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This subtemplate provides the detailed layout of shelf page content for template {{Shelf:Page}}, after parameter preprocessing by {{Shelf:Page/display}}.

All the named parameters of {{Shelf:Page}} are expected to be provided, even if blank; at this writing, the parameters that significantly could be blank are parent2 and maxcount. There are also five additional parameters; one generated by the call from {{Shelf:Page}} and four more by the call from {{Shelf:Page/display}}.

  • shelf — the name of the shelf, without the Shelf: prefix. (Generated by {{Shelf:Page}}.)
  • mode — how each completion-status list is to be displayed; either split, all, or blank. (Generated by {{Shelf:Page/display}}.)
  • allbooks page — the name of the associated allbooks category if it exists, otherwise blank. No Category: prefix. (Generated by {{Shelf:Page/display}}.)
  • parent page — the name of the page associated with the first-listed parent; could be a shelf or a department. (Generated by {{Shelf:Page/display}}.)
  • parent2 page — the name of the page associated with the second-listed parent; could be a shelf or a department. (Generated by {{Shelf:Page/display}}.)


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Split mode separates the list of books on this shelf for a given completion status into the ones explicitly filed on this shelf, then the ones not explicitly filed here but filed in subshelves. Blank mode omit the ones only on subshelves.

See also

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