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Na'vi/Na'vi–English dictionary/liquids

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l suff. /l/

Form of erg −ìl. after a vowel.

lahe adj. /ˈla.hɛ/, attr. lahea N. alahe [.]

aylaru, aylari /ai̯.ˈla.ɾu/ [.] to, regarding the others; short for aylaheru, aylaheri /ai̯.ˈla.hɛ.ɾu/
lapo pn. /ˈla.po/ [.] another, another one, other one, someone else, something else
latem v.in. /ˈla.tɛm/, infix l•at•em [.] change
leykatem v.tr. /lɛi̯.ˈka.tɛm/, infix leyk•at•em [FE] change

lam v. /ˈlam/, infix l••am [.]

seem, appear
tìlam n. /tɪˈlam/, pl. sìlam? [.] appearance, look
tatlam adv. /tat.ˈlam/ [.] apparently (ta tìlam)

laro adj. /ˈla.ɾo/, attr. laroa N. alaro [.]


latsi (laci) v. /la.ˈtsi/, infix l•ats•i [.]

keep up (with someone)

law adj. /ˈlau̯/, attr. lawa N. alaw [.]

certain, clear
nìlaw adv. /nɪˈlau̯/ [.] clearly
law lu ngaru it is clear to you / you know

layon adj. /la.ˈjon/, attr. layona N. alayon [.]


lepref. /lɛ/

(adjectivizing prefix: look up by root)

lek v. /ˈlɛk/, infix l••ek [.]

obey, heed

len v. /ˈlɛn/, infix l••en [.]

happen, occur

ler /ˈlɛɾ/

lertu n. /ˈlɛɾ.tu/ [.] colleague

lew n. /ˈlɛu̯/ [.]

cover, lid
lew si v. /ˈlɛu̯ si/, infix lew s••i [.] to cover

lie suff. /ˈli.ɛ/

(found in:)
ʼawlie adv. /ʔau̯.ˈli.ɛ/ [.] once (in the past)

lìʼ /lɪʔ/

lìʼu n. /ˈlɪ.ʔu/ [.] word ("spoken thing")
kemlìʼu n. /ˈkɛm.lɪ.ʔu/, pl. hemlìʼu [.] verb
tstxolìʼu (ctxolìʼu) n. /ˈtstʼo.lɪ.ʔu/, pl. stxolìʼu [.] noun
lìʼfya n. /ˈlɪʔ.fja/ [.] language ("way of speaking")
lìʼfya leNaʼvi /ˈlɪʔ.fja lɛ.ˈnaʔ.vi/ the Naʼvi language
lìʼfyavi n. /ˈlɪʔ.fja.vi/ [FE] phrase, expression

lìm v.in. /ˈlɪm/, infix l••ìm [.]

be far
alìm adv. /a.ˈlɪm/ [.] far away, at a distance [no *lìma]

lo suff. /lo/ [F]

See alo. turn, number of times
ʼawlo adv. /ˈʔau̯.lo/ [FE] once
melo adv. /ˈmɛ.lo/ [FE] twice

Loak n. /ˈlo.ak/ [FE]

(male name)

lok v. /ˈlok/, infix l••ok [.]

approach, draw near
lokadp. /lok/ [.] close to

lonu v.tr. /lo.ˈnu/, infix l•on•u [.]

let go, release

lor adj. /ˈloɾ/, attr. lora N. alor [.]

pleasant to the senses or mind: beautiful (object, sound, smell, use of language), delicious (food), etc.
nìlor n. /nɪ.ˈloɾ/ [FE] beautifully
tìlor n. /tɪ.ˈloɾ/ [.] beauty
loreyu n. /lo.ˈɾɛ.ju/ [FE] helicoradian (carnivorous plant; ìreyu spiral)

lrrtok n. /ˈlr̩.tok/ [.]

a smile; (pl) blessings (of Eywa), happy (as for a celebration)
lrrtok si v. /ˈlr̩.tok.si/, infix lrrtok s••i [?] to smile (dative = upon); to bless (of Eywa)

lu v.in. /ˈlu/, infix l••u [.]

be (am, is, are, was, were)
lu v.dat. [FE] have
lukeadp. /ˈlu.kɛ/ [.] without (ke not)

lun n. /ˈlun/ [.]

lumpe adv. /ˈlum.pɛ/ [.] why? (= pelun)
pelun adv. /pɛ.ˈlun/ [.] why? (= lumpe)
taluna, talun conj. /ta.ˈlu.na, ta.ˈlun/ [.] because (with English clause order)
alunta conj. /a.ˈlun.ta/ [FE] because (with opposite clause order)

r suff. /ɾ/

Short form of dat −ru.

ral n. /ˈɾal/ [.]

ralpeng (ralpeg) v. /ɾal.ˈpɛŋ/, infix ralp••eng [.] interpret (to tell the meaning)
tafral conj, adv. /ta.ˈfɾal/ [.] therefore, because of that (ta fì-ral from this meaning)

Ralu n. /ˈɾa.lu/ [FE]

(male name)

ramunong (ramunog) n. /ɾa.ˈmu.noŋ/ [.]

