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Feng Shui/Xuan Kong Da Gua/River Map Sitting and Facing Directions

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River Map Sitting and Facing Directions

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The River Map (He-Tu in Chinese Pinyin) may be used to find the auspicious and inauspicious directions of a property, as shown in the table below.

The River Map Table

s sg s-e s-c S SG S-E S-C S-S Star P F-S F FG F-E F-C f fg f-e f-c
{43} {Eliminating} [01] [Initiating] 174.375 to 180 GW P1 354.375 to 360 [02] [Responding] {23} {Falling Away}
{21} {Eradicating} 噬嗑 [51] [Taking Action] 22.5 to 28.125 GW P2 202.5 to 208.125 [57] [Proceeding Humbly] {48} {Replenishing}
{59} {Dispersing} [29] [Darkness] 253.125 to 258.75 GW P3 73.125 to 78.75 [30] [Brightness] {55} {Abundance}
{15} {Humbleness} [52] [Keeping Still] 303.75 to 309.375 GW P4 123.75 to 129.375 [58] [Joyful] {10} {Fulfillment}
{10} {Fulfillment} [58] [Joyful] 123.75 to 129.375 GW P6 303.75 to 309.375 [52] [Keeping Still] {15} {Humbleness}
{55} {Abundance} [30] [Brightness] 73.125 to 78.75 GW P7 253.125 to 258.75 [29] [Darkness] {59} {Dispersing}
{48} {Replenishing} [57] [Proceeding Humbly] 202.5 to 208.125 GW P8 22.5 to 28.125 [51] [Taking Action] {21} {Eradicating} 噬嗑
{23} {Falling Away} [02] [Responding] 354.375 to 360 GW P9 174.375 to 180 [01] [Initiating] {43} {Eliminating}
{17} {Following} [25] [Without Falsehood] 无妄 39.375 to 45 HD P1 219.375 to 225 [46] [Growing Upward] {18} {Remedying}
{14} {Great Harvest} 大有 [34] [Great Strength] 大壮 157.5 to 163.125 HD P2 337.5 to 343.125 [20] [Watching] {08} {Union}
{53} {Developing Gradually} [39] [Hardship] 298.125 to 303.75 HD P3 118.125 to 123.75 [38] [Diversity] {54} {Marrying Maiden} 归妹
{36} {Brilliance Injured} 明夷 [04] [Childhood] 258.75 to 264.375 HD P4 78.75 to 84.375 [49] [Abolishing The Old] {13} {Seeking Harmony} 同人
{13} {Seeking Harmony} 同人 [49] [Abolishing The Old] 78.75 to 84.375 HD P6 258.75 to 264.375 [04] [Childhood] {36} {Brilliance Injured} 明夷
{54} {Marrying Maiden} 归妹 [38] [Diversity] 118.125 to 123.75 HD P7 298.125 to 303.75 [39] [Hardship] {53} {Developing Gradually}
{08} {Union} [20] [Watching] 337.5 to 343.125 HD P8 157.5 to 163.125 [34] [Great Strength] 大壮 {14} {Great Harvest} 大有
{18} {Remedying} [46] [Growing Upward] 219.375 to 225 HD P9 39.375 to 45 [25] [Without Falsehood] 无妄 {17} {Following}
{47} {Exhausting} [06] [Contention] 225 to 230.625 RW P1 45 to 50.625 [36] [Brilliance Injured] 明夷 {22} {Adorning}
{56} {Travelling} [62] [Little Exceeding] 小过 286.875 to 292.5 RW P2 106.875 to 112.5 [61] [Innermost Sincerity] 中孚 {60} {Restricting}
{09} {Little Accumulation} 小畜 [05] [Needing] 146.25 to 151.875 RW P3 326.25 to 331.875 [35] [Proceeding Forward] {16} {Delight}
{24} {Turning Back} [27] [Nourishing] 5.625 to 11.25 RW P4 185.625 to 191.25 [28] [Great Exceeding] 大过 {44} {Encountering}
{44} {Encountering} [28] [Great Exceeding] 大过 185.625 to 191.25 RW P6 5.625 to 11.25 [27] [Nourishing] {24} {Turning Back}
{16} {Delight} [35] [Proceeding Forward] 326.25 to 331.875 RW P7 146.25 to 151.875 [05] [Needing] {09} {Little Accumulation} 小畜
{60} {Restricting} [61] [Innermost Sincerity] 中孚 106.875 to 112.5 RW P8 286.875 to 292.5 [62] [Little Exceeding] 小过 {56} {Travelling}
{22} {Adorning} [36] [Brilliance Injured] 明夷 45 to 50.625 RW P9 225 to 230.625 [06] [Contention] {47} {Exhausting}
{31} {Mutual Influence} [33] [Retreat] 270 to 275.625 LY P1 90 to 95.625 [19] [Approaching] {41} {Decreasing}
{64} ䷿ {Not Yet Fulfilled} 未济 [40] [Relief] 241.875 to 247.5 LY P2 61.875 to 67.5 [37] [Household] 家人 {63} {Already Fulfilled} 既济
{53} {Developing Gradually} [03] [Beginning] 11.25 to 16.875 LY P3 191.25 to 196.875 [50] [Establishing The New] {32} {Long Lasting}
{11} {Advance} [26] [Great Accumulation] 大畜 140.625 to 146.25 LY P4 320.625 to 326.25 [45] [Bringing Together] {12} {Hindrance}
{12} {Hindrance} [45] [Bringing Together] 320.625 to 326.25 LY P6 140.625 to 146.25 [26] [Great Accumulation] 大畜 {11} {Advance}
{32} {Long Lasting} [50] [Establishing The New] 191.25 to 196.875 LY P7 11.25 to 16.875 [03] [Beginning] {53} {Developing Gradually}
