information about the result of the previous instruction. See the table below for a description of each flag |
Bit | Symbol | Name | Description |
7 | N | Negative |
Compare: Set if the register's value is less than the input value |
6 | V | Overflow |
Arithmetic: Set if a signed overflow occurred during addition or subtraction, i.e. the sign of the result differs from the sign of both the input and the accumulator |
5 | - | (Unused) | Always set |
4 | B[1] | Break | Set if an interrupt request has been triggered by a BRK instruction
3 | D | Decimal | Decimal mode[2]: mathematical instructions will treat the inputs and outputs as decimal numbers. E.g. $09 + $01 = $10
2 | I | Interrupt Disable | Disables interrupts while set |
1 | Z | Zero |
Compare: Set if the register's value is equal to the input value |
0 | C | Carry | Carry/Borrow flag used in math and rotate operations
Arithmetic: Set if an unsigned overflow occurred during addition or subtraction, i.e. the result is less than the initial value (or equal to the initial value, if the carry flag was set going in) |
Memory layout
[edit | edit source]16-bit values are stored in memory in little-endian, so the least significant byte is stored before the most significant. E.g. if address $0000
contains $FF
and address $0001
contains $00
, reading a two-byte value from $0000
will result in $00FF
Signed integers are in two's complement and can represent values from -128 (%10000000
) to +127 (%01111111
). Bit 7 is set if the integer is negative.
The 6502's program counter is 16 bits wide, so up to 2^16 (65536) bytes of memory are addressable. Certain regions of memory are reserved for particular purposes:
Region | Contents | Description |
$0000 - $00FF
Zero page | The first page of memory, which is faster to access than other pages. Instructions can specify addresses within the zero page with a single byte as opposed to two, so instructions that use the zero page instead of any other page require one less CPU cycle to execute |
$0100 - $01FF
Stack | Last-in first-out data structure. Grows backwards from $01FF to $0100 .Used by some transfer, stack, and subroutine instructions |
$0200 - $FFFF
General-purpose | Memory that can be used for whatever purpose needed. Devices that use the 6502 processor may choose to reserve sub-regions for other purposes, such as memory-mapped I/O |
Memory Addressing Modes
[edit | edit source]Each instruction uses one of thirteen memory addressing modes, which determines the operand of the instruction. An example is provided for each.
Accumulator: A
[edit | edit source]The Accumulator is implied as the operand, so no address needs to be specified.
Using the ASL (Arithmetic Shift Left) instruction with no operands, the Accumulator is always the value being shifted left.
Implied: i
[edit | edit source]The operand is implied, so it does not need to be specified.
The operands being implied here are X, the source of the transfer, and A, the destination of the transfer.
Immediate: #
[edit | edit source]The operand is used directly to perform the computation.
The value $22 is loaded into the Accumulator.
LDA #$22
Absolute: a
[edit | edit source]A full 16-bit address is specified and the byte at that address is used to perform the computation.
The value at address $D010
is loaded into the X register.
LDX $D010
Zero Page: zp
[edit | edit source]A single byte specifies an address in the first page of memory ($00xx
), also known as the zero page, and the byte at that address is used to perform the computation.
The value at address $0002
is loaded into the Y register.
LDY $02
Stack: s
[edit | edit source]Essentially the same as Implied (i). The difference is that these instructions perform stack operations; pushing or pulling operands from the stack.
Relative: r
[edit | edit source]The offset specified is added to the current address stored in the Program Counter (PC). Offsets can range from -128 to +127.
The offset $2D
is added to the address in the Program Counter (say $C100
). The destination of the branch (if taken) will be $C12D
Absolute Indirect: (a)
[edit | edit source]The little-endian two-byte value stored at the specified address is used to perform the computation. Only used by the JMP
The addresses $A001
and $A002
are read, returning $FF
and $00
respectively. The address $00FF
is then jumped to.
