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Na'vi/Na'vi–English dictionary/dental series

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sapref. /sa/ [F]

Short plural of tsa.- that

saa! intj. /ˈsaː/ [.]

haa! (threatening sound)

saʼnok n. /ˈsaʔ.nok/ [.]

saʼnu n. /saʔ.nu/ [.] mommy
saʼatenuk n. /sa.ʔa.tɛ.nuk/ (in Cameron's script)
nawma saʼnok /ˈnau̯.ma ˈsaʔ.nok/ [FE] the Great Mother

saʼu pn.pl. /ˈsa.ʔu/ [FE]

Short plural of tsaʼu. that

saheylu n.pl. /sa.ˈhɛi̯.lu/

Short plural of tsaheylu. neural bond

sahìk n.pl. /ˈsa.hɪk/

Short plural of tsahìk. matriarch

sal pn. /ˈsal/

erg of saw. them

salew v. /sa.ˈlɛu̯/, infix s•al•ew [.]

go on, proceed

salioang (salioag) n.pl. /ˈsal.i.ˈo.aŋ/

Short plural of talioang. Sturmbeast

sam n.pl. /ˈsam/

Short plural of tsam. war
sampongu (sampogu) n. /ˈsam.po.ŋu/ war parties
samsiyu n. /ˈsam.si.ju/ warriors

sanprep. /san/ [.]

quote (cf. sìk unquote)

sanhì n.pl. /san.ˈhɪ/

Short plural of tanhì. star

sangek (sagek) n.pl. /ˈsaŋ.ɛk/

Short plural of tangek. trunk [syll?]

sapʼalute n.pl. /sap.ˈʔa.lu.tɛ/

Short plural of tsapʼalute. apology

sar v. /ˈsaɾ/, infix s••ar [.]

lesar adj. /lɛ.ˈsaɾ/, attr. lesara N. alesar [FE] useful

sar, saru pn. /ˈsaɾ, ˈsa.ɾu/ [FE]

dat of saw. them

sari pn. /ˈsa.ɾi/

top of saw. them

saronyu n.pl. /ˈsa.ɾon.ju/

Short plural of taronyu. hunter

sat pn. /sat/

(1) form of tsaw. 'that, it' after ftu
(2) acc of saw. they, those

sati pn. /ˈsa.ti/

acc of saw. them (= sat)

? satu pn.pl. /ˈsa.tu/

Short plural of tsatu. that person

sau! intj. /sa.ˈu/ [.]

oomph! (expresses exertion)

sautral n.pl. /ˈsa.ut.ɾal/

Short plural of tautral. beanstalk palm

saw pn.pl. /ˈsau̯/

Short plural of tsaw. they, those (inanimate). Case forms: saw, sal, sat~sati, seyä, sar~saru, sari

sawlapx n.pl. /ˈsau̯.lapʼ/

Short plural of tsawlapx. unidelta tree
sawlapxangrr (sawlapxagrr) n.pl. /ˈsau̯.la.pʼa.ŋr̩/ Short plural of tsawlapxangrr. unidelta tree

sawsìp n.pl. /ˈsau̯.sɪp/

Short plural of tawsìp. spaceship

sawtute n.pl. /sau̯.ˈtu.tɛ/

Short plural of tawtute. human

sawtsngal (sawcgal) n.pl. /ˈsau̯.tsŋal/

Short plural of tawtsngal. panopyra

pref. /sæ/

(prefix indicating abstract agent of the root)
säfpìl n. /sæ.ˈfpɪl/ [.] idea, thought (fpìl think)
sänume n. /sæ.ˈnu.mɛ/ [.] teaching, instruction (nume learn)
sänumvi n. /sæ.ˈnum.vi/ [.] lesson
säspxin n. /sæ.ˈspʼin/ [.] sickness, disease (spxin sick)

säftxuyu n.pl. /sæ.ˈftʼu.ju/

Short plural of täftxuyu. weaver

seiyi v.approb. /sɛ.i.ˈji/ [FE]

Approbative of si.

sekrr n. /ˈsɛ.kr̩/ [.]

the present (krr time)

selem n.pl. /sɛ.ˈlɛm/

Short plural of telem. music chord?

sempul n. /ˈsɛm.pul/ [.]

sempu n. /ˈsɛm.pu/ [.] daddy

senge, seng (sege, seg) n.pl. /ˈsɛ.ŋɛ, ˈsɛŋ/

Short plural of tsenge. place

sengi v. /sɛ.ˈŋi/ [F]

Form of si.

set adv. /sɛt/ [.]

pxiset adv. /pʼi.ˈsɛt/ [.] right now
sekrr n. /ˈsɛ.kr̩/ [.] present (time)

sevin adj. /sɛ.ˈvin/, attr. sevina N. asevin [.]

pretty (of people)

seyä pn. /ˈsɛ.jæ/

gen of saw.

seyri n. /ˈsɛi̯.ɾi/, du. meseyri [.]


seze n. /ˈsɛ.zɛ/ [.]

sp. blue flower (and the name of Neytiri's banshee)

si v. /si/, infix s••i [.]

do, make
Verbalizes nouns and adjectives. For the numerous si phrases, look up the other word.
ʼawsiteng (ʼawsiteg) adv. /ʔau̯.si.ˈtɛŋ/ [.] together (unify place)
seiyi v. /sɛ.i.ˈji/ [FE] Approbative of si.
sengi v. /sɛ.ˈŋi/ [F] Uncertain form of si. Perhaps pejorative *s‹äng›i.
tsamsiyu (camsiyu) n. /ˈtsam.si.ju/, pl. samsiyu [.] warrior (war-maker)

sil n.pl. /ˈsil/

Short plural of til. joint

Silwanin n. /?/

(female name) [to be confirmed]

sim n.pl. /ˈsim/

Short plural of tsim. source

sim v. /ˈsim/, infix s••im [.]

be near
asim adv. /a.ˈsim/ [.] nearby, at close range [no *sima]

sirea n.pl. /si.ˈɾɛ.a/

Short plural of tirea. spirit
sireafyaʼo n.pl. /si.ˈɾɛ.a.ˈfja.ʔo/ spirit paths (fyaʼo path)
sireaioang (sireaioag) n.pl. /si.ˈɾɛ.a.i.ˈo.aŋ/ spirit animals (ioang animal)

adp. /sɪ/ [.]

