Models and Theories in Human-Computer Interaction/Cybernetics and its area of study

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Cybernetics and its area of study

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Cybernetics derived from a Greek word, which means to steer. Technological system has a property to steer through different directions therefore self-correct to reach a goal. Cybernetics is the most powerful language, describes a system that has goals. It is also an exceptional way of describing how the world works and help developing effective organization, of control and communication in animals and machines. This system also helps us filter out what is irrelevant to a situation and consider only which are relevant. An example of Cybernetics would be opening an email account with Google. Here the goal is to successfully open an account, which may involve several self-correcting steps such as selecting a gender, using a correct area code for mobile phone number, making sure to pick a user name not previously taken by someone else, selecting proper format of password acceptable by system and more. The system will give feedback to the user whenever there is a wrong submission of a required/important field such as mobile number or country selection etc. Finally it will steer the user to successfully open a new email account.

Cybernetics is comprehensive in nature therefore includes physical, technological, biological and social system into account. Many individuals hand tried to define Cybernetics in different ways therefore it could legally have multiple definitions without contradicting itself.