JMP ($A001)
Absolute Indirect Indexed with X: (a,x)
[edit | edit source]The value in X
is added to the specified address for a sum address. The little-endian address stored at the two-byte pair of sum address (LSB) and sum address plus one (MSB) is loaded and the value at that address is used to perform the computation. Only used by the JMP
The value $06
in X
is added to $EO15
for a sum of $EO1B
. The address $D010
at addresses $E01B
and $E01C
are read. The address $D010
is then jumped to.
JMP ($E015,X)
Absolute Indexed with X: a,x
[edit | edit source]The value in X
is added to the specified address for a sum address. The value at the sum address is used to perform the computation.
The value $02
in X
is added to $C001
for a sum of $C003
. The value $5A
at address $C003
is used to perform the add with carry (ADC
) operation.
ADC $C001,X
Absolute Indexed with Y: a,y
[edit | edit source]The value in Y
is added to the specified address for a sum address. The value at the sum address is used to perform the computation.
The value $03
in Y
is added to $F001
for a sum of $F004
. The value $EF
at address $F004
is incremented (INC
) and $F0
is written back to $F004
INC $F001,Y
Zero Page Indexed with X: zp,x
[edit | edit source]The value in X
is added to the specified zero page address for a sum address. The value at the sum address is used to perform the computation.
The value $02
in X
is added to $01
for a sum of $03
. The value $A5
at address $0003
is loaded into the Accumulator.
LDA $01,X
Zero Page Indexed with Y: zp,y
[edit | edit source]The value in Y
is added to the specified zero page address for a sum address. The value at the sum address is used to perform the computation.
The value $03
in Y
is added to $01
for a sum of $04
. The value $E3
at address $0004
is loaded into the Accumulator.
LDA $01,Y
Zero Page Indexed Indirect: (zp,x)
[edit | edit source]The value in X
is added to the specified zero page address for a sum address. The little-endian address stored at the two-byte pair of sum address (LSB) and sum address plus one (MSB) is loaded and the value at that address is used to perform the computation.
The value $02
in X
is added to $15
for a sum of $17
. The address $D010
at addresses $0017
and $0018
will be where the value $0F
in the Accumulator is stored.
STA ($15,X)
Zero Page Indirect: (zp)
[edit | edit source]The little-endian address stored at the two-byte pair of zero page address (LSB) and zero page address plus one (MSB) is loaded and the value at that address is used to perform the computation.
The address $D010
at addresses $0015
and $0016
will be where the value $0F
in the Accumulator is stored.
STA ($15)
Zero Page Indirect Indexed with Y: (zp),y
[edit | edit source]The value in Y
is added to the address at the little-endian address stored at the two-byte pair of the specified address (LSB) and the specified address plus one (MSB). The value at the sum address is used to perform the computation. Indeed addressing mode actually repeats exactly the Accumulator register's digits.
The value $03
in Y
is added to the address $C235
at addresses $002A
and $002B
for a sum of $C238
. The Accumulator is then exclusive ORed with the value $2F
at $C238
EOR ($2A),Y
[edit | edit source]These are the instructions for the 6502 processor including an ASCII visual, a list of affected flags, and a table of opcodes for acceptable addressing modes.
