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TPACKing for a Wonderful Educational Trip/Group 5/TPack 7th Grade Literacy

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Iowa Core Standards: The standards listed are 7th Grade Language Arts Standards on the Iowa Department of Education website. Each standard was reviewed and those that were considered less rigorous were removed. The activities on this page were created g for standards requiring higher-order thinking skills.

Iowa Core Standards

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Key Ideas and Details

RL.7.1. Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly, as well as inferences drawn from the text.

  • Activity/Technology 1 - Students will read the text, highlighting important information along the way. They will use MindMeister to draw inferences and show the textual evidence that supported their thinking.
  • Activity/Technology 2 - Students will read the main text, highlighting key information and ideas. Then, they will use the Internet to find additional text to support what they have just read. A class Diigo will be used to collect the additional information. Students will highlight the parts of the additional text that connect to the original textual evidence
  • Activity/Technology 3- Using Movie-Maker, students will create a presentation demonstrating their interpretation of the text; several references to the text must be included.

RL.7.2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.

  • Activity/Technology 1- Students create a blog to discuss with other students the main idea of the book they are reading. Entries for each chapter of the book must be included.
  • Activity/Technology 2- Students will produce a virtual artifact, using imaging tools, that represents the central idea of a text. Then they will create a Voki explaining the artifact and summarize what they read.
  • Activity/Technology 3- Students will pick one central idea or theme of the text they are reading and create a VoiceThread explaining the idea or theme. Each student poses a question for their classmates to think about and respond to via asynchronous discussion.

RL.7.3. Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot).

  • Activity/Technology 1: Students create visuals for elements of a story and create a VoiceThread; other students respond to Voice Thread contributing other elements of a story.
  • Activity/ Technology 2: Students create a blog that analyzes elements of a story. As the students read, they will write and respond to blog entries of classmates.
  • Activity/Technology 3: Students create a story map using Prezi.

IA.1. Employ the full range of research-based comprehension strategies, including making connections, determining importance, questioning, visualizing, making inferences, summarizing, and monitoring for comprehension.

  • Activity/Technology 1: Students create podcasts upon completion of reading a text. Podcasts identify important aspects of the reading, questions that the reader has, and a final summary of the reading.
  • Activity/Technology 2: Students will use a Google doc to collaboratively create guided reading questions that function as reading prompts. Prompts are shared with other groups, who can modify the document with answer(s) and/or more questions.
  • Activity/Technology 3: Students create videos (that can be shared online) showing their creation of a K-W-L chart that begins prior to reading and is modified after reading. They will be narrators of the video as they identify key aspects of the text, connections, and summaries.

Craft and Structure

RL.7.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g. alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.

  • Activity/Technology 1: Students will use Edmodo to post clues about meanings to a particular word. Other students must analyze the clues to determine the word. Students will be given a list of words that they cannot use making the choice of description more thought provoking.
  • Activity/Technology 2: Using the Internet, locate a poem that uses a large amount of alliteration. Have students come up with different words, that maintain the alliterative effect and correctly convey the original meaning of the poem.
  • Activity/Technology 3: Using Google Docs, students select a specific paragraph from a book they are reading. They rewrite the paragraph replacing most words but preserving the meaning of the paragraph. The two paragraphs will be shared, and students will vote on the pair that was changed the most without altering the meaning.

RL.7.5.. Analyze how a drama’s or poem’s form or structure (e.g., soliloquy, sonnet) contributes to its meaning.

  • Activity/Technology 1: Students will use Inspiration to compare the structure of two different poems by creating a graphic organizer .
  • Activity/Technology 2: Students will use iMovie to video tape themselves performing a soliloquy of their own. They will compare and contrast the use of a solo performance like a soliloquy and other more traditional performances. What are strengths and weaknesses of their performance?
  • Activity/Technology 3: Students will compare sonnets to a similar modern form of writing...Twitter. They will analyze the briefness of each and how they can work to a writers advantage. Students will finish by making a Twitter post of a short poem fitting within the limit of words.

RL.7.6. Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.

  • Activity/Technology 1: Students will create a podcast outlining their character’s point of view on a chapter by chapter basis in the book The Hunger Games.
  • Activity/Technology 2: Students will use an eBook to read and make notes dealing with the book for classroom discussion.
  • Activity/Technology 3: Students will choose their own form of technology (provided they have a detailed plan) to analyze five events from the book, looking at other character’s perspective, as well as their own.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

RL.7.7. Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version, analyzing the effects of techniques unique to each medium (e.g., lighting, sound, color, or camera focus and angles in a film).

  • Reading vs. Performance Discussion: Students in a class engage in the study of a piece of literature together simultaneously. Tools to be used include online discussion groups, blogs, wikis, videoconferencing, and author, book, and film websites with online discussion features.
  • Analyzing plot constraints for the book versus its performances. Students extend the meaning of text by reconstituting or reconsidering it in various ways (e.g., re-envisioning it from another character’s perspective, re-writing the ending, adding to the text, analyzing screenplay formats). How does time affect the storyline when creating a movie out of a book?
  • Develop evaluation skills so that students can engage in assessing and critiquing performances. Example activities include creating categories for evaluation, developing rubrics for evaluation and critique, watching performers to practice evaluation and criticism.

RL.7.9. Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of a time, place, or character and a historical account of the same period as a means of understanding how authors of fiction use or alter history.

  • Activity/Technology 1: Individual students produce oral history reports in a variety of contexts. Example activities include giving a/an speech, recitation, sound bite, public reading, interview, monologue, telling a story, or participating in a classroom discussion. Microphone and speakers, camera and projector, digital audio and video recording equipment are the tools used; costumes and props are optional accoutrements.
  • Activity/Technology 2: Students practice code switching in oral and written language, developing a better understanding of informal and formal speech patterns and the historical contexts in which a story is written, (e.g., speaking and composing in an older style language and comparing to modern-day English. This may also include translating from one language style to another, such as slang to standard English).

Tools used to accomplish this include word-processing software (using highlighting features and/or different font colors to demonstrate how kernel and model sentences are manipulated; and using other features to create brochures, newspapers, flyers, etc), software that permits creation of a digital flip-charts, and digital audio and video recordings.

  • Activity/Technology 3: Students explore and consult resources that inform their understanding of the author’s intent, historicity, and prejudices in some meaningful way (e.g., content, research, format, etc.). Students demonstrate understanding of text by creating various artifacts related to the content of the reading ranging from historical analysis essays to a

Lessons & Reflections

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Chelsey's Lesson: Voice of Reason

Clay's Lesson: Through the Eyes of Others: A Look at a Story From Multiple Character Viewpoints

Mande's Lesson: K-W-L Videos for The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Linda's Lesson: London as Seen Through the Eyes of a Djinni