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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Myanmar

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  • The Union of Burma became the nation of Myanmar after a military coup in 1992.
  • The first meter with “BURMA” in the frank came into use in 1937.
  • For meter stamps used before that year, see INDIA Type B2b. Indian meter stamps used in Burma can be identified by “RANGOON” in the town mark and a license number with “R” prefix.
  • All stamps have a license number in the town mark.
  • The stamps are grouped according to inscription:
B - Military dictatorship, inscribed “MYANMAR”
C – Without country inscription in the frank or Burmese inscription only

GROUP A: Inscribed “BURMA”, “BURMA POSTAGE” or “UNION OF BURMA”, 1937 to 1992

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A1. Neopost (LV-6), 1937.

Upright frank with simulated perforation border.
“BURMA POSTAGE” at top, “A” above “ANNAS” at bottom flanking value figure.
Central design is small crown over ornamental letters “GRI”.
Values: ¼, ½, 1, 1½, 2, 2½, 3, 3½, 4[$25]
Value: [$50]
a. TM: SC (L# R-10 seen) [add $10]

A2. Neopost (LV-6), 1947.

Similar to Type A1, but central design is coat of arms with lions at the sides.
Frank variable in size, 22-24 x 24-26 mm, and in the number of ‘perforation holes’, 10-11 by 12-13.
Value figures vary in size and style.
A. “A” above “ANNAS” flanking value figure at bottom. [$15]
Values: ½, ¾, 1, 1½, 2, 2½, 3, 3½, 4, 4½, 5½, 6, 8, 12
B. “R” above “RUPEE” flanking value figure at bottom. [$30]
Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10

A3. Neopost (LV-6/-8), 1952.

Similar to Type A2, but “P/PYAS” or “K/KYATS”, for the new currency, in lower corners.
Frank size varies in size.
Value figures vary in size and style.
A. “P” above “PYAS” flanking value figure at bottom [$5]
Values: 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100
B. “K” above “KYATS” flanking value figure at bottom
Values: ½, 1[$5]
Values: 1½, 2, 3, 3½, 5[$25]

A4. Universal “MultiValue” (MV), 1952.

Large frank with Burmese text at top and “UNION OF BURMA” at bottom center flanked by the meter number, prefix “U” at left and M# at right.
With ornamental sides including lions at the bottom.
With “K P” above and below the value figures.
A. Burmese inscription at top fills the panel, vertical line between K and P at bottom. (U1 for short time only) [$75]
B. Burmese inscription at top not as wide, leaving a little space at each end. Pylon-shaped ornament between “K” and “P” at bottom (U1 to U39) [$5]
C. Wide Burmese inscription (as with A) but with pylon ornament at bottom (as with B) (U40 to U53 plus lower numbers with re-engraved dies) [$25]
F/V: 00oo

A5. Neopost "Frankmaster" / "305" (MV), 1959. [$5]

Upright frank with simulated-perforation border.
“BURMA” in panel at top above "KYATS".
“POST” and “PAID” stacked at left and right.
The letter “K” in two small boxes in the lower corners flanking a small coat of arms.
Spacing between TM and frank is quite variable.
V/F: 0•00

A6. Postalia (MV), 1961. [$20]

Large coat of arms bisects frame lines at top.
“BURMA POSTAGE” at bottom breaks inner frame line.
“KS” at left of value figures.
Narrow spacing between TM and frank.
V/F: 0.00

A7. Satas (MV), 1960. [$25]

Post Office stamp.
Quite similar to Type A5 but shorter and with larger ‘perforation holes’.
“BURMA” in panel at top above “KYATS”.
“POST” and “PAID” stacked at left and right.
The letter “K” in two small boxes in the lower corners flanking a small coat of arms.
Hour figure between frank and TM.
V/F: ★0.oo

A8. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV), 1961. [$10]

Large frank as Type A4.
“UNION OF BURMA” below Burmese text at top.
Lion ornament at bottom center.
“POSTAGES” stacked at right.
Meter number prefix “U” at lower left and M# at lower right.
Small “K” at left of value figures.
M#s U54 up.
V/F: =0.oo

A9. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000" series (MV).

Horizontal frank with panel at top containing the country name in Burmese above "UNION OF BURMA".
"POSTAGE" vertical at the sides, in Burmese at left and English at right.
Solid bar in place of meter number outside frank at lower left, with "P.B." prefix.
V/F: 0.00

GROUP B: Frank inscribed “MYANMAR”, 1992 to present

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  • Although no catalog values are provided, some of these stamp types are quite scarce.

B1. Kilburn (MV).
Post Office stamp used mostly to surcharge postal stationery.
Frank with single-line simulated-perforation border.
The logo at top, with “K” and “P” at the sides, represents a telephone dial, postmark, and stamp (all surrounded by a representation of an airmail envelope).
M# shown as a solid block at left and “K” in box at right.
"A". “MYANMAR” at bottom.
"B". “UNION OF MYANMAR” at bottom.
V/F: 00.00

B2. Universal “MultiValue” (MV).
As Type A4 but with “UNION OF MYANMAR” at bottom.
M# with “U” prefix.
V/F: 00oo

B3. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV).
As Type A8 but with “UNION OF MYANMAR” at top below Burmese text.
M# U71 seen.
V/F: =0oo

B4. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).
As Type A9 but with “MYANMAR” beneath Burmese text at top.
“P.B.” and solid block low between TM and frank.
Date figures are raised in relation to value figures.
V/F: 0.00

B5. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” series (MV).
As Types B4 and B5 but with “UNION OF MYANMAR” in panel below top inscription.
Date and value figures are on the same level.
Without meter number.
V/F: 0000

GROUP C: Frank without English country name or without country name altogether

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  • If present, country name "MYANMAR" is in the town mark.

C1. Appears to be Frama "EPS" (MV), 2001.

Frank is unengraved horizontal rectangle with irregular opening for the value figures and a circular spot at lower left.
Country name in the town mark.
V/F: 0000

C2. Appears to be Frama "EPS" (MV).

Frank is horizontal rectangle with inner rectangle around the value figures.
Frank contains Burmese text only, country name in English in the town mark.
V/F: 0000

C3. Unidentified (MV).

Similar to Type C2 but the frank is slightly shorter.
The inner box around the value figures has no bottom line, and there is no text at bottom.
The value figures are lower in the frank than with Type C2.
V/F: 0000

C4. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).

As Type B4 but with “MYANMAR” removed below the top panel.
“P.B.” and solid block low between TM and frank.
V/F: 0.00

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