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Rich Internet Applications for SLA Research/FlashComm Database Interaction Flash

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Creating the Flash Movie

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Setting Up The Timeline

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In Flash MX 2004, create a timeline with the following layers, keyframes, and labels.


Note that the ActionScript for this movie will be placed in the CSAS layer.

Creating the User Interface

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Login Keyframe

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Add user interface elements to the UI layer so that your movie resembles this image.


Name the interface elements as follows:

  • user name text area: username_txt
  • password text area: password_txt
  • Enter button: enter_pb
  • bottom text area: output_txt

Wait Keyframe

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Add a line of text as in this image.


Chat Researcher Keyframe

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Add user interface elements to the UI layer so that your movie resembles this image.

File:AMFPHPChat-chat researcher-frame-UI.png

Name the interface elements as follows:

  • AudioConference communication component: audioChat_mc
  • SetBandwidth communication component: bw_mc
  • Ring Bell button: bell_pb
  • UserColor communication component: userColor_mc
  • large text area: chat
  • single line text area: chatIn
  • Send button: chat_bt

Set the click handlers for the following buttons:

  • Save Text button: writeSSText
  • End Session button: endSession
  • Ring Bell button: dingDong
  • Send button: addText

Chat Subject Keyframe

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Follow the instructions for the Chat Researcher keyframe, with the exception of the Save Text and End Session buttons, which should be omitted. The movie should resemble this image.

File:AMFPHPChat-chat subject-frame-UI.png

Adding the ActionScript

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The following ActionScript code should be added to each of the indicated keyframes. It should be placed on the CSAS layer.

Login Keyframe

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// AMFPHPChat - CSAS layer - login keyframe
//Needed classes
#include "NetServices.as"
//just for debugging purposes
#include "NetDebug.as"
#include "synchAndStatusHandler.as"
Microphone.prototype.onStatus = onStatusTemplate;
NetConnection.prototype.onStatus = onStatusTemplate;
NetStream.prototype.onStatus = onStatusTemplate;
SharedObject.prototype.onStatus = onStatusTemplate;
var appName:String = "AMFPHPChat";
// *************************************************************
// Netservices set-up: This creates a Flash Remoting connection 
// to the AMFPHP-enabled web server (e.g., Apache) and allows 
// the .swf to call a function in a PHP script, thereby working 
// around the crossdomain restrictions imposed on loadVars objects.
// http://www.amfphp.org for more information on the technology.
// *************************************************************
NetServices.setDefaultGatewayUrl("http://DOMAINNAME/cgi-bin/" + appName + "/gateway.php");
// Then, create the connection object without passing a response object parameter 
// to the method. The response object will be specified when the component's function
// is called via the service object, myService, defined below.
AMFPHPChatConnection = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
// Result handler for the AMFPHP call "AMFPHPService.validateUser"
// in validateUserAMF(), father below
loginAMFRequest = new Object(); 
loginAMFRequest.onResult = function(loginResult){
  // TODO: AMFPHP service needs to return value that
  // distinguishes between error/incorrect login as well as
  // researcher and subject logins
  trace("loginResult: " + loginResult);
  output_txt.text += loginResult + "\n";
//Create the service used to access PHP code via AMFPHP
AMFPHPService = AMFPHPChatConnection.getService("DBServices");
// instantiate generic object to serve as key listener
loginKeyListener = new Object();
loginKeyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
  if(Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER) {
    // validate user via function that
    // queries AMFPHP script
// validate user via function that
// queries AMFPHP script
this.enter_pb.onRelease = function() {
// TO DO: Callback code (a la that in SSAS) needed
// to time out the validateUserAMF call to AMFPHP gateway
validateUserAMF = function () {
  trace("validating user");
  userIDValue = username_txt.text;
  trace("userIDValue: " + userIDValue);
  passwordValue = password_txt.text;
  trace("passwordValue: " + passwordValue);
  AMFPHPService.validateUser(loginAMFRequest, username_txt.text, password_txt.text);

Wait Keyframe

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// AMFPHPChat_03 - CSAS layer - wait keyframe
#include "NetDebug.as"
#include "synchAndStatusHandler.as"
// set globals and constants
// generic data object
_global.session = new Object();
// session.username from log-in input
_global.session.username = username;
_global.session.pwd = password;
trace("username: " + session.username);
trace("password: " + session.pwd);
// NetConnection code
// session.uri sets path to server-side application
_global.session.uri = "rtmp://localhost/" + appName + "/instance01";
trace("_global.session.uri: " + _global.session.uri);
// create connection object for components and shared objects
chat_nc = new NetConnection();
// connect connection object with FlashCom server
chat_nc.connect(session.uri, session.username);
// Set maximum scroll of chat textarea
chat.maxscroll = 1000;
trace("chat.maxscroll: " + chat.maxscroll);
// create remote (server-side) shared object: textchat
// textchat_so methods should be defined before connecting
// shared object with FlashCom server
AMFPHPChat_so = SharedObject.getRemote("AMFPHPChat_so", _global.session.uri, false);
AMFPHPChat_so.onSync = onSyncTemplate;
// AMFPHPChat_so.enterChat
// Function is to be called when set number of users
// have logged in and are waiting at the "wait" frame.
AMFPHPChat_so.enterChat = function() {
  trace("in enterChat");
  // this code will have to be changed to decide whether to go
  // to the researcher interface or the subject interface
// connect shared object with FlashCom server
trace("wait; chat_nc: " + chat_nc);
// Let FlashCom know app is waiting
chat_nc.call("waiting", null);

