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Models and Theories in Human-Computer Interaction/Using different lens, GOMS on 8pen, a gesture-based key interface

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My previous discussion regarding the limitation of Fitts’ law on mobile device introduced an attempt to solve the motion-behavioral problem, a finger gesture-based keyboard design. The solution is named “8pen”, illustrating that the most natural finger gesture on a touch panel is circling, and drawing continuous “8”s on the screen. I previously mentioned 8pen in positive manner, an alternative suggesting innovative way to type letters with ease. However, at this point, I’d like to see this application with other theories, GOMS, TAM and Diffusion theory, and discuss its limitation. [1]

With a lens of Fitts’s law, 8pen seems innovative, providing physical ease of use within the reach of fingers. However, it has been developed for several years with big applause. [2]

\footnote{http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/01/8pen-hopes-to-reinvent-the-mobile-phone-keyboard/?_r=0} \footnote{ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/05/8pen-android-typing-app_n_804782.html} \footnote{http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2010-11/01/the-8pen-text-input-android-touchscreens}

  1. Even though it touches other theories, majority of discussion will be focused on GOMS. Thus, I place the posting under chapter2.}
  2. http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/01/8pen-hopes-to-reinvent-the-mobile-phone-keyboard/?_r=0