Load and Store
[edit | edit source] Load Accumulator with Memory: LDA
Load Index X with Memory: LDX
Load Index Y with Memory: LDY
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M -> A Flags: N, Z |
M -> X Flags: N, Z |
M -> Y Flags: N, Z | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Store Accumulator in Memory: STA
Store Index X in Memory: STX
Store Index Y in Memory: STY
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A -> M Flags: none |
X -> M Flags: none |
Y -> M Flags: none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Store Zero in Memory: STZ
0 -> M Flags: none |
[edit | edit source] Add Memory to Accumulator with Carry: ADC
Subtract Memory from Accumulator with Borrow: SBC
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A + M + C -> A Flags: N, V, Z, C |
A - M - ~C -> A Flags: N, V, Z, C | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Increment and Decrement
[edit | edit source] Increment Memory by One: INC
Increment Index X by One: INX
Increment Index Y by One: INY
| ||||||||||||||||||||
M + 1 -> M Flags: N, Z |
X + 1 -> X Flags: N, Z |
Y + 1 -> Y Flags: N, Z | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
Decrement Memory by One: DEC
Decrement Index X by One: DEX
Decrement Index Y by One: DEY
| ||||||||||||||||||||
M - 1 -> M Flags: N, Z |
X - 1 -> X Flags: N, Z |
Y - 1 -> Y Flags: N, Z | ||||||||||||||||||||
Shift and Rotate
[edit | edit source] Arithmetic Shift Left One Bit: ASL
Logical Shift Right One Bit: LSR
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
C <- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 <- 0 Flags: N, Z, C |
0 -> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -> C Flags: N, Z, C | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rotate Left One Bit: ROL
Rotate Right One Bit: ROR
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
C <- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 <- C Flags: N, Z, C |
C -> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -> C Flags: N, Z, C | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
[edit | edit source] AND Memory with Accumulator: AND
OR Memory with Accumulator: ORA
Exclusive-OR Memory with Accumulator: EOR
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A & M -> A Flags: N, Z |
A | M -> A Flags: N, Z |
A ^ M -> A Flags: N, Z | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Compare and Test Bit
[edit | edit source]The Negative (N), Zero (Z), and Carry (C) status flags are used for conditional (branch) instructions.
All Compare instructions affect flags in the same way:
Condition | N | Z | C |
Register < Memory | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Register = Memory | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Register > Memory | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Compare Memory and Accumulator: CMP
Compare Memory and Index X: CPX
Compare Memory with Index Y: CPY
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A - M Flags: N, Z, C |
X - M Flags: N, Z, C |
Y - M Flags: N, Z, C | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Test Bits in Memory with Accumulator: BIT
A & M
Flags: N = M7, V = M6, Z
Addressing Mode | Opcode |
a | 2C |
a,x | 3C |
# | 89 |
zp | 24 |
zp,x | 34 |
[edit | edit source] Branch unconditionally: BRA
Branch if 1 = 1 Flags: none |
Branch on Carry Clear: BCC
Branch on Carry Set: BCS
| ||||||||
Branch if C = 0 Flags: none |
Branch if C = 1 Flags: none | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Branch on Result not Zero: BNE
Branch on Result Zero: BEQ
| ||||||||
Branch if Z = 0 Flags: none |
Branch if Z = 1 Flags: none | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Branch on Result Plus: BPL
Branch on Result Minus: BMI
| ||||||||
Branch if N = 0 Flags: none |
Branch if N = 1 Flags: none | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Branch on Overflow Clear: BVC
Branch on Overflow Set: BVS
| ||||||||
Branch if V = 0 Flags: none |
Branch if V = 1 Flags: none | ||||||||
Unlike the other branch instructions, BBR and BBS have two operands. The M operand, used for the Set or Reset comparison, is always the zp addressing mode. The branch address operand is the r addressing mode, and has the same meaning as the other branch instructions.
Branch on Bit Reset: BBR
Branch on Bit Set: BBS
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Branch if (M >> n) & 1 = 0
Flags: none |
Branch if (M >> n) & 1 = 1
Flags: none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[edit | edit source] Transfer Accumulator to Index X: TAX
Transfer Index X to Accumulator: TXA
| ||||||||
A -> X Flags: N, Z |
X -> A Flags: N, Z | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Transfer Accumulator to Index Y: TAY
Transfer Index Y to Accumulator: TYA
| ||||||||
A -> Y Flags: N, Z |
Y -> A Flags: N, Z | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Transfer Stack Pointer to Index X: TSX
Transfer Index X to Stack Pointer: TXS
| ||||||||
S -> X Flags: N, Z |
X -> S Flags: none | ||||||||
[edit | edit source] Push Accumulator on Stack: PHA
Pull Accumulator from Stack: PLA
| ||||||||
A -> S Flags: none |
S -> A Flags: N, Z | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Push Index X on Stack: PHX
Pull Index X from Stack: PLX
| ||||||||
X -> S Flags: none |
S -> X Flags: none | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Push Index Y on Stack: PHY
Pull Index Y from Stack: PLY
| ||||||||
Y -> S Flags: none |
S -> Y Flags: none | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Push Processor Status on Stack: PHP
Pull Processor Status from Stack: PLP
| ||||||||
P -> S Flags: none |
S -> P Flags: all | ||||||||
The processor status is stored as a single byte with the following flags bits from high to low: NV--DIZC.
