Proteomics/Protein Separations- Electrophoresis/Applications

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Gel electrophoresis is used in forensics, molecular biology, genetics, microbiology and biochemistry.

GE of nucleiacids

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Electrophoresis is used in DNA fingerprinting. Certain DNA segments that vary vastly among humans are cut at recognition sites by restriction endonuclease enzymes. The DNA fragments are run through electrophoresis and the distance between bands are measured and recorded as the DNA "fingerprint Electrophoresis is used for DNA sequencing.

GE of proteins

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Used for separation, identification, and purification of proteins. SDS-PAGE is used for finding the molecular mass of protins. SDS-PAGE is also used for protein identification and quantitation, determining purity of sample,identifying disulfide bonds,and also in blotting applications. Native-PAGE is used to separate proteins in their native form without denaturing. QPNC-PAGE is used to isolate active or native metalloproteins in biological samples. Since 2D-PAGE separates modified proteins and staining intensity of spots roughly reflects the protein amount, it can provide information about various modified states. 2D-PAGE and DIGE are used to study differential expression of proteins.