and (links phrases; cf. ulte for clauses)
trrä txonä /ˈtr̩.æ sɪ ˈtʼo.næ/ of day and night (trr day, txon night)
aylìʼut horenti /ai̯.ˈlɪ.ʔut.ho.ˈɾɛn.ti.sɪ/ the words and rules (lìʼu word, koren rule)

pref. /sɪ/

Short plural of tì−. (Look under root)
sìʼeyng (sìʼeyg) n.pl. /sɪ.ˈʔɛi̯ŋ/ Short plural of tìʼeyng. response
sìoeyktìng (sìoeyktìg) n.pl. /sɪ.ˈwɛi̯k.tɪŋ/ Short plural of tìoeyktìng. explanation
? sìftang (sìftag) n. /sɪ.ˈftaŋ/ Short plural of tìftang. stopping [count noun?]
sìkenong (sìkenog) n.pl. /sɪ.ˈkɛ.noŋ/ Short plural of tìkenong. model
sìketeng (sìketeg) n.pl. /sɪ.ˈkɛ.tɛŋ/ Short plural of tìketeng. difference
sìngop (sìgop) n.pl. /sɪ.ˈŋop/ Short plural of tìngop. creation
sìpängkxo (sìpägkxo) n.pl. /sɪ.pæŋ.ˈkʼo/ Short plural of tìpängkxo. discussion

sìhawnuwll n.pl. /sɪ.ˈhau̯.nu.wl̩/

Short plural of tìhawnuwll. spartan plant

sìk post. /sɪk/ [.]

unquote (cf. san quote)

sìltsan (sìlcan) adj. /sɪl.ˈtsan/, attr. sìltsana N. asìltsan [.]

nìltsan (nìlcan) adv. /nɪl.ˈtsan/ [.] well
sìlpey v. /sɪl.ˈpɛi̯/, infix sìlp••ey [.] hope (pey await)
sìlronsem adj. /sɪl.ˈɾon.sɛm/, attr. sìlronsema N. asìlronsem [.] clever, well thought out (of an idea, plan, invention, etc) (ronsem mind)

sìnadp. /sɪn/ [.]

on; ? onto

skaʼa v. /ska.ˈʔa/, infix sk•aʼ•a [.]

tìskaʼa n. /tɪ.ska.ˈʔa/ [.] destruction (count noun? = act of?)

skalep n.pl. /ˈska.lɛp/

Short plural of tskalep. crossbow

skepek adj. /ˈskɛ.pɛk/, attr. skepeka N. askepek [FE]

formal [verify stress]

skien adj. /ˈski.ɛn/, attr. skiena N. askien [.]

right (side, direction)

sko n.pl. /ˈsko/

Short plural of tsko. bow

skxakep adj. /ˈskʼa.kɛp/, attr. skxakepa N. askxakep [.]

probable; (ADV) probably

skxawng n. /ˈskʼau̯ŋ/ [.]

idiot, moron

skxe n.pl. /ˈskʼɛ/

Short plural of tskxe. stone

skxekeng (skxekeg) n.pl. /ˈtskʼɛ.kɛŋ/

Short plural of tskxekeng. exercise

skxom n. /ˈskʼom/ [.]

opportunity, chance

slä conj. /ˈslæ/ [.]


sleyku v. /slɛi̯.ˈku/ [.]

Causative of slu.

slu v.in. /ˈslu/, infix sl••u [.]

become (cf. lu to be)
sleyku v.tr. /slɛi̯.ˈku/, infix sleyk••u [.] produce
X nìNaʼvi slu ʼupe? /X nɪ.ˈnaʔ.vi slu ˈʔu.pɛ/ [FE] How do you say X in Naʼvi?

smaoe n. /sma.ˈo.ɛ/ [FE]

phalanxia (sp. plant)

smuk n.pl. /ˈsmuk/

Short plural of tsmuk. sibling
smuktu n.pl. /ˈsmuk.tu/ Short plural of tsmuktu. sibling
smukan n.pl. /smu.ˈkan/ Short plural of tsmukan. brother
smuke n.pl. /smu.ˈkɛ/ Short plural of tsmuke. sister

snumìna adj. /ˈsnu.mɪ.na/, attr. snumìna N. asnumìna [.]


sngal (sgal) n.pl. /ˈtsŋal/

Short plural of tsngal. cup

sngap (sgap) v. /ˈsŋap/, infix sng••ap [.]


sngäʼi (sgäʼi) v.in. /ˈsŋæ.ʔi/, infix sng•äʼ•i [.]

start, begin
sngeykäʼi (sgeykäʼi) v.tr. /sŋɛi̯.ˈkæ.ʔi/, infix sngeyk•äʼ•i [FE] start, begin
sngäʼikrr (sgäʼikrr) n. /ˈsŋæ.ʔi.kr̩/ [.] a beginning (time) (krr time)

sngel (sgel) n. /ˈsŋɛl/ [.]

sngeltseng (sgelceg) n. /ˈsŋɛl.tsɛŋ/ [.] a garbage dump

sngukx (sgukx) n. /ˈsŋukʼ/ [FE]

grub plant

soaia n. /so.ˈa.i.a/ [.]


sok adj. /ˈsok/, attr. soka N. asok [.]


? soktor n.pl. /ˈtok.toɾ/

Short plural of toktor. Dr.

sokx n.pl. /ˈsokʼ/

Short plural of tokx. body

som adj. /ˈsom/, attr. soma N. asom [.]

oe ʼefu som /ˈo.ɛ.ˈʔɛ.fu.ˈsom/ [FE] "I am hot" (ʼefu feel)
somtìlor n. /ˈsom.tɪ.loɾ/ [FE] popsicle plant (tìlor beauty)

sompawll n.pl. /ˈsom.pa.wl̩/

Short plural of tompawll. geode plant

sop v. /ˈsop/, infix s••op [.]

tìsop n. /tɪ.ˈsop/, pl. sìsop [.] journey

sopì n.pl. /ˈso.pɪ/

Short plural of tsopì. lung

Sorewn n. /so.ˈɾɛu̯n/ [FE]

(female name)

soruk n.pl. /ˈso.ɾuk/

Short plural of toruk. Leonopteryx
sorukmakto n.pl. /so.ɾuk.mak.to/ Short plural of torukmakto. [verify stress]
sorukspxam n.pl. /ˈso.ɾuk.spʼam/ Short plural of torukspxam. octoshroom

spaw v.tr. /ˈspau̯/, infix sp••aw [.]


spä v. /ˈspæ/, infix sp••ä [.]


speʼe v. /spɛ.ˈʔɛ/, infix sp•eʼ•e [.]

speʼetu n. /spɛ.ˈʔɛ.tu/ [.] a captive

speng (speg) v. /ˈspɛŋ/, infix sp••eng [.]


spule v. /ˈspu.lɛ/, infix sp•ul•e [.]


spuwin adj. /ˈspu.win/, attr. spuwina N. aspuwin [.]

old (of things), former

spxam n. /ˈspʼam/ [.]


spxin adj. /ˈspʼin/, attr. spxina N. aspxin [.]

säspxin n. /sæ.ˈspʼin/ [.] disease (cause of illness)
tìspxin n. /tɪ.ˈspʼin/ [.] illness, sickness (state of being ill)

srake, srak part. /ˈsɾa.kɛ, sɾak/ [.]

