Mirad Grammar/Word Families
[edit | edit source]- Words in Mirad can be grouped into families. By "family" is meant a group of words derived from the same root morpheme. This chapter explains that process.
Root Morphemes
[edit | edit source]- All native words in Mirad are formed from a combination of some 500 root morphemes. (A morpheme is a word or word root that cannot be further divided. Think of it as a "word atom". Listed below is an alphabetical list of those root morphemes in mirad. Some of the roots are base words with an underlined ordinal vowel o, which means that they represent the top-level member of a scalar list of words where the ordinal vowel changes. For example, mor (universe) is the top-level member of a related hierarchy of words: mar (star), mer (planet), etc. This list does not include shortened "stub roots" like -il (< mil....water), which are listed separately in the next section.
- -a....adjective suffix
- -a....past tense inflection
- a....the letter a
- a....the number one
- ab....on/put on
- af....permission
- ag-....big, size
- aj....past
- ak....gain, win
- am....heat
- as-....become
- at....I, me
- av....for
- ax-....render
- ay....and
- -ay-....full of, -ful, -some, -ous
- -ay-....perfect aspect inflection
- -ay....adverb suffix, -ly
- az-....strong
- b-....put, set, transitive verb formant of gesturing
- bok....illness
- ba....the letter b
- ba-....lean on/press/crush/budge/stir
- bay....with
- be-....at/have/carry/stay/hold
- bey....by, via
- bi-....from/take/withdraw/pull
- bo-....prop up/be still/quieten
- boy....without
- bu-....to/give/grant/yield/head for/push
- bya-....lift/stand/erect
- bye-....tap
- byen....manner
- byi-....since/emanate/derive
- byo-....hang/drop
- byu-....up to/reach/contact/touch
- ca....the letter c
- d-....say, tell, communicate, language
- da....the letter d
- dal-....speak
- daz....dance
- del-....declare
- dez....theater
- di-....ask/request/demand
- did....question
- din....story
- diz....comedy
- dob....state
- dom....city/airport/park/fountain
- dop....military
- dot....society, social
- dol-....be quiet
- dr-....write
- draf....card
- dras....document
- dref....paper
- dres....note
- drev....page
- drez....poetry
- dro-....erase
- drof....board
- drov....cardboard
- du-....suggest/insist/order
- dud....answer
- dun....word
- duz....music
- dyan....sentence
- dyaz....ballet
- dye-....read
- dyez....cinema
- dyu-....call/name
- dyuz....opera
- -e....present tense inflection
- e....the letter e
- e....the number two
- eb....between, block
- ef....need, necessity
- eg-....normal
- ej....present
- ek....play, risk
- -er....infinitive inflection
- es-....exist
- -es....inanimate diminutive suffix
- -et....animate diminutive suffix
- et....you
- ev-....neutral
- ex-....operate
- -ey-....progressive aspect inflection
- ey....or
- f-....want
- fob....plant
- fe....the letter f
- fi-....good, well/honor/virtue
- fu-....bad, ill/shame/vice
- fya-....holy, sacred, hiero-, sancti-/grace
- fye-....mystical, mythical, fanciful/fantasy
- fyi-....useful/reward/worth
- fyo-....profane, unholy, evil/spell
- fyu-....harmful, damaging/penalty
- ga-....more/plus/times/to the power of
- ge....the letter g
- ge-....equal, as/equate/like
- gi-....sharp/tip
- go-....less/minus/divide/raised to the minus power
- gu-....angle
- gya-....fat
- gyi-....solid, compact, tenacious
- gyo-....thin, slim
- gyu-....fragile, delicate
- ho-....deictic prefixes
- hay....hello
- he....the letter h
- hey....hey, oh, yoohoo
- hiy....here is, voici
- hoy....goodbye
- huy....there is, voilà
- hway....thank-you
- hwey....you're welcome
- hwoy....I'm sorry
- hyay....hurrah, congratulations, cheers
- hyey....please
- hyoy....boo, sorry, too bad
- -i-....infix acting as a subject-directed verb formant
- -i....suffix for pluralizing a noun
- i....the letter i
- i....the number three
- ib-....away/receive/collect
- if-....pleasure, love/adore
- ig-....fast
- ij....beginning
- ik-....full
- im-....wet
- is-....start out
- is....it
- it....he, him, she, her
- iv-....happy
- ix-....result
- iz....straight
- job....time
- ja....before
- jag....old, age
- je-....while, during/continue
- ji....since
- ji....the letter j
- jo....after
- jod....occasion, time
- jog-....young, new
- ju....until
- jud....date
- jwa-....early
- jwe-....on time
- jwo-....late
- ka-....find
- kaz....treasure
- ke-....seek
- ki-....oblique
- ki....the letter k
- ko-....hidden/hide
- ku-....lateral, side
- kya-....variable/change/change
- kye-....haphazard, random/happen/cause
- kyi-....heavy/weigh/weigh
- kyo-....fixed, stationary/stay/fix
- kyu-....light, levity/float/float
- -l-....infix for the decades
- -l-....semantic intensifier
- li....the letter l
- -lk....suffix for chemicals
- lo-....prefix that reverses the semantics of the stem
- lyo-....prefix that strongly reverses the semantics of the stem
- -lz ....suffix for colors
- mol....nature/air/water/soil...
- mom....outer space/sky/land/sea...
- mop....orbit/wind/path/river...
- mor....universe/sun/planet/world...
- mos....floor/wall/door/window...
- ma-....bright/light/white
- maf....cloud
- mag....fire
- maj....daytime
- mak....electricity
- mav....flame
- maz....glow
- mef....brick
- meg....stone
- mek....powder
- mel....soil
- mev....porcelain
- mez....crystal
- mi....the letter m
- -ml-....infix for the millions
- mo-....dark/black
- mog....ash
- moj....nighttime
- mov....smoke
- -mr-....infix for the billions
- (m)uf....stick, rod
- mug....metal
- muk....mineral
- mul....substance
- muv....pin
- muz....precious ore
- -n....nominalizing suffix
- nof....cloth
- nom....situation, place
- nov....linen
- na-....money/price/value/store
- nab....row, rank
- nad....line
- nag....dimension
- nak....measurement
- nap....order
- ne-....stock/save
- ned....surface
- neg....level
- ni....the letter n
- ni-....consume/earn
- nid....volume
- nig....space
- no-....spend
- nod....point
- nog....degree
- nu-....furnish/pay
- nuz....jewel
- nya-....stack/wealth/pile up/accumulate
- nyab....pile
- nyad....list
- nyaz....wealth
- nye-....container/box/storage
- nyeb....container
- nyed....grid
- nyem....box
- nyi-....order, requisition
- nyo-....spoil/waste
- nyoz....poverty
- nyu--....package/ship, deliver
- o-....negative prefix
- -o....future tense inflection
- o....the letter o
- o....the number zero
- ob....off/remove
- of-....prohibition
- og-....little
- oj....future
- ok....loss
- ol-....negative prefix variant
- om....cold
- -on....abstract noun suffix
- os-....cease to be
- ot....generic pronoun one
- ov....against
- ox-....be idle
- oy....conjunction but
- -oy-....without, -less
- -oy-....imminent aspect inflection
- oz-....weak
- p-....go
- pot....animal
- pop- .... travel/fly/ride/swim/burrow
- pa-....move, motion
- pe-....wait/trap
- pi-....depart/withdraw/catch
- po....the letter p
- po-....rest/stop
- pu-....arrive/jump/throw
- pya-....hover/jump/launch
- pye-....strike
- pyi-....spring from/derive
- pyo-....fall/drop
- pyu-....reach/impact/collide
- qo....the letter q
- -r-....infix for the thousands
- -r-....semantic intensifier
- ro....the letter r
- s-....be, become/stative verb formant
- -s....thing suffix
- -s-....numeric infix for hundreds
- som....furniture/table/chair...
- sa-....form/comprise/evolve/make
- sag....number
- sav....reason
- saz....sculpture
- sez....chisel
- si-....image/sign/symbol
- siz....painting
- so....the letter s
- son....affair
- sor....instrument/machine/engine
- su-....provide
- suan....element
- sun....thing
- syab....summit
- syan....class
- syem....establishment
- syen....style
- syin....subject
- syob....base
- syuf....effects
- syun....object
- t-....know
- -t....person suffix
- tob....human, man, person/body/head...
- tod....family/spouse/parent/sibling...
- tof....clothing, apparel/suit/hat...
- tol....nutrition/food/drink...
- tom....building/house/gallery/room...
- tot....god/angel
- taj....birth
- tap....physique
- tax....memory
- taz....statue
- tej....life
- tep....mind
- tes....meaning
- tex....thought
- tez....culture
- ti-....find out/learn/study/doctrine, -ism
- tij....wake state
- tip....sentiment
- to....the letter t
- toj....death
- top....soul
- tos....feeling
- tot....god
- tox-....forget
- toz....complexion
- tr-....recognize
- tu-....inform/teach/science, -ology
- tuj....sleep
- tup....limb
- ty-....know how
- tyan....class
- tyen....skill, technique
- tyez....magic
- tyun....concept, idea
- -u-....object-oriented verb formant
- -u....hypothetical mood inflection
- u....the letter u
- u....the number four
- ub-....toward/send
- uf-....hate
- ug-....slow
- uj....end/finish
- uk....vacuum, empty
- um-....dry
- -us....inanimate agent suffix
- us-....end up
- ux....cause
- -ut....animate agent suffix
- ut....self
- uv-....sad
- -uy-....infix inflection denoting the potential aspect
- uz....curve, arc
- vob....crops
- vol....vegetables
- vos....flowers
- va....yes/really/sure/safe
- ve....maybe/maybe/risk
- vi-....beautiful
- vo....no/not/danger
- volz....color
- vu....the letter v
- vu-....ugly
- vya-....true, correct
- vye-....relative
- vyi-....clean
- vyo-....wrong, mis-
- vyu-....dirty
- -w-....masculine gender infix
- -w-....passive voice infix
- -w-....unit number infix
- -w-....alternative to -y-
- wu....the letter w
- x-....do, make, -ify/factive verb formant
- xob....organization
- xa-....execute/accomplish
- xag....occasion/frequency
- xe--....act/celebrate
- xi-....result in/undertake
- xo-....undergo/fail
- xu....the letter x
- xu-....bring about/incite
- -y-....infix denoting female/feminine gender
- -y-....semantic deintensifier after stem vowel
- -y-....semantic intensifier before stem vowel
- ya....the number six
- yab-....up
- yaf-....ability/can
- yag-....long
- yak-....expectation/expect
- yam....fire
- ya(n)....together
- yank....joint
- yat....we, us
- yav-....innocent/proud
- yax-....be busy
- yaz....convexity
- ye....the number seven
- yeb-....in
- yef-....obligation/must/should
- yek....attempt
- yet....you (pl.)
