User talk:ThePacker

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Hello and welcome to Wikibooks!

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Good luck! --LV (Dark Mark) 15:22, 16 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Thank you, for your warm welcome. -- ThePacker 01:34, 18 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

No, thank you for contributing. --LV (Dark Mark) 02:23, 18 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Recipe creator

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Hiya, I was thinking of implementing de:Kochbuch/_Neues_Rezept/_Creator, but noticed it got removed from the german Kochbuch. Why did that happen? Kellen T 01:37, 29 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hi Kellen,
A new wikibooks-member removed it without explaination and I didn't noticed it. But now it is back. Sorry for beeing that late with my answer. I was quite busy. -- ThePacker 21:19, 5 August 2006 (UTC)Reply


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Grüß Gott,

ich schreibe hier, weil deine Seite auf de:b für IPs gesperrt ist. Man sitzt mir gewissermaßen im Nacken, weil in den WP-Artikeln zu Algorithmen tausend Implementierungen angegeben sind, die dem Artikel im Prinzip nicht nützen, aber einen eigenen Wert haben. wo stelle ich sie am besten hin? Ich möchte sie eigentlich nicht radikal umkrämpeln, ich denke, das hübsch an den listen ist, dass sie zeigen, wie versch. programmiersprachen mit standardaufgaben umgehen. ich möchte das ungern kommentierne, das schadet mehr als es nützt, denke ich. wäre so etwas auf wikibooks gut aufgehoben? Unter Bubblesort finden sich die bei weitem meisten. Richardigel 00:07, 14 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Du hast so irrsinnig viele Benutzeraccounts ... würde es dir etwas ausmachen, hier zu antworten: ? Es fällt mir schwer, diese Seite zu beobachten. 16:28, 14 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

I'm not going to have my reputation damaged by a nonsenical block.

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--Mathmensch-Smalledits (discusscontribs) 18:29, 17 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