(marker for yes-no questions)
kefyak, kefya srak part. /kɛ.ˈfjak, kɛ.ˈfja.sɾak/ [.] right? isn't it? aren't they? isn't that so? (short for ke fìfya srak?)

srane part. /ˈsɾa.nɛ/ [.]

sran part. /ˈsɾan/ [.] yeah

sraw adj. /ˈsɾau̯/, attr. srawa N. asraw [.]

tìsraw n. /tɪ.ˈsɾau̯/ [.] pain
tìsraw si v.in. /tɪ.ˈsɾau̯.si/ [.] hurt, be painful
tìsraw seyki v.tr. /tɪ.ˈsɾau̯.sɛi̯.ˈki/ [.] hurt, cause pain

sray n.pl. /ˈsɾai̯/

Short plural of tsray. village

sre+ adp. /sɾɛ/ [.]

before (of time)
pxisre+ adp. /pʼi.ˈsɾɛ/ [.] right before
srekrr adv. /ˈsɾɛ.kr̩/ [.] beforehand, ahead of time (krr time; no lenition)
sreseʼa v. /srɛ.sɛ.ˈʔa/, infix sres•eʼ•a [.] tell the future, foresee, prophesize (tseʼa "see")
tìsreseʼa n. /tɪ.ˈsɾɛ.sɛ.ʔa/, pl. sìsreseʼa [.] prophesy [note shift in stress]

sreʼ n. /ˈsɾɛʔ/ [.]


srew v. /ˈsɾɛu̯/, infix sr••ew [.]


srung (srug) n. /ˈsɾuŋ/ [.]

help, assistance
srung si v.dat. /ˈsɾuŋ.si/, infix srung s••i [?] help, assist

srr n.pl. /ˈsr̩/

Short plural of trr. day

stal n. /ˈstal/

Short plural of tstal. knife

stawm v. /ˈstau̯m/, infix st••awm [.]


stäʼnì v. /ˈstæʔ.nɪ/, infix st•äʼn•ì [FE]


steftxaw v. /stɛ.ˈftʼau̯/, infix st•eftx•aw [.]

check out, examine

sti v.in. /ˈsti/, infix st••i [.]

be angry
steyki v.tr. /stɛi̯.ˈki/, infix steyk••i [.] anger, make angry
nìsti adv. /nɪ.ˈsti/ [.] angrily, in anger
tìsti n. /tɪ.ˈsti/ [.] anger

sto v. /ˈsto/, infix st••o [.]


stum adv. /ˈstum/ [.]


stxaʼa n.pl. /ˈstʼa.ʔa/

Short plural of tstxaʼa. canalyd

stxo n.pl. /ˈstʼo/

Short plural of tstxo. name
stxolìʼu n.pl. /ˈstʼo.lɪ.ʔu/ Short plural of tstxolìʼu. noun

stxong (stxog) adj. /ˈstʼoŋ/, attr. stxonga N. astxong [.]

strange, unknown, unfamiliar

sukru n.pl. /suk.ˈɾu/

Short plural of tukru. spear

suksìm n.pl. /ˈsuk.sɪm/

Short plural of tsuksìm. chin

sung v. /ˈsuŋ/, infix s••ung [.]


sute n.pl. /ˈsu.tɛ/

Short plural of tute. person
sutan n.pl. /su.ˈtan/ Short plural of tutan. male
sute n.pl. /su.ˈtɛ/ Short plural of tute (fem.). female

sutx v. /ˈsutʼ/, infix s••utx [.]

track (cf. nong), lock up

swaw n. /ˈswau̯/ [.]

pxiswawam adv. /pʼi.swau̯.ˈam/ [.] just now, just a moment ago
pxiswaway adv. /pʼi.swau̯.ˈai̯/ [.] immediately, right now, in just a moment

swey adj. /ˈswɛi̯/, attr. sweya N. aswey [.]

best, optimal
nìswey adv. /nɪ.ˈswɛi̯/ [.] optimally, best

swirä n. /swi.ˈɾæ/ [.]


swizaw n. /swi.ˈzau̯/ [.]


swok adj. /ˈswok/, attr. swoka N. aswok [.]

swotu n. /ˈswo.tu/ [.] sacred place
Swotulu n. /ˈswo.tu.lu/ [.] the Sacred River (lu it is)

syal n.pl. /ˈsjal/

Short plural of tsyal. wing
ikranä syal /ik.ˈɾa.næ ˈsjal/ [?] wings of the banshee (plural rather than dual, as banshees have four wings)

syaw v. /ˈsjau̯/, infix sy••aw [.]

Fyape (fko) syaw ngar? [FE] "What's your name?"
Oeru syaw fko X [FE] "My name is X"

syay n. /ˈsjai̯/ [.]


syäʼä adj. /ˈsjæ.ʔæ/, attr. syäʼäa N. asyäʼä [F]


syen adj. /ˈsjɛn/, attr. syena N. asyen [.]

final, last

syep v. /ˈsjɛp/, infix sy••ep [.]

syeptute n. /ˈsjɛp.tu.tɛ/ [FE] hyneman plant (tute person)

syokx n.pl. /ˈsjokʼ/

Short plural of tsyokx. hand

syorinaʼwll n.pl. /sjo.ɾi.ˈnaʔ.wl̩/

Short plural of tsyorinaʼwll. cycad

syosyu n.pl. /ˈsjo.sju/

Short plural of tsyosyu. food made from flour

syulang (syulag) n. /ˈsju.laŋ/ [.]

prrnesyul n. /ˈpr̩.nɛ.sjul/, pl. frrnesyul [.] bud (prrnen baby)

syuve n. /ˈsju.vɛ/ [.]

tsyosyu n. /ˈtsjo.sju/, pl. syosyu [.] food made from flour

t suff. /t/

Form of acc −it. after a vowel.

taadp. /ta/ [.]

from (various uses)
taʼem adv. /ta.ˈʔɛm/ [.] from above
takipadp. /ta.ˈkip/ [.] from among (kip among)
tafkipadp. /ta.ˈfkip/ [.] from up among (fkip up among)
taweyka, taweyk conj. /ta.ˈwɛi̯.ka, ta.ˈwɛi̯k/ [.] because (English clause order) (oeyk cause)
aweykta conj. /a.ˈwɛi̯k.ta/ [FE] because (opposite clause order)
taluna, talun conj. /ta.ˈlu.na, ta.ˈlun/ [.] because (English clause order) (lun reason)
alunta conj. /a.ˈlun.ta/ [FE] because (opposite clause order)
tafral adv. /ta.ˈfɾal/ [.] therefore, because of that (ta fì-ral from this meaning)
tatlam adv. /tat.ˈlam/ [.] apparently (ta tìlam from the appearance [that])

taʼleng (taʼleg) n. /ˈtaʔ.lɛŋ/, pl. saʼleng [.]