- yev-....just, fair
- yex....work
- yez....along, flush
- yi....the number eight
- yib....far
- yif....courage/dare
- yig-....hard, tough
- yij....opening/open
- yik-....difficult/complex
- yim....flood
- yit....they, them
- yiv-....free, right
- yix....use, hire, exploit
- yiz....beyond, meta-
- yo-....intense semantic inverter
- yo....the number five
- yob-....down/lower
- yof....unable/cannot/impossible
- yog-....short
- yok....surprise/be surprised/sudden
- yom....ice/frozen
- yo(n)....apart
- yot....they, people
- yov-....guilty/ashamed
- yox....inaction/be idle
- yoz....concavity
- yu....the letter y
- yu....the number nine
- yub....near
- yuf-....fear/be afraid
- yug-....soft
- yuj-....closed/close
- yuk-....easy, simple
- yum....drought
- yuv....bond, bound/be bound to
- yux....help/help
- yuz....around
- za(y)....front/ahead/pre-
- ze(y)....middle/across/trans-
- zi....right
- zo(y)....behind/back/re-
- zu....left
- zu....the letter z
- zya....throughout/wide
- zye....through
- zyeg....hole
- zyek....pore
- zyi-....flat/lay
- zyo-....narrow
- zyu-....round
- zyug....tire
- zyuk....wheel
[edit | edit source]- Stubs are abbreviated pieces of a root word that are often used as suffixes and sometimes as prefixes or infixes. Here is an alphabetical list:
-ab....government, staff | dab....government | fyaantinab....abbey |
-al....gaseous substance | mal....air, gas | upetayal....suet |
-am....house | tam....house | tilam....bar |
-ar....instrument | sar....tool | belar....wagon, cart |
bil....milk | tilabil...milk | bilyig....cheese |
do-....public | dosyena....official | doyiv....right |
-eb....leader | deb....leader | xeb....boss |
-el....food | tel....food | yepetel....dogfood |
-em....place | nem....place | ekem....playing field |
-fil....alcohol | levafil....alcohol | vafil....wine |
-fyel....wax | dyofyel....chocolate | vafyel....jam |
-i-....self-directed verb formant | bier....take | tier....to learn |
-ib....administration | dib....administration | doyevib....judiciary |
-if....endearing term | ifer....to love | petif....pet |
-il....liquid substance | mil....water | vafil....wine |
-im....room | tim....room | efim....w.c. |
-ir....machine | sir....machine | syaagir....computer |
-j....time | job....time | hij....now |
-lk....chemical | mul?....substance | solk....sulfur |
-lz....color | volz....color | malz....white |
-m....place | nem....place | hum....there |
-of....material | nof....tissue | misof....curtain |
-om....situation or furniture | nom....situation | yukom....comfort |
-or....device in general | sor....device | enzyukpor....motorcycle |
-ov....cloth | nov....linen | suemov....sheet |
-pib....tooth, cog, tine | teupib....tooth | pibar....fork |
-s....thing | sun....thing | zyus....circle |
-t....person from | aot/tob....person | Usot....an American |
-u-....other-directed verb formant | buer....give | tuer....to inform |
-ud....descendant | tud....child | apetud....foal |
-ul....substance | mul....substance | bekul....medecine |
-um....cell, compartment | tum....compartment | yibdalirum....telephone booth |
-un....thing | sun....thing | zyiun....plaque |
-ur....motorized device | sur....motor | pur....vehicle |
-ut....agent, one who | aot....person | dalut....speaker |
-uz....piece of jewelry | nuz....jewel | tuyubuz....ring |
-yeb....container | nyeb....container | tilyeb....drinking glass |
-yeg....hole | zyeg....hole | mumilyeg....well |
-yel....gel, oil | myel....viscous substance | arvobyel....peanut oil |
-yem....enclose space | nyem....enclosed space | veebyem....pod |
-yen....manner, kind | byen/syen....manner, style | dalyen....idiom |
zil....acid | yigzil....acid | hesolka zil....hydrosulfuric acid |
Word Templates
[edit | edit source]- Here is a chart showing the morphemes of Mirad in the form of templates.
Word Templates MIRAD ENGLISH o 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9... a 1,2,3,4... -a derivational suffix that forms an adjective -(a / e / o / u)- perfect / progressive / imminent / potential aspect -(a / e / o) past / present / future tense inflection a the letter a (a / e / o)b on / between / off (a / e / o)f permission / necessity / prohibition (a / e / o)g- big / medium / little (a / e / o)j past / present / future (a / e / o)k win / play / lose (a / o)m hot / cold (a / e / o)s- become / exist / cease to be (a / e / i / o / u)t I / you / (s)he / one / self (ya / ye / yi / yo)t we / you (pl.) / they / people (a / e / o)v for / neutral / against (a / e / o)y and / or / but -ay derivational suffix denoting adverb -(a / o)y- infix meaning full of / without (a / e / o)z- strong / medium / weak (- / a / o)yeb in / in / out b- put, set, transitive verb formant of gesturing ba the letter b ba(l / r / s / x)- lean on / press / crush / stir / shake bya(- / l / r / s / x)- “hover / hang up / arouse / stand / erect” b(a / e / o)y with / by / without b(i / e / u) from / at / to be(- / l / s / x)- have / carry / stay / hold bye(m / n / x)- position / manner / tap bi(- / l / r / s / x)- take / fetch / seize / withdraw / pull bo(- / l / s / x) prop up / be still / calm down byo(l / s / x) suppress / stoop / hand bok illness / health / treatment / care / injury / cure / pain / agony bu(- / l / r / s / x)- give / grant / yield / head for / push by(i / u) since / up to byi(m / p / s / x)- origin / originate / emanate / derive byu(m / n / p / s / x)- destination / aim / be destined for / contact / touch ca the letter c da the letter d d(a / e / o)l- speak / declare / be silent d(a / e / i / u / ya / ye)z dance / theater / comedy / music / ballet / cinema (d / t / x / s)eu(d / s / z / x) shout / call / song / voice / noise / accent / beat / sound) d(i / u)- ask / suggest doab fatherland / state / county / nation dom city / airport / park / fountain dop military / air force / army / navy dot society / friend / comrade / citizen / mister d(- / r / ro / ya / ye / i / u / yu)- say / write / erase / read / ask / suggest / call dr(af / as / ef / es / ev / ez / o / of / ov) card / document / paper / note / page / board / cardboard) -e- infix inflection denoting progressive aspect -e suffix inflection denoting present tense e the letter e -en suffix inflection denoting a gerund -er suffix inflection denoting verbal infinitive -e(s / t) inanimate / animate diminutive suffix (a / e / o / i / u)x- act / operate / fail / effect / cause f(- / l / r)- want / yearn / crave fe the letter f f(i / u)- good / bad fob plant / tree / fruit / trunk / branch / root fy(a / e / o / i / u)- holy / mystical / evil / useful / harmful g(a / e / o) more / equal / less ge the letter g g(i / u)n point / angle gl(a / e / o) very much / quite / very little gr(a / e / o) too much / enough / not enough gy(a / o)- fat / thin gy(i / u) solid / fragile gw(a / e / o) most / just / least ho- deictic prefix h(a / e / o)y hello / hey / goodbye he the letter h h(i / u)y here is / there is hw(a / e / o)y Thank-you / You're welcome / I'm sorry hy(a / e / o)y hurrah / please / boo -i suffix for pluralizing a noun i the letter i (i / u)b away / toward (i / u)f love / hate (i / u)g- fast / slow (i / u)j begin / end (i / u)k- full / empty (i / u)m- wet / dry (i / u)s- start out / end up (i / u)v- happy / sad (i / u)x- result / cause (i / u)z straight / curved j(a / e / o) before / during / after j(i / u) since / until j(a / o)g- old / young job time / year / month / season / day / hour / minute jiab the months j(o / u)d occasion, date jw(a / e / o)- early / on time / late k(a / e / o)x- find / seek / hide k(i / u)- oblique / lateral ki the letter k ky(a / e / o)- variable / random / fixed ky(i / u)- heavy / light -l- infix for the decades -l- infix that intensifies the semantics of the stem li the letter l lo- prefix that reverses the semantics of the stem lyo- prefix that strongly reverses the semantics of the stem m(a / o)(- / n / v / j / f / g / j / lz) bright / dim / light / dark / flame / ash / cloud / fire / daytime / nighttime / black / white) mak electricity ma(- / a)l air / atmosphere / troposphere / stratosphere / ionosphere maar star / sun muar satellite / moon me(l / b / p / f / g / k / r / v / z) soil / mountain / road / brick / stone / powder / planet / porcelain / crystal amer planet / venus, mercury... meaz gems / diamond... mi the letter m mi(l / p / m / f) water / river / sea / mist mi(a)m sea / lake / lagoon / marsh / pond / pool / puddle -ml- infix for the millions mo(- / a)b abyss / gulch / ravine / cave / scarp / ditch me(a)b mountain / hill / knob / mound / ridge mol nature / air / water / soil / mineral... mom outer space / sky / land / sea / underground... mop orbit / wind / road / river / tunnel mor universe / star / planet / world / satellite... mos floor / wall / door / window / stairs me(a)p road / lane / trail mi(a)b river / stream / brook / creek / tributary amer north / south / east / west -mr- infix for the billions amez crystal (diamond / topaz / ruby / emerald / sapphire / lapis lazuli / amethyst / amber / topaz) mu(f / g / k / l / z / b) rod / metal / mineral / substance / ore / promontory -n nominalizing suffix na(b / d / g / p) row / line / dimension / order (- /n / s / x / j)ag size / dimension / number / frequency / age ne(d / g) surface / level ni the letter n n(a)(s / x / m / z)- money / price / store / earn / save / pay / spend /value / jewel / gem no(d / g) point / degree neaf type of woven materials n(o / e / u)m situation / place / cell no(f / v) cloth / linen ny(a / e / i / o / u)x- accumulate / stock / order / waste / deliver nye(b / m) container / box o(l / y)- prefix that reverses semantics of the stem, -un, -in, non-, -less -o suffix inflection denoting