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Wings 3D/User Manual/Object Operations with Advanced Menus

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� WINGS3D USER MANUAL Section 5.3 Advanced Men 5.5.4 Body Operations with Advanced Menus BODY | MOVE: LMB Select elements to define the vector, Right Mouse Button (RMB) = Execute the operation, and Alt Right Mouse Button (Alt- RMB) to bring up the options sub-menu. First define the vector to move along with the LMB then execute with the RMB. To bring up the options menu Alt-RMB. This is where you can access magnets while working with vectors. Note that the Middle Mouse Button (MMB) can be used to dolly the camera while working. Subsequent moves can be made using the newly defined vector by choosing Last Axis from the standard Vertex Operations menu.

Body | Rotate: LMB Select elements to define the vector, Right Mouse Button (RMB) = Execute the operation, and Alt Right Mouse Button (Alt- RMB) to bring up the options sub-menu. As with Move, first define the vector to rotate about with the LMB then execute with the RMB. To bring up the options menu Alt-RMB. This is where you can access magnets while working with vectors. Note that the Middle Mouse Button (MMB) can be used to dolly the camera while working. Subsequent rotations can be made using the newly defined vector by choosing Last Axis from the standard Vertex Operations menu.

Body | Scale: LMB Select elements to define the vector, Right Mouse Button (RMB) = Execute the operation, and Alt Right Mouse Button (Alt- RMB) to bring up the options sub-menu. As with Move, first define the vector to scale along with the LMB then execute with the RMB. To bring up the options menu Alt-RMB. This is where you can access magnets while working with vectors. Note that the Middle Mouse Button (MMB) can be used to dolly the camera while working. Subsequent scale operations can be made using the newly defined vector by choosing Last Axis from the standard Vertex Operations menu.

Body | Duplicate: LMB Select elements to define the vector, Right Mouse Button (RMB) = Execute the operation, and Alt Right Mouse Button (Alt- RMB) to bring up the options sub-menu. As with Move, first define the vector to duplicate along with the LMB then execute with the RMB. To bring up the options menu Alt-RMB. This is where you can access magnets while working with vectors. Note that the Middle Mouse Button (MMB) can be used to dolly the camera while working. Subsequent duplications can be made using the newly defined vector by choosing Last Axis from the standard Vertex Operations menu.