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RCA Open Source Application: ROSA Manual/Demonstration of the Base Model

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Very Important Note: In order to proceed with the demonstration of the ROSA Model and get to the ROSA main menu page shown in Figure 12 below, the following items described under – The ROSA package in unit 1 (refer page 3), should have already been downloaded and installed from the compressed folder.

Objectives of Unit 4
After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • Understand how the underlying ROSA database(s) is displayed and accessed with the ROSA_v1_0 Excel file interface
  • Compare how the data from the storyboard is applied and configured in the model
  • Learn how to create, update, and maintain data in the model
  • Utilize the data to demonstrate how better decisions are made through the use of the RCA model


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Figure 12 - ROSA Main Menu page, Installation

Before we can begin to explore RCA, we must install the tools to visualize the power RCA offers: The user must start by validating the installation.

This entails the following three steps:

1. user’s MS Excel macros are enabled and functioning properly
2. “Check the Server Connection” is active and receiving the affirmative message
3. the ROSA Base Model database and ROSA Sample Database are both active and accessible

thus making it possible to view and navigate throughout the entire ROSA model.

Begin by opening the Excel application file called ROSA_v1_0.

Step 1:
First, we must enable the macros: With Excel 2007, a Security Warning will be displayed when you launch ROSA_v1_0. Click on the “Options” button as highlighted in Figure 13.

Figure 13 - Excel > Options
Figure 14 - Excel > Options > Security Alert

A Security Options window will open (refer Figure 14), select “Enable this content” then click OK.

Once you have clicked Ok, you will be returned to the main menu screen (refer back to Figure 12).

Step 2:
Next “Check the Server Connection” by clicking on the blue button under the Installation section located on the main menu as shown in Figure 15.

A pop up screen with a message to the one shown below (see Figure 16 ) should immediately confirm that your Server connection is Ok. Click OK.

Once again, you will be returned to the ROSA main menu screen (refer back to Figure 12) upon clicking OK.

Figure 15 - Excel > ROSA > Check the Server Connection
Figure 16 - Excel > ROSA > Server Connection confirmation

Step 3:
From the main menu screen, select the “Palo” tab located in the Excel menu bar and then highlight “Modeller” as shown in Figure 17 below.

Figure 17 - Excel > ROSA > Palo > Modeller
Figure 18 - Excel > ROSA > Modeller > Demo

A pop up window will appear and display “Modeller Localhost /Demo” screen as shown in Figure 18 below. Under the “Database” tab on this same screen, locate the “Choose Server/Database” field.

In the initial set-up, the “Demo” Server/Database will be the default database that appears in this field as shown in Figure 18. Also note the “Dimensions:” and “Cubes:” that are displayed here relate directly to the “Demo” database. If you navigate over to the down arrow located to the right of “Demo” as indicated in Figure 18 above, it will display a drop down menu.

When activated this drop down menu will display all the other databases, including the two ROSA databases; the ROSA_Base_Model_Database, and the ROSA_Sample_Database as shown in Figure 19 below.

Figure 19 - Excel > Palo > Modeller > Database

Now select the “ROSA_Base_Model_Database” and you will see how the Dimensions and Cubes change to become to correct Dimensions and Cubes for the Base Model database (refer Figure 20 below).

Figure 20 - Excel > Palo > ROSA > Modeller > ROSA_Base_Model_Database

If you switch back to the “Demo” database the Dimensions and Cubes will revert to the Demo’s dimensions and cubes.

Now you have completed all three steps necessary that confirms you have successfully connected and have access to both the ROSA Base Model database and the ROSA Sample database.

You are now ready to begin discovering the powerful Resource Consumption Accounting Open-source Application decision-making tool.