the future tense o the number zero o the letter o (a / e / o / i / u)j past / present / future / beginning / end p- go, verb formant for motion pa(s / x)- move / move pe(s / x-) wait / trap pi(- / x / l / r- depart / catch / flee / escape po the letter p po(s / x)- stop / stop opot animal pu(- / s / x)- arrive / jump / throw pya(- / s / x) hover / jump / launch pyex- strike pyi(s / x)- emanate / derive pyo(s / x)- fall / drop pyu(- / s / x) reach / impact / hit qo the letter q -r- infix for the thousands -r- infix that intensifies the semantics of the stem ro the letter r s- be, become -s- numeric infix for hundreds (like aso, meaning one hundred) sa /n / s /x- form / comprise / make sag number s(a / i / o / u)r tool / machine / device / engine s(a / i)z sculpture / painting seu(s / z / x) sound / tone / sound s(a / i / o / u)n form / image / matter / thing so the letter s som furniture / cabinet / table / chair / bed su- provide sy(a / o)b summit / base sy(a / e)n kind / style sy(i / u)n subject / object t(- /r / y)- know / recognize / know how t(a / e / o / i / u)j birth / life / death / wake / sleep t(a / e / o / i / u)p physique / mind / spirit / sentiment / member t(a / e / o / i / u)x- remember / think / forget / learn / teach tes- mean teu(b / s / t / v / d / z mouth / taste / taste / mask / call / voice t(a / e / u)z portrait / culture / art t(i / u)- find out / inform (t / ty)(i / u / a / e / u)(n / z) doctrine / science / knowledge, class, skill, concept / art / magic to the letter t tob human, man, person / body / head... tod family / spouse / parent / sibling... tof / v clothing, apparel / suit / hat... tol nutrition / food / drink... tom building / house / gallery / room... tos feeling tot god / angel / saint... -(i / u)- infix denoting an action toward / away from the subject -u- infix inflection denoting the potential aspect -u suffix inflection denoting the hypothetical mood u the letter u ut self v(a / e / o) yes / maybe / no v(a / e / o)y really / maybe / not v(i / u)- beautiful / ugly ovob crops ovol vegetables ovos flowers (v / m (o)lz color, black, white, red... vu the letter v vy(a / e / o)- true / relative / false vy(i / u)- clean / dirty -w- infix denoting male gender -w- infix denoting passive voice -w- infix for the numeric units -w- substitute for intensifying infix -y- when pronunciation would be difficult wu the letter w x- do, make, cause, -ify x(a / e / o / i / u)(l)- execute / celebrate / miss / undertake / cause xob organization xu the letter x -y- infix denoting active voice in complex tenses -y- infix denoting feminine gender y(a / o)b up / down y(a / e / o)f- ability / obligation / inability y(a / o)g- long / short y(a / e / o)k- expect / attempt / surprise y(a / o)m fire / ice y(a / o)n together / apart y(a / e / o)v- innocent / fair / guilty y(a / e / o)x- be busy / work / idle y(a / e / o)z convexity / flush / concavity y(i / u)b far / near y(i / u)f courage / fear y(i / u)g- hard / soft y(i / u)j- open / closed y(i / u)k- difficult / easy y(i / u)m flood / drought y(i / u)v- free / bound y(i / u)x- use / help y(i / u)z beyond yo- prefix that intensely negates the semantics of the stem yu the letter y z(a / e / o) front / middle / behind z(a / e / o)y ahead / across / back z(i / u) right / left zu the letter z zy(a / e / o) wide / through / narrow zy(i / u)- flat / round
Mnemonics and Analogy
[edit | edit source]- This is a language where phonetics is used to present mnemonic relationships and analogy among words as in the following example, based on the word teub....mouth:
Mnemonic Family teub
- Here are some other examples where analogy and mnemonics are used to the maximum:
Analogy and Mnemonics -eb teb
tuft, cobpiteb
gang leadertameb
master-ub tub
fin-eub teub
beak, billpeteub
smirk-ayeb tayeb
blade of grass-ayef tayef
sheet of icefayef
sheet of metalsazulayef
sheet of glassaulkayef
gold leaf-ayob tayob
peel, huskpiitayob
sepal-yob tyob
plant root, tubersyob
neck-ib tib
tree trunkvib
brainstem-ulob tulob
pin, prickyomulob
spine-uf tiibuf
stick, rodmovuf
axis, axletuf
sleeve-il til
Base Words and their Principal Derivatives
[edit | edit source]- The following is a list of base words with their principal derivatives
XER to do
[edit | edit source]- The verb xer means to do. Many words are built from this base word using the postional/directional vowel coding rule. Words ending in xer contrast with those ending in ser, in that the former are transitive (taking an object), as opposed to intransitive (taking no object).
Core Words
[edit | edit source]- This chart shows the core verbs in the xer....do family:
Xer Family Core Words A E O I U xer....do axer....render exer....function oxer....fail to do ixer....effect uxer....cause axler....act, behave exler....process ixler....react uxler....influence xrer....execute axrer....carry out uxrer....provoke xier....result xuer....bring about xaler....accomplish xeler....practice xoler....undergo xiler....undertake xuler....foment yaxer....be busy yexer....work yoxer....be idle yixer....use yuxer....help yexler....labor yoxler....resign yixler....hire, employ
loyixler....fireyuxler....serve yexrer....toil yixrer....exploit yuxrer....slave
Creating Derived xer Words with Prefixes
[edit | edit source]- Using prefixation, many other words can be built from these core words:
- Keep in mind that xer can mean do, make, or cause in the following derived terms:
Prefixing Xer Words PREFIX BASE DERIVATION ana....single xer....make anaxer....unify an-....one- xer....make anxer....unite ayn-....whole xer....make aynxer....integrate yan....together exer....operate yanexer....cooperate yan....together yexer....work yanyexer....collaborate yon....apart xer....make yonxer....separate ge....equal xer....make gexer....equal ja....before xer....make jaxer....prepare je....while xer....do jexer....continue ig-....fast xer....do igxer....rush ug-....slow xer....do ugxer....delay oj....future xer....do ojxer....plan zoy-....re-, back- xer....do zoyxer....redo sa(n)....shape xer....make saxer....create se(n)....being xer....make sexer....build lo-....un- sexer....build losexer....destroy mel....soil yexer....work melyexer....plough tea(b)....eye xer....do teaxer....look lo-....un- yixler....hire loyixler....fire mag....fire xer....cause magxer....burn yuf....fear xer....cause yufxer....frighten dofun....crime xer....do dofunxer....commit a crime gra....too much xer....do graxer....overdo voy-....re- axler....act voyaxler....react fu-....bad exer....operate fuexer....malfunction
Using xer to Build Verbs from Adjectives
[edit | edit source]- Unlimited transitive verbs can be created with adjectives and xer as a suffix like -ify, -ate, -ize in English.
Building Verbs from Adjectives ADJECTIVE VERB aga....big agaxer....magnify
agxer....growvyoka....false vyokaxer....falsify
vyokxer....errfia....good fiaxer....fix
fixer....to do goodyiva....free yivaxer....free up
yivxer....liberateyaga....long yagaxer....lengthen
yagxer....stretchzyia....flat zyiaxer....flatten
zyixer....lay outnyana....collective nyanaxer....collectivize
- Note: Sometimes, the adjectival ending -a is dropped. This often produces a difference nuance. For example, agaxer means to magnify, make bigger, but agxer is more idiomatic and means to grow.
- The passive of xer, xwer....to be done can be used to mean to happen or to become. For example:
- Duhoj hus xwa?....When did that happen?
- At uvaxwa hoj at teata ha tud.....I became sad (=was saddened) when I saw the child.
Using xer to Build Verbs from Nouns
[edit | edit source]- The use of -xer to form factive verbs from nouns is extremely common. They are like verbs in English that end in -ify, -ate, -ize and mean to make x or to render x, etc. These types of verbs are transitive and commonly take an object. Here are some examples:
Building Verbs from Nouns NOUN VERB dyun....name dyunxer....to name, denominate tex....thought texer*....to think aonab....column aonabxer....to columnarize tot....god totxer....to deify calilk....cholorine calilkxer....to cholorinate gimuf....skewer gimufxer....to skewer
*If the base noun ends in x, there is not need to repeat the x.
Using xer for All-Purpose Idioms
[edit | edit source]- The verb xer can be used as an all-purpose verb for actions which in English are expressed with a variety of idiomatic verbs, for example:
- xer deuz....to perform a song
- xer ifpop....to take a cruise
- xer ebdid....to conduct an interview
- xer yagigpek....to run a marathon
- xer dazun....to do a dance number
- xer dezekgon....to play a role
- xer dovyabdras....to enact a piece of legislation
Using axer with Adjectives
[edit | edit source]- The verb axer can be used as a standalone word to form expressions with adjectives, such as to make/render someone happy, eg.:
- Hua deuz axa at uva.....That song made me sad.
- Et axeye yat gla oyukoma.....You are making us very uncomfortable.
- Hia apyex axa at teptuja.....This attack rendered me unconcious.
Using uxer for Causative Constructions
[edit | edit source]- The verb uxer is used in the meaning cause/make/get/force someone do something, eg.:
- Ha teyd uxa ha tud doler.....The mother got the child to be silent.
- At uxwa simper boy der hyes.....I was made to sit without saying anything.
- Iyt uxa iyta tayeb goblwer.....She got her hair cut. (Same as: Iyt gobluxa iyta tayeb.)
Using oxer for Failing to Do Something
[edit | edit source]- The verb oxer is used in the meaning fail (to do something), eg.:
- Ven et oxo puer gwe, et loyixlo.....If you fail to arrive on time, you will be fired.
- At oxa tester hos at yakweya xer.....I failed to understand what I was supposed to do.
