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Measles is a highly contagious viral disease, which affects mostly children. It is transmitted via droplets from the nose, mouth or throat of infected persons. Initial symptoms, which usually appear 10–12 days after infection, include high fever, runny nose, bloodshot eyes, and tiny white spots on the inside of the mouth. Several days later, a rash develops, starting on the face and upper neck and gradually spreading downwards.

There is no specific treatment for measles and most people recover within 2–3 weeks. However, particularly in malnourished children and people with reduced immunity, measles can cause serious complications, including blindness, encephalitis, severe diarrhoea, ear infection and pneumonia. Measles can be prevented by immunization.

Mázhěn shì 1-zhǒng jùyǒu gāodù chuánrǎnxìng de bìngdúxìng jíbìng, shòu yǐngxiǎng de dàbùfèn shì értóng. Mázhěn bìngdú tōngguò shòugǎnrǎnzhě kǒu, bí, hóu de fēimò chuánbō. Chūqī zhèngzhuàng tōngcháng zài bèi gǎnrǎn 8-12 tiān zhīhòu xiǎnxiàn, bāokuò gāoshāo, liútì, yǎnjīng chōngxuè hé kǒu nèi chūxiàn báisè xiǎo diǎn. Ruògān tiānhòu, liǎnbù hé shàng jǐngbù kāishǐ chūxiàn pízhěn, bìng zhúbù xiàngxià mànyán.

Mázhěn méiyǒu tèyìxìng zhìliáo fāngfǎ, dàduōshù rén zài fābìng hòu de 2-3 zhōu nèi kāngfù. Rán'ér, yóuqíshì zài yíngyǎng bùliáng de értóng hé miǎnyìlì dīxià de rénqún zhōng, mázhěn kě yǐnqǐ yánzhòng de bìngfāzhèng, bāokuò shīmíng, nǎoyán, yánzhòng fùxiè, ěrbù gǎnrǎn hé fèiyán. Mázhěn kě tōngguò miǎnyì jiēzhòng dédào yùfáng.