takuk v. /ˈta.kuk/, infix t•ak•uk [.]

hit, strike
tìtakuk n. /tɪ.ˈta.kuk/, pl. sìtakuk [F] a strike

tal n.pl. /ˈtal/

Short plural of txal. back

tal ?. /ˈtal/

talioang (talioag) n. /ˈtal.i.ˌo.aŋ/, pl. salioang [.] Sturmbeest (a cattle-like animal; ioang beast) [syll?]

tam v. /ˈtam/, infix t••am [.]

suffice, be enough; (interjection) okay
tam tam! /ˈtam.ˈtam/ there there! that'll do!
letam adj. /lɛ.ˈtam/, attr. letama N. letam [.] sufficient, enough
nìtam adv. /nɪ.ˈtam/ [.] enough (after an adjective)
sìltsan nìtam /sɪl.ˈtsan.nɪ.ˈtam/ good enough

tampay n.pl. /tam.ˈpai̯/

Short plural of txampay. sea

tampxì n.pl. /tam.ˈpʼɪ/

Short plural of txampxì. majority

tangek (tagek) n. /ˈtaŋ.ɛk/, pl. sangek [.]

tree trunk [syll?]

tanhì n. /tan.ˈhɪ/, pl. sanhì [.]

star; bioluminescent freckle

tantstew (tanctew) n.pl. /ˈtan.tstɛu̯/

Short plural of txantstew. hero

taron v. /ˈta.ɾon/, infix t•ar•on [.]

taronyu n. /ˈta.ɾon.ju/, pl. saronyu [.] hunter
tìtaron n. /tɪ.ˈta.ɾon/, pl. sìtaron [FE] a hunt

tatep v. /ˈta.tɛp/, infix t•at•ep [.]

lose track or awareness of something, such as a target

tatlam adv. /tat.ˈlam/ [.]

apparently (ta tìlam from the appearance [that])

tautral n. /ˈta.ut.ɾal/, pl. sautral

See taw.

taw n. /ˈtau̯/ [.]

tawtute n. /ˈtau̯.tu.tɛ/, pl. sawtute [.] human (lit. "sky person")
tawsìp n. /ˈtau̯.sɪp/, pl. sawsìp [.] space ship
tawtsngal (tawcgal) n. /ˈtau̯.tsŋal/, pl. sawtsngal [FE] panopyra (sp. plant; tsngal cup)
tautral n. /ˈta.ut.ɾal/, pl. sautral [FE] beanstalk palm (utral tree)

taweyka, taweyk conj. /ta.ˈwɛi̯.ka, ta.ˈwɛi̯k/ [.]

because (English clause order; cf. aweykta.)

tawng (tawg) v. /ˈtau̯ŋ/, infix t••awng [.]

dive, duck

tayo n.pl. /ˈta.jo/

Short plural of txayo. field

täftxu v. /tæ.ˈftʼu/, infix t•äftx•u [.]

täftxuyu n. /tæ.ˈftʼu.ju/, pl. säftxuyu [.] weaver
katot täftxu oel /ka.tot tæ.ˈftʼu o.ɛl/ I weave the rhythm

tätxaw v.in. /tæ.ˈtʼau̯/, infix t•ätx•aw [.]

come back, return

te adp. /tɛ/ [.]

of (a particular clan; used in full names)
Neytiri te Tskaha Moʼatʼite /nɛi̯.ˈti.ɾi tɛ ˈtska.ha mo.ʔat.ʔi.ˈtɛ/ "Neytiri of the Ckaha, daughter of Moʼat"
Tsuʼtey te Rongloa Ateyitan "Tsuʼtey of the Rongloa, son of Ateyo" [verify]

teʼlan n.pl. /tɛʔ.ˈlan/

Short plural of txeʼlan. heart

tel v. /ˈtɛl/, infix t••el [.]


tele n.pl. /ˈtɛ.lɛ/

Short plural of txele. matter

telem n. /tɛ.ˈlɛm/, pl. selem [.]

waytelem n. /ˈwai̯.tɛ.lɛm/ [.] song chord

tem v.in. /ˈtɛm/, infix t••em [.]

toltem v.tr. /tol.ˈtɛm/ [.] shoot [confirm infixes]

teng (teg) adj. /ˈtɛŋ/, attr. tenga N. ateng [.]

same, alike, equal
tengfya (tegfya) conj. /ˈtɛŋ.fja/ [.] as, the same way as
tengkrr (tegkrr) conj. /tɛŋ.ˈkr̩/ [.] while, at the same time as
keteng (keteg) adj. /ˈkɛ.tɛŋ/, attr. ketenga N. aketeng [.] different
tìketeng (tìketeg) n. /tɪ.ˈkɛ.tɛŋ/, pl. sìketeng [.] difference
nìteng (nìteg) adv. /nɪ.ˈtɛŋ/ [.] likewise, as well, also, too
ʼawsiteng (ʼawsiteg) adv. /ʔau̯.si.ˈtɛŋ/ [.] together

? tep n.pl. /ˈtɛp/

Short plural of txep. fire
tepvi n.pl. /ˈtɛp.vi/ Short plural of txepvi. spark

teriadp. /tɛ.ˈɾi/ [.]

about, concerning

terkup v. /ˈtɛɾ.kup/, infix t•erk•up [.]

tìterkup n. /tɪ.ˈtɛɾ.kup/ [FE] Death (abstract. See kxitx.)

teswo /tɛ.swo/

teswotìng (teswotìg) v. /tɛ.ˈswo.tɪŋ/, infix teswot••ìng [.] grant

tete adj. /ˈtɛ.tɛ/, attr. tetea N. atete [.]

dull (of a blade, point)

tewk n.pl. /ˈtɛu̯k/

Short plural of txewk. club

tewti! intj. /ˈtɛu̯.ti/ [.]

wow! (surprise and pleasure)

teya adj. /tɛ.ˈja/, attr. teya N. ateya [.]

teya si v. /tɛ.ˈja si/, infix teya s••i [FE] fill; with dative, idiomatic for 'be glad'
oeru teya si /ˈwɛ.ɾu tɛ.ˈja si/ I'm glad

teylu n. /ˈtɛi̯.lu/ [.]

beetle larvae

teyr adj. /ˈtɛi̯ɾ/, attr. teyra N. ateyr [.]


ti suff. /.ti/

Invariable form of acc −it. ~ −t.

til n. /ˈtil/, pl. sil [.]

joint, hinge
kinamtil n. /ki.ˈnam.til/, pl. hinamtil [.] knee
pxuntil n. /ˈpʼun.til/, pl. puntil [.] elbow

tirea n. /ti.ˈɾɛ.a/, pl. sirea [.]