SER to be
[edit | edit source]- The base word ser means to be and is the base for many verbs having to do with being and becoming. Verbs ending in ser are intransitive (taking no object) and contrast with those ending in xer, which are transitive (taking an object). Verbs in ser often are stative, i.e. linking verbs. Unlike Spanish, where both ser and estar mean to be with a semantic distinction of permanence and non-permanence, there is only one word for to be in Mirad covering both meanings.
Core Words
[edit | edit source]Core Ser Verbs A E O I U aser....become
ayser....haveeser....exist, there to be oser....cease to be
oyser....lackiser....start out user....end up
Expressing "there is" and "there are"
[edit | edit source]- The expressions there is and there are are constructed with the verb eser....to exist, eg:
- Ese bun av et oyb ha sem.....There is a gift for you under the table.
- Ese hegla vyoki be eta dyes.....There are some mistakes in your book.
- Voy ese tot.....There is no god.
- Voy eso yaniv himoj.....There will not be a party this evening.
Creating Stative Verbs from Adjectives
[edit | edit source]- The core verb ser can be postfixed to adjectives to form a class of verbs called stative, which have the meaning become X, and which contrast with parallel transitive verbs in xer. If the adjectival ending a is dropped, then the resulting stative verb has a more idiomatic sense.
Stative Verbs ADJECTIVE STATIVE VERB aga....big agaser....get big, magnify
agser....growuza....curved uzaser....become bowed
uzser....curvekyaa....mobile kyaaser....become mobile, mobilize
kyaser...changemayna....clear maynaser....clear up iga....fast igaser....become fast, accelerate
igser....'rush, hurryfia....good fiaser....to be good
fiser....to improve
Intransitive ser vs. Transitive xer
[edit | edit source]- Stative verbs in -ser are most often intransitive and contrast with dynamic, transitive verbs in -xer. Here are some comparative examples:
- It agxe vifayebi.....He grows grapes. (TRANSITIVE/DYNAMIC)
- Vifayebi voy agse fiay him.....Grapes do not grow well here. (INTRANSITIVE/STATIVE)
- His kyaxa yata teji.....This changed our lives.
- Yata teji kyasa hujub.....Our lives changed on that day.
- Ha mapi uzaxa ha fabi.....The winds bent the trees.
- Ha fabi uzasa je ha mapilag.....The trees bowed during the storm.
- Von igxu at.....Don't rush me. (TRANSITIVE/DYNAMIC)
- Igsu!....Hurry up! (INTRANSITIVE/STATIVE)
Creating Stative Verbs from Nouns
[edit | edit source]- The above stative verbs were created from adjectives, but such verbs can also be formed from nouns and have the meaning to become (something):
Creating Stative Verbs from Adjectives NOUN STATIVE VERB meg....stone megser....petrify, become rock abnod....peak abnodser....peak, climax fub....branch fubser....branch out, ramify yom....ice yomser....freeze maf....cloud mafser....cloud over il....liquid ilser....liquefy, melt
- Note: The ending is usually -aser if the adjective the verb is formed from ends in -z, r, l, or s. For example, tepuzra....crazy yields tepuzraser....to go crazy. Also, the ending -aser is used for verbs that are more literal than their counterpart in -ser, for example: agser....grow up vs. agaser....magnify, become big.
Using aser as a Standalone Verb Meaning become
[edit | edit source]- The verb aser can mean "to become (something or some way), eg.:
- Ha graotyan aseye paaxwa.....The crowd is becoming agitated.
- At fe aser dovakdibut haj at agso.....I want to become a policeman when I grow up.
Words for to have
[edit | edit source]- Mirad has two interchangeable ways to express the verb to have, own, possess:
- ayser (At ayse aga tod.....I have a big family.)
- bexer (Yit bexe oga melyexem yub bi him.....They own a small farm near here.)
- These verbs play a part in the formation of other related words:
- ayswer....to belong (to)
- bexwer....to belong (to)
- aysyafwa....available
- aysyofwa....unavailable
- bexyafwa....available
- bexyofwa....unavailable
- ayswa....own, proper, proprietary (adj.)
- bexwa....own, proper, proprietary (adj.)
- Hua tam ayswe at.....That house belongs to me.
- The opposite of ayser is oyser....to lack.
- Similarly, the opposite of bexer is obexer....to lack.
- Hia sizun oyse fyaz.....This painting lacks charm.
BER to put, PER to go
[edit | edit source]- The base words ber....to put and per....to go, combined with positional/directional prefixes and various other word prefixes, form many words having to do with positions, bodily gestures, and directional motions. Those ending in ber are transitive verbs, while those ending in per are mostly intransitive.
Common ber/per Verbs Built from Prefixes
[edit | edit source]- (Bear in mind that a b at the end of a prepositional or adverbial prefix is dropped before per or ber)
Building Verbs with Positional/Directional Prefixes and Vowels PREFIX TRANSITIVE GESTURE INTRANSITIVE MOTION ab....on aber....put on aper....get on eb....between eber....block eper....intervene ob....off ober....remove oper....dismount ib....away iber....receive iper....go away ub....toward uber....send uper....come uib....toward and away' uiber....transmit uiper....come and go bi....from bier....take pier....leave bu....to buer....give puer....arrive ayb....over ayber...put over ayper....go over oyb....under oyber...put under oyper....go under bay....with bayber....impart bayper....accompany boy....without boyber....deprive boyper....go without byi....since byier....emanate pyier....originate byu....up to byuer....touch pyuer....reach yab....up yaber....raise yaper....rise yaob....up and down yaober....to raise and lower yaoper....to rise and fall yeb....in yeber....insert yeper....enter yob....down yober....lower yoper....descend yib....far yiber....take away yiper....move far away yub....near yuber....bring yuper....approach oyeb....out oyeber....expose oyeper....exit za....front zaber....advance zaper....advance ze....middle zeber....balance zeper....mediate zo....behind zober....put behind zoper....follow zi....right ziber....put to the right ziper....go right zu....left zuber....put to the left zuper....go left iz....straight izber....guide izper....head uz....curve uzber....turn uzper....turn zay....forward zayber....promote zayper....proceed zey....across zeyber....transfer zeyper....cross zoy....back zoyber....put back zayper....return zya....all over zyaber....spread zyaper....disperse zye....through zyeber....pass through zyeper....penetrate zyi....flat zyiber....lay zyiper....lie zyu....round zyuber....rotate zyuper....roll yiz....beyond yizber....take beyond yizper....surpass yuz....around yuzber....turn yuzper....circulate zyag....stretched out zyagber....stretch zyagper....stretch out ja....before jaber....prepare japer....precede je....during jeber....continue jeper....continue jo....after jober....delay joper....follow aj....past ajber....pass ajper....pass ej....present ejber....present ejper....present oneself jwo....late jwober....delay jwoper....go late yan....together yanber....assemble yanper....join yon....apart yonber....take apart yonper....separate ko-....hidden kober....hide koper....hide ki-....oblique kiber....bend kiper....slant, slide, incline ku-....lateral kuber....set aside kuper....avoid, sidestep ik-....full ikber....fill ikper....become full uk-....empty ukber....empty ukper....become empty
- Note also, the following special derivatives:
paper, peper, etc. MOTION VERB poper....travel paper....fly, go by plane peper....ride, go by car piper....sail, swim, navigate puper....go by subway, to tunnel
Common Verb Derivatives
[edit | edit source]- The following chart shows a number of verb derivatives of ber and per formed by:
- augmenting the b or p with a vowel having a general sense of direction relative to the speaker (vectorial vowel);
- bier....take vs. buer....give
- adding a verb formant at the end of the stem:
- -l- (strong transitive) or -r (stronger transitive);
- -s (intransitive) or -x (transitive), );
- -sl- (stronger intransitive) or -xl- (stronger transitive);
- -sr- (even stronger intransitive) or -xr- (even stronger transitive);
- intensifying or changing the meaning of the word by prefixing the stem ordinal vowel with -y-;
- bexer....hold -> byexer....hit
- sometimes prefixing the stem with one or more prepositions or other semantic morphemes;
- bier....take -> ojbier....borrow
- In these words, stems beginning with p- are more intense than those in b-;
- The general formula for these verbs is "(PREFIX +)?[bp][y]?[aeoiu][sx]?[lr]?er".
- The following is a small list of b(y)[aeoiu]- and p(y)[aeoiu]- derivatives which are formed by prefixing a preposition or some other element.
Pattern | A-stem (up) | E-stem (middle) | O-stem (down) | I-stem (away) | U-stem (toward) |
b_er | baer....lean
-- | -- | bier....take
b_l/rer | baler....press
biler....fetch, obtain
b_s/xer b_s/xler b_s/xrer |
bos/xer....be quiet/quieten
bus/xer....head for/push
by_s/xer by_s/xler by_s/xrer |
byas/xer....stand up/erect
byis/xer....originate/derive | byus/xer....reach toward/touch
p_er | paer....hover
-- | poer....rest
p_l/rer | -- | -- | -- | piler....flee, evade
-- |
p_s/xer p_s/xler p_s/xrer |
py_s/xer p_s/xler p_s/xrer |
pyas/xer....jump, surge/launch, shoot
pyexer....strike, hit
pyos/xer....fall/drop, fell
pyis/xer....originate/derive | pyuer....reach
Using Ber and Per to Form Dynamic Verbs
[edit | edit source]- Some verbs with stems ending in -j are inherently stative. Their dynamic counterparts end in -ber for transitive verbs and in -per for intransitive verbs. There is a table showing this:
Using Ber and Per with J Verbs STATIVE-INTRANSITIVE DYNAMIC-TRANSITIVE DYNAMIC-INTRANSITIVE tojer....die tojber....kill tojper....drop dead tajer....be born tajber....give birth (to), bear tajper....spring up tejer....live tejber....bring to life tejper....come to life tijer....be awake tijber....awaken tijper....wake up tujer....sleep tujber....put to sleep tujper....fall asleep ijer....begin ijber....begin (something) ijper....start up ujer....end ujber....finish, put an end to ujper....come to an end yijer....open up yijber....open up (something) yijper....come open yujer....close yujber....close, bring to a close yujper....come to a close ejer....be present ejber....present ejper....show up ajer....be past ajber....pass on (something) ajper...pass up
DER to say
[edit | edit source]Core Words
[edit | edit source]- Words using the root d- have to do with communicating, thus saying, talking, writing, reading, singing, performing, etc..
