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Eskimos are people who live in freezing conditions. In this text you will find out all about the life of an Eskimo. Such as; Their diet, Where they live, The conditions, true facts about them that will really surprise you and their well known 'Eskimo kiss'.

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The Eskimo's diet consists of; Fish, sea mammals, seals, walruses and some land mammals - Which they hunt for.


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Eskimos live in the coldest of climates, therefore to keep them warm in the harshest of winters they build permanent houses made of; wood, whale bone and are covered with seal skin and earth. For warmth they burn seal oil. However, in summers they live in tents made out of animal skins. During winter hunting trips they make temporary houses made out of ice called igloos.

Eskimo Kiss

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The Eskimo kiss is a type of way to connect with an other Inuit. Originally from the western culture, an Eskimo kiss was first called a Kunik. You do it by rubbing your noses together which is a greeting to fellow Inuits.

To sum up all of the text, it is clear to say that Eskimos do live a very interesting life and is a lot different to ours. That is why people all over the world like learning about these wonderful humans.