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What is War of coins ?

War of coins is a Bitcoin card game, the letter of war of coin implicates that two players are playing a card game with Bitcon & Altcoins characters.

Players capture cards from the screen layout by playing a card of the same coin. The aim is to collect scoring combinations among the cards captured. When a player's captures have 7 points, the player can end the game and claim payment, or can continue the game in the hope of winning more, but risking that an opponent will win meanwhile.

2 people play. A pack of coin cards is used, consisting of 48 cards, to which two jokers are added and total cards are 50. There are 4 cards corresponding to each of coin - the owner who has captured no exchange cards does not have to pay double to a winner with an exchangs set Bitcoin & Altcoins( it is called Junk coin). Some of these cards also show a Chunk, Nonce, Hashes, Blocks, Payment Gateway or Merchant, Mining, Exchange.

The cards are divided into four unequal groups: 5 Exchange and 3 Payment Gateway or 6 Merchant and Ribbon Cards(3 Chunk and 3 Nonce and 3 Hashes, Blocks) and 24 Mining Cards , as shown in the following illustration:

thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb.

thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb.

thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. thumb.thumb.thumb. thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb.

thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb.

thumb.thumb. Joker

With a little practice, the cards are easy to identify with different colors and coins. In addition, our packs contain two jokers with special properties.

How to play

Please select a card shown on the screen layout to decide who play at first.

The automatic shuffle system deals 10 cards to each player and 8 face up to the screen layout as follows. The remaining cards are placed face down in a stack in the center of the screen layout to form a drawing stock. The cards that were dealt to the screen layout are laid out face up in the center of screen layout so that all are visible. We call this the screen layout. During the game cards will be added to and captured from this layout.

Each player can automatically store a captured cards by the system, but kept face up so that those cards are visible to an opponent. We will refer to the area where a player keeps captured cards as the player's capture area. Captured cards normally remain in the player's capture area until the end of the play, but there are a few special events that require a player to surrender a captured card, moving it to another player's capture area.

The winner plays first. A normal turn consists of

1. Clicking one card in their hand to match one of the the cards lying face-up on the screen layout, and then

2. Automatically turning by system the top card of the stock face up and adding it to the screen layout.

This may result in the capture of some cards, as detailed below. The aim of the game is to capture cards by clicking cards that match cards in the screen layout. Cards match when they belong to the same coins.


  • If the card you play from your hand does not match any card in the screen layout, you add it to the screen layout as a separate card, and then system turns over automatically the top card of the stock.

1. If this card from the stock matches a card in the screen layout, you capture these two cards - the card from the stock and the matching card from the layout - and move them face up to your capture area.

2. If the card from the stock matches two cards in the screen layout, you choose which of these cards to capture along with the stock card.

3. If the card from the stock matches a stack of three cards in the screen layout, then it captures the stack, and system moves all four cards to your capture area.

4. If the card turned from the stock matches nothing in the layout, it is also added to the screen layout as a separate card.

  • If the card you play from your hand matches (is the same coins as) a card in the screen layout, the system place it on top of the matching card if you click matched card. If there are two cards of those coins in the layout, you can choose on which one you will place your played card. The systems then turn up the top card of the stock. There are several possibilities:

1. If the stock card does not match any card in the screen layout, you add it to the screen layout as a separate card, and you capture the matching pair that you created with the play from your hand, moving them to your capture area, where they are stored face up.

2. If the stock card matches a card in the screen layout but not the card you played from your hand, then you place the stock card on a card that it matches, capture both the matching pairs you have created, and move these four cards to your capture area.

3. If the stock card matches the pair you created with the card from your hand, and the fourth card of this coin is not in the screen layout, you are unlucky. You do not capture anything this turn, but you must add this stock card to the pair you made, creating a stack of three cards. This incident is known as a Double Spending. The three-card stack remains in the screen layout and can only be captured by the fourth card of this same coin.

4. If the card you played from your hand matched two cards in the layout, and the card you turn from the stock is also of this same coin, you capture all four cards of this coin. This is known as Matching public & private key.

