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The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Ough warder mount (Unattributed, Incipit)

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The Lyrics of Henry VIII
Appendix 1: Lyrics by Occasion/Theme  |  Appendix 2: Textual/Musical Witnesses  |  Appendix 3: Bibliography

Yow and I and amyas La season

[ff. 46v-47r]

Ough warder mount

Textual Commentary

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“Ough warder mount” appears as an incipit in H, complete for voices one, three, and four but as “Ough warder” for the second. There is no room left for large initial block capitals, except for that which appears for the fourth voice (the first and third voices have small initial capitals, and the second has a standard height capital). The piece is listed in the manuscript’s table of contents as the thirty-seventh work.

The same piece appears in LR58 (f. 54r), similarly without text, and in many continental examples. Below, according to Stevens (MCH8 34), is a full text for the work, from Das Liederbuch des Arnt von Aich (Bournoulli and Moser, eds., 36).

O werder mund
won dir ist wund
mein hertzen grund
solt ich und kunt
wunschen die stund                                         5
die mir glück gunt
und dich entzund
auch des verbund
das ich gnad fund
bei dir so wurd mein hertz gesund                 10

Wann ich beger
auf erd nit mer
dann deiner ler
darduch dein er
vor allem gfer                                                 15
versichert wer
nun bitt ich ker
dich zu mir her
wen mir mein schwer
kein sach mir höher freud geber.                   20

Darum schrei ich
gar hertziglich
zu dir und sprich
verlass nit mich
ich hoff in dich                                                25
und nimmer brich
das selb ansich
des klaffers stich
an mir nit rich
all welt sunst lieber von mir wich.

Stevens (MCH8 105n42, after Lenaerts 61) also lists the following shorter text:

O waerde mont, ghy macht ghezont
tot alderstont
Als ic by u macht wezen
zo sou ic al ghenezen

“Ough warder mount” is reprinted in Stevens (MCH8 34, 105n42), Bournoulli and Moser (eds. 36), and Lenaerts (61), among others.

Textual Notes

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Texts Collated

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H1,2,3,4 (ff. 46v–47r).

1    mount] omit H2