International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Myanmar
[edit | edit source]- The Union of Burma became the nation of Myanmar after a military coup in 1992.
- The first meter with “BURMA” in the frank came into use in 1937.

- For meter stamps used before that year, see INDIA Type B2b. Indian meter stamps used in Burma can be identified by “RANGOON” in the town mark and a license number with “R” prefix.
- All stamps have a license number in the town mark.
- The stamps are grouped according to inscription:
- B - Military dictatorship, inscribed “MYANMAR”
- C – Without country inscription in the frank or Burmese inscription only
GROUP A: Inscribed “BURMA”, “BURMA POSTAGE” or “UNION OF BURMA”, 1937 to 1992
[edit | edit source]

A1. Neopost (LV-6), 1937.
- Upright frank with simulated perforation border.
- “BURMA POSTAGE” at top, “A” above “ANNAS” at bottom flanking value figure.
- Central design is small crown over ornamental letters “GRI”.
- TM: DC
- Values:
¼, ½, 1, 1½, 2, 2½, 3, 3½, 4
- Value:

A2. Neopost (LV-6), 1947.
- Similar to Type A1, but central design is coat of arms with lions at the sides.
- Frank variable in size, 22-24 x 24-26 mm, and in the number of ‘perforation holes’, 10-11 by 12-13.
- Value figures vary in size and style.

A3. Neopost (LV-6/-8), 1952.
- Similar to Type A2, but “P/PYAS” or “K/KYATS”, for the new currency, in lower corners.
- Frank size varies in size.
- Value figures vary in size and style.

A4. Universal “MultiValue” (MV), 1952.
- Large frank with Burmese text at top and “UNION OF BURMA” at bottom center flanked by the meter number, prefix “U” at left and M# at right.
- With ornamental sides including lions at the bottom.
- With “K P” above and below the value figures.
- A. Burmese inscription at top fills the panel, vertical line between K and P at bottom. (U1 for short time only)
- B. Burmese inscription at top not as wide, leaving a little space at each end. Pylon-shaped ornament between “K” and “P” at bottom (U1 to U39)
- C. Wide Burmese inscription (as with A) but with pylon ornament at bottom (as with B) (U40 to U53 plus lower numbers with re-engraved dies)
- A. Burmese inscription at top fills the panel, vertical line between K and P at bottom. (U1 for short time only)
- TM: DC
- F/V:

A5. Neopost "Frankmaster" / "305" (MV), 1959. [$5]
- Upright frank with simulated-perforation border.
- “BURMA” in panel at top above "KYATS".
- “POST” and “PAID” stacked at left and right.
- The letter “K” in two small boxes in the lower corners flanking a small coat of arms.
- Spacing between TM and frank is quite variable.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

A6. Postalia (MV), 1961. [$20]
- Large coat of arms bisects frame lines at top.
- “BURMA POSTAGE” at bottom breaks inner frame line.
- “KS” at left of value figures.
- Narrow spacing between TM and frank.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

- Post Office stamp.
- Quite similar to Type A5 but shorter and with larger ‘perforation holes’.
- “BURMA” in panel at top above “KYATS”.
- “POST” and “PAID” stacked at left and right.
- The letter “K” in two small boxes in the lower corners flanking a small coat of arms.
- Hour figure between frank and TM.
- TM: SC

A8. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV), 1961. [$10]
- Large frank as Type A4.
- “UNION OF BURMA” below Burmese text at top.
- Lion ornament at bottom center.
- “POSTAGES” stacked at right.
- Meter number prefix “U” at lower left and M# at lower right.
- Small “K” at left of value figures.
- M#s U54 up.

A9. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000" series (MV).
- Horizontal frank with panel at top containing the country name in Burmese above "UNION OF BURMA".
- "POSTAGE" vertical at the sides, in Burmese at left and English at right.
- Solid bar in place of meter number outside frank at lower left, with "P.B." prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
GROUP B: Frank inscribed “MYANMAR”, 1992 to present
[edit | edit source]- Although no catalog values are provided, some of these stamp types are quite scarce.

- B1. Kilburn (MV).
- Post Office stamp used mostly to surcharge postal stationery.
- Frank with single-line simulated-perforation border.
- The logo at top, with “K” and “P” at the sides, represents a telephone dial, postmark, and stamp (all surrounded by a representation of an airmail envelope).
- M# shown as a solid block at left and “K” in box at right.
- "A". “MYANMAR” at bottom.
- "B". “UNION OF MYANMAR” at bottom.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

GROUP C: Frank without English country name or without country name altogether
[edit | edit source]- If present, country name "MYANMAR" is in the town mark.

C1. Appears to be Frama "EPS" (MV), 2001.
- Frank is unengraved horizontal rectangle with irregular opening for the value figures and a circular spot at lower left.
- Country name in the town mark.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

C2. Appears to be Frama "EPS" (MV).
- Frank is horizontal rectangle with inner rectangle around the value figures.
- Frank contains Burmese text only, country name in English in the town mark.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

C3. Unidentified (MV).
- Similar to Type C2 but the frank is slightly shorter.
- The inner box around the value figures has no bottom line, and there is no text at bottom.
- The value figures are lower in the frank than with Type C2.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

C4. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).
- As Type B4 but with “MYANMAR” removed below the top panel.
- “P.B.” and solid block low between TM and frank.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
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