tireafyaʼo n. /ti.ˈɾɛ.a.ˌfja.ʔo/, pl. sireafyaʼo [.] spirit path
tireaioang (tireaioag) n. /ti.ˈɾɛ.a.i.ˌo.aŋ/, pl. sireaioang [.] spirit animal
tireapängkxo v. /ti.ˈɾɛ.a.pæŋ.ˌkʼo/, infix tireap•ängkx•o [.,FE] commune (with)

pref. /tɪ/

(abstract nominalizing prefix: look up by root)
tìhawnuwll n. /tɪ.ˈhau̯.nu.wl̩/, pl. sìhawnuwll [FE] spartan plant
tìtut n. /tɪ.ˈtut/ [FE] continuation
tìyawn n. /tɪ.ˈjau̯n/ [.] love (yawne beloved)
tìyawr n. /tɪ.ˈjau̯ɾ/, pl. sìyawr [FE] correction? (eyawr correct) [verify gloss]

tìm n.pl. /ˈtɪm/

Short plural of txìm. butt/rear end

tìm adj. /ˈtɪm/, attr. tìma N. atìm [.]


tìng (tìg) v.di. /ˈtɪŋ/, infix t••ìng [.]

tìng mikyun v. /tɪm ˈmik.jun/, infix t••ìng mikyun [.] listen (mikjun ear)
tìng nari v. /tɪn ˈna.ɾi/, infix t••ìng nari [.] look (nari eye)
tìng tseng (tìg ceg) v. /?/, infix t••ìng tseng [.] back down, give way (tseng place) [stress?]
pänutìng (pänutìg) v. /ˈpæ.nu.tɪŋ/, infix pänut••ìng [.] promise
teswotìng (teswotìg) v. /tɛ.ˈswo.tɪŋ/, infix teswot••ìng [.] grant
yomtìng (yomtìg) v. /ˈjom.tɪŋ/, infix yomt••ìng [.] feed

tìran v. /tɪ.ˈɾan/, infix t•ìr•an [.]

terìran ayoe /tɛ.ɾɪ.ˈɾa.na.ˈjo.ɛ/ we are walking

tllʼu n.pl. /ˈtl̩.ʔu/

Short plural of txllʼu. hookagourd

to adp. /to/ [.]

than (comparative particle)
frato part. /ˈfɾa.to/ [.] than all (superlative particle)
neto adv. /nɛ.ˈto/ [.] away, away to
mìso adv. /mɪ.ˈso/ [.] away, away in

tok v.tr. /ˈtok/, infix t••ok [.]

occupy, be at (a place)

toktor n. /ˈtok.toɾ/, pl. soktor? [.]

Doctor (title)

tokx n. /ˈtokʼ/, pl. sokx [.]

fpomtokx n. /fpom.ˈtokʼ/ [.] physical health (fpom well-being)
lefpomtokx adj. /lɛ.ˈfpom.tokʼ/, attr. lefpomtokxa N. lefpomtokx [.] healthy [stress shift]
kelfpomtokx adj. /kɛl.ˈfpom.tokʼ/, attr. kelfpomtokxa N. akelfpomtokx [.] unhealthy

toltem v. /tol.ˈtɛm/

Transitive of tem. shoot

tompa n. /ˈtom.pa/ [.]

tompayä kato /ˈtom.pa.jæ ˈka.to/ rhythm of the rain
tompawll n. /ˈtom.pa.wl̩/, pl. sompawll [FE] geode plant (ʼewll plant)

ton n.pl. /ˈton/

Short plural of txon. night
tonʼong (tonʼog) n.pl. /ton.ˈʔoŋ/ Short plural of txonʼong. evening

toruk n. /ˈto.ɾuk/, pl. soruk [.]

Great Leonopteryx (Last Shadow)
torukmakto n. /to.ɾuk.mak.to/, pl. sorukmakto [FE] a Leonopteryx rider [irregular; verify stress]
torukspxam n. /ˈto.ɾuk.spʼam/, pl. sorukspxam [FE] octoshroom (Leonopteryx fungus)

trr n. /ˈtr̩/, pl. srr [.]

trr lefpom /tr̩ lɛ.ˈfpom/ [FE] good day (good morning, good afternoon)
fìtrr adv. /fɪ.ˈtr̩/ [.] today
fìtrr lu trrpeve? /fɪ.ˈtr̩.lu.tr̩.ˈpɛ.vɛ/ [.] What day is it today?
fratrr adv. /fɾa.ˈtr̩/ [.] daily, every day
letrr adj. /lɛ.ˈtr̩/, attr. letrr N. aletrr [.] daily
letrrtrr adj. /lɛ.ˈtr̩.tr̩/, attr. letrrtrr N. aletrrtrr [F] everyday, ordinary
trram adv. /tr̩.ˈam/ [.] yesterday
trray adv. /tr̩.ˈai̯/ [.] tomorrow
trro adv. /ˈtr̩.o/ [FE] one day, some day
trrʼawve n, adv. /tr̩.ˈʔau̯.vɛ/ [.] Sunday
trrmuve n, adv. /tr̩.ˈmu.vɛ/ [.] Monday
trrpxeyve n, adv. /tr̩.ˈpʼɛi̯.vɛ/ [.] Tuesday
trrtsìve (trrcìve) n, adv. /tr̩.ˈtsɪ.vɛ/ [.] Wednesday
trrmrrve n, adv. /tr̩.ˈmr̩.vɛ/ [.] Thursday
trrmrrvam n, adv. /tr̩.mr̩.ˈvam/ [.] last Thursday (of last week)
mesrrmrrvam n, adv. /mɛ.sr̩.mr̩.ˈvam/ [.] Thursday two weeks ago
pxesrrmrrvam n, adv. /pʼɛ.sr̩.mr̩.ˈvam/ [.] Thursday three weeks ago
trrmrrvay n, adv. /tr̩.mr̩.ˈvai̯/ [.] next Thursday (of next week)
mesrrmrrvay n, adv. /mɛ.sr̩.mr̩.ˈvai̯/ [.] Thursday two weeks from now
pxesrrmrrvay n, adv. /pʼɛ.sr̩.mr̩.ˈvai̯/ [.] Thursday three weeks from now
trrpuve n, adv. /tr̩.ˈpu.vɛ/ [.] Friday
trrkive n, adv. /tr̩.ˈki.vɛ/ [.] Saturday

tu suff. /ˈtu/

Suffixed form of tute.
pesu pn. /pɛ.ˈsu/ [.] who?

