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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/PlanoTseScript Basic Commands

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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
PlanoTseScript Language Reference PlanoTseScript Basic Commands PlanoTseScript WSA Commands

Basic PlanoTseScript Commands

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In PlanoTseScript, each statement begins with a basic command. A basic command is a single or double keyword. This page provides the list of all basic commands in PlanoTseScript. Unless otherwise stated, all must be written in lower case.

Commands from A to D

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PlanoTseScript WSA Commands
bookmark value2
Bookmark the first item whose number is value2 found the tree view.

{ bookmark si.id; say The selected item has been bookmarked.; }

bookmarks [ on | off ]
Select [View » Bookmarks] to turn on or off the Bookmarks node on the tree view.
clear [ keyword2 | data item collection ]
keyword2 must be either a valid PlanoTse data item collection or one of the following:
Select [View » Clear All] from the main menu.
Delete all bookmarks.
Erase the current Go script.
Erase the current Startup script.
Erase the current PlanoTseScript execution trace log.
Delete all unprocessed web search results.
collapse all
Select [View » Collapse All] from the main menu.
dragdrop [ on | off ]
Select [View » Drag drop enabled] from the main menu to enable or disable drag-and-drop feature on the tree view.

Commands from E to H

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edit [ item-type item-number | item-title ]
Open the item whose type and number are as specified, or whose title is as specified.

{ edit script 12345; }

{ edit Templateless Domains; }

Stop interpreting the rest of the source code in the current springboard.
expand all
Select [View » Expand All] from the main menu.
expect item-type item-number
The expression missing is true if the item whose type and number are as specified is not found.

{ expect script 12345; if missing then ext; }

PlanoTseScript WSA Commands
focus item-number
Select the first item in the tree view whose number is as specified.

{ focus 12345; say Item 12345 has been selected in the tree view.; }

folder keyword2
keyword2 must be one of the following:
data item collection
Open the folder containing the declared data items, e.g. responses or notes.
Open the current data root folder.
Open the reports folder.
Open the trace log folder.
Open the web search result folder.
PlanoTseScript WSA Commands
goto url2
Go to the specified URL.

{ goto google.com; }

Commands from I to R

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if condition2 then statement4
The statement4 will be executed given that condition2 is true; condition2 must be one of the following keywords: [ yes | no | missing | testdata | realtest ].
  • Condition 'yes' and 'no' are set by the command 'yesno'.
  • Condition 'missing' is set by the command 'expect'.
  • Condition 'testdata' and 'realdata' by default set to match the directory mode: currently using either test or real data root directory.

{ expect script 12345; if missing then exit; }

load all
Load all data in the tree view or as much as the tree view can handle.
load collection2
Load items of the data type as specified in collection2

{ load notes; load scripts; }

main press button steps
Press the Steps button on the main window.
new item-type item-title
Create a new item whose data type and title are as specified.

{ new script My New Testbed; }

notice message2
Please message2 on the status bar at the bottom of the main window.

{ notice The script is still running; }

panel [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 12 | 23 | 13 | 123 ]
Show only the tree view (1), the node editor (2), or the whiteboard panel, or any of two, or all three.
realdata directory2
Store directory2 as the real-data root folder and use it as such now.
replace key2 value3
Anywhere in the code thereafter, replace key2 with value3. If value3 is not specified then, from this point on, stop replacing key2 with anything else.
run [ go | startup ]
Run either the Go script or the start-up script.
run item-type item-number
Run the PlanoTseScript code in the data direction (Steps) of the data item whose type and number are as specified.

{ run script 12345; }

Commands from S to Z

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say message2
Pops up a message box showing message2.
searches [ on | off ]
Turn the Searches node in the tree view on or off.
testdata directory2
Save directory2 as the test data root folder and use it now.
trace message2
Post message2 in the PlanoTseScript execution trace log.
unload collection2
Clear all items of the type as specified by collection2 off of the tree view.

{ unload notes; unload scripts; }

use [ realdata | testdata ]
Switch to either real or test data root directory.
view trace
Show to content of the PlanoTseScript execution trace log.
web search search-string-3
Do a web search using search-string-3 as the search criteria.

{ web search Management Dallas Retail job-description -resume -hardware; }

ws search-string-2
Abbreviated for web search; do a web search using search-string-2 as the search criteria.

{ ws Management Dallas Retail job-description -resume -hardware; }

yesno question2
Ask a yes-or-no question and save the 'yes' and 'no' conditions for use by the 'if' command.

{ yesno Stop running this script?; if yes then exit; }

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
PlanoTseScript Language Reference PlanoTseScript Basic Commands PlanoTseScript WSA Commands