Subroutines and Jump
[edit | edit source] Jump to New Location: JMP
Jump to new location by changing the value of the program counter.
Flags: none
Addressing Mode | Opcode |
a | 4C |
(a) | 6C |
(a,x) | 7C |
Jump to New Location Saving Return Address: JSR
Jumps to a subroutine
The address before the next instruction (PC - 1) is pushed onto the stack: first the upper byte followed by the lower byte. As the stack grows backwards, the return address is therefore stored as a little-endian number in memory.
PC is set to the target address.
Flags: none
Addressing Mode | Opcode |
a | 20 |
Return from Subroutine: RTS
Return from a subroutine to the point where it called with JSR
The return address is popped from the stack (low byte first, then high byte).
The return address is incremented and stored in PC.
Flags: none
Addressing Mode | Opcode |
i | 60 |
Return from Interrupt: RTI
Return from an interrupt.
SR is popped from the stack.
PC is popped from the stack.
Flags: all
Addressing Mode | Opcode |
i | 40 |
Set and Clear
[edit | edit source] Clear Carry Flag: CLC
Set Carry Flag: SEC
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 -> C Flags: C = 0 |
1 -> C Flags: C = 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clear Decimal Mode: CLD
Set Decimal Mode: SED
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 -> D Flags: D = 0 |
1 -> D Flags: D = 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clear Interrupt Disable Status: CLI
Set Interrupt Disable Status: SEI
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 -> I Flags: I = 0 |
1 -> I Flags: I = 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clear Overflow Flag: CLV
0 -> V Flags: V = 0 |
Reset Memory Bit: RMB
Set Memory Bit: SMB
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M & ~(1 << n) -> M Flags: none
M | (1 << n) -> M Flags: none
[edit | edit source] Break: BRK
Force an Interrupt.
This is a two-byte instruction, where the second byte is ignored by the processor. The 2nd byte can be used as argument to the interrupt service routine.
Flags: B = 1, I = 1
Addressing Mode | Opcode |
i | 00 |
No Operation: NOP
No Operation
Flags: none
Addressing Mode | Opcode |
i | EA |
Wait for Interrupt: WAI
Wait for Interrupt
Flags: none
Addressing Mode | Opcode |
i | CB |
Stop mode: STP
Stop mode
Flags: none
Addressing Mode | Opcode |
i | DB |
Opcode map
[edit | edit source]List of all the OpCodes present. An opcode is an "operation code", the first byte in an instruction. This byte decides which operation is being performed. Multiple assembler mnemonics (eg. ADC, BIT, JMP et.c.) correspond to several different opcodes. There is one opcode per addressing mode used. For example, the menmonic ASL have multiple opcodes, one for each addressing mode supported by the CPU.
Opcodes marked with an asterisk (*) are opcodes that did not exist for the 6502 CPU.
Blank entries are supposed to behave identical the NOP instruction (EA).