{63} {Already Fulfilled} 既济 [37] [Household] 家人 61.875 to 67.5 LY P8 241.875 to 247.5 [40] [Relief] {64} ䷿ {Not Yet Fulfilled} 未济
{41} {Decreasing} [19] [Approaching] 90 to 95.625 LY P9 270 to 275.625 [33] [Retreat] {31} {Mutual Influence}
{58} {Joyful} [10] [Fulfillment] 129.375 to 135 MA P1 309.375 to 315 [15] [Humbleness] {52} {Keeping Still}
{30} {Brightness} [55] [Abundance] 67.5 to 73.125 MA P2 247.5 to 253.125 [59] [Dispersing] {29} {Darkness}
{48} {Replenishing} [48] [Replenishing] 208.125 to 213.75 MA P3 28.125 to 33.75 [21] [Eradicating] 噬嗑 {51} {Taking Action}
{02} {Responding} [23] [Falling Away] 348.75 to 354.375 MA P4 168.75 to 174.375 [43] [Eliminating] {01} {Initiating}
{01} {Initiating} [43] [Eliminating] 168.75 to 174.375 MA P6 348.75 to 354.375 [23] [Falling Away] {02} {Responding}
{51} {Taking Action} [21] [Eradicating] 噬嗑 28.125 to 33.75 MA P7 208.125 to 213.75 [48] [Replenishing] {48} {Replenishing}
{29} {Darkness} [59] [Dispersing] 247.5 to 253.125 MA P8 67.5 to 73.125 [55] [Abundance] {30} {Brightness}
{52} {Keeping Still} [15] [Humbleness] 309.375 to 315 MA P9 129.375 to 135 [10] [Fulfillment] {58} {Joyful}
{49} {Abolishing The Old} [13] [Seeking Harmony] 同人 84.375 to 90 BS P1 264.375 to 270 [07] [Multitude] {04} {Childhood}
{38} {Diversity} [54] [Marrying Maiden] 归妹 112.5 to 118.125 BS P2 292.5 to 298.125 [53] [Developing Gradually] {39} {Hardship}
{20} {Watching} [08] [Union] 343.125 to 348.75 BS P3 163.125 to 168.75 [14] [Great Harvest] 大有 {34} {Great Strength} 大壮
{46} {Growing Upward} [18] [Remedying] 213.75 to 219.375 BS P4 33.75 to 39.375 [17] [Following] {25} {Without Falsehood} 无妄
{25} {Without Falsehood} 无妄 [17] [Following] 33.75 to 39.375 BS P6 213.75 to 219.375 [18] [Remedying] {46} {Growing Upward}
{34} {Great Strength} 大壮 [14] [Great Harvest] 大有 163.125 to 168.75 BS P7 343.125 to 348.75 [08] [Union] {20} {Watching}
{39} {Hardship} [53] [Developing Gradually] 292.5 to 298.125 BS P8 112.5 to 118.125 [54] [Marrying Maiden] 归妹 {38} {Diversity}
{04} {Childhood} [07] [Multitude] 264.375 to 270 BS P9 84.375 to 90 [13] [Seeking Harmony] 同人 {49} {Abolishing The Old}
{28} {Great Exceeding} 大过 [44] [Encountering] 180 to 185.625 LA P1 0 to 5.625 [24] [Turning Back] {27} {Nourishing}
{35} {Proceeding Forward} [16] [Delight] 331.875 to 337.5 LA P2 151.875 to 157.5 [09] [Little Accumulation] 小畜 {05} {Needing}
{61} {Innermost Sincerity} 中孚 [60] [Restricting] 101.25 to 106.875 LA P3 281.25 to 286.875 [56] [Travelling] {62} {Little Exceeding} 小过
{36} {Brilliance Injured} 明夷 [22] [Adorning] 50.625 to 56.25 LA P4 230.625 to 236.25 [47] [Exhausting] {06} {Contention}
{06} {Contention} [47] [Exhausting] 230.625 to 236.25 LA P6 50.625 to 56.25 [22] [Adorning] {36} {Brilliance Injured} 明夷
{62} {Little Exceeding} 小过 [56] [Travelling] 281.25 to 286.875 LA P7 101.25 to 106.875 [60] [Restricting] {61} {Innermost Sincerity} 中孚
{05} {Needing} [09] [Little Accumulation] 小畜 151.875 to 157.5 LA P8 331.875 to 337.5 [16] [Delight] {35} {Proceeding Forward}
{27} {Nourishing} [24] [Turning Back] 0 to 5.625 LA P9 180 to 185.625 [44] [Encountering] {28} {Great Exceeding} 大过
{45} {Bringing Together} [12] [Hindrance] 315 to 320.625 RA P1 135 to 140.625 [11] [Advance] {26} {Great Accumulation} 大畜
{50} {Establishing The New} [32] [Long Lasting] 196.875 to 202.5 RA P2 16.875 to 22.5 [42] [Increasing] {03} {Beginning}
{37} {Household} 家人 [63] [Already Fulfilled] 既济 56.25 to 61.875 RA P3 236.25 to 241.875 [64] ䷿ [Not Yet Fulfilled] 未济 {40} {Relief}
{19} {Approaching} [41] [Decreasing] 95.625 to 101.25 RA P4 275.625 to 281.25 [31] [Mutual Influence] {33} {Retreat}
{33} {Retreat} [31] [Mutual Influence] 275.625 to 281.25 RA P6 95.625 to 101.25 [41] [Decreasing] {19} {Approaching}
{40} {Relief} [64] ䷿ [Not Yet Fulfilled] 未济 236.25 to 241.875 RA P7 56.25 to 61.875 [63] [Already Fulfilled] 既济 {37} {Household} 家人
{03} {Beginning} [42] [Increasing] 16.875 to 22.5 RA P8 196.875 to 202.5 [32] [Long Lasting] {50} {Establishing The New}
{26} {Great Accumulation} 大畜 [11] [Advance] 135 to 140.625 RA P9 315 to 320.625 [12] [Hindrance] {45} {Bringing Together}


