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Snowy caribou

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as summer approaches caribou herds head north in one of the worlds great large animals migrations. they may travel more than 600 miles [965 kilometers] along well trod on animal routes. At the end of their journey, they spend the summer feeding on these rich grounds, an adult caribou can eat 12 pounds of food each day in there normal lifestyle.

during migration time herds of cows [female caribou] leave several weeks before the males, who follow the yearling calves from the previous birthing season.

caribou have large hooves that are useful tools in life. they are a mammal creature that don't hurt humans [hopefully]. they do not eat meat that means they are herbivores so they eat grass and leaves. there average life span in the tundra is about 15 years. there size is 4 to 5 feet at the shoulder. there weight is 240 to 700 pounds there group name is a herd. they are a endangered animal which means they are rare animal

snowy caribou