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Russian/Vocabulary/Rooms and Furniture

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Rooms and Furniture

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Russian rooms usually end in ная.

крыша noun Roof Krýsha
чердак noun Attic Chyerdák
спальня noun Bedroom Spál'nya
коридор noun Corridor Koridór
A cognate (same word in Russian and English).
лестница noun Stairs Léstnitsa
Столовая noun Dining room Stolóvayah
Стол means "table" so Столовая is "table room"
Кухня noun Kitchen Kúkhnya
Ванная noun Bathroom Vánnaya
Кабинет noun Office Kabinét
A cognate and a false friend. It has different meaning than the English cabinet.
Гостиная noun Living room Gostínaya
Подвал noun Basement Podvál
Холодильник noun Refrigerator Kholodíl'nik
Плита noun Stove Plitá
Стул noun Chair Stul
A cognate.
Письменный стол noun Desk or writing table Pís'mennyj stol
писа́ть (don't say пи́сать) is writing and стол is table, so пи́сьменный стол is a writing table.
Лампа noun Lamp Lampa
A cognate (same word in Russian and English).
Диван noun Couch Ddiván
Кресло noun Comfy chair Kryéslo
Ковёр noun Rug Kovyór
Кровать noun Bed Krovát'