Tuke n. /ˈtu.kɛ/ [FE]

(female name)

tukru n. /tuk.ˈɾu/, pl. sukru [.]


tul v. /ˈtul/, infix t••ul [.]


tum n.pl. /ˈtum/

Short plural of txum. poison
tumpaywll n.pl. /ˈtum.pai̯.wl̩/ Short plural of txumpaywll. scorpion thistle
tumtsäʼwll (tumcäʼwll) n.pl. /tum.ˈtsæʔ.wl̩/ Short plural of txumtsäʼwll. baja tickler

tung (tug) v. /ˈtuŋ/, infix t••ung [.]

tungzup (tugzup) v. /tuŋ.ˈzup/ [.] drop (zup fall) [confirm infixes]

tup conj. /ˈtup/ [.]

instead of, rather than

tupe pn. /ˈtu.pɛ/ [.]

who? (= pesu)

tut part. /ˈtut/ [.]

(particle of continuation)
ngaru tut? and you?
tìtut n. /tɪ.ˈtut/ [?] continuation
nìtut adv. /nɪ.ˈtut/ [.] continually

tute n. /ˈtu.tɛ/, pl. sute [.]

person (abbreviated to tu in compounds)
pesu pn. /pɛ.ˈsu/ [.] who? (= tupe)
tutan n. /tu.ˈtan/, pl. sutan [.] a male (person)
tute n. /tu.ˈtɛ/, pl. sute [.] a female (person)
tuteo pn. /ˈtu.tɛ.o/ [.] somebody
tupe pn. /ˈtu.pɛ/ [.] who? (= pesu)

tuvon v.in. /ˈtu.von/, infix t•uv•on [F]

lean, recline

txaʼ adj. /ˈtʼaʔ/, attr. txaʼa N. atxaʼ [.]


txal n. /ˈtʼal/, pl. tal [FE]

back (of body)

txan adj. /ˈtʼan/, attr. txana N. atxan [.]

much, many, great (number), long (time)
fìtxan adv. /fɪ.ˈtʼan/ [.] so, so much, to such an extent ('this much')
hìmtxan n. /hɪm.ˈtʼan/ [.] amount
hìmtxampe adv. /hɪm.ˈtʼam.pɛ/ [.] how much?
pìmtxan adv. /pɪm.ˈtʼan/ [.] how much?
nìtxan adv. /nɪ.ˈtʼan/ [.] very, greatly, much
txampay n. /tʼam.ˈpai̯/, pl. tampay [.] sea, ocean
txampxì n. /tʼam.ˈpʼɪ/, pl. tampxì [.] the majority, most, the bulk, a large part
txanew adj. /ˈtʼa.nɛu̯/, attr. txanewa N. atxanew [.] greedy
tìtxanew n. /tɪ.ˈtʼa.nɛu̯/ [.] greed
txantur adj. /ˈtʼan.tuɾ/, attr. txantura N. atxantur [.] powerful
txantsan (txancan) adj. /ˈtʼan.tsan/, attr. txantsana N. atxantsan [.] excellent (sìltsan "good")
txantslusam (txanclusam) adj. /ˈtʼan.tslu.sam/, attr. txantslusama N. atxantslusam [.] wise (much-knowing) (tslam to understand)
txantstew (txanctew) n. /ˈtʼan.tstɛu̯/, pl. tantstew [.] hero

txayo n. /ˈtʼa.jo/, pl. tayo [.]

field (savanna? meadow?) [check def.]

txeʼlan n. /tʼɛʔ.ˈlan/, pl. teʼlan [.]


txele n. /ˈtʼɛ.lɛ/, pl. tele [.]

a matter, a subject

txen adj. /ˈtʼɛn/, attr. txena N. atxen [.]


txep n. /ˈtʼɛp/, pl. tep? [.]

fire (count noun?)
txepvi n. /ˈtʼɛp.vi/, pl. tepvi [FE] spark

Txewì n. /ˈtʼɛ.wɪ/ [FE]

(male name)

txewk n. /ˈtʼɛu̯k/, pl. tewk [.]

club (weapon)

txey v. /ˈtʼɛi̯/, infix tx••ey [.]


Txilte n. /ˈtʼil.tɛ/ [FE]

(female name)

txìm n. /ˈtʼɪm/, pl. tìm [.]

butt, rear end (of body)

txìng (txìg) v. /ˈtʼɪŋ/, infix tx••ìng [.]

leave behind, abandon

txllʼu n. /ˈtʼl̩.ʔu/, pl. tllʼu [F]

hookagourd (sp. plant)

txo conj. /tʼo/ [.]

txokefyaw conj. /ˈtʼo.kɛ.fjau̯/ [.] if not, or else, otherwise (txo ke fyaʼo if not [that] way)

txoa n. /ˈtʼo.a/ [.]

ngaytxoa (gaytxoa) intj. /ŋai̯.ˈtʼo.a/ [.] Please forgive me (ngay true)
oeru txoa livu /ˈwɛ.ɾu ˈtʼo.a li.ˈvu/ [FA] May I be forgiven

txon n. /ˈtʼon/, pl. ton [.]

txon lefpom /ˈtʼon.lɛ.ˈfpom/ good evening, good night
fìtxon adv. /fɪ.ˈtʼon/ [.] tonight
fratxon adv. /fɾa.ˈtʼon/ [.] nightly, every night
txonʼong (txonʼog) n. /tʼon.ˈʔoŋ/, pl. tonʼong [.] dusk, evening
txonam adv. /tʼo.ˈnam/ [.] last night
txonay adv. /tʼo.ˈnai̯/ [.] tomorrow night

txopu n. /ˈtʼo.pu/ [.]

txopu si v. /ˈtʼo.pu.si/, infix txopu s••i [?] fear, be afraid

txula v. /ˈtʼu.la/, infix tx•ul•a [.]

make, build, construct
tìtxula n. /tɪ.ˈtʼu.la/, pl. sìtxula [.] construction (activity or object)

txum n. /ˈtʼum/, pl. tum [.]

txumpaywll n. /ˈtʼum.pai̯.wl̩/, pl. tumpaywll [FE] scorpion thistle (paywll dapophet)
txumtsäʼwll (txumcäʼwll) n. /tʼum.ˈtsæʔ.wl̩/, pl. tumtsäʼwll [FE] baja tickler (sp. plant; tsäʼ squirt)

txur adj. /ˈtʼuɾ/, attr. txura N. atxur [.]

tìtxur n. /tɪ.ˈtʼuɾ/ [.] strength, power
txantur adj. /ˈtʼan.tuɾ/, attr. txantura N. atxantur [.] powerful

Ts (C)