5. If the card you turn from the stock matches a stack of three matching cards in the layout, then you capture all four of these cards as well as the pair you made with the card you played from your hand. It is call Fixed Double Spending

  • If the card you play from your hand matches a stack of three matching cards in the screen layout, then it captures this stack and all four cards are moved to your capture area. You then turn a card from the stock, which makes another capture if it matches anything on the table. After you have played from your hand and from the stock, and taken any cards that you captured, you may have the opportunity to end the game, if your score is sufficient. Otherwise the turn passes to the next player. The play continues like this until someone ends the game or until the cards run out. The deal is such that when the last player plays their last card from hand, there will be just one card remaining in the stock, and of course the final cards will automatically match, leaving the screen layout empty.
  • Any players who has three cards of the same coin may declare them and show them to the other player or can click them if there is a same coin card on the screen layout(It is call Complete Transaction). This is known as Jiggle Wiggle. It is a disadvantage to hold three cards of the same coin. But, if you choose to show them at the beginning of the game, you get twice points to win if you manage to win.
  • If you have four cards of the same coin, called Perfect Hand, in your hand and you decided to show them at the beginning of the game, you win the game immediately, collecting 7 points from opponent or if you choose to play to get twice points if you manage to win.
  • If there are three cards of the same coin on the screen, they are combined into a separate stack, which is captured as a single unit. Whoever has same coin card decides to play it or turn the same coin card from the stock during the game will win this separate stack and also receive an extra Mining card from opponent. It is called Fixed Double Spending
  • If you have a joker card and decided to play the joker card or when you turn over a joker card from a drawing stock, you will receive a Mining card from opponent.
  • If there are four cards of the same coin on the screen layout, the deal is void. The cards are reshuffled and dealt again by the systems. The winner of the last game gets the 7 points.
  • Certain special events allow the current player to capture one Mining card from opponent:

1. There are only two cards in the screen layout, belonging to different coins, and the player captures both of them, leaving the screen layout empty. it called The longest chain

2. The screen layout includes two cards of the same coin, and the player captures both of them using the other two cards of that coin(one from your hand and one from stock). It called Matching Public & Private Key

3. The player plays a card from your hand that does not match anything in the screen layout, and then draws a matching card from the stock, capturing the card just played. It called A chain of block

4. The player captures a stack of three cards by playing the fourth card of this coin from hand or stock. It called Fixed Double Spending

5. The player has three cards of the same coin and can be click them if there is a same coin card on the screen layout. It called Complete Transaction

If any of these five things happens, each opponent surrenders one Mining card of their choice from their capture area, and the cards are moved face up to the player's capture area. A player who does not have any Mining cards in their capture area does not have to surrender a card. Mining cards of Bitcoin & Litecoin are more valuable than others (being worth 2 in scoring): a player who has no ordinary Mining cards must surrender a valuable Mining card if he or she has one. However, if the play runs right to the end, the first three special events above don't count in the last player's last turn, since the cards are guaranteed to match. Nevertheless, a capturing a three-card stack at the end of the play still counts.

  • Jokers are bonus cards that add an extra element of luck to the game. Whenever you play a joker - either from your hand or by turning one up from the stock - you click it directly into your capture area face up, and immediately turn up a card from the stock which you must play as a substitute for the joker. Therefore on a turn when you play a joker, you actually turn up two cards from the top of the stock - one as a normal part of your turn and another as a result of playing the joker. If there are any jokers dealt face up on the screen layout at the start of the game, the systems automatically move them to the captured cards in front of winner of last game and replaces them in the layout by turning face up an equal number of cards from the stock.

Point System

Certain combinations of captured cards have a point score, as listed below. The first time that the total score of your captured cards at the end of your turn reaches 7 points, you have the opportunity to end the game. You must either choose "end the game", in which case the play ends and you claim payment as detailed below, or you choose "Keep going next Round " and the game continues. After you have choose "Keep going next round", you do not get another opportunity to end the game until the score at the end of your turn is higher than it was the last time you chose "Keep going next round". When this happens, you must again choose either "End the game" or "Keep going next round".

