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Pinyin/On Contradiction/Chapter 1

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The law of contradiction in things, that is the law of the unity of opposites, is the basic law of materialist dialectics.


Shìwù de máodùn fǎzé, yějiùshì duìlì tǒngyī de fǎzé, shì wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ de gēnběn fǎzé.

Lenin said, "Dialectics in the proper sense is the study of contradiction in the very essence of objects."

Lenin 说:“就本来的意义讲,辩证法是研究对象的本质自身中的矛盾。”

Lenin shuō: “Jiù běnlái de yìyì jiǎng, biànzhèngfǎ shì yánjiū duìxiàng de běnzhì zìshēn zhōng de máodùn.”

Lenin often called this law the essence of dialectics; he also called it the kernel of dialectics.

Lenin 常称这个法则为辩证法的本质,又称之为辩证法的核心。

Lenin cháng chēng zhège fǎzé wéi biànzhèngfǎ de běnzhì, yòu chēngzhīwéi biànzhèngfǎ de héxīn.

In studying this law, therefore, we cannot but touch upon a variety of questions, upon a number of philosophical problems.


Yīncǐ, wǒmen zài yánjiū zhège fǎzé shí, bùdébù shèjí guǎngfàn de fāngmiàn, bùdébù shèjí xǔduō de zhéxué wèntí.

If we can become clear on all these problems, we shall arrive at a fundamental understanding of materialist dialectics.


Rúguǒ wǒmen bǎ zhèxiē wèntí dōu nòng qīngchǔle, wǒmen jiù zài gēnběn shang dǒngdéle wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ.

The problems are: the two world outlooks, the universality of contradiction, the particularity of contradiction, the principal contradiction and the principal aspect of a contradiction, the identity and struggle of the aspects of a contradiction, and the place of antagonism in contradiction.


Zhèxiē wèntí shì: Liǎng zhǒng Yǔzhòuguān; máodùn de pǔbiànxìng; máodùn de tèshūxìng; zhǔyào de máodùn hé máodùn de zhǔyào fāngmiàn; máodùn zhū fāngmiàn de tóngyīxìng hé dòuzhēngxìng; duìkàng zài máodùn zhōng de dìwèi.


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The criticism to which the idealism of the Deborin school has been subjected in Soviet philosophical circles in recent years has aroused great interest among us.

苏联哲学界在最近数年中批判了 Deborin 学派的唯心论,这件事引起了我们的极大的兴趣。

Sūlián zhéxuéjiè zài zuìjìn shù nián zhōng pīpànle Deborin xuépài de wéixīnlùn, zhè jiàn shìqing yǐnqǐle wǒmen de jídà de xìngqù.

Deborin's idealism has exerted a very bad influence in the Chinese Communist Party, and it cannot be said that the dogmatist thinking in our Party is unrelated to the approach of that school.

Deborin 的唯心论在中国共产党内发生了极坏的影响,我们党内的教条主义思想不能说和这个学派的作风没有关系。

Deborin de wéixīnlùn zài Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng nèi fāshēngle jí huài de yǐngxiǎng, wǒmen Dǎng nèi de jiàotiáozhǔyì sīxiǎng bùnéng shuō he zhège xuépài de zuòfēng méiyǒu guānxì.

Our present study of philosophy should therefore have the eradication of dogmatist thinking as its main objective.


Yīncǐ, wǒmen xiànzài de zhéxué yánjiū gōngzuò, yīngdāng yǐ sǎochú jiàotiáozhǔyì sīxiǎng wéi zhǔyào de mùbiāo.


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1. Liǎng Zhǒng Yǔzhòuguān


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Throughout the history of human knowledge, there have been two conceptions concerning the law of development of the Universe, the metaphysical conception and the dialectical conception, which form two opposing world outlooks.