[edit | edit source]

tsa− (ca-) pref. /tsa/ [F]

that (prefix); pl. tsay+
tsaʼu (caʼu) pn. /ˈtsa.ʔu/, pl. aysaʼu, saʼu [., FE] that (thing). Case forms tsaʼu, tsaʼul, tsaʼuti~tsaʼut, tsaʼuä (?), tsaʼur~tsaʼuru, tsaʼuri.
tsaw (caw) pn. /ˈtsau̯/, pl. aysaw, saw [FE] abbreviation of tsaʼu. Case forms tsaw, tsal, tsat~tsati, tseyä~tsawä (?), tsar~tsaru, tsari. The w is dropped with other adpositional suffixes, such as tsane "to it". Irregular form sat after the (non-leniting) preposition ftu: ftu sat "(away) from that".
tsafne− (cafne) pref. /tsa.fnɛ/ [.] such a, that kind of
tsayfne− (cayfne) pref. /tsai̯.fnɛ/ [.] such, those kinds of
tsafnel (cafnel) pn. /tsa.ˈfnɛl/, pl. tsayfnel [.] such a, this kind of (with genitive)
tsayfnel (cayfnel) pn.pl. /tsai̯.ˈfnɛl/ Short plural of tsafnel. such a, this kind of
tsafnel syulangä, tsafnesyulang [.] "such a flower, that kind of flower"
tsafya adv. /ˈtsa.fja/ [.] that way, like that, thus
tsa-hey! (ca-hey!) int. /ˈtsa.ˈhɛi̯/ [.] hey! whoa! (expression of warning or frustration)
tsakem (cakem) pn. /ˈtsa.kɛm, tsa.ˈkɛm/ [.] that (action)
tsakem kop krrnekx [FE] "that also takes time"
tsakrr (cakrr) adv. /tsa.ˈkr̩/ [.] then, at that time (krr time)
tsakrrvay (cakrrvay) adv. /tsa.ˈkr̩.vai̯/ [.] until then, in the meantime
tsatseng (caceg) adv. /ˈtsa.tsɛŋ, tsa.ˈtsɛŋ/ [.] there, that place (tseng place)
käsatseng (käsaceg) adv. /kæ.ˈsa.tsɛŋ/ [.] out there ( go)
tsatu (catu) pn. /ˈtsa.tu/, pl. satu? [.] that person

tsaheylu (caheylu) n. /tsa.ˈhɛi̯.lu/, pl. saheylu [.]

bond (neural connection)
tsaheyl si v. /tsa.ˈhɛi̯l.si/, infix tsaheyl s••i [.] bond with

tsahìk (cahìk) n. /ˈtsa.hɪk/, pl. sahìk [.]

matriarch, shaman

tsal (cal) pn. /ˈtsal/

erg of tsaw.

tsaleioae (caleioae) /tsa.lɛ.i.o.a.ɛ/ [FE]

(undefined) (stress unknown)

tsalsungay (calsugay) adv. /tsal.su.ˈŋai̯/ [.]

nevertheless, even so

tsam (cam) n. /ˈtsam/, pl. sam [.]

tsampongu (campogu) n. /ˈtsam.po.ŋu/, pl. sampongu [.] war party (pongu group)
tsamsiyu (camsiyu) n. /ˈtsam.si.ju/, pl. samsiyu [.] warrior (si make)

tsapʼalute (capʼalute) n. /tsap.ˈʔa.lu.tɛ/, pl. sapʼalute [.]

tsapʼalute si v. /tsap.ˈʔa.lu.tɛ.si/, infix tsapʼalute s••i [.] apologize

tsar, tsaru (car, caru) pn. /ˈtsaɾ, ˈtsa.ɾu/

dat of tsaw.

tsari (cari) pn. /ˈtsa.ɾi/

top of tsaw.

tsat, tsati (cat, cati) pn. /ˈtsat, ˈtsa.ti/

acc of tsaw.

tsaw (caw) pn. /ˈtsau̯/, du. mesaw, tri. pxesaw, pl. saw, aysaw [.,FE]

Contraction of tsaʼu. Case forms: tsaw, tsal, tsat~tsati, tseyä, tsar~tsaru, tsari

tsawke (cawke) n. /ˈtsau̯.kɛ/ [.] [plural?]

tsawkeyä kato /tsau̯.kɛ.jæ ka.to/ rhythm of the sun

tsawl (cawl) adj. /ˈtsau̯l/, attr. tsawla N. atsawl [.]

(1) big (large), tall (big in stature)
? (2) possibly, erg of tsaw
tsawlhìʼ n. /ˈtsau̯l.ˈhɪʔ/ [.] size [stress?]
tsawl slu v. /ˈtsau̯l.slu/, infix tsawl sl••u [.] get big, grow
tsawlapx (cawlapx) n. /ˈtsau̯.lapʼ/, pl. sawlapx [FE] See tsawlapxangrr. unidelta tree (short for next)
tsawlapxangrr (cawlapxagrr) n. /ˈtsau̯.la.pʼa.ŋr̩/, pl. sawlapxangrr [FE] unidelta tree (apxangrr delta tree)

tsay+ (cay) pref. /tsai̯/ [F]

those (prefix); contraction of tsa-ay+.

tsäʼ (cäʼ) v. /ˈtsæʔ/, infix ts••äʼ [.]


tse (ce) part. /ˈtsɛ/ [.]

well, now (sentence opener)

tseʼa (ceʼa) v. /tsɛ.ˈʔa/, infix ts•eʼ•a [.]

see (with the eyes)
sreseʼa v. /srɛ.sɛ.ˈʔa/, infix sres•eʼ•a [.] tell the future, prophesize
tìsreseʼa n. /tɪ.ˈsɾɛ.sɛ.ʔa/, pl. sìsreseʼa [.] prophesy [note shift in stress]

Tsenu (Cenu) n. /ˈtsɛ.nu/ [FE]

(female name)

tsenge, tseng (cege, ceg) n. /ˈtsɛ.ŋɛ, ˈtsɛŋ/, pl. senge, seng [.]

a place
fìtsenge, fìtseng (fìcege, fìceg) adv. /fɪ.ˈtsɛ.ŋɛ, fɪ.ˈtsɛŋ/ [. [pl?]] here (lit. "this place")
fratseng (fraceg) adv. /ˈfɾa.tsɛŋ/ [.] everywhere
klltseng (kllceg) n. /ˈkl̩.tsɛŋ/, pl. hlltseng [.] position
numtseng (numceg) n. /ˈnum.tsɛŋ/ [.] school
peseng (peseg) adv. /pɛ.ˈsɛŋ/ [.] where? ("which place?", = tsengpe)
tsatseng (caceg) adv. /ˈtsa.tsɛŋ, tsa.ˈtsɛŋ/ [.] there ("that place")
käsatseng (käsaceg) adv. /kæ.ˈsa.tsɛŋ/ [.] out there ( go)
tsengo (cego) adv. /ˈtsɛ.ŋo/ [.] somewhere
tsengpe (cegpe) adv. /ˈtsɛŋ.pɛ/ [.] where? ("which place?", = peseng)
zongtseng (zogceg) n. /ˈzoŋ.tsɛŋ/ [.] refuge

tseo (ceo) n. /ˈtsɛ.o/ [.]