High nibble | Low nibble | |||||||||||||||
00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 0A | 0B | 0C | 0D | 0E | 0F | |
00 | BRK s |
ORA (zp,x) |
TSB zp * |
ORA zp |
ASL zp |
RMB0 zp * |
PHP s |
ORA # |
TSB a * |
ORA a |
ASL a |
BBR0 r * | |||
10 | BPL r |
ORA (zp),y |
ORA (zp) * |
TRB zp * |
ORA zp,x |
ASL zp,x |
RMB1 zp * |
CLC i |
ORA a,y |
INC A * |
TRB a * |
ORA a,x |
ASL a,x |
BBR1 r * | ||
20 | JSR a |
AND (zp,x) |
BIT zp |
AND zp |
ROL zp |
RMB2 zp * |
PLP s |
AND # |
BIT a |
AND a |
ROL a |
BBR2 r * | |||
30 | BMI r |
AND (zp),y |
AND (zp) * |
BIT zp,x |
AND zp,x |
ROL zp,x |
RMB3 zp * |
SEC i |
AND a,y |
DEC A * |
BIT a,x * |
AND a,x |
ROL a,x |
BBR3 r * | ||
40 | RTI s |
EOR (zp,x) |
EOR zp |
LSR zp |
RMB4 zp * |
PHA s |
EOR # |
JMP a |
EOR a |
LSR a |
BBR4 r * | ||||
50 | BVC r |
EOR (zp),y |
EOR (zp) * |
EOR zp,x |
LSR zp,x |
RMB5 zp * |
CLI i |
EOR a,y |
PHY s * |
EOR a,x |
LSR a,x |
BBR5 r * | ||||
60 | RTS s |
ADC (zp,x) |
STZ zp |
ADC zp |
ROR zp |
RMB6 zp * |
PLA s |
ADC # |
JMP (a) |
ADC a |
ROR a |
BBR6 r * | |||
70 | BVS r |
ADC (zp),y |
ADC (zp) * |
STZ zp,x |
ADC zp,x |
ROR zp,x |
RMB7 zp * |
SEI i |
ADC a,y |
PLY s * |
JMP (a,x) * |
ADC a,x |
ROR a,x |
BBR7 r * | ||
80 | BRA r * |
STA (zp,x) |
STY zp |
STA zp |
STX zp |
SMB0 zp * |
DEY i |
BIT # * |
TXA i |
STY a |
STA a |
STX a |
BBS0 r * | |||
90 | BCC r |
STA (zp),y |
STA (zp) * |
STY zp,x |
STA zp,x |
STX zp,y |
SMB1 zp * |
TYA i |
STA a,y |
TXS i |
STZ a * |
STA a,x |
STZ a,x * |
BBS1 r * | ||
A0 | LDY # |
LDA (zp,x) |
LDX # |
LDY zp |
LDA zp |
LDX zp |
SMB2 zp * |
TAY i |
LDA # |
TAX i |
LDY a |
LDA a |
LDX a |
BBS2 r * | ||
B0 | BCS r |
LDA (zp),y |
LDA (zp) * |
LDY zp,x |
LDA zp,x |
LDX zp,y |
SMB3 zp * |
CLV i |
LDA a,y |
TSX i |
LDY a,x |
LDA a,x |
LDX a,y |
BBS3 r * | ||
C0 | CPY # |
CMP (zp,x) |
CPY zp |
CMP zp |
DEC zp |
SMB4 zp * |
INY i |
CMP # |
DEX i |
WAI i * |
CPY a |
CMP a |
DEC a |
BBS4 r * | ||
D0 | BNE r |
CMP (zp),y |
CMP (zp) * |
CMP zp,x |
DEC zp,x |
SMB5 zp * |
CLD i |
CMP a,y |
PHX s * |
STP i * |
CMP a,x |
DEC a,x |
BBS5 r * | |||
E0 | CPX # |
SBC (zp,x) |
CPX zp |
SBC zp |
INC zp |
SMB6 zp * |
INX i |
SBC # |
NOP i |
CPX a |
SBC a |
INC a |
BBS6 r * | |||
F0 | BEQ r |
SBC (zp),y |
SBC (zp) * |
SBC zp,x |
INC zp,x |
SMB7 zp * |
SED i |
SBC a,y |
PLX s * |
SBC a,x |
INC a,x |
BBS7 r * |
[edit | edit source]Further reading
[edit | edit source]- 6502 Assembly
- Super NES Programming: the Super NES uses the 65c816, a descendant of the 6502