Zài rénlèi de rènshí-shǐ zhōng, cónglái jiù yǒu guānyú Yǔzhòu fāzhǎn fǎzé de liǎng zhǒng jiànjiě, yī zhǒng shì xíng'érshàngxué de jiànjiě, yī zhǒng shì biànzhèngfǎ de jiànjiě, xíngchéngle hùxiāng duìlì de liǎng zhǒng Yǔzhòuguān.

Lenin said:

Lenin 说:

Lenin shuō:

"The two basic (or two possible? or two historically observable?) conceptions of development (evolution) are: development as decrease and increase, as repetition, and development as a unity of opposites (the division of a unity into mutually exclusive opposites and their reciprocal relation)."


“Duìyú fāzhǎn (jìnhuà) suǒchí de liǎng zhǒng jīběn de (huò liǎng zhǒng kěnéng de? huò liǎng zhǒng zài lìshǐ shàng chángjiàn de?) guāndiǎn shì: (1) rènwéi fāzhǎn shì jiǎnshǎo hé zēngjiā, shì chóngfù; (2) rènwéi fāzhǎn shì duìlì de tǒngyī (tǒngyī-wù fēn chéngwéi liǎng ge hùxiāng páichì de duìlì, ér liǎng ge duìlì yòu hùxiāng guānliánzhe).”

Here Lenin was referring to these two different world outlooks.

Lenin 说的就是这两种不同的宇宙观。

Lenin shuō de jiùshì zhè liǎng zhǒng bùtóng de Yǔzhòuguān.


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In China another name for metaphysics is xuanxue.


Xíng'érshàngxué yě jiàozuò xuánxué.

For a long period in history whether in China or in Europe, this way of thinking, which is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook, occupied a dominant position in human thought.


Zhè zhǒng sīxiǎng wúlùn zài Zhōngguó huò zài Ōuzhōu, zài yīge hěn cháng de lìshǐ shíjiān nèi, shì shǔyú wéixīnlùn de Yǔzhòuguān, bìng zài rénmen de sīxiǎng zhōng zhànle tǒngzhì de dìwèi.

In Europe, the materialism of the bourgeoisie in its early days was also metaphysical.


Zài Ōuzhōu, zīchǎnjiējí chūqī de wéiwùlùn, yěshì xíng'érshàngxué de.

As the social economy of many European countries advanced to the stage of highly developed capitalism, as the forces of production, the class struggle and the sciences developed to a level unprecedented in history, and as the industrial proletariat became the greatest motive force in historical development, there arose the Marxist world outlook of materialist dialectics.


Yóuyú Ōuzhōu xǔduō guójiā de shèhuì jīngjì qíngkuàng jìndàole zīběnzhǔyì gāodù fāzhǎn de jiēduàn, shēngchǎnlì, jiējí dòuzhēng hé kēxué dōu fāzhǎn dàole lìshǐ shàng wèiyǒuguò de shuǐpíng, gōngyè wúchǎnjiējí chéngwéi lìshǐ fāzhǎn de zuì wěidà de dònglì, yīn'ér chǎnshēngle Marxzhǔyì de wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ de Yǔzhòuguān.

Then, in addition to open and barefaced reactionary idealism, vulgar evolutionism emerged among the bourgeoisie to oppose materialist dialectics.


Yúshì, zài zīchǎnjiējí nàlǐ, chúle gōngkāi de jíduān lùgǔ de fǎndòng de wéixīnlùn zhīwài, hái chūxiànle yōngsú de jìnhuàlùn, chūlái duìkàng wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ.


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The metaphysical or vulgar evolutionist world outlook sees things as isolated, static and one-sided.


Suǒwèi xíng'érshàngxué de huò yōngsú jìnhuàlùn de Yǔzhòuguān, jiùshì yòng gūlì de, jìngzhǐ de hé piànmiàn de guāndiǎn qù kàn shìjiè.

It regards all things in the Universe, their forms and their species, as eternally isolated from one another and immutable.


