Pinyin/Civil engineering

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Civil engineering is the term for the work of designing and building infrastructure. It usually means large structures, like bridges, dams, buildings, and tunnels. It also covers complicated networks such as water, irrigation and sewerage networks. It also covers the construction of houses and homes. Civil engineers can be involved in all stages in the life of infrastructure, from planning and construction to maintenance and demolition. Civil engineering often overlaps with architecture.

Tǔmù-gōngchéng shì shèjì hé jiànzào jīchǔ-shèshī de gōngzuò de shùyǔ. Tā tōngcháng shì dà de jiégòu, rú qiáoliáng, shuǐbà, jiànzhùwù, hé suìdào. Tā yě bāokuò fùzá de wǎngluò, lìrú shuǐ, guàngài, xiàshuǐdào děng wǎngluò. Tā yě bāokuò fángwū hé zhùzhái de jiànshè. Tǔmù-gōngchéngshī huì cānyù jīchǔ-shèshī shǐyòng-shòumìng de gège jiēduàn, cóng guīhuà, jiànzào, bǎoyǎng zhì chāichú. Tǔmù-gōngchéng jīngcháng yǔ jiànzhù-shèjì chóngdié.