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The Devonshire Manuscript/To Rayle or geste ye kno I vse yt not

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ffor to love her for her lokes lovelye My herte I gave the not to do yt paine
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 75r
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 75v

f. [75r]

1    To Rayle or geste ye kno I vse yt not
2    though that such cause some tyme in folkes{es} I finde
3    and tho to chaung ye list to sett yor minde
4    love yt who liste in faithe I like yt not
5    and if ye ware to me as ye are not
6    I wolde be lothe to se you so unkinde /
7    but sins yor faithe muste nedes{es} be so be kinde

f. [75v] 

8    tho I hate yt I praye you leve yt not
9    {u'}{es} thinges of grete waight I neuer thought to crave
10    this is but small of right denye yt not
11    yor fayning wayis as yet forget them not
12    but like rewarde let other lovers have
13    that is to saye for ser{{s}8}uis true and faste
14    to long delaies / & changing at the laste /



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Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H8. The speaker wishes the lady to continue her unfaithful activity so she may serve others as she has served him. The speaker equates her behaviour with something unnatural (“unkinde”).

H8 enters the second part of the poem (from line 8) on the verso of the leaf.

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