tseo tìrusolä (ceo tìrusolä) n. /ˈtsɛ.o.tɪ.ɾu.ˈso.læ/ [FE] singing
pamtseo (pamceo) n. /ˈpam.tsɛ.o/ [.] music
pamtseotu (pamceotu) n. /ˈpam.tsɛ.o.tu/, pl. famtseotu [.] musician
reltseo (relceo) n. /ˈɾɛl.tsɛ.o/ [.] visual art
reltseotu (relceotu) n. /ˈɾɛl.tsɛ.o.tu/ [.] artist

tsewtx (cewtx) adj. /ˈtsɛu̯tʼ/, attr. tsewtxa N. atsewtx [.]


tseyä (ceyä) pn. /ˈtsɛ.jæ/ [FE]

gen of tsaw.

tsim (cim) n. /ˈtsim/, pl. sim [.]


tsìng (cìg) num. /ˈtsɪŋ/, attr. tsìnga N. atsìng [.]

tsìve (cìve) adj. /ˈtsɪ.vɛ/, attr. tsìvea N. atsìve [.] fourth
trrtsìve (trrcìve) n, adv. /tr̩.ˈtsɪ.vɛ/ [.] Wednesday
vosìng num. /vo.ˈsɪŋ/, attr. vosìnga N. avosìng [.] twelve (octal 14)
tsìvol (cìvol) num. /ˈtsɪ.vol/, attr. tsìvola N. atsìvol [.] thirty-two (octal 40)
tsìzam num. /ˈtsɪ.zam/, attr. tsìzama N. atsìzam two-hundred fifty-six (octal 400)

Tskaha (Ckaha) n. /ˈtska.ha/ [FE]

(clan name)

tskalep (ckalep) n. /ˈtska.lɛp/, pl. skalep [.] crossbow (tsko bow)

tsko (cko) n. /ˈtsko/, pl. sko [.]

bow (weapon)
tskalep (ckalep) n. /ˈtska.lɛp/, pl. skalep [.] crossbow
tsko swizaw n. /tsko.swi.ˈzau̯/ [.] bow and arrow

tskxe (ckxe) n. /ˈtskʼɛ/, pl. skxe [.]

a rock, stone (material or object?)

tskxekeng (ckxekeg) n. /ˈtskʼɛ.kɛŋ/, pl. skxekeng [.]

training, exercise

tslam (clam) v. /ˈtslam/, infix tsl••am [.]

tslolam /tslo.ˈlam/ [.] Got it. I understand.
tìtslam (tìclam) n. /tɪ.ˈtslam/ [.] understanding, intelligence
txantslusam (txanclusam) adj. /ˈtʼan.tslu.sam/, attr. txantslusama N. atxantslusam [.] wise ("much-knowing")

tsleng (cleg) adj. /ˈtslɛŋ/, attr. tslenga N. atsleng [.]


tsmuk (cmuk) n. /ˈtsmuk/, du. mesmuk, pl. smuk [.]

tsmuktu (cmuktu) n. /ˈtsmuk.tu/ [.] sibling
tsmukan (cmukan) n. /ˈtsmu.kan/, du. mesmukan, pl. smukan [.] a brother
tsmuke (cmuke) n. /ˈtsmu.kɛ/, du. mesmuke, pl. smuke [.] a sister

tsnì (cnì) conj. /tsnɪ/ [.]


tsngal (cgal) n. /ˈtsŋal/, pl. sngal [.]


tsngan (cgan) n. /ˈtsŋan/ [.]

meat (count noun? = piece of?)

tsngawvìk (cgawvìk) v. /ˈtsŋau̯.vɪk/, infix tsng•awv•ìk [.]

cry (tears), weep

tsopì (copì) n. /ˈtso.pɪ/, du. mesopì, pl. sopì [.]


tspang (cpag) v.tr. /ˈtspaŋ/, infix tsp••ang [.]

tìtspang (tìcpag) n. /tɪ.ˈtspaŋ/, pl. sìtspang [AG] a kill, prey

tsranten (cranten) v. /ˈtsɾan.tɛn/, infix tsr•ant•en [.]

matter, be important
A, B, ke tsranten either A or B
letsranten (lecranten) adj. /lɛ.ˈtsɾan.tɛn/, attr. letsrantena N. letsranten [.] important

tsray (cray) n. /ˈtsɾai̯/, pl. sray [.]


tsreʼi (creʼi) v. /ˈtsɾɛ.ʔi/, infix tsr•eʼ•i [.]


tstal (ctal) n. /ˈtstal/, pl. stal [.]


tstew (ctew) adj. /ˈtstɛu̯/, attr. tstewa N. atstew [.]

txantstew (txanctew) n. /ˈtʼan.tstɛu̯/, pl. tantstew [.] hero

tstu (ctu) adj. /ˈtstu/, attr. tstua N. atstu [.]

closed, shut
tstu si v. /ˈtstu.si/, infix tstu s••i [.] to close

tstxaʼa (ctxaʼa) n. /ˈtstʼa.ʔa/, pl. stxaʼa [FE]

canalyd (sp. plant)

tstxo (ctxo) n. /ˈtstʼo/, pl. stxo [.]

tstxolìʼu (ctxolìʼu) n. /ˈtstʼo.lɪ.ʔu/, pl. stxolìʼu [.] noun

Tsuʼtey (Cuʼtey) n. /tsuʔ.ˈtɛi̯/ [FE]

(male name)

tsuksìm (cuksìm) n. /ˈtsuk.sɪm/, pl. suksìm [.]


tsun (cun) v. /ˈtsun/, infix ts••un [.]

can, be able
tsunslu (cunslu) v. /ˈtsun.slu/ [.] be possible, may
letsunslu (lecunslu) adj. /lɛ.ˈtsun.slu/, attr. letsunslua N. letsunslu, aletsunslu [.] possible
keltsun (kelcun) adj. /kɛl.ˈtsun/, attr. keltsuna N. akeltsun [.] impossible

tsurokx (culokx) v. /tsu.ˈɾokʼ/, infix ts•ur•okx [.]


tswaʼ (cwaʼ) v. /ˈtswaʔ/, infix tsw••aʼ [.]


tswayon (cwayon) v. /ˈtswai̯.on/, infix tsw•ay•on [.] [syll?]


tsyal (cyal) n. /ˈtsjal/, du. mesyal, pl. syal [.]

ikranä syal /ik.ˈɾa.næ ˈsjal/ wings of the banshee (plural rather than dual, as banshees have four wings)

tsyo (cyo) n. /ˈtsjo/ [.]

tsyosyu (cyosyu) n. /ˈtsjo.sju/, pl. syosyu [.] food made from flour
tsyorinaʼwll (cyorinaʼwll) n. /tsjo.ɾi.ˈnaʔ.wl̩/, pl. syorinaʼwll [FE] cycad, Pseudocycas (rinaʼ seed)

tsyokx (cyokx) n. /ˈtsjokʼ/, du. mesyokx, pl. syokx [.]
