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Lombard/How to convert Milanese dialect, written in the Milanese orthography, into the New Lombard Orthography

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Lombard language course
Phonology of Lombard language

from the Milanese orthography - from the orthography of the Duchy - from the Lodesan orthography - from the Ticinese orthography

1. Modify the words as described in the table below

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grammar-based changes changes based on pronunciation in Milanese dialect accents in the middle of the word to be removed changes based on pronunciation in the other dialects
in Milanese orthgraphy
Pronunciation IPA Conversion in
New Lombard Orthography
A a [a] it’s the same gatt → gat [gat]
aa [ɒ:] [a:] (past participles and some words similar to a past participle[1]) aa → ad cantaa → cantad [kã:'tɒ:]
[a] aa → à unitaa → unità [yni'ta]
B b [b]
[p] at the end of the word
it’s the same bèll → bell

piomb → piomb

bb [b]
[p] at the end of the word
bb → b goeubb → goeub [gøp]
C c [tʃ] before “i” or “e”
[k] before the other letters
it’s the same cèss →cess

cavagn → cavagn

∅ before “q” c → (remove it) acqua → aqua [akwa]
cc [tʃ] before “i” or “e”
[k] before the other letters (also before "h" when placed at the end of the word)
cc → c caccia → cacia

vacca → vaca

gnucch →gnuch



[tʃ] in the middle of the word (in derived words) rarely in the middle of the word it remains double and however just for derivation reasons laccera → laccera
(word derived form "lacc")
[tʃ] at the end of the word it’s the same mucc → mucc [mu]
D d [d]
[t] at the end of the word
it’s the same daner → daner [dan'e:]
dd [d] dd → d reddit → redit ['redit]
E e [e] it’s the same reddit → redit ['redit]
E è [ɛ] è → e cèss → cess [ɛs]
[ɛ] (at the end of the word) it’s the same perchè → perchè [pər'kɛ]
ee [e:] it’s the same adree → adree [a'dre:]
[e:] (feminine nouns ending in [era] or other words ending in “r” in Eastern lombard) e → er prestinee → prestiner
mestee → mester


F f [f] it’s the same facil → facil ['fatʃil]
ff [f] ff → f difficil → dificil [di'fitʃil]
G g [g] davanti a "a", "o", "u", "oeu"
[g] before any consonant except "l" or "n" (see below)
it’s the same gatt → gat [gat]
[ʤ] davanti a "i", "e" -it’s the same, when there are no dialects in which it is pronounced [z] or [ʒ]

-after s ► see below

giustizia → giustizzia [ʤy'stisja]
g → sg

(when there are dialects in which it is pronounced [z] or [ʒ] -

Often it happens before "io" or "iu",

"ia", "ieou" con la "i" not accented)

giornada→ sgiornada [ʤur'nɒda]]
[:ʒ] when alone at the end of the word g → sg leg → lesg
gg [ʤ] in the middle of the word (see below for exceptions) gg → g reggia → regia ['reʤa]
[ʤ] at the end of the word it’s the same gg → vegg [vɛʤ]
[ʤ] at the end of the word gg → sg just when there are dialects in wich it is pronounced [ʒ] legg → lesg [leʤ]
[ʤ] in the middle of the word (in derived words) rarely in the middle of the word it remains double and however just for derivation reasons ggia → veggia
(words derived form vegg)
gn [ɲ] it’s the same campagna → campagna [/kam'paɲa/]
gl [ʎ] gl → j famiglia → famija [fa'miʎa]
H h it’s the same politegh → politegh
i [i] not accented before a vowel
[ĩ]: before "m" or "n"
it’s the same via → via

poresin → poresin

[j] intervocalic i → j moià → mojà [mu'ja]
[j] o [i] between consonant e vowel it’s the same pioeuva pioeuva ['pjøva]
ï [i] ï → ih scïa → scihà i'a]
ii [i:] (past participle) ii → id dormii → dormid [dur'mi:]
[i:] it’s the same avii → avii [a'vi:]
J j [j] it’s the same tajà → tajà [ta'ja]
[i] j → j/i[2]
k [k] it’s the same
L l [l] except after [g] (see above) it’s the same lavell → lavell [la'vɛl]
ll [l] ll → l allegher → alegher [a'legər]
[l] (at the end of the word when a short vowel accented is placed before)
it’s the same balla → balla