I understand your opinion, but editwars on templates (dw.wb) are a serious issue - and a minor block there of 2 hours is nothing "damaging" but a way to sort things out. -- ThePacker (discusscontribs) 18:34, 17 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
The so-called "edit war", which I do not regard as such because as my version of the template has two parameters, the pages that were actually destroyed were those which I was creating, lasted for very few minutes. None of the involved parties offered any solution, and none made a convincing argument as to why my edits should have contributed to any hazard in another wikibook. I took a look at the pages myself, and it was quite clear that the author was misunderstanding what a definition even was, so that the additional label "Definition" became somewhat unnatural. This is an error of the respective wikibooks and a template misnomer. It demonstrates a fair amount of incompetence that this was not immediately recognized by all parties. I must conclude that my block has been made as a remnant of unfounded sentiments against my main account. I will decide for myself what I do with my time, and spending it fighting an incompetent administration in vain is nothing I will waste it on. --Mathmensch-Smalledits (discusscontribs) 19:58, 17 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
Needless to say that here, on enwb, I made exactly the same edits, encountered no resistance, and am a prolific and happy editor, who, dare I say, is at least so well-regarded by the community that friendly conversations took place on several occasions. --Mathmensch-Smalledits (discusscontribs) 20:01, 17 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
I see no use to explain here (and in english) what went wrong from your side. As you maybe experienced, the German wikibooks and the English wikibooks share the same plattform, but not neccecarily the same rules defined by the community. Thus calling that a demonstration of "a fair amount of incompetence" will not make you win the argument, calling me or my administrative actions incompetent will also not make you win the argument. Please spend your time whereever you like, but if you want to contribute in de.wb, then take your time to accept our community and our standards instead of insulting me or others. -- ThePacker (discusscontribs) 21:44, 17 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
Anyway calling anybody incompetet or assume incompetence instead of reflecting the own behavior is just bad manners, nothing else. You might be cool, you might be intelligent, you might be "highly gifted", but this is no excuse for behaving like that like in your comment before. I don't know you and so you don't know me, and you don't know anything about my personal competences, education or professionalism. eod. -- ThePacker (discusscontribs) 21:56, 17 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
Had I really insulted you, then surely you would have issued another block against my account. The inaccuracy of your statements is proven by you not having done so. The blatant anti-intellectualism that can be read from your last post runs contrary to wikibooks and wikimedia ideals. And my behaviour is nothing like abusing one's admin rights and making life difficult for a new editor, whose sole intention it was to write a wikibook in German. Well, it's not going to happen now, thanks to your intervention. I will not write a book while facing a constant stream of insults and silly blocks, as happened in the German wikipedia. --Mathmensch-Smalledits (discusscontribs) 08:58, 18 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for your invaluable in depth analysis, of my intellectual abilities and extrapolating the whole future of wikibooks and wikimedia accordingly. In reality: The German wikibooks will not turn into a dark age, because you decided not to write a book there. What happended on German wikipedia isn't my business and is completely independent of what happened on de.wikibooks. Maybe it is as simple as I suggested: Bad manners, improve yourself. Anyways, ymmd. -- ThePacker (discusscontribs) 09:41, 18 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
I did not say anything about your intellectual abilities. Um Missverständnissen vorzubeugen, empfiehlt es sich vielleicht, die Diskussion auf Deutsch fortzusetzen. Schlechte Manieren, was genau meinen Sie denn damit? Zum Beispiel, WB-Arbeit von Neuanfängern zu sabotieren? Oder den Sperrknopf vorschnell betätigen? Allein Ihre Benutzerseite wimmelt von plumpen Vorurteilen und Allgemeinrezepten, die Sie wahrscheinlich auf meine Arbeit angewandt haben.
Wie dem auch sei, der einzige Anlass, den ich hätte, jemals wieder auf DEWB zu arbeiten, ist die Streichung der Sperre, die Sie veranlasst haben, aus meinem Sperrlogbuch. Wenn Sie nämlich meine Beiträge bei der strittigen Vorlage genau untersuchen, stellen Sie fest, dass es sich nicht um einen Edit-War handelte, da in beiden (Vorsicht, es sind nämlich zwei verschiedene!) Edits die 3R-Regel nicht unterschritten wurde. --Mathmensch-Smalledits (discusscontribs) 12:52, 18 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
Nocheinmal ernsthaft: Sie sind kein Wikibooks-Neuanfänger, Allein Sie haben drei mal innerhalb einer Zeit von 21 Minuten revertiert [1] [2] und [3], spätestens nach dem zweiten revert hätte Ihnen ein Licht aufgehen können, dass ihr konkretes Handeln nicht allgemein akzeptiert war. Ich habe sie erst gesperrt, nachdem ich von einem Nutzer angeschrieben wude, um mir den Sachverhalt anzusehen. Anschließend habe ich Ihnen auf Ihrer Benutzerdiskussionsseite mindestens einen Hinweis hinterlassen, ebenso wie auch andere Nutzer - die sie ignoriert haben. Anschließend gerieren Sie sich hier auf dieser Seite als das Opfer meiner "Voruteile und Allgemeinrezepturen"? Habe ich irgendetwas vergessen oder ausgelassen? Ich hätte von Ihnen erwartet, dass sie als erfahrener Wikibooksuser das Gespräch suchen, nicht Mehr und nicht Weniger. Aber es ist natürlich deutlich einfacher sich als das Opfer ach so inkompetenter Admins zu fühlen. In diesem Sinne, kommen sie wieder, sobald und g.d.w. Sie an Lösungen interessiert sind, statt Forderungen zu stellen. -- ThePacker (discusscontribs) 14:09, 18 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
Der zweite "Revert" behob den Fehler, dass das unpassende {{{2}}} eingeblendet wurde. --Mathmensch-Smalledits (discusscontribs) 20:31, 18 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
Note to the English readers: The discussion runs along the lines that I'm falsely accused of edit-warring, since the crucial difference between the revisions has been left out by the executing admin. I am also making the statement that unless the block is removed from my block log, I will not do any further edits on the German Wikibooks, a statement by which I stand. --Mathmensch-Smalledits (discusscontribs) 13:38, 25 February 2018 (UTC)Reply