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PEN [penWidth][,[penHeight][,[visible][,[mode][,pattern]]]]


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This statement alters the characteristics of the drawing "pen" in the current output window. The pen characteristics affect the appearance of QuickDraw shapes (lines, ovals, rectangles, etc.) that are subsequently drawn in the window. If you omit any parameter, the corresponding characteristic is not altered. The parameters are interpreted as follows:

¥ penHeight and penWidth
These specify the height and width of the pen in pixels. They must be positive integers. Taller, wider pen sizes produce thicker lines and borders.

¥ visible
If you set this to _false, subsequent drawing won't be visible on the screen (but it will still be "recorded," if you have turned on picture recording (see the <a href="picture%20on.html">PICTURE ON</a> statement)). If you set visible to _true, subsequent drawing will be visible.

¥ mode
This determines how the pen behaves when you draw over existing images in the window. You can specify any of the pattern transfer modes described in "http://developer.apple.com/documentation/macos8/mac8.html">Inside Macintosh"http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/QuickDraw/QuickDraw-2.html">Imaging With QuickDraw. Usually you will use one of the following constants:

<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<p><code>_notPatCopy  </code></p>
<td><code>_notPatXor </code></td>

¥ pattern
This determines the pattern that will be used to draw lines, and to frame or fill shapes. Specify a number in the range 0 through 37 to get one of the following system patterns:

Image Was Here

FB Lite behavior

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When you use the "FB Lite" runtime, PEN switches to the Graphics Window before executing.

To change the pen's color, use the COLOR or LONG COLOR statement. To change the appearance of text, use the TEXT statement.

See Also

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