Chat Researcher Keyframe

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// AMFPHPChat - CSAS layer - chat_researcher keyframe
writeSSText = function() {
  trace("writeSSText CSAS function, calling writeTextToDB on server");
  chat_nc.call("saveTextToDB", null);
endSession = function() {
  trace("endSession called");
  chat_nc.call("destroySession", null);
addText = function() {
  //trace("in addText - length: " + length(chatIn.text));
  if(length(chatIn.text) > 0) {
    // call clientChatMessage on server
    trace("calling clientChatMessage on server");
    userColor = new String(gFlashCom.userprefs.color);
    userColor = "#" + userColor.substr(2);
    trace("addText() - userColor: " + userColor);
    chat_nc.call("clientChatMessage", null, chatIn.text, userColor);
    // clear input line text
    chatIn.text = "";
    // maintain focus on input line
// serverChatMessage function; called from SSAS (main.asc)
AMFPHPChat_so.serverChatMessage = function(msg) {
  trace("in serverChatMessage - msg: " + msg);
  chat.htmlText += msg;
  chat.scroll = chat.maxscroll;
// Chat updates on the server with msg upon connection.
// Chat will be blank for first user; subsequent users will get
// latest chat.maxscroll units of any chat text preceding their
// connecting. Chat text is cleared when user count reaches zero.
// Called from SSAS (main.asc)
AMFPHPChat_so.startChat = function(msg) {
  trace("in startChat - msg: " + msg);
  chat.htmlText = msg;
  // connect FCS UI components
// THIS NEEDS FIXING! As of 4-3-05, a user who rejoins the chat
// has her text color set to that of the other user. Perhaps persistent
// shared object needed?
// instantiate generic object to serve as color change listener
colorListener = new Object();
colorListener.onColorChange = function(){
  colorListener.color = gFlashCom.userprefs.color;
  trace("colorListener.color: " + gFlashCom.userprefs.color);
// instantiate generic object to serve as key listener
keyListener = new Object();
// define onKeyDown to trigger check for enter key
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
  if(Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER) {
// create chat_doorbell sound
chat_doorbell = new Sound(this);
trace("chat_doorbell: " + chat_doorbell);
// ring doorbell; calls SSAS, which then calls
// AMFPHPChat_so.clientRing on each client
dingDong = function() {
  trace("Ding Dong!");
  chat_nc.call("doorbellRing", null);
AMFPHPChat_so.clientRing = function() {
  trace("in clientRing");
app_init = function() {
  // connect UI component(s)
  trace("app_init; session.username: " + session.username);
  // userColor_mc.setUsername(session.username);
app_close = function() {
  //trace("app_close: closing...");
  chat.text = "";
// tell server-side scripts that client is ready
chat_nc.call("ready", null, sessionID);

Chat Subject Keyframe

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NOTE: The chat_subject keyframe can use the same code as the chat_researcher keyframe because the text-writing and session-ending code cannot be accessed without the UI buttons in the chat_researcher keyframe.

Synchronization and Status Handler Code

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NOTE: The following code should be placed in a file named synchAndStatusHandler.as. This code is useful for debugging in the Flash MX 2004 authoring environment. It reports all synchronization messages (e.g., successes and errors) and status messages. Code could be added to respond to specific events such as errors in connecting or unexpected disconnections.

// *TEMPLATE* synchAndStatusHandler - CSAS/SSAS - "#include" file
onSyncTemplate = function (info) {
  trace("Data Synchronizing");
  // This structure may be used as a prototype for onSync handlers.
  // First, loop through the array of objects with the IN operator
  for (name in info) {
    trace("[sync] Array Object #"+name+"  code("+info[name].code+","+info[name].name+")");
    // ::: switch to handle code values returned by the object
    // Place Custom Code Here
    switch (info[name].code) {
      case "change" :
        trace("::change of data by another client");
        // Place Custom Code Here
      case "success" :
        trace("::successful change of data from this server");
        // Place Code Here
      case "reject" :
        trace("::rejected SharedObject write operation");
        // Place Code Here
      case "clear" :
        trace("::initialization of the SharedObject");
        // Place Code Here
      case "delete" :
        trace("::deleted Attributes");
        // Place Code Here
    // ::: End the switch, continue looping through the information object
  // ::: End of onSync handler
function onStatusTemplate(info) {
  infoMessage_array = info.code.split(".");
  trace(" ** status message received for: "+infoMessage_array[0]+" **");
  trace(" ** "+new Date());
  trace("    |::: Level--> "+info.level);
  trace("    |::: Code --> "+info.code);
  // Trace information properties 
  if (info.description != undefined) {
    trace("    |::: Description--> "+info.description);
  if (info.details != undefined) {
    trace("    |::: Details--> "+info.details);
  if (info.application != undefined) {
    trace("    |::: Application--> "+info.application);
  switch (infoMessage_array[0]) {
    case "Application" :
      trace("    | ::::Application Messages");
      // Display script error messages
      if (infoMessage_array[1] == "script") {
        trace("    |::: Script Error Details.  Filename--> "+info.filename+"   Line--> "+info.lineno);
      // Place Code Here
    case "Camera" :
      //   | :::: Handle Camera Messages
      // Place Code Here
    case "Microphone" :
      //    | :::: Handle Microphone Messages
      // Place Code Here
    case "NetConnection" :
      //    | ::: Handle NetConnection Messages
      if (infoMessage_array[2] == "Success") {
        trace("    |::* Connection accepted by server; continuing to load.");
        // Place (below) scripts to run when the connection has succeeded
      if (infoMessage_array[2] == "Closed") {
        trace("    |::* Connection was closed; returning the user!");
      // Place Code Here
    case "NetStream" :
      //    | :::: Handle NetStream Messages
      // Place Code Here
  trace(" ** End Status Message for: "+infoMessage_array[0]+" **");

NEXT: FlashComm Database Interaction: FlashComm