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The Star and Period Columns

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The acronyms used in the "Star" column are:

  1. MA : Military Arts Star
  2. LY : Literary Arts Star
  3. RA : Right Assistant Star
  4. LA : Left Assistant Star
  5. GW : Greedy Wolf Star
  6. HD : Huge Door Star
  7. BS : Broken Soldier Star
  8. RW : Rewards Star

Next to the "Star" column is the Period column, represented by the letter "P". The numbers for the Period are from 1 to 9, giving a total of nine possible periods.

The Sitting Directions

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The 9 left-most columns represent the Sitting Direction. The acronyms used are:

  1. s : The number of the outer Gua (in the Sitting Direction)
  2. sg : The outer Gua itself (in the Sitting Direction)
  3. s-e : The English name of the outer Gua (in the Sitting Direction)
  4. s-c : The Chinese name of the outer Gua (in the Sitting Direction)
  5. S : The number of the Sitting Gua
  6. SG : The Sitting Gua itself
  7. S-E : The English name of the Sitting Gua
  8. S-C : The Chinese name of the Sitting Gua
  9. S-S : The Sector (in degrees North) of the Sitting Gua

The Facing Directions

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The 9 right-most columns represent the Facing Direction. The acronyms used are:

  1. F : The number of the Facing Gua
  2. FG : The Facing Gua itself
  3. F-E : The English name of the Facing Gua
  4. F-C : The Chinese name of the Facing Gua
  5. F-S : The Sector (in degrees North) of the Facing Gua
  6. f : The number of the outer Gua (in the Facing Direction)
  7. fg : The outer Gua itself (in the Facing Direction)
  8. f-e : The English name of the outer Gua (in the Facing Direction)
  9. f-c : The Chinese name of the outer Gua (in the Facing Direction)


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Reference: Joey Yap. Xuan Kong Da Gua - Structures Reference Book. JY Books Sdn Bhd. October 1, 2008. ISBN 9833332714.