Der Core Words A E O I U daler....speak
dodeler....announcedoler....be silent dier....ask
---drarer....to draw
---drirer....to type
---drurer....to print
---dodr(ur)er....to publish
dreder....spelldroer....erase dyeer....read
sagder....countdin....story dun....word
drez....poetrydiz....comedy duz....music
Der Verbs
[edit | edit source]- Many verbs of communication are created by prefixing elements to der (to say, tell) as in the following chart:
Building Verbs of Communication with Der Prefixed Word New Verb va....yes vader....affirm vo....no voder....deny ve....maybe veder....guess vyaa....true vyader....swear vyoa....false vyoder....lie fyaa....holy fyader....bless fyoa....profane fyoder....curse oza....weak ozder....hint voy-....re- voyder....repeat, echo ve....maybe + yova....guilty veyovder....indict va....yes + yova....guility vayovder....convict ja....before jader....predict vao....yes/no vaoder....decide yev....justice yevder....judge fia....good fider....praise fua....bad fuder....disparage af....permission afder....authorize of....prohibition ofder....ban naz....value nazder....evaluate yov....guilt yovder....blame zyaa....wide zyader....broadcast yaga....long yagder....elaborate vyoa....wrong + via....beautiful vyovider....flatter vyea....relative vyeder....relate va....yes + oj....future vaojder....promise ut....self + fia....good utfider....boast uv....sorrow + tax....memory uvtaxder....regret tes....meaning tesder....mean ov....against ovder....object kyia....heavy kyider....emphasize jwa....early jwader....warn ja....before + vo....no javoder....preclude yuj....close yujder....conclude ja....before + nap....order janapder....preordain hyay....hurrah hyayder....congratulate hyey....thanks hyeyder....thank gra....too much grader....exaggerate diz....comedy dizder....joke dre-....write dreder....spell eb....between ebder....communicate eb....between + di-....ask ebdider....interview eb....between + tes....meaning ebtesder....interpret eb....between + tex....thought ebtexder....decide ek-....play ekder....pretend
- There are over 700 der verbs in Mirad, too many to list here.
Animal Sounds
[edit | edit source]- Animal noise verbs are created by replacing the final -t of an animal name with der:
Building Animal Sound Verbs Animal Sound Verb kapet....dog kapeder....bark fepet....cat fepeder....mew bopeyt....cow bopeyder....moo anpiat....duck anpiader....quack mefapat....turkey mefapader....gobble
Speaking in Languages
[edit | edit source]- Names of languages can be verbalized by replaced the d at the end of the language name with -der or -daler, or -dxer:
Language Speaking Verbs Enid....English Enider....say in English Enidaler....speak in English Enidxer....Anglicize Ferod....French Feroder....say in French Ferodaler....speak French Ferodxer....Gallicize
- The name of the language discussed in this book is Mirad, which comes from mira, meaning global, world. Thus, say in Mirad is Mirader and speak Mirad is Miradaler. A speaker of Mirad is a Miradut or Miradalut. Duven et Miradale?....Do you speak Mirad?. Hey Mirad(al)uti, ansu!....Hey, speakers of Mirad, unite!
- Examples:
- Duven et Miradale?....Do you speak Mirad?
- Diwe Enidu has.....Please say it in English.
- Voy ese gaj gla Liadaluti.....There are no longer many Latin-speakers.
- Note: Liadalut can be shortened to Liadut.
- Similarly, to write in Mirad and to read in Mirad would be Miradrer and Miradyeer, respectively. So, a person who can read Mirad is called a Miradyeut.
Communication Arts
[edit | edit source]- Base words for various communication art forms begin d- and end in -z, eg:
Communications Art Words with D-Z Type of Art Piece Performer Venue daz....dance dazun....a dance dazut....dancer
dazutyan....dance troupedazim....ballroom dyaz....ballet dyazun....ballet dance dyazut....danseur
dyazuyt....ballerinadyazin....ballet studio dez....theater, drama dezun....a play dezut....stage actor
dezmisof....curtaindyez....cinema dyezun....movie dyezut....screen actor
dyezutyan....movie cast
dyezizbut....movie directordyezam....movie theater
dyez mays....silver screen
dyezim....movie salondiz....comedy dizun....a sketch dizut....comedian
dizutyan....comedy castdizam....comedy club
dizyem....stagepodiz....circus podizun....circus act podizut....clown podizam....circus arena
podiz tomof....circus tentdrez....poetry
dreznadyan....stanzadrezun....a poem drezut....poet drezim....poetry salon duz....music duzun....a musical piece duzut....musician
duzutyan....orchestraduzam....music arena
duzar....musical instrumentdyuz....opera dyuzun....opera
dyuzunog....operetta, musicaldyuzut....opera performer dyuzam....opera house deuz....song deuzun....a song deuzut....vocalist deuzam....auditorium
[edit | edit source]- dr-....to write
- dro-....to erase
- dred-....to spell
- drez-....poetry
- druz-....lyrics
- Here are verbs derived from dr-:
- aagteyxdrer....editorialize
- abdrer....label, title
- afdrer....authorize in writing, license
- agabdrer....headline
- ajdindrer....record history
- naudyibdrer....radioteletype
- aottuunyandrer....profile
- Aradrer....write in Arabic
- avdyundrer....endorse
- aybdrer....superscribe
- aybtaxdrer....overwrite
- buidrer....correspond
- dazdrer....choreograph
- dedrer....report
- deldrer....advertise
- dezdrer....write a play
- dildrer....postulate
- dodildrer....petition
- dodrer....publicize, put out a bulletin, report
- dodyundrer....impanel
- dovyabdrer....draft a law, draft legislation, legislate, write into law
- drer....notate, record, write
- drezdrer....compose poetry, write poetry
- druzdrer....write song lyrics
- droer....erase
- duldrer....prescribe
- duzardrer....orchestrate
- duzdrer....compose, write music
- dyundrer....sign
- dyunnyadrer....put on a roster, register
- dyunyandrer....enroll in, sign up
- ebdrer....text
- ebvadrer....contract, sign a contract
- Enidrer....write in English
- exdrer....plan
- extuundrer....code, program
- fidrer....write well
- gaabdrer....re-inscribe, re-label, re-title, relabel
- gabaldrer....re-print
- gabsiyndrer....cross out
- gawdrer....re-write, recopy, redraft, revise, rewrite
- gawdyudrer....re-title, retitle
- gawextuundrer....reprogram
- gawjudrer....reschedule
- gawoybdrer....resubscribe
- gawsandrer....reformulate
- gawtaxdrer....rerecord
- gawujnadrer....redefine
- geldrer....copy
- grabekuldrer....over-prescribe
- gradrer....overwrite
- haydrer....log in, log on, login, logon
- hoydrer....log off, logoff
- hyudyundrer....ghostwrite
- igdrer....jot, scrawl, scribble
- ikdrer....write up
- izdrer....print, write in block script
- jadrer....program, script
- jadyunnadrer....preregister
- jaexdrer....draft a plan
- jajudrer....ante-date, antedate, predate
- jalojudrer....precancel
- janyadrer....prelist
- jataxdrer....pre-record, pre-tape, prerecord
- jatexdrer....draft
- jejobdrer....chronicle
- jojudrer....post-date, postpone
- jotaxdrer....post-record
- jubdyesdrer....journalize
- judrer....date
- jwadrer....draft, script
- kodrer....encipher, encode
- koexdrer....machinate
- kojadrer....plot, scheme
- kyesdrer....log
- kyesindrer....doodle
- lodrer....delete, erase, rub out, scratch out
- loextuundrer....deprogram
- lojadrer....deprogram
- lojudrer....cancel, nix
- lokodrer....decipher, decode
- lonyadrer....cross off the list, de-list
- lonyandrer....de-list
- makebdrer....email, text
- mepsagdrer....address
- nadrer....delineate, draw a line, score
- noddrer....write in Braille
- nodrer....dot, punctuate
- nogdrer....grade
- nunyandrer....inventory
- nyadrer....list, table, tabulate
- nyexundrer....catalog, inventory
- nyifdrer....cable, telegram, telegraph
- obyexardrer....emblazon
- odrer....efface, erase
- ofdrer....prohibit in writing
- ogdrer....sum up
- okvakdrer....underwrite
- ovdyundrer....countersign
- oybdrer....caption, subtitle
- oybnadrer....underline
- oybsadrer....engrave
- oyebnadrer....outline
- padrer....tweet
- sandrer....formulate
- seuxdrer....record
- sindrer....depict, describe, draw, illustrate, limn
- singondrer....describe, feature
- siyndrer....jot down, notate, note
- taxdrer....record, tape
- Tayadrer....write in Thai
- teedrer....report
- tuyadrer....write by hand
- uizdrer....squiggle
- ujnadrer....define, delineate, limn
- uzdrer....write in cursive script, write in longhand
- vadyundrer....enroll, sign up
- vasiyndrer....check
- vidrer....write beautifully
- vladrer....certify, guarantee in writing, warrant
- volzdrer....color, draw color
- vyadrer....dictate
- vyedrer....correspond
- vyoabdrer....mislabel
- vyoextuundrer....misprogram
- vyogeldrer....plagiarize
- vyojobdrer....mistime
- vyomepsagdrer....misaddress
- xwadrer....write up a report on
- yandyundrer....cosign
- yebdrer....inscribe
- yebdyundrer....enlist
- yibdrer....telegraph, wire
- yiklay drer....overwrite
- yogdrer....abbreviate, write in shorthand
- yogsindrer....encapsulate
- yuzdrer....circumscribe, outline
- yuznadrer....circumscribe, draw a border around, outline
- zeydrer....transcribe
- zeykodrer....transcode
- zonaadrer....trace, track
- zoyjudrer....backdate
- zyadrer....post
- zyenadrer....cross through, draw a line through
- zyesindrer....draw a line through
- zyunadrer....circle
- Here are words derived from dred-:
- dreder....spell
- dredvyayekus....spellchecker
