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User:Thierry Dugnolle/Miscellaneous thoughts

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The war against drugs

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But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. (Matthew, 9:12)

Drug addicts are sick people who need to be treated. The war against drugs prevents them from getting proper treatment. It delivers them to the claws of the mafia. The right to be treated is a basic human right. The war against drugs is therefore a crime against humanity, and one of the biggest medical errors of all time.

Drugs are remedies, but like all remedies, they are poisons if improperly administered. To deprive drug addicts of competent medical aid is therefore to condemn them to suffer and to die.

The war against drugs is driving up the prices of remedies. It forces many drug addicts to prostitute themselves. It enriches traffickers who sometimes become billionaires. The traffickers use their billions to bribe the officials, who have a duty to protect the public, and who do the opposite when they are bribed.

The war on drugs exposes police to bullets from traffickers. They die or become paraplegic because of human stupidity.

The thought of the prohibitionists: drug addicts are dirty scum. But for a good part of them, these prohibitionists are also drug addicts, addicted to cigarettes, or to alcohol. They despise drug addicts while they themselves are drug addicts.

Psychiatrists recommend antipsychotics for psychotics. These are drugs that make us addicted. It is prohibited to stop treatment until death. Stopping treatment causes very serious psychotic attacks. Antipsychotics cause nausea to those who take them. They become addicted to a drug that makes them sick.

Hashish and marijuana are pleasure-giving antipsychotics. They can be taken without danger (no risk of overdose). Why do psychiatrists recommend dangerous nauseous antipsychotics (which are very expensive because they are made by the pharmaceutical industry) and ban a pleasure-giving, safe, and very easy to produce antipsychotic?

Producers and distributors of hashish and marijuana are benefactors. Prohibitionists are guilty of crime against humanity.

Homosexuality is natural

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It is a serious mistake to believe that the function of sexuality is only procreation. Sexuality has many other natural functions: promoting mutual aid, appeasing conflicts, protecting together against the cold of the night, eliminating boredom ... All these functions are obviously compatible with homosexuality.

Those who claim that homosexuality is unnatural only prove their ignorance of Nature.

The Bitcoin Disaster

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To run the bitcoin payment system, we need computers that consume a lot of energy. This energy is paid for by the creation of new bitcoins. The larger the system, the more energy it consumes.

Physics prohibits the possibility of computers that do not consume energy, because of the law of no decrease in global entropy.

Conclusion: the bitcoin payment system cannot exist in a sustainable way. It will necessarily collapse one day or another. The later it collapses, the more disastrous it will be for the world economy. The earliest would be best.

Bitcoins should never have existed. Economists should have warned the population of this ineluctable disaster.

The creation of bitcoins is the creation of fake money. The system started because people agreed to be paid in fake money. They agreed because they speculated on the rise in the value of this fake money. The bitcoin payment system is intended for speculators who speculate on the value of a fake money. The law prohibits the creation of fake money. Why haven't bitcoins been banned? Why did the central banks, which are responsible for money creation, not oppose this scam?

All the energy wasted in creating bitcoins has never been paid for by anyone. It was paid for by the creation of fake money. The bitcoin system is destroying the planet to fuel speculation in fake money.

Eventually, after the collapse of the bitcoin system, the energy bill will be paid, by all those who lost their savings in this scam. It is like paying an electricity bill late.

There will be winners and losers. In order not to be a loser, one has to withdraw from the system before it collapses. The system will collapse when everyone wants to withdraw at the same time.