Zhè zhǒng Yǔzhòuguān bǎ shìjiè yīqiè shìwù, yīqiè shìwù de xíngtài hé zhǒnglèi, dōu kànchéng shì yǒngyuǎn bǐcǐ gūlì hé yǒngyuǎn bù biànhuà de.

Such change as there is can only be an increase or decrease in quantity or a change of place.


Rúguǒ shuō yǒu biànhuà, yě zhǐshì shùliàng de zēngjiǎn hé chǎngsuǒ de biàngēng.

Moreover, the cause of such an increase or decrease or change of place is not inside things but outside them, that is, the motive force is external.


Ér zhè zhǒng zēngjiǎn hé biàngēng de yuányīn, bù zài shìwù de nèibù ér zài shìwù de wàibù, jíshì yóuyú wàilì de tuīdòng.

Metaphysicians hold that all the different kinds of things in the Universe and all their characteristics have been the same ever since they first came into being.


Xíng'érshàngxuéjiā rènwéi, shìjiè shàng gèzhǒng bùtóng shìwù hé shìwù de tèxìng, cóng tāmen yī kāishǐ cúnzài de shíhòu jiùshì rúcǐ.

All subsequent changes have simply been increases or decreases in quantity.


Hòulái de biànhuà, bùguò shì shùliàng shang de kuòdà huò suōxiǎo.

They contend that a thing can only keep on repeating itself as the same kind of thing and cannot change into anything different.


Tāmen rènwéi yī zhǒng shìwù yǒngyuǎn zhǐnéng fǎnfù de chǎnshēng wéi tóngyàng de shìwù, ér bùnéng biànhuà wéi lìngyī zhǒng bùtóng de shìwù.

In their opinion, capitalist exploitation, capitalist competition, the individualist ideology of capitalist society, and so on, can all be found in ancient slave society, or even in primitive society, and will exist for ever unchanged.


Zài xíng'érshàngxuéjiā kànlái, zīběnzhǔyì de bōxuē, zīběnzhǔyì de jìngzhēng, zīběnzhǔyì shèhuì de gèrénzhǔyì sīxiǎng děng, jiùshì zài gǔdài de núlì shèhuì li, shènzhì zài yuánshǐ shèhuì li, dōu kěyǐ zhǎo de chūlái, érqiě huì yào yǒngyuǎn bùbiàn de cúnzài xiàqù.

They ascribe the causes of social development to factors external to society, such as geography and climate.


Shuō dào shèhuì fāzhǎn de yuányīn, tāmen jiù yòng shèhuì wàibù de dìlǐ, qìhòu děng tiáojiàn qù shuōmíng.

They search in an over-simplified way outside a thing for the causes of its development, and they deny the theory of materialist dialectics which holds that development arises from the contradictions inside a thing.


Tāmen jiǎndān de cóng shìwù wàibù qù zhǎo fāzhǎn de yuányīn, fǒurèn wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ suǒ zhǔzhāng de shìwù yīnwèi nèibù máodùn yǐnqǐ fāzhǎn de xuéshuō.

Consequently they can explain neither the qualitative diversity of things, nor the phenomenon of one quality changing into another.


Yīncǐ, tāmen bùnéng jiěshì shìwù de xìngzhì de duōyàngxìng, bùnéng jiěshì yī zhǒng xìngzhì biànwéi lìngyī zhǒng xìngzhì de xiànxiàng.

In Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, this idea was mechanical materialism, and there was vulgar evolution in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


Zài 17 hé 18 shìjì de Ōuzhōu, zhèzhǒng sīxiǎng shì jīxiè wéiwùlùn, zài 19 shìjìmò hé 20 shìjìchū zé yǒu yōngsú jìnhuàlùn.

In China, there was the metaphysical thinking exemplified in the saying "Heaven changeth not, likewise the Dao changeth not", and it was supported by the decadent feudal ruling classes for a long time.


