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Feng Shui/Flying Star Feng Shui/Period 7

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Period Seven

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In traditional Feng Shui, the Period is normally depicted as a circle in order for it to be used to construct the Nine Palaces Chart. As given below, the circle for Period 7 has been transposed into tabular form which can just as easily be used to construct the required charts for use in Feng Shui.

The first and last columns in the table below are called "Outer Ring" because they are seen in the outermost ring of a Feng Shui circular chart. In tabular format, there are two columns for "Outer Ring", although in a circular format it is actually only one ring. This is because the first column represents what we see on one side of the circle, whilst the last column represents what is diagonally opposite on the other side of the circle.

The "Inner Ring" represents the second ring from the outermost ring. Again, although it is shown as two columns, the Inner Ring consists of only one continuous ring in circular format.

The "Center" column gives the Period number. In this instance, P7 represents Period Seven.

Outer Ring Inner Ring Center Inner Ring Outer Ring
  1. Ping (+)
  2. Wu (-)
  3. Ting (-)
  1. Keng (+)
  2. Yu (-)
  3. Hsin (-)
P7 3-Jade
  1. Chia (+)
  2. Mao (-)
  3. I (-)
  1. Wu (+)
  2. Chi (-)
  3. Chi (-)
  1. Chou (-)
  2. Ken (+)
  3. Yin (+)
  1. Hsu (-)
  2. Chien (+)
  3. Hai (+)
P7 4-Green
  1. Chen (-)
  2. Sun (+)
  3. Ssu (+)
  1. Hsu (-)
  2. Chien (+)
  3. Hai (+)
  1. Chia (+)
  2. Mao (-)
  3. I (-)
  1. Jen (+)
  2. Tzu (-)
  3. Kuei (-)
P7 9-Purple
  1. Ping (+)
  2. Wu (-)
  3. Ting (-)
  1. Wei (-)
  2. Kun (+)
  3. Shen (+)
  1. Jen (+)
  2. Tzu (-)
  3. Kuei (-)
  1. Chou (-)
  2. Ken (+)
  3. Yin (+)
P7 2-Black
  1. Wei (-)
  2. Kun (+)
  3. Shen (+)
  1. Chen (-)
  2. Sun (+)
  3. Ssu (+)


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The term "Period" is also known as the "Age", and the term "Mountain Direction" is also known as the "Sitting Direction".

Grid Directions

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In a Flying Star Chart, the term "NORTH" includes N1, N2 and N3 (North 1, North 2 and North 3), and "SOUTHWEST" includes SW1, SW2 and SW3, etc. Each of the 8 main directions (N, S, E, W, NE, SE, NW, and SW) has 3 sub-divisions, resulting in a total of 24 sectors, and these are known as the "24 Mountains". In plotting a Flying Star Chart, each set of 3 sub-divisions is subsumed under one of the 8 main directions. However, the resultant charts are different for different sectors of the same main direction. For example, it is apparent that the Flying Star Chart of [W1-E1] is different from that of [W2-E2].

(of a

The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are found in the above table. For example, for Direction [W1-E1] of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 7, the stars in the West (direction) are 297. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 297. Similarly, a room in the South of the same property has the stars 429.

In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South↑ is always on top, and the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a "South Pointing Needle" (指南针). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-Palace Chart is always drawn with the South (direction) on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the southerly direction and superimpose it onto the architectural plan of a house or property.

Direction W1-E1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=W1 , and Facing Direction=E1

864 429 642
753 975 297
318 531 186

Direction W2-E2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=W2 , and Facing Direction=E2

166 521 348
257 975 793
612 439 884

Direction W3-E3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=W3 , and Facing Direction=E3

166 521 348
257 975 793
612 439 884

Direction NW1-SE1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

967 422 249
158 876 694
513 331 785

Direction NW2-SE2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

765 321 543
654 876 198
219 432 987

Direction NW3-SE3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

765 321 543
654 876 198
219 432 987

Direction N1-S1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=N1 , and Facing Direction=S1

263 727 945
154 372 599
618 836 481

Direction N2-S2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=N2 , and Facing Direction=S2

461 826 648
559 372 194
915 737 283

Direction N3-S3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=N3 , and Facing Direction=S3

461 826 648
559 372 194
915 737 283

Direction NE1-SW1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

965 529 747
856 174 392
411 638 283

Direction NE2-SW2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

263 628 441
352 174 896
717 539 985

Direction NE3-SW3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

263 628 441
352 174 896
717 539 985

Direction E1-W1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=E1 , and Facing Direction=W1 :

468 924 246
357 579 792
813 135 681

Direction E2-W2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=E2 , and Facing Direction=W2 :

661 125 843
752 579 397
216 934 488

Direction E3-W3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=E3 , and Facing Direction=W3 :

661 125 843
752 579 397
216 934 488

Direction SE1-NW1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1:

769 224 942
851 678 496
315 133 587

Direction SE2-NW2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2:

567 123 345
456 678 891
912 234 789

Direction SE3-NW3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3:

567 123 345
456 678 891
912 234 789

Direction S1-N1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=S1 , and Facing Direction=N1 :

362 727 549
451 273 995
816 638 184

Direction S2-N2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=S2 , and Facing Direction=N2 :

164 628 846
955 273 491
519 737 382

Direction S3-N3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=S3 , and Facing Direction=N3 :

164 628 846
955 273 491
519 737 382

Direction SW1-NE1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1:

569 925 747
658 471 293
114 836 382

Direction SW2-NE2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2:

362 826 144
253 471 698
717 935 589

Direction SW3-NE3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3:

362 826 144
253 471 698
717 935 589