- dredyen....orthography, spelling
- geldredun....homograph
- vyadreden ebek....spelling bee
- vyakdreden....orthography
- vyokdreder....misspell, spell wrong
- Here are words derived from drez (poetry):
- aagdrezea....headlining
- aagdrezer....headline
- aagdrezut....headliner
- antosdrezun....sonnet
- dabdrezut....poet laureate
- dizdrezun....Limerick
- drez....poetry, verse
- dreza....poetic, poetical
- drezden....poetry recital, recitation of poetry
- drezdeup....scansion
- drezdeupyontixen....scansion
- drezdren....composing poetry
- drezdrer....compose poetry, write poetry
- drezdut....poetry reciter
- drezduzun....ode
- drezen....versification, versing
- drezer....poeticize, poetize, versify
- drezeyn....graphic medium
- dreznad....line of poetry, verse
- dreznadeon....couplet
- dreznaduon....quatrain
- dreznadxen....versification
- dreznadyan....stanza
- dreznadyaon....sestina
- dreztun....poetics
- dreztuna....poetics-related
- dreztunay....poetically
- dreztut....poetics scholar
- drezun....piece of poetry, poem
- drezunyan....poetics, poetry
- drezut....poet, versifier
- drezutyan....poet community
- drezuyt....poetess
- drezwa....versified
- drezyan....anthology, collection of poetry
- drezyanxer....anthologize
- drezyanxut....anthologist
- drezyen....poesy
- drezyena....poetic, poetical
- drezyenan....poeticality
- fudrezut....poetaster
- Iema dizdrezun....limerick
- jipodrezun....haiku
- Limerik dizdrezun....limerick
- odreza....prosy
- odreznadxwa....unversed
- ogelseuxwa drez....blank verse
- petyanuta drezun....eclogue
- popdrez....minstrelsy
- popdrezut....minstrel
- popdrezutyan....minstrelsy
- seuz drezun....tone poem
- taxdrezun....epitaph
- unkyiddreznad....tetrameter
- uvdrezun....elegy
- uvdrezuna....elegiac, elegiacal
- vitepdrez....epigram
- vitepdreza....epigrammatic
- yanber drez....compose poetry
- yaznodrezeyn....Braille script, braille
- yiva drez....free verse
- yoonkyib drez....pentameter
- yoonkyib dreznad....pentameter
- Here are words derived from druz (lyrics):
- druz....lyrics, musical poetry
- druza....lyrical
- druzay....cantabile, lyrically
- druzdyes....songbook
- druzun....lyric
- druzut....lyricist
- druzyen....lyricism
[edit | edit source]- dal-....to speak
- del-....to declare, state
- dol-....to be silent
- Here are words derived from dal-:
- abdoebdalim....senate, upper chamber, upper house
- abdoebdalut....senator
- abdoebdalutyan....senate
- agavdaler....champion
- agdal....bombast
- andalzeyna....monolingual
- anotdal....monolog, soliloquy
- anyendal....idioglossia, lingo, slang
- anyendalzeyn....ideolect
- aovdaler....argue
- aovdalson....controversy
- apyexdaler....fulminate
- apyexer dalay....impugn
- avdal....defense, pitch
- aza dalzeynes....brogue
- azpyexdaler....caterwaul
- be avdal bi....in defense of
- be dalbyen....in a manner of speaking
- daba dal....governmentese
- dizdaler....wag
- dobyendal....officialese
- dodaler....orate, prelect, speak in public, stump
- dodalnyem....soapbox
- dodalseym....dais, pulpit, rostrum, speaker's platform
- dodaltyen....oratory
- dodaluj....peroration
- dodalyen....rhetoric, rhetorical
- doebdal....conference, consultation, public dialog, symposium
- doebdalam....conference center
- doebdalem....forum
- doebdalen....conferencing, deliberating, deliberation
- doebdaler....confer, consult, deliberate, dialog
- doebdalim....conference room, parliamentary chamber
- doebdalut....conferee, conference attendee, conferencee, congressman, congressperson, deliberator, parliamentarian
- doebdalutam....congress building
- doebdalutim....congress chamber
- doebdalutyan tom....congress building, parliament building
- doebdalutyan....congress, parliament
- doebdalutyana....congressional, parliamentary
- doebdaluyt....congresswoman
- doebdalwa....deliberated
- doebdalyea....deliberative
- doebdalzem....conference center
- dofiddalun....panegyric
- doobdalzeyn....vernacular
- douta dalen....public speaking
- douta dalun....public speech
- douta dalut....public speaker
- dovyabdal....legalese
- doybyena dal....bluster
- doyiv bi yiva dal....right of free speech
- ebdalar....intercom
- ebdaleker....debate, contend
- ebdalekyujben....cloture
- ebdaler....converse, dialog, discuss, dissert, exchange words, interview, talk
- ebdaloger....chat, chitchat, confabulate
- ebdalogim....chat forum
- ebdaluer....interview
- ebdalutam....forum
- ebdalutyan....board, cabinet, commission, committee, council, panel
- ebdalyanuper....huddle
- ebdalzeyn....interlanguage, pidgin
- ebekdaler....discourse
- ebodatdaler....parley
- ebtexdaler....debate
- ebyandaler....intercommunicate
- endalzeyna....bilingual
- eondal....doublespeak, double-talk, deviousness
- epyexdaler....argue, squabble
- eyntijdalen....glossolalia
- fidaler....adulate, articulate, speak well
- fiodaler....be discrete
- fudalapyex....obloquy
- fufyidaluwa....ill-advised
- fuyixdal....obloquy
- fuyixyea dalyen....vitriol
- fyadal....homily, preachment, sermon
- fyadaler....preach, sermonize
- fyadalseym....pulpit
- fyidalier....consult with, take counsel
- fyidaluer....counsel, give pointers to
- fyodal....profanity, billingsgate
- gidal....wit
- gidalun....witticism
- gladaligut....motormouth
- gladalut....chatterbox
- gladalyea....loquacious
- gladalzeyna....multilingual, polyglot, polylingual
- glodalyea....laconic
- godaler....pipe down, speak less
- gradaler....harangue, talk too much, yammer
- gratipdal....treacle
- hoydalut....valedictorian
- hyudalzeynxer....translate
- hyuitdaler....converse, dialog, talk to one another
- ifdaler....engage in chitchat, engage in smalltalk, josher
- ifebdaler....chitchat, converse pleasantly, engage in smalltalk
- igdaler....burble
- igoxdaler....gabble
- ijdaler....broach
- imdaler....splutter
- indalzyeyena....trilingual
- izdalea....frank, honest
- izdalun....demarche
- jadal....prolegomenon, prolog
- jedaler....blab
- jwoxdal....filibuster
- kodal....cant
- kodaler....speak in secrecy, confide
- kofudaler....backbite
- kovyodalzeyn....pseudolanguage
- kyedaler....ramble
- kyudal....persiflage
- kyudaleger....smatter
- leveldaler....schmooze
- meamdalyen....regionalism
- meima dodalen....barnstorming
- naxyobdaler....chaffer
- oanyendaluna....unidiomatic
- obdalyen....cant
- odalfea....cagey
- odalwa....unspoken
- odalyafwa....unspeakable
- ofidalea....inarticulate
- ogdalegen....prate
- oizdaler....dissemble
- oiztexa dalen....blithering
- okkad dodalun....concession speech
- olefwa dal....palaver
- otesdal....balderdash, claptrap, pap, piffle, razzmatazz, twaddle
- otesdaleger....chaffer
- otesdaler....footle, maunder
- ovabiwa dal....guff
- ovdaler....argue against, condemn, impugn, oppose, protest, speak out against
- ovdalyofwa....incontrovertible
- ovebdaler....quarrel verbally
- ovyenxwa dalbyen....asyndesis
- oxdaler....gab
- oybdalzeyn....sublanguage
- oyeybdalzeyntuna....extralinguistic
- oyijdalea....closeted
- ozdaler....mumble, murmur, mutter
- pansinyibdalir....videophone
- paosdaler....stammer, stutter
- pyexdaler....contend. squabble
- sagzyiuner yibdalir....dial a phone, dial a telephone
- sana dodal....allocution
- siundalzeyn....sign language
- tayibdalzeyntun....neurolinguistics
- teazdalea....grandiloquent
- teibdaler....snuffle
- teptundal....psychobabble
- tepuka dal....blarney
- tesin bi dal....figure of speech
- testyika dal....gobbledegook, gobbledygook
- tesuka dal....buncombe, bunkum, hogwash, hooey, jargon
- tindalen....preaching dogma
- tiubdalut....ventriloquist
- tobetdaler....prattle
- tudaler....expound
- tujdalut....somniloquist
- tuyab yibdalir....hand phone, handset, cellphone
- tyendalyen....jargon
- tyodalzyen....vernacular
- uijdaler....stutter
- ukdalut....rattlehead
- uvodaler....pout
- uygdaler....drawl
- uygdalyen....drawl
- uzigdaler....splutter
- vaodaler....waffle
- vidaler....smooth-talk, speak eloquently
- vidalyen....eloquence
- vyedaler....talk about
- vyodal....bullshit
- vyodalek....sophism
- vyodaler....misspeak, palter
- vyudaler....besmirch, talk dirty
- xabdalyen....bureaucratese, bureaucratic language, officialese
- yadal....dialogue
- yagavdal....spiel
- yagdaler....expatiate, gab, ramble on, speak at length
- yagdodaler....harangue
- yagebdaler....descant
- yandaler....converse, discuss
- yandalog....powwow
- yandalutyan....commission, convention
- yankdalzeyn....creole
- yansauna dal....lingua franca
- yansaundala....colloquial
- yaxdal....shoptalk
- yexemovdaler....picket
- yeybdalzeyna....intralingual
- yibdal kyaxarmes....switchboard
- yibdaler....call, speak by phone
- yibdalibar....telephone receiver
- yibdalir dyes....phone book
- yibdalir ebexut....phone operator, telephone operator
- yibdalir emdyundyes....phone book, telephone book
- yibdalir izbar....phone directory
- yibdalir izbus....telephone directory
- yibdalir izebnad....hotline
- yibdalir nasyankex....telethon
- yibdalir nundetyan....phone company, telephone company
- yibdalir sagzyiun....phone dial, telephone dial
- yibdalir yuijbarzen....telephone switchboard
- yibdalir....phone, telephone set
- yibdalirer....phone, telephone, use the telephone
- yibdalirum....telephone booth, phone booth
- yibdalirun....phone call, telephone call
- yibdaltyen....telephony
- yibdaluibar....telephone receiver-transmitter, telephone set
- yibdrir dalyen....telegraphese