Zài zhōngguó, zé yǒu suǒwèi “Tiān bù biàn, Dào yì bù biàn” de xíng'érshàngxué de sīxiǎng, céngjīng chángqī de wéi fǔxiǔle de fēngjiàn tǒngzhì jiējí suǒ yōnghù.

Mechanical materialism and vulgar evolutionism, which were imported from Europe in the last hundred years, are supported by the bourgeoisie.


Jìn bǎinián lái shūrùle Ōuzhōu de jīxiè wéiwùlùn hé yōngsú jìnhuàlùn, zé wéi zīchǎnjiējí suǒ yōnghù.


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As opposed to the metaphysical world outlook, the world outlook of materialist dialectics holds that in order to understand the development of a thing we should study it internally and in its relations with other things; in other words, the development of things should be seen as their internal and necessary self-movement, while each thing in its movement is interrelated with and interacts on the things around it.


Hé xíng'érshàngxué de Yǔzhòuguān xiāngfǎn, wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ de Yǔzhòuguān zhǔzhāng cóng shìwù de nèibù, cóng yī shìwù duì tā shìwù de guānxì qù yánjiū shìwù de fāzhǎn, yìjí bǎ shìwù de fāzhǎn kànzuò shì shìwù nèibù de bìrán de zìjǐ de yùndòng, ér měiyī shìwù de yùndòng dōu hé tā de zhōuwéi qítā shìwù hùxiāng liánxìzhe hé hùxiāng yǐngxiǎngzhe.

The fundamental cause of the development of a thing is not external but internal; it lies in the contradictoriness within the thing.


Shìwù fāzhǎn de gēnběn yuányīn, bùshì zài shìwù de wàibù érshì zài shìwù de nèibù, zàiyú shìwù nèibù de máodùnxìng.

There is internal contradiction in every single thing, hence its motion and development.


Rènhé shìwù nèibù dōu yǒu zhè zhǒng máodùnxìng, yīncǐ yǐnqǐle shìwù de yùndòng hé fāzhǎn.

Contradictoriness within a thing is the fundamental cause of its development, while its interrelations and interactions with other things are secondary causes.


Shìwù nèibù de zhè zhǒng máodùnxìng shì shìwù fāzhǎn de gēnběn yuányīn, yī shìwù hé tā shìwù de hùxiāng liánxì hé hùxiāng yǐngxiǎng zé shì shìwù fāzhǎn de dì'èrwèi de yuányīn.

Thus materialist dialectics effectively combats the theory of external causes, or of an external motive force, advanced by metaphysical mechanical materialism and vulgar evolutionism.


Zhèyàng, wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ jiù yǒulì de fǎnduìle xíng'érshàngxué de jīxiè wéiwùlùn hé yōngsú jìnhuàlùn de wàiyīnlùn huò bèidònglùn.

It is evident that purely external causes can only give rise to mechanical motion, that is, to changes in scale or quantity, but cannot explain why things differ qualitatively in thousands of ways and why one thing changes into another.


Zhè shì qīngchǔ de, dānchún de wàibù yuányīn zhǐnéng yǐnqǐ shìwù de jīxiè de yùndòng, yìjí fànwéi de dàxiǎo, shùliàng de zēngjiǎn, bùnéng shuōmíng shìwù wèishéme yǒu xìngzhì shang de qiānchāwànbié jíqí hùxiāng biànhuà.

As a matter of fact, even mechanical motion under external force occurs through the internal contradictoriness of things.


Shìshíshang, jíshǐ shì wàilì tuīdòng de jīxiè yùndòng, yě yào tōngguò shìwù nèibù de máodùnxìng.

Simple growth in plants and animals, their quantitative development, is likewise chiefly the result of their internal contradictions.


Zhíwù hé dòngwù de dānchún de zēngzhǎng, shùliàng de fāzhǎn, zhǔyào de yěshì yóuyú nèibù máodùn suǒ yǐnqǐ de.

Similarly, social development is due chiefly not to external but to internal causes.