The scores for combinations of captured cards are as follows.

Exchange cards

A set of 5 exchange cards scores 15 points

Any set of 4 exchange cards scores 4 points

Any set of 3 exchange cards scores 3 points

thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. A set of 5 exchange cards

thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. Any set of 4 exchange cards scores

thumb.thumb.thumb. Any set of 3 exchange cards

Payment Gateway cards

A set of 3 Payment Gateway cards (The Market Dominance combination) scores 5 points

thumb.thumb. Market Dominance

Merchant cards

Any set of 5 merchant cards scores 1 point. Each additional merchant card beyond 5 scores 1 extra point

thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. Any set of 5 merchant cards

Ribbon cards (Chunk ,Nonce, Hashes, Blocks)

A set of any 5 ribbon cards scores 1 point. Each additional ribbon card beyond 5 scores 1 extra point

A set of 3 chunk scores 3 points

A set of 3 nonce scores 3 points

A set of 3 hashes scores 3 points

The Proof-of-work combination of each chunk, nonce, hashes, and blocks cards scores 5 points

thumb.thumb.thumb. A set of 3 hashes

thumb.thumb.thumb. A set of 3 nonce

thumb.thumb.thumb. A set of 3 chunk

thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. proof-of-work(combination of any each chunk, nonce, hashes, and blocks cards)

Mining cards

A set of 10 Mining cards counts 1 point. Each additional Mining card beyond 10 scores 1 extra point

thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb.thumb. thumb.thumb.thumb.

The Bitcoin mining card and the Litecoin mining card each count as two Mining cards.

thumb.thumb. Count as two Mining cards each

Extra Rules

  • The player who ends the game is paid points equal to their score by other player. Note that when you end the game, it does not matter if another player has more score than you. For example in a two-player game with a target of 7, if you achieve a score of 7 at the end of your turn while your opponent has 9(having previously said "Keep going next round"), you can stop the game and you are paid 7 points - the opponent's score is wasted. It called Abandoned block chain
  • It is possible for the play to end without a winner. This can happen for example if no player manages to reach the target score, or if a player choose "Keep going next round" and then fails to increase his or her score (and no one else achieves 7 Points) before the cards run out. There is no payment for this deal. The cards are shuffled and the system deals again. It is called Waste Hashrate
  • There are several circumstances in which the number of points paid to the winner is increased.
  • If the winner showed three cards of the same coin during the game of play or the winner did a coin if there was a same coin card on the screen, then opponent must pay double. If the winner showed two such sets, two doubles are applied, quadrupling the payment.
  • If the winner has a set of at least seven merchant card & payment gateway card, then each opponent must pay double. It called No market
  • If the winner has three set of exchange card & get 7 points and an opponent don’t has any exchange card, each opponent pays double. It called Juck Coin
  • If the winner has a set of at least ten mining cards, then any opponent with fewer than eight junk cards must pay double. For this purpose, the special Mining cards & joker cards count as two, as for scoring. It is called No Hashrate
  • If the winner previously chose "Keep going next round" once, opponent pays one extra point.
  • If the winner previously chose "Keep going next round" twice, opponent pays two extra points.
  • If the winner previously chose "Keep going next round" three times, each opponent pays double.
  • If the winner previously chose "Keep going next round" more than three times, the payment is doubled again for each "Keep going next round" beyond three.

When calculating payments, if the winner chose "Keep going next round" once or twice, the points for this are added before the doubles are applied. If the winner chose "Keep going next round" three or more times, the two points for the first two "Keep going next round" are added before doubling the payment. Doubles are cumulative - for example suppose you win with 7 merchant cards and 15 mining card, having chose "Keep going next round" three times. Your score is 9 points. You add two points for the first two "keep going next round", making 11 points. An opponent who has less 8 mining card(low hashrate Penalty) will pay you 88 points - there is one double for your 7 merchant(No market Penalty)