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Polar Bears

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Polar Bears are carnivorous animals that live in the tundra biomes, they have very fluffy white hair. However, their skin is actually black. polar bears are endangered and Generally, polar bears don't usually eat fish unless food is scarce.

Polar Bear

Polar bears are carnivores (meat eaters) so there are no vegetables in their diet.Polar bears like to eat big animals, such as whales, seals, walruses and carcasses they have been known to eat birds eggs. when food is scarce they scavenge for fish, reindeer, muskox and some other things. Also, the average male adult polar bear weighs approximately 350-700 kilograms.


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Most polar bears live in cold icy places such as:

  • Greenland
  • Alaska
  • Svalbard
  • Russia
  • Norway

and the Arctic. They do not live in Antarctica! They usually live in temperatures down at -30degrees c.