Trainz/Kinds/kind traincar

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Fundamentals for Trainz Trainees
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 Mouse use

KIND Traincar, provides the self-definition basis for all individual train Vehicles in their config.txt files. For example, a single item of rollingstock, such as a steam Locomotive tender, coal hopper, or passenger cars each begin their self-definition with inclusion and proper definition of the specified requisite data types enumerated in KIND Traincar.

This asset type inherits all trackside positioning and mesh display characteristics from the parent class kind scenery-trackside, and adds vehicle-specific functions such as traincar physics and control mechanisms.

KIND Hierarchy

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Parent Classes

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This parent may seem surprising to the new Trainzer, but keep in mind the data model classifications such as the TrainzBaseSpec, tags, Kindss and containers

Child Classes

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  • none.

Tags Table

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Each traincar asset supports the following tags. Each tag is shown here with its default value.

kind "traincar" tags and containers:
Specification names default values Comments Example
  cabinsway         1.0    
  company        string    "QueenslandRail"
  ditch_color     0,0,0   R-G-B values     Max of 255 each
  low_beam_value     2,2,2         //    
  high_beam_value     1,1,1         //    
  flash_scale     1    
  engine     0    
  real-engine     1    
  enginespec     (KUID)    
  enginesound     (KUID)    
  fonts     1    
  hornsound     (KUID)    
  cabin_muffle     0.4    
  light_color     0,0,0    
  mass     37000    
  max-coupler-gap     0.08    
  pantograph     (KUID)    
  smoke_shade     0.09    
  smoke_random     2.9    
  smoke_slowlife     3    
  smoke_fastlife     0    
  smoke_height     0.8    
  smoke_fastspeed     10    
  tender     0    
  use-coupler-sounds     1    
  fonts-path     ""    
  bogeys   {   }
  disable-extra-track-sounds     0    
  max-tractive-effort     0    
  origin "AU"     (obsolete)    
  paintshed-template-used (KUID)     (obsolete)    
  paintshed-skin-used (KUID)     (obsolete)    
  product-id ""     (obsolete)    
  product-version ?     (obsolete)    
  product-type ""     (obsolete)    

Supported Tags

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These are individual tags and their meanings.


[edit | edit source]
Type: container
Desc: Specifies what bogies are attached where, and with what modifiers. Documented separately bogeys container.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Amount that the enginesound volume should be reduced to when in-cab. Default of 0.4 is 40% volume, intended to represent a fully enclosed and noise deadened cab. Note: Steam locos have a different default. They default to 1.0 - no muffling at all. (Steam loco cabs are very frequently not fully enclosed, let alone fitted with noise deadening material.)


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Controls the amount of 'sway' the interior view has as the vehicle takes corners. A bigger number will result in more sway.


[edit | edit source]
Type: English Text String
Desc: Text string to indicate which railway company or organisation this vehicle is in service with as represented.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Boolean
Desc: Disables extra track sounds for this vehicle. Useful for making drivable ships, aircraft, road vehicles, etc. - anything that should not make wheel-on-rail type sounds.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Color(RGB)
Desc: Color of ditch lights (values are integer between 0 and 255, comma separated for red, green, and blue).


[edit | edit source]
Type: Boolean
Desc: If 1, vehicle is a locomotive, if 0, vehicle is an unpowered traincar. Locomotives are expected to have cab interiors, hornsounds, enginesounds, and so on.


[edit | edit source]
Type: KUID
Desc: KIND Enginesound to use with this locomotive.


[edit | edit source]
Type: KUID
Desc: Enginespec Asset (KIND Engine) to use with this locomotive. Defines locomotive performance characteristics.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Sets the speed that the ditch lights flash at.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Integer
Desc: Number of running-number fonts to use on this locomotive.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Text
Desc: Asset name to use when determining where running numbers are stored. This will be concatenated with "_alpha_numbers" to work out the path to the images to be used for the running numbers. For example if the supplied name is "my_loco" then the path, from the asset folder, will be "my_loco_alpha_numbers".


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal array
Desc: Comma separated sequence of decimal values - used to configure the brightness of the lights when in high beam mode. First number applies to first headlight point, and so on. Values are divisors - e.g. a value of 2 means half brightness.


[edit | edit source]
Type: KUID
Desc: KIND Hornsound to play when locos horn is blown.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Color(RGB)
Desc: Color of headlight (values are integer between 0 and 255, comma separated for red, green, and blue).


