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Pages in category "Book:Lombard"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Lombard/Indefinite pronouns
  2. Lombard/Possessive pronouns
  3. Lombard/Hypothetical construction
  4. Lombard/Verbs
  5. Lombard/Simple Future Indicative
  6. Lombard/Past Perfect Indicative
  7. Lombard/Past Indicative
  8. Lombard/Negation
  9. Lombard/Infinitive
  10. Lombard/How to ask and express the weather
  1. Lombard
  2. Lombard/How to convert Milanese dialect, written in the Milanese orthography, into the New Lombard Orthography
  3. Lombard/Prepositions and prepositional locutions
  4. Lombard/Irregular verbs
  5. Lombard/Relative clauses
  6. Lombard/Verbal diathesis
  7. Lombard/Hypothetical construction
  8. Lombard/Simple Future Indicative
  9. Lombard/How to ask and express the time
  10. Lombard/Conjunctions and conjunctive locutions

The following 42 pages are in this category, out of 42 total.