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File:Day after halloween.jpg
About Me
My name is Katherine McCarthy and if you couldn't tell I love coffee! I come from a large family -I have three sisters and three brothers- and I enjoy spending time with them. Each one of them has their own awesome personality which makes life so much more interesting. In my free time I enjoy sports and out door activities, but also shoping, reading, and playing music -I play piano and percussion. I have been playing piano since I was 7 and picked up percussion around age 12. Random facts: I'm determined to go skydiving one day, my favorite song and color depend on the day, and I love the beach.

I am currently working on my Undergraduate Degree in Elementary Education pre k-6th, but I am on ODU's Five Year Plan so I will continue on to earn my Master's Degree.

Down the Road
After graduating I have always wanted to travel. My dream would be to teach in another country for a year or two, specifically to learn their curriculum involving how to teach secondary languages to elementary students. Following this, I would like to come back to the States to work in inner-city public schools.

My Philosophy of Education
My Philosophy of Education is one that not only includes academics, but also music, art, sports, technology, and health awareness. I believe these subjects are fundamental to a child's education. Academics, although very important, are only part of life. Music, art, and sports are necessary for a well rounded individual. Also, technology is the future; therefore, students and teachers should be learning how to use such equipment. Finally, I feel that health awareness should be taught because even at an early age, people should be conscious of their physical wellbeing.