Tóngyàng, shèhuì de fāzhǎn, zhǔyào de bùshì yóuyú wàiyīn érshì yóuyú nèiyīn.

Countries with almost the same geographical and climatic conditions display great diversity and unevenness in their development.


Xǔduō guójiā zài chàbùduō yīyàng de dìlǐ hé qìhòu de tiáojiàn xià, tāmen fāzhǎn de chāyìxìng hé bùpínghéngxìng fēicháng dà.

Moreover, great social changes may take place in one and the same country although its geography and climate remain unchanged.


Tóng yīge guójiā ba, zài dìlǐ hé qìhòu bìng méiyǒu biànhuà de qíngxíng xià, shèhuì de biànhuà quèshì hěn dà de.

Imperialist Russia changed into the socialist Soviet Union, and feudal Japan, which had locked its doors against the world, changed into imperialist Japan, although no change occurred in the geography and climate of either country.


Dìguózhǔyì de Russia biànwéi shèhuìzhǔyì de Sūlián, fēngjiàn de bìguānsuǒguó de Rìběn biànwéi dìguózhǔyì de Rìběn, zhèxiē guójiā de dìlǐ hé qìhòu bìng méiyǒu biànhuà.

Long dominated by feudalism, China has undergone great changes in the last hundred years and is now changing in the direction of a new China, liberated and-free, and yet no change has occurred in her geography and climate.


Chángqí de bèi fēngjiàn zhìdù tǒngzhì de Zhōngguó, jìn bǎinián lái fāshēngle hěn dà de biànhuà, xiànzài zhèngzài biànhuà dào yīge zìyóu jiěfàng de xīn Zhōngguó de fāngxiàng qù, Zhōngguó de dìlǐ hé qìhòu bìng méiyǒu biànhuà.

Changes do take place in the geography and climate of the Earth as a whole and in every part of it, but they are insignificant when compared with changes in society; geographical and climatic changes manifest themselves in terms of tens of thousands of years, while social changes manifest themselves in thousands, hundreds or tens of years, and even in a few years or months in times of revolution.


Zhěngge Dìqiú hé Dìqiú gè bùfèn de dìlǐ hé qìhòu yěshì biànhuàzhe de, dànshì yǐ tāmen de biànhuà hé shèhuì de biànhuà xiāngbǐjiào, zé xiǎndé hěn wēixiǎo, qiánzhě shì yǐ ruògān wàn nián wéi dānwèi ér xiǎnxiàn tā de biànhuà de, hòuzhě zé zài jǐ qiān nián, jǐ bǎi nián, jǐ shí nián, shènzhì jǐ nián huò jǐ ge yuè (zài gémìng shíqī) nèi jiù xiǎnxiàn tā de biànhuà le.

According to materialist dialectics, changes in nature are due chiefly to the development of the internal contradictions in nature.


Ànzhào wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ de guāndiǎn, zìránjiè de biànhuà, zhǔyào de shì yóuyú zìránjiè nèibù máodùn de fāzhǎn.

Changes in society are due chiefly to the development of the internal contradictions in society, that is, the contradiction between the productive forces and the relations of production, the contradiction between classes and the contradiction between the old and the new; it is the development of these contradictions that pushes society forward and gives the impetus for the supersession of the old society by the new.


Shèhuì de biànhuà, zhǔyào de shì yóuyú shèhuì nèibù máodùn de fāzhǎn, yìjí shēngchǎnlì hé shēngchǎn guānxì de máodùn, jiējí zhījiān de máodùn, xīnjiù zhījiān de máodùn, yóuyú zhèxiē máodùn de fāzhǎn, tuīdòngle shèhuì de qiánjìn, tuīdòngle xīnjiù shèhuì de dàixiè.

Does materialist dialectics exclude external causes? Not at all.


Wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ shìfǒu páichú wàibù de yuányīn ne? Bìngbù páichú.

It holds that external causes are the condition of change and internal causes are the basis of change, and that external causes become operative through internal causes.


Wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ rènwéi wàiyīn shì biànhuà de tiáojiàn, nèiyīn shì biànhuà de gēnjù, wàiyīn tōngguò nèiyīn ér qǐ zuòyòng.

In a suitable temperature an egg changes into a chicken, but no temperature can change a stone into a chicken, because each has a different basis.


Jīdàn yīnwèi dédào shìdàng de wēndù ér biànhuà wéi jīzi, dànshì wēndù bùnéng shǐ shítou biànwèi jīzi, yīnwèi èrzhě de gēnjù shì bùtóng de.

There is constant interaction between the peoples of different countries.


Gèguó rénmín zhījiān de hùxiāng yǐngxiǎng shì shícháng cúnzài de.

In the era of capitalism, and especially in the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution, the interaction and mutual impact of different countries in the political, economic and cultural spheres are extremely great.


Zài zīběnzhǔyì shídài, tèbié shì zài dìguózhǔyì hé wúchǎnjiējí gémìng de shídài, gèguó zài zhèngzhì shang, jīngjì shang hé wénhuà shang de hùxiāng yǐngxiǎng hé hùxiāng jīdòng, shì jíqí jùdà de.

The October Socialist Revolution ushered in a new epoch in world history as well as in Russian history. It exerted influence on internal changes in the other countries in the world and, similarly and in a particularly profound way, on internal changes in China.


Shíyuè Shèhuìzhǔyì Gémìng bù zhǐshì kāichuàngle Russia lìshǐ de xīnjìyuán, érqiě kāichuàngle shìjiè lìshǐ de xīnjìyuán, yǐngxiǎng dào shìjiè gèguó nèibù de biànhuà, tóngyàng de érqiě hái tèbié shēnkè de yǐngxiǎng dào Zhōngguó nèibù de biànhuà, dànshì zhè zhǒng biànhuà shì tōngguòle gèguó nèibù hé Zhōngguó nèibù zìjǐ de guīlǜxìng ér qǐ de.

These changes, however, were effected through the inner laws of development of these countries, China included.


Liǎng ge jūnduì xiāngzhēng, yī shèng yī bài, suǒyǐ shèng-bài, dōu juédìng yú nèiyīn.

In battle, one army is victorious and the other is defeated, both the victory and the defeat are determined by internal causes. The one is victorious either because it is strong or because of its competent generalship, the other is vanquished either because it is weak or because of its incompetent generalship; it is through internal causes that external causes become operative.


Shènglìzhě huò yīnwèi qiáng, huò yīnwèi zhǐhuī wúwù, shībàizhě huò yīnwèi ruò, huò yīnwèi zhǐhuī shīyí, wàiyīn tōngguò nèiyīn ér yǐnqǐ zuòyòng.

In China in 1927, the defeat of the proletariat by the big bourgeoisie came about through the opportunism then to be found within the Chinese proletariat itself (inside the Chinese Communist Party).


1927 nián Zhōngguó dà zīchǎnjiējí zhànbàile wúchǎnjiējí, shì tōngguò Zhōngguó wúchǎnjiējí nèibù de (Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng nèibù de) jīhuì zhǔyì ér qǐ zuòyòng de.

When we liquidated this opportunism, the Chinese revolution resumed its advance.


Dāngzhe wǒmen qīngsuànle zhè zhǒng jīhuì zhǔyì de shíhòu, zhōngguó gémìng jiù chóngxīn fāzhǎnle.

Later, the Chinese revolution again suffered severe setbacks at the hands of the enemy, because adventurism had risen within our Party.


Hòulái, Zhōngguó gémìng yòu shòule dírén de yánzhòng de dǎjī, shì yīnwèi wǒmen Dǎng nèi chǎnshēngle màoxiǎnzhǔyì.

When we liquidated this adventurism, our cause advanced once again.


Dāngzhe wǒmen qīngsuànle zhè zhǒng màoxiǎnzhǔyì de shíhòu, wǒmen de shìyè yòu chóngxīn fāzhǎnle.