Ayvitrayä Ramunong n. /ai̯.vit.ɾa.jæ ɾa.mu.noŋ/ Well of Souls

rangal (ragal) v. /ˈɾaŋ.al/, infix r•ang•al [FE] [syll?]

nìrangal (nìragal) adv. /nɪ.ˈɾaŋ.al/ [FE] "I wish ...", "oh that ..."

rawke! intj. /ˈɾau̯.kɛ/ [.]

(a cry of alarm, call to defense)

rawp n. /ˈɾau̯p/ [FE]

bladder pod plant

räʼä part. /ɾæ.ˈʔæ/ [.]

don't! (particle for negative commands)
räʼä si! don't do it!

reʼo n. /ˈɾɛ.ʔo/ [.]


rel n. /ˈɾɛl/ [.]

picture, image
pamrel n. /pam.ˈɾɛl/ [.] writing (a foreign concept)
pamrel si v. /pam.ˈɾɛl.si/, infix pamrel s••i [.] write
reltseo (relceo) n. /ˈɾɛl.tsɛ.o/ [.] visual art
reltseotu (relceotu) n. /ˈɾɛl.tsɛ.o.tu/ [.] artist

renu n. /ˈɾɛ.nu/ [.]


rey v. /ˈɾɛi̯/, infix r••ey [.]

rusey adj. /ɾu.ˈsɛi̯/, attr. ruseya N. arusey [.] alive, living
rusey n. /ɾu.ˈsɛi̯/ [.] living thing
kerusey adj. /ˈkɛ.ɾu.sɛi̯/, attr. keruseya N. akerusey [.] dead (not living)
reyʼeng n. /ɾɛi̯.ˈʔɛŋ/ [.] balance of life (ʼengʼeng level)
reypay n. /ˈɾɛi̯.pai̯/ [.] blood (pay fluid)
tìrey n. /tɪ.ˈɾɛi̯/, pl. sìrey [.] life
mì sìrey adv. /mɪ.sɪ.ˈɾɛi̯/ ever (lit. "in (my) life")
tìrusey n. /tɪ.ɾu.ˈsɛi̯/ [FE] living

ri suff. /.ɾi/

Form of top −ìri. after a vowel.

rikx v.in. /ˈɾikʼ/, infix r••ikx [.]

move, stand back (cf. ʼärìp)

rim adj. /ˈɾim/, attr. rima N. arim [.]

nìrim adv. /nɪ.ˈɾim/ [F] in yellow

rinaʼ n. /ɾi.ˈnaʔ/ [.]

atokirinaʼ n. /ˈa.to.ki.ˈɾi.naʔ/ [.] seeds of the great tree [1st stress?]

Rini n. /ˈɾi.ni/ [FE]

(female name)

riti n. /ˈɾi.ti/ [.]


rìk n. /ˈɾɪk/ [.]

lerìk adj. /lɛ.ˈɾɪk/, attr. lerìka N. alerìk [F] leafy

ro+ adp. /ɾo/ [.]


rol v. /ˈɾol/, infix r••ol [.]

tìrol n. /tɪ.ˈɾol/, pl. sìrol [.] song

ronsem n. /ˈɾon.sɛm/ [.]

sìlronsem adj. /sɪl.ˈɾon.sɛm/, attr. sìlronsema N. asìlronsem [.] clever (of a thing)

Rongloa (Rogloa) n. /ˈɾoŋ.lo.a/ [FE]

(clan name)

ru suff. /.ɾu/

Form of dat −ur. after a vowel.

rum n. /ˈɾum/ [.]

rumut n. /ˈɾum.ut/ [FE] puffball tree (utral tree)
hìrumwll n. /hɪ.ˈɾum.wl̩/ [FE] puffer plant (hìʼi small)
värumut n. /ˈvæ.ɾu.mut/ [FE] vein pod plant (väʼ ugly/foul)

run v. /ˈɾun/, infix r••un [.]

find, discover
ultxarun v. /ul.ˈtʼa.ɾun/, infix ultxar••un [FE] encounter, meet (by chance; ultxa meeting)

rusey adj. /ɾu.ˈsɛi̯/, attr. ruseya N. arusey [.]

alive, living (rey live)
rusey n. /ɾu.ˈsɛi̯/ [.] living thing

rutxe! intj. /ɾu.ˈtʼɛ/ [.]