basell → basell

L l [l] exceopt after [g] (see above) it’s the same albumm → album [al'bym]
M m [m]
nasal before a bounded vowel or at the end of the word
it’s the same brumista → brumista [bry'mista]
mm [m] mm → m albumm → album [al'bym]
N n [n]
nasal before a bounded vowel or at the end of the word
it’s the same campanin → campanin [kã:paˈnĩ:]
nn [n] nn → n
[n] in the middle of the word (in derived words) rarely in the middle of the word it remains double and however just for derivation reasons anniversari → anniversari
(word derived form "ann")
[nn], [n] (vocale prima corta at the end of the word) it’s the same ann → ann [an]
O o [u]
[ũ] before “m” or “n”
it’s the same dotor → dotor [du'tu:r]
Ò ò [ɔ] ò → o còtt → cot [kɔt]
[ɔ] (at the end of the word) it’s the same cadò → cadò [ka'dɔ]
Oeu oeu [ø]
it’s the same incoeu → incoeu [ĩ:kø]
Oo oo [u:] it’s the same saroo → saroo
Ô ô [u] ô → or / ol depending on the pronunciation in the other dialects resgiô → resgior [re'ʒu]
P p [p] it’s the same paja → paja ['paja]
pp [p] p → pp tropp → trop [trɔp]
Qu qu [kw] it’s the same quèll →quell [kwɛl]
R r [r] it’s the same resta → resta [res'ta]
[r] r → l (at the last syllable, when in some dialect, especially oriental it is "l") vorè → volé [vu'rɛ]
rr [:r] it’s the same guerra → guerra ['gwɛ:ra]
[r] it’s the same carr → carr [kar]
s [s] (except defore "ci" or "gi" ► see below) it’s the same sol → sol [su:l]
[z] in the middle of the word o at the end of the word if it is not doubled

(except before "ci" or "gi" ► see below)

it’s the same auturizà → autorizà [awturi'za];
ss [s] it’s the same assee → assee [a'se:]
Sc sc [ʃ] before "i" or "e" or at the end of the word
[sk] in the other cases
it’s the same rosc → rosc [rɔʃ]
S'c s'c [stʃ] it’s the same s'ciopp → s'ciop [stʃɔp]
Sg sg [ʒ] it’s the same resgiô → resgió [re'ʒu]
s'g [sdʒ] it’s the same s'giafada → s'giafada [sdʒa'fɒ:da]
T t [t] it’s the same terra → terra ['tɛ:ra]
tt [t] tt → t gatt → gat [gat]
U u [y]
[ỹ] before “m” or “n”
[w] in diphthongs
it’s the same cuna cuna
cunt → cunt

autorizzazion → autorizazzion




uu [y:] (past participle) uu → ud veduu → vedud [ve'dy:]
[y:] it’s the same cuu → cul
(about this word see also the rule "I" below)
V v [v]
[f] at the end of the words
∅ tra "o" e "a" o tra "a" e "o" o tra "u" e "i"
it’s the same vin → vin
lavorà → lavorà


w [w] it’s the same wikizzionari → wikizzionari
[v] it’s the same wikizzionari → wikizzionari
x [ks] it’s the same boxoeur → boxoeur [bɔk'sø:r]
y [i]
it’s the same
Z z [s] z → zz autorizzazion → autorizazzion [awturi'za'sjũ:]
zz [s] it’s the same vizzi → vizzi ['visi]
[z] zz → z autorizzazion → autorizazzion [awturi'za'sjũ:]
  1. for example praa → prad
  2. The “j” used at the end of nouns in the plural has normally has to be changed into an "i" in the New Lombard Orthography although there is not yet a single decision about this so there is still someone that uses the "j" also in the New Lombard Orthography

2. Something else to add

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A. Add "e" to the end of the feminine plural of nouns and adjectives that end in "a" in the singular

In Milanese orthography: Singolare: "cagna" → plural: "cagn"
In New Lombard Orthography: Singolare: "cagna" → plural: "cagne" (see also regular plural of nouns)

B. Add er to the verbs of the third conjugation in the infinitive mood

In Milanese orthography: "mètt"
In New Lombard Orthography: "meter"

C. Add "h" ahead of all the voices of the verb ‘’havé’’ (avè in Milanese orthography – to have)

D. Do not put '"h" ahead of the voicese of the verb ‘’vesser‘’(vèss in Milanese orthography – to be)

E. Insert an intravocalic "v" between "o" and "a" or between "a" e "o" or between "u" and "i", when it is present in the same word in any of the other Lombard dialects (many times just look if the same word contains a ‘’’v’’’ in Italian)

in Milanese orthography: Gioann
In New Lombard Orthography: Giovann (Italian: Giovanni)

F. Add "l" at the end of singular nouns ending in "oeu"

In Milanese orthography: "fieou"
In New Lombard Orthography: "fioeul"

G. Add "i" at the end of plural nouns ending in "oeu"

In Milanese orthography: "fieou"
In New Lombard Orthography: "fioeui"

H. leave the accent written in the infinitive verbs in reflexive form

In Milanese orthography: "vardà" → reflexive form "vardass"
In New Lombard Orthography: "vardà" → reflexive form "vardàss"

I. for some words ending in a long vowel, for etymological reasons a final consonant must be added which is different from the cases indicated in the table, there is no precise rule, however these are very rare cases.

In Milanese orthography: "boeu", "cuu"
In New Lombard Orthography: "boeuv", "cul"

L. As for the articulated prepositions with "in": if you use the older Milanese spelling you must transform "ind el", "ind i" into "in del" "in di".