- yibyandal....teleconference
- yibyandalen....teleconferencing
- yijdaler....blab
- yivdal....banter
- yivdaler....banter, talk loosely
- yizdalzeyn....metalanguage
- yizfidaler....rave
- yoigdalwa....terse
- yokdaler....wing it, improvise
- yondaler....argue
- yondalzeyn....argot
- yoxdaler....natter
- yugdaler....whisper
- yugfadalea....glib
- yugfadalut....smooth-talker
- yukdale....flippant
- yukdalwa....plainspoken
- yukla dal....yap
- yuzdalen....crosstalk
- zaodal....chat, conversation, dialog, dialogue
- zaodaler....chat, converse, dialog, talk back-and-forth
- zedalut....go-between, intermediary
- zevyeson dodal....keynote address
- zeynada dal....lingua franca
- zoydaler....sass, talk back
- zyadaler....preach, propagandize
- zyadalseym....pulpit
- zyadalut....preacher
- zyadodal....propaganda
- zyua sem ebdal....round table discussion
- Here are words derived from del-
- afyaxeba dodel....encyclical
- budeler....propose
- chandelier....candelabrum
- dodeler....announce, pronounce
- dodelwo....to be announced, TBA
- dovadeler....profess, ratify
- doyovdeler....reprimand
- dropek del....declaration of war
- fideler....approve
- fudeler....condemn, denounce, disapprove of, excoriate, reprove
- fudelyag....diatribe, invective, tirade
- fuvyedelen....miscommunication
- fyadeler....profess
- fyavyadwa del....sworn statement
- gadelen....redeclaring, restatement, restating
- gawdeler....redeclare, restate
- gradeler....overstate
- ibdeler....absolve
- jadel....preamble
- jadeler....pre-declare
- lodeler....recant, retract, unstate
- lofideler....disapprove of
- lovadeler....apostatize
- lovadelut....apostate
- nundeldrof....billboard
- nundeldrut....copywriter
- nundeler....advertise, post
- nundelsiun....billboard, commercial sign board
- nundelyag....infomercial
- nuxyofdel....declaration of bankruptcy, declaration of insolvency
- odelwa....undeclared
- ofdeler....banish
- ogeandel....inequation
- olovdelwa....uncontested
- ondeler....invalidate, quash
- ovdeler....confute, contest
- taj del....birth notice
- tapifek dodelut....sports announcer
- toj dodel....death announcement, obit, obituary
- toj del....death notice
- tyodeler....advertise, publicize
- ujdeler....determine
- ujpon dodel....death announcement, obituary
- vadeler....adjudge, confirm
- vatexdel....credo
- vodeler....deny, disproof
- vyadel....theorem
- vyayuvdel....statement of loyalty
- vyodeler....disprove, misstate
- vyodelm....misstatement
- vyodelwa....disproved, misstated
- vyodelyafwa....disprovable
- vyokdeler....refute
- vyovyedeler....mis-communicate
- yaodel....proposition
- yavdeler....declare innocent, exculpate, exonerate
- yibnundelen....telemarketing
- yibsin nundel....t.v. commercial, television commercial
- yovdeler....convict
- yovdelwat....convict
- yuvdeler....profess
- zyadeler....broadcast
- Here are words derived from dol-:
- eber dol....break silence
- fidoler....be discrete
- fudoler....sulk
- fudolyea....sulky
- ikdoler....swipe clean
- lodoluer....unsilence
- nasdoluer....silence with money
- odoler....blab
- odolfivadwa....uncondoned
- odolut....blabbermouth
- ofidoler....be indiscrete
- texdolea....reticent
- uvdoler....sulk
- yokdola....dumb-struck, dumbstruck
[edit | edit source]- These rootwords express various intensities of asking and suggesting:
DI-, DU- SUBJECT-DIRECTED PATIENT-DIRECTED dier...ask duer....suggest dider....question duder....answer diler....beg duler....insist, urge direr....demand durer....order
- Here are some verbs derived from dier, dider, diler, diler:
- aybteasdidier....take a survey
- azdier....beseech
- dier....ask for, request
- dizeudier....get a laugh
- ebdidier....interview with
- ebtadier....intermarry
- exdier....be a candidate, run for office
- fiupdier....usher, welcome, greet
- fizupdier....court
- fyaojvadier....take an oath
- fyidier....confer, seek advice, take advice, take counsel
- gatadier....get remarried, marry again, re-wed, remarry, rewed
- hihidier....amuse oneself
- hotandier....card, i.d.
- jwatadier....marry early
- jwotadier....marry late
- kadier....investigate, listen to confession
- kebidier....poll
- kexdier....question
- loupdier....disinvite
- nasdier....panhandle
- otadier....get divorced
- tadier....espouse, get married, marry, wed
- taydier....wive
- tesdier....seek an explanation
- tundier....consult
- ubdier....send for
- updier....invite, welcome
- uvdier....lament, moan, mourn
- vadier....claim
- vudizeudier....make fun of
- yavadier....claim innocence
- yuxdier....consult, seek help
- zoyvadier....reclaim
- aybteasdider....conduct a survey, do a survey
- azdiler....beg, beseech, entreat, implore, supplicate
- dider....enquire, interrogate, query, question
- diler....beg, beseech, entreat, plead
- direr....demand, elicit, exact, mandate, require, take
- dodider....inquire
- dodirer....mandate
- fyadiler....pray
- fyodiler....conjure, pray to the devil
- gadider....requestion
- gidider....snipe
- gosdiler....beg, panhandle
- gradiler....grovel
- jodider....debrief
- losexdirer....scuttle
- nasdiler....beg, mooch
- updirer....take hostage
- utdider....wonder
- utdirer....claim
- vyandider....inquire, interrogate, question
- vyaodider....proposition
- yagdider....interrogate at length, question at length
- Here are the verbs of the other direction ending in duer, duder, duler, or durer:
- aybteasdider....conduct a survey, do a survey
- aybteasdidier....take a survey
- azdier....beseech
- azdiler....beg, beseech, entreat, implore, supplicate
- dider....enquire, interrogate, query, question
- dier....ask for, request
- diler....beg, beseech, entreat, plead
- direr....demand, elicit, exact, mandate, require, take
- dizeudier....get a laugh
- dodider....inquire
- dodirer....mandate
- ebdidier....interview with
- ebtadier....intermarry
- exdier....be a candidate, run for office
- fiupdier....usher, welcome, greet
- fizupdier....court
- fyadiler....pray
- fyaojvadier....take an oath
- fyidier....confer, seek advice, take advice, take counsel
- fyodiler....conjure, pray to the devil
- gadider....requestion
- gatadier....get remarried, marry again, re-wed, remarry, rewed
- gidider....snipe
- gosdiler....beg, panhandle
- gradiler....grovel
- hihidier....amuse oneself
- hotandier....card, i.d.
- jodider....debrief
- jwatadier....marry early
- jwotadier....marry late
- kadier....investigate, listen to confession
- kebidier....poll
- kexdier....question
- losexdirer....scuttle
- loupdier....disinvite
- nasdier....panhandle
- nasdiler....beg, mooch
- otadier....get divorced
- tadier....espouse, get married, marry, wed
- taydier....wive
- tesdier....seek an explanation
- tundier....consult
- ubdier....send for
- updier....invite, welcome
- updirer....take hostage
- utdider....wonder
- utdirer....claim
- uvdier....lament, moan, mourn
- vadier....claim
- vudizeudier....make fun of
- vyandider....inquire, interrogate, question
- vyaodider....proposition
- yagdider....interrogate at length, question at length
- yavadier....claim innocence
- yuxdier....consult, seek help
- zoyvadier....reclaim
[edit | edit source]- din....story, tale, account
- dun....word
- dyan....sentence
- dyen....phrase, expression
- dyun....name
- Here are some words derived from din:
- agdin....legend
- agfizdin....legend
- aguvdin....tale of woe, tragedy
- ajdin....history, record
- ajtezdin....legend
- ajutbyendin....lore, tale of tradition
- antadin....monogamy
- azhuhudin....sob story
- din....lowdown, story
- dizdin....funny story, joke
- dodin....history, public record, report
- dofindin....fable, moral, morality tale, parable
- douta taxdin....public record
- doyovdin....caper
- duzdin....musical story
- ejdin....current event, current events, news item, news story
- ejkyesdin....breaking news item
- entadin....bigamy
- eynvyodin....fib, white lie
- fitoypdin....fairy tale
- frizdin....hero story
- fuifdin....bad joke, prank
- futujdin....bad dream, nightmare
- fuzdin....scandal
- fyadin....evangel, gospel tale, parable
- fyedin....fairytale, fantasy, myth, tall tale
- geldin....analogy
- geylxdin....similitude
- glatadin....polygamy
- glonaxa tosaga yagdin....yellowback
- hihidin....farce, joke
- hyumdin....alibi
- hyutesdin....allegory
- iber dodin....receive a report
- ifdin....comedy, funny story, joke
- ifon din....love story
- ifondin....romance
- igdodin....quick report
- igzyadin....bulletin, flash report, quick report
- ika yogdin....summa
- iondin....trilogy
- ivdin....comedy
- izdin....prose
- jaajdin....prehistory
- jadin....forward, preface, proem
- jodin....sequel
- jubdin....news account, news item, news story
- jwaajdin....protohistory
- jwadodin....protohistory
- kadin....exposé
- kodin....mystery story
- kotesdin....parable
- kudin....sidebar
- kyadin....version
- ojdin....tale of the future
- omolaytdin....fairy tale
- podin....fable, tale of animals
- taxdin....memoir
- huhudin....sob story, tearjerker
- tejdin....bio, biography, life story
- tejtaxdin....bio, life story
- tezdin....legend
- tijdin....day-dream
- tojdin....obit, obituary
- tooda din....ethnic story
- totdin....myth, tale of the gods
- tujdin....dream
- tujjobdin....bedtime story
- tyoddin....saga
- tyoyda din....folktale
- uivdin....tragicomedy
- ujpondin....obituary
- uttejdin....autobiography
- uvdin....dirge, sad story, tale of woe
