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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/PlanoTseScript Expressions

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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
PlanoTseScript Language Reference PlanoTseScript Expressions PlanoTseScript Basic Commands

PlanoTseScript Expressions

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Set to true or false based on existence of a file as declared by the command 'expect'.

{ expect script 12345; if missing then exit; }

item number of the newly created item

{ new script My Third Testbed; expect script newid; if missing then exit; }

Set to true or false based on the last answer to the yes-or-no question posed by the command 'yesno'.

{ yesno Do you want to do that?; if no then say The answer was NO; }

Set to true if currently using a real data root directory.

{ if realdata then exit; }

bookmark of the currently selected item in the tree view of the main window; a bookmark a string that from left to right includes the item type, the item number, and the item title.

{ say The type, ID and title of the selected item are si.bookmark; }

handle of the currently selected item in the tree view of the main window; a handle a string that from left to right includes the item type and the item number.

{ say The type and ID of the selected item are si.handle; }

item number of the currently selected item in the tree view of the main window

{ say ID of the selected item is si.id; }

title of the currently selected item in the tree view of the main window

{ say Title of the selected item is si.title; }

Set to true if currently using a test data root directory.

{ if testdata then exit; }

Set to true or false based on the last answer to the yes-or-no question posed by the command 'yesno'.

{ yesno Do you want to do this?; if yes then say The answer was YES; }

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
PlanoTseScript Language Reference PlanoTseScript Expressions PlanoTseScript Basic Commands