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal array
Desc: Comma separated sequence of decimal values - used to configure the brightness of the lights when in low beam mode. First number applies to first headlight point, and so on. Values are divisors - e.g. a value of 2 means half brightness.
Type: Decimal
Desc: Mass of the vehicle in Kilograms when empty - i.e. the tare weight, not the gross weight. The mass of any products loaded into queues will be added to this by the game.


[edit | edit source]
Type: decimal
Desc: Specifies the amount of permissible coupler slack on this vehicle in Metres. Note: The observable slack between any two vehicles will be the average of the values for each vehicle. Cannot be zero.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Maximum tractive effort this vehicle can put into the track in Newtons. (Only used for Diesel and Electric locos - Steam locos use a different system defined in the enginespec.)


[edit | edit source]
Type: KUID
Desc: Pantograph Asset to attach to pantograph attachment points.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Boolean
Desc: This will enable an unpowered vehicle to have an audible horn and visible headlights when set to 0. This is useful for cab cars, driving trailers, and unpowered end cars of multiple units.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Length of time (seconds) smoke particles will exist for when vehicle is moving 'fast'.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Speed (m/s) at which traincar is considered to be moving 'fast'.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Additional speed for 'slow' smoke to make it drift higher from the traincar.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Controls the amount of randomness introduced into the direction of new smoke particles. Larger numbers == more randomness.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Value in the range (0.0 .. 1.0) which controls the color (including Alpha - so 0.0 will be transparent, 0.1 a dark mist, 1.0 a thick white) of each smoke particle. The alpha value will decay to zero (transparent) over the life of the particle.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Length of time (seconds) smoke particles will exist for when vehicle is moving 'slow'.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Boolean
Desc: Used by the AI to determine if it should take this vehicle with the loco when doing orders like 'run round'.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Boolean
Desc: Enables or disables the coupler slack sounds for this specific vehicle.

Obsolete tags

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[edit | edit source]
Type: Text
Desc: Obsolete


[edit | edit source]
Type: KUID
Desc: Obsolete. Was KUID of paintshed template used to create this reskin - used by Paintshed to reload the reskin for further editing.


[edit | edit source]
Type: KUID
Desc: Obsolete. Was KUID of paintshed skin used to create this reskin - used by Paintshed to reload the reskin for further editing.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Text String
Desc: Obsolete. Was used by Paintshed to indicate that this asset was for use with paintshed.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Text String
Desc: Obsolete. Was used with Paintshed, to mark out a traincar as being repaintable in paintshed, but not for placement in-game.


[edit | edit source]
Type: Decimal
Desc: Obsolete. Was the version number of Paintshed that the model was intended to be used with.

Example Config.txt

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Sample config.txt file for a traincar asset, with the Standard Tags excluded for brevity:

kind                   "traincar"
engine                 1
mass                   100000
max-tractive-effort    400000

max-coupler-gap        0.1

interior               <kuid:523:666>
enginespec             <kuid:-1:42004221>
enginesound            <kuid:-1:42003000>
hornsound              <kuid:-1:42003101>
pantograph             <kuid:-1:101395>

smoke_shade            0.3
smoke_random           2.5
smoke_slowlife         6
smoke_fastlife         0.8
smoke_height           1.7
smoke_fastspeed        1.6

fonts                  2
fonts-path             "traincar"

mesh-table container   {

  default {
    mesh               ""
    auto-create        1
  shadow {
    mesh               "shadow\"

bogeys container {

  0 {
    reversed           0
    rotation-permitted 0
    sideplay-permitted 0
    bogey              <KUID2:xxxxx:yyyyy:zzz>
  1 {
    reversed           0
    bogey              <KUID2:xxxxx:yyyyy:zzz>
  2 {
    reversed           0
    sideplay-permitted 1
    bogey              <KUID2:xxxxx:yyyyy:zzz>
  3 {
    reversed           0
    sideplay-permitted 1
    bogey              <KUID2:xxxxx:yyyyy:zzz>

company                "Company Name"
description            "Textual description of traincar in English"


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  • - The MAX source for the Auran TS2009 SD40-2 traincar. Distributed from the TrainzDev site for education purposes only. No license for the reproduction or redistribution of the included model or textures is granted.


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