- uvlandin....sob story, tale of woe
- uvra din....tragic story
- vyadin....non-fiction, true story
- vyamdin....factual story, non-fiction, nonfiction, true story, true-to-life story, drama
- vyaodin....mystery story
- vyatejdin....autobiography, biopic, true-to-life story
- vyodin....calumny, canard, fabrication, fake news, false narrative, false story, lie, tall story, tall tale
- vyomdin....fantasy, fiction, fictional story
- vyudin....porn, porno, smut
- yagdin....novel
- yevson ajdin....case history
- yibaja ajdin....ancient history
- yifrandin....hero story
- yogdin....novella, rundown, short story, tale
- yubajdin....recent history
- yuzdin....gossip, rumor, story circulating, story going around, rumor
- zyadin....broadcast, report
- Here are some words derived from dun:
- abdun....headword
- adun....adjective
- afdun....license
- ajdun....adage, proverb, saying
- ajutvyandun....adage
- ajuvtosdun....expression of regret, expression of remorse
- akaxwa dun....nonce word
- alzabdun....rubric
- amlodun....megaword
- anyendun....byword
- aota avdun....personal pronoun
- aotsiyndun....byword
- apyexlea dun....abusive comment, fighting word, insult
- asaundun....determiner
- avdun....pronoun
- aydun....adverb
- beaxdun....watchword
- bikdun....caveat
- debdun....command, mandate, order, ruling
- dindun....narrative
- doyevdun....judgment
- dun....utterance, vocable, word
- dyedun....lecture
- eadun....participle
- ebdun....preposition
- ejnadun....neologism
- endun....gerund
- erdun....verb
- erduna adun....verbal adjective
- exdun....functor
- exkodun....opcode
- eyndun....halfword
- frudun....anathema
- fudun....bad word, curse word, cuss word, dirty word, epithet, invective
- fuldun....insult
- furdun....blaspheme
- fyadun....benediction, blessing
- fyaojvadun....votary
- fyodun....blasphemy, curse word, cuss word, profanity, swear word, swearword
- geldredun....homograph
- gelseuxdun....homonym
- geltesdun....synonym
- gitepdun....wisecrack
- haydren kodun....login password
- ifdun....pleasantry, word of appreciation
- ifuundun....joke, pleasantry
- ijdresiyndun....initialism
- ijdun....introduction, prologue
- jadun....foreword, preamble
- jodun....after-word, afterword
- kodun....code word, codeword, password, secret word
- kudun....comment, remark
- kyodun....decision
- memvyidun....thwaite
- nundun....catchword, slogan
- ogandun....diminutive
- ojbiwa dun....loanword
- ojdun....forecast
- ojfondun....expression of hope
- oyebdun....expression
- sindrea adun....descriptive adjective
- sindun....character, pictogram, pictograph
- siyndun....remark
- sundun....noun
- syobdun....root word
- teadun....testimony
- tepdun....mantra
- tepiga dun....bon mot
- tesdun....gloss
- tesuyea ebdun....overtone
- texdun....mention, note, remark
- totdun....gospel, hadith, word of God
- ufdun....groan, moan, unpleasantness, word of displeasure
- ujdun....conclusion, epilogue, final word
- ukdun....buzzword, vacuity
- uvdun....complaint
- vabiwa ujdun....forgone conclusion
- vatexdun....credo
- veondun....hypothesis
- vidun....euphemism
- vladun....assertion, claim
- vudun....dirty word, obscenity, ugly word, vile expression, vulgarity
- vusyendun....expletive, vulgar word, vulgarity
- vyabdun....lemma
- vyandun....dictum, proverb, saying, truism
- vyegedun....analogy
- vyoa vyegedun....false analogy
- vyonapdun....anagram
- vyondun....lie
- vyoseuxdun....mispronunciation, pronunciation error
- vyoxyendun....malapropism
- vyoyndun....fib
- vyudun....curse word, dirty word, foul word, four-letter word
- xwadun....testimonial
- yanbwa dun....compound word
- yandalwa dun....collocate, collocation
- yandun....enclitic
- yanxdun....conjunction, joinder
- yanxwa bey yanxdun....syndetic
- yaovdun....settlement, verdict
- yevdun....critique, judgment
- yibajdun....archaism
- yijlardun....keyword
- yika yevdun....potshot
- yiztesdun....trope
- yogvyandun....apothegm
- yokdun....interjection
- yovbyokdun....sentence
- zadun....foreword
- zedun....headword
- zexdun....rheme
- zuidun....palindrome
- zyadun....broadcast, report
- zyakadun....broadcast, report
- Here are some words derived from dyen:
- ayndyen....holophrase
- anyendyen....idiom
- dyena....phrasal
- entesdyen....double entendre
- geyldyen....simile
- kyadyen....paraphrase
- uzdyen....circumlocution
- oizdyena....periphrastic
- ovtesdyen....antiphrasis
- visaundyen....classism
- vyadyen....platitude, truism
- vyandyen....motto
- Here are some words derived from dyan:
- delyea dyan....declarative sentence
- dida dyan....interrogative sentence
- diryea dyan....imperative sentence
- dyanes....phrase
- dyangon....clause
- Here are some words derived from dyun:
- aa dyun....first name, given name
- abdyun....caption, surname, title
- abdyunxer....caption, title
- aota dyun....person's name, proper name
- aota sundyun....proper noun
- avdyundrer....endorse
- be dyun bi....in the name of
- buwa dyun....first name, given name
- dezdyun....stage name
- dodyun....moniker, official name, proper name, public name
- dodyundrer....impanel
- dodyunier....assume a title
- dodyunuer....appoint, assign a title
- donabdyun....title
- donabdyunuen....titling
- donabdyunuer....title
- donabdyunuwa....titled
- douta dyun....public name
- dredyunber....entitle
- dredyunier....take on the title
- dredyunober....strip a title
- dredyunuer....entitle
- druta dyun....nom de plume, pen name
- drutdyunnad....byline
- Duhos se eta dyun?....What's your name?
- Duhoyen et dyunxwe?....What's your name?
- duyn jo dyun....termwise
- dyes abdyun....book title
- dyes dredyun....book label
- dyun dresiyni....call sign, call-letters
- dyun nyadrun....names list, rostrum
- dyun....appellation, moniker, name, sobriquet
- dyunaber....assign a name, designate
- dyunder....address, cite
- dyundraf....badge, i.d., id, identification card, identity card, name badge, name card, nametag
- dyundras....signature
- dyundren drayef....signup sheet
- dyundrer....sign
- dyunier....adopt a name, call oneself, go by the name, sign in, sign up, take on a name, take on the name
- dyunif....nickname, pet name
- dyunifier....take on a nickname
- dyunifuer....give a nickname to, nickname
- dyunnadram....registrar
- dyunnadrut....registrar
- dyunnyad....name list, roster
- dyunnyadawat....registree
- dyunnyadrer....put on a roster, register
- dyunoya....anonymous, nameless, unnamed
- dyunsanxer....decline
- dyunser....be called, be named
- dyunsin....logo, logogram, logotype
- dyuntoxen....anomie
- dyuntun....onomatology
- dyunuen vyayab....nomenclature
- dyunuer....assign a name, call, christen, denominate, designate, give a name, nominate
- dyunuka sun....doodad, doohickey, widget
- dyunuka....anonymous, nameless, unnamed
- dyunuutnyan....rostrum, sign up list
- dyunxer....nominate
- dyunyan....roster, set of names
- dyunyandrer....enroll in, sign up
- dyunyaner....list
- dyunyuznad....cartouche
- dyunzyiun....name plate
- ebdyunuer....interpellate
- ebyondyunena....interdenominational
- ejdyun....nom du jour
- emdyun....place name
- enapa dyun....by-name, cognomen, secondary name
- endyuna....binomial
- fizdyun....honorific, title
- fizdyunbexut....titleholder
- fizdyunuer....title
- fudyun....bad name, epithet, foul name
- fudyunuer....call a bad name
- fudyunyan....blacklist
- fudyunyanuer....blacklist
- funundyunuer....misbrand
- fyindyuna....titular
- fyodyun....epithet, insulting name, nasty name
- fyodyunuer....call an insulting name
- gabdyun....agnomen, appellative, nickname
- gawdodyunuer....reappoint, reappointment
- gawdyunaber....re-designate, redesignate
- gawdyunder....recite
- gawdyunuer....re-designate, re-name, rechristen, redesignate, rename
- gawdyunxer....renominate, rename
- gaemdyunber....readdress
- gedyunat....namesake
- haydren dyun....login name
- hyidyunat....namesake
- hyudyun....alias, allonym, alternate name, by-name, handle
- hyudyundrer....ghostwrite
- ifdyun....nickname, pet name
- ijna dyun....first name, given name
- ika dyun....full name
- jadyunnadrer....preregister
- kebiwa dyun....assumed name, chosen name
- kodyun....code name, cover name, cover term, cryptonym, hidden name, secret name
- kodyunier....take on a cover name
- kodyunuer....assign a cover name to
- kovyodyun....fake name, pseudonym
- loabdyunuer....disentitle
- lodyunyaner....de-list
- naabdyun....filename
- nabdyun....rank
- nabdyunier....assume a title
- nixwatdyunyan....payroll
- nundyun....brand, commercial label, product name, trade name, trademark
- oybdyun....signature
- oybdyundrer....sign
- odyuna....anonymous
- odyundrawa....unsigned
- odyunuwat....nameless person
- ovdyun....antonym
- ovdyundrer....countersign
- oybdyundren....undersigning
- oybdyundrer....undersign
- oybnapdyun....hyponym
- sagdyun....numeral
- sandyun....substantive
- sindrea dyun....appellative, descriptive name
- taddyun....married name
- tajdyun....birth name, first name, given name, maiden name, nee
- tama emdyun....home address
- todana dyun....familiar name, nickname, sobriquet
- toddyun....family name, last name, surname
- tudet dyun....baby name, pet name
- ujna dyun....family name, last name, surname
- utdyun....moniker, nickname, sobriquet
- utsiyndyun....epithet, sobriquet
- vadyundrer....enroll, sign up
- vudyun....caconym
- vyadyun....actual name, