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Wikijunior:Famous Inventors/Inventors in Communication/Nikola Tesla

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Picture of the Nikola Tesla

When, Where, and to whom was he or she born?

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Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1846 in Austria. Legend says he was born at exactly midnight during a lightning storm, which is interesting because Nikola studied electricity.

What was his or her childhood like?

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Tesla had one older brother and three sisters. He excelled in school because he had a photographic memory, which means he can remember pictures perfectly. After reading a book he could always remember what was in it. But his childhood wasn't easy, he was often sick and complained of seeing strange flashing lights and things that weren't actually there.

Why did this person become interested in science?

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He studied electricity and some of his first jobs were for a telegraph company.

Where did this person go to school?

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He completed one year at Charles-Ferdinand University.

What problem did he or she uncover that needed solving?

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When Nicola Tesla was born we didn't know very much about electricity. Along with Thomas Edison he allowed us to have all the electronics we have today.

What solutions had already been tried that did not solve the problem? Why wasn't it working?

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What did this person invent that solved the problem?

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How did the invention solve the problem?

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How has this inventor changed people and the world?

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What happened to this inventor in the end?

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As he got older, Tesla began having more and more psychological problems which eventually made him unable to work. He died alone with little money.

If you could ask this inventor one question, what would you ask?

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I would ask him how he was able to invent so many complicated machines during his life.

If you could bring this inventor to today and tell him or her one thing, what would you tell him or her about the effect of his or her invention?

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I would tell him that his work is used by people all across the world, and that he has not been forgotten.


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