Thus it can be seen that to lead the revolution to victory, a political party must depend on the correctness of its own political line and the solidity of its own organization.


Yóucǐ kànlái, yīge zhèngdǎng yào yǐndǎo gémìng dào shènglì, bìxū yīkào zìjǐ zhèngzhì lùxiàn de zhèngquè hé zǔzhī shang de gǒnggù.


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The dialectical world outlook emerged in ancient times both in China and in Europe.


Biànzhèngfǎ de Yǔzhòuguān, bùlùn zài Zhōngguó, zài Ōuzhōu, zài gǔdài jiù chǎnshēngle.

Ancient dialectics, however, had a somewhat spontaneous and naive character; in the social and historical conditions then prevailing, it was not yet able to form a theoretical system, hence it could not fully explain the world and was supplanted by metaphysics.


Dànshì gǔdài de biànzhèngfǎ dàizhe zìfā de púsù de xìngzhì, gēnjù dāngshí de shèhuì lìshǐ tiáojiàn, hái bù kěnéng yǒu wánbèi de lǐlùn, yīn'ér bùnéng wánquán jiěshì Yǔzhòu, hòulái jiù bèi xíng'érshàngxué suǒ dàitì.

The famous German philosopher Hegel, who lived in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, made most important contributions to dialectics, but his dialectics was idealist.

生活在18世纪末和19世纪初期的德国著名哲学家 Hegel,对于辩证法曾经给了很重要的贡献,但是他的辩证法却是唯心的辩证法。

Shēnghuó zài 18 shìjì-mò hé 19 shìjì chūqī de Déguó zhùmíng zhéxuéjiā Hegel, duìyú biànzhèngfǎ céngjīng gěile hěn zhòngyào de gòngxiàn, dànshì tā de biànzhèngfǎ quèshì wéixīn de biànzhèngfǎ.

It was not until Marx and Engels, the great protagonists of the proletarian movement, had synthesized the positive achievements in the history of human knowledge and, in particular, critically absorbed the rational elements of Hegelian dialectics and created the great theory of dialectical and historical materialism that an unprecedented revolution occurred in the history of human knowledge.


Zhídào wúchǎnjiējí yùndòng de wěidà de huódòngjiā Marx hé Engels zònghéle rénlèi rènshí-shǐ de jījí de chéngguǒ, tèbié shì pīpàn de xīqǔle Hegel de biànzhèngfǎ de hélǐ de bùfèn, chuàngzàole biànzhèng wéiwùlùn hé lìshǐ wéiwùlùn zhège wěidà de lǐlùn, cái zài rénlèi rènshí-shǐ shang qǐle yīge kōngqián de dà gémìng.

This theory was further developed by Lenin and Stalin.


Hòulái, jīngguò Lenin hé Stalin, yòu fāzhǎnle zhège wěidà de lǐlùn.

As soon as it spread to China, it wrought tremendous changes in the world of Chinese thought.


Zhège lǐlùn yījīng chuán dào Zhōngguó lái, jiù zài Zhōngguó sīxiǎng-jiè yǐnqǐle jídà de biànhuà.


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This dialectical world outlook teaches us primarily how to observe and analyse the movement of opposites in different things and, on the basis of such analysis, to indicate the methods for resolving contradictions.


Zhège biànzhèngfǎ de Yǔzhòuguān, zhǔyào de jiùshì jiàodǎo rénmen yào shànyú qù guānchá hé fēnxī gèzhǒng shìwù de máodùn de yùndòng, bìng gēnjù zhè zhǒng fēnxī, zhǐchū jiějué máodùn de fāngfǎ.

It is therefore most important for us to understand the law of contradiction in things in a concrete way.


Yīncǐ, jùtǐ de liǎojiě shìwù máodùn zhè yīge fǎzé, duìyú wǒmen shì fēicháng zhòngyào de.

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