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Na'vi/Na'vi–English dictionary

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Table of Contents:  ʼ A Ä C E F G H I Ì K Kx L M N Ng O P Px R S T Tx Ts U V W Y Z

Confirmed Naʼvi words and affixes are listed here in alphabetical order. Ä, ì, rr, ll, ng (= g), ts (= c), kx, px, tx are ordered as distinct letters from a, i, r, l, n, t, k, p, t. Frommer's preferred orthography, with g for ng and c for ts, is included in parentheses to allow electronic searches. Stress is indicated in IPA transcription: The stress mark ‹ ˈ › appears before the stressed syllable, and syllable breaks are marked with a dot. Prefixes and adpositions which cause lenition are marked with a plus sign, ay+, −ro+. Infix slots of verbs are marked in italics by raised dots (•). Many of these slots are theoretical rather than attested. Stem-changing words (short plurals, verbal contractions, genitives) are included; many short plurals are assumed rather than attested.

Underlying /n/ is spelled 'm' before 'p' in compound words, as in txampay (txan-pay) "sea". However, before 'k' it is spelled 'n', as in zenke (zene-ke) "not need to", despite the fact that it is pronounced /ŋ/ and that this sound is spelled 'ng' before 'k' within a root such as pängkxo "chat".

The vocabulary can be greatly expanded through productive use of Naʼvi's word-building affixes, but such forms have not been included here unless they are attested in print or email from Paul Frommer.

attr. attributive forms
du. dual form
infix infix positions
tri. trial form
pl. plural forms
Parts of speech and classes of affix:
ADJ. adjective
ADP. adposition (functions as preposition and suffix)
ADV. adverb
AFF. affix (functions as prefix and suffix)
CONJ. conjunction
INF. infix
INTJ. interjection
MIM. mimesis
N. noun
N.PL. plural noun
PART. particle
PREP. preposition
PN. pronoun
PREF. prefix
SUFF. suffix
V. verb
V.DAT. dative verb (takes intransitive and dative arguments, like lu 'have')
V.DI. ditransitive verb (takes ergative, accusative, and dative arguments, like tìng 'give')
V.IN. intransitive verb (takes intransitive argument only, like lu 'be')
V.TR. transitive verb (takes ergative and accusative arguments, like tse'a 'see')

Texts · English–Na'vi dictionary