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My name is Genese Gee. I am an undergraduate student at Old Dominion University. I have recently transferred from North Carolina State University. There, I studied applied Art, was involved with the Student Government, Campus Ministries, the Varsity Volleyball team, and Arts NC State: University Theatre. Here at Old Dominion I am also involved with the University Theatre, and I am studying to become a Theatre teacher. I do hope to be involved with Campus Ministries and Student groups, but for now my main goal is to graduate with high honors.


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My philosophy on education is difficult for me to write because, earlier in my life, I had not put much thought into it. Growing up, I never thought that I would want to be a teacher and now that I am reaching the peak of my college career, I cannot wait to get into my own classroom. If I had to sum up my philosophy of education, I would say that I believe that every child has the right to learn, and to learn on their own terms. Meaning if one child is a hands-on learner and another is an observer, then I will do my best as a teacher to push their limits, but to also respect them. This also means that I will do my best as an educator to educate the disabled children in my classroom. Other than that, I will do my best to teach my students that Theatre is not just a past-time, but it can also be a beacon of hope and insight to those who are craving it. For example, Theatre teaches the world about life and how to solve problems and conflicts on a day to day basis. It bridges the gap between centuries, decades, and millennia. Theatre is not just an art-form, for some, it is a way of life. This message is what I want my students to at least hear before they graduate. Whether it sticks with them is not the point. The point is to enlighten the ignorant and hopefully knight a new generation of theatre-goers, actors, actresses, technicians, and directors into the world. My philosophy is to teach the best way I know how, to each and every student willing to learn while being educated by my students’ lives in the process, and to always have a learning community in my classroom. If I succeed, I will be more than happy; I will be elated to send my students out into the world to educate us all.

P.S. Total thanks goes out to "TOPHE" for helping me with the whole picture thing, and Dr. Kidd's TA Staff!

An Interview with My Mentors

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This is an interview with some of my favorite people/teachers at ODU. As they share their wisdom I hope you learn a lot about theatre, and teaching theatre. Enjoy! File:Teachingteach.ogg