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Stardew Valley/Dumpster Diving

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Dumpster diving is a good way to obtain items early on, since it offers more consistent locations than foraging with a wider item variety. There are eight different garbage cans around town that occasionally will give items when clicked on.

Items gained while dumpster diving tend to be linked to the buildings near where they are located. For example, food items can often be found at the trash can of the Stardrop Saloon on lucky days. On unlucky days, typically only trash can be found at most locations. Some items in the trash can only be found after completing certain achievements.

Every character, except Linus, does not like dumpster diving, and their opinion of the player will be reduced if they see them looking in the trash, voicing their displeasure.

One rare item you can get is a trash can lid, a wearable hat, with the description A trash can lid, "upcycled" into a hat.