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Feng Shui/Flying Star Feng Shui/Period 1

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Feng Shui | Flying Star | Geomantic Chart | Facing Palace | Facing Stars | Mountain Stars | Earth Base | 24 Mountains | Aquarium | Substitute Star | Xuan Kong Da Gua | Bazi & YiChing | Compass Location | 64 Hexagrams | River Map | 10-Combo | 1-Gua

Period One

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In traditional Feng Shui, the Period is normally depicted as a circle in order for it to be used to construct the Nine Palaces Chart. As given below, the circle for Period 1 has been transposed into tabular form which can just as easily be used to construct the required charts for use in Feng Shui.

The first and last columns in the table below are called "Outer Ring" because they are seen in the outermost ring of a Feng Shui circular chart. In tabular format, there are two columns for "Outer Ring", although in a circular format it is actually only one ring. This is because the first column represents what we see on one side of the circle, whilst the last column represents what is diagonally opposite on the other side of the circle.

The "Inner Ring" represents the second ring from the outermost ring. Again, although it is shown as two columns, the Inner Ring consists of only one continuous ring in circular format. For example, if we trace the diameter of the chart in circular format, for row 1 item 1, we will start from Jia under 3-Jade in the Outer Ring, to Geng under 7-Red in the Inner Ring, to P1 (the center of the circle), and then across the other side of the circle, to Jia under 3-Jade of the Inner Ring, and finally to Chou under 8-White of the Outer Ring.

The "Center" column gives the Period number. In this instance, P1 represents Period One.

Outer Ring Inner Ring Center Inner Ring Outer Ring
  1. Jia (+)
  2. Mao (-)
  3. Yi (-)
  1. Geng (+)
  2. You (-)
  3. Xin(-)
P1 3-Jade
  1. Jia (+)
  2. Mao (-)
  3. Yi (-)
  1. Chou (-)
  2. Gen (+)
  3. Yin (+)
  1. Wei (-)
  2. Kun (+)
  3. Shen (+)
  1. Xu (-)
  2. Qian (+)
  3. Hai (+)
P1 4-Green
  1. Chen (-)
  2. Xun (+)
  3. Si (+)
  1. Bing (+)
  2. Wu (-)
  3. Ding (-)
  1. Xu (-)
  2. Qian (+)
  3. Hai (+)
  1. Ren (+)
  2. Zi (-)
  3. Gui (-)
P1 9-Purple
  1. Bing (+)
  2. Wu (-)
  3. Ding (-)
  1. Wu (+)
  2. Chi (-)
  3. Chi (-)
  1. Chen (-)
  2. Xun (+)
  3. Si (+)
  1. Chou (-)
  2. Gen (+)
  3. Yin (+)
P1 2-Black
  1. Wei (-)
  2. Kun (+)
  3. Shen (+)
  1. Geng (+)
  2. You (-)
  3. Xin (-)


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The term "Period" is also known as the "Age", and the term "Mountain Direction" is also known as the "Sitting Direction".

Grid Direction

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The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are as follows:

(of a

For example, for Direction W1-E1 in Period 1, the stars in the West direction are 536. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 536. Similarly, a room in the South of the same property has the stars 754.

In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a compass is known as a "South Pointing Needle". As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-Palace Chart is always drawn with the South direction on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the South direction and superimpose it onto the architectural plan of a house or property.

Direction W1-E1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=W1 , and Facing Direction=E1

299 754 972
181 318 536
645 863 427

Direction W2-E2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=W2 , and Facing Direction=E2

497 853 675
586 318 131
942 764 229

Direction W3-E3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=W3 , and Facing Direction=E3

497 853 675
586 318 131
942 764 229

Direction NW1-SE1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

398 754 576
487 219 932
843 665 121

Direction NW2-SE2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

191 655 873
982 219 437
546 764 328

Direction NW3-SE3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

191 655 873
982 219 437
546 764 328

Direction N1-S1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=N1 , and Facing Direction=S1

794 259 972
883 615 437
348 161 526

Direction N2-S2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=N2 , and Facing Direction=S2

596 151 378
487 615 833
942 269 724

Direction N3-S3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=N3 , and Facing Direction=S3

596 151 378
487 615 833
942 269 724

Direction NE1-SW1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

596 952 774
685 417 239
141 863 328

Direction NE2-SW2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

398 853 171
289 417 635
744 962 526

Direction NE3-SW3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

398 853 171
289 417 635
744 962 526

Direction E1-W1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=E1 , and Facing Direction=W1 :

992 457 279
181 813 635
546 368 724

Direction E2-W2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=E2 , and Facing Direction=W2 :

794 358 576
685 813 131
249 467 922

Direction E3-W3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=E3 , and Facing Direction=W3 :

794 358 576
685 813 131
249 467 922

Direction SE1-NW1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1:

893 457 675
784 912 239
348 566 121

Direction SE2-NW2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2:

191 556 378
289 912 734
645 467 823

Direction SE3-NW3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3:

191 556 378
289 912 734
645 467 823

Direction S1-N1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=S1 , and Facing Direction=N1 :

497 952 279
388 516 734
843 161 625

Direction S2-N2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=S2 , and Facing Direction=N2 :

695 151 873
784 516 338
249 962 427

Direction S3-N3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=S3 , and Facing Direction=N3 :

695 151 873
784 516 338
249 962 427

Direction SW1-NE1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1:

695 259 477
586 714 932
141 368 823

Direction SW2-NE2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2:

893 358 171
982 714 536
447 269 625

Direction SW3-NE3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3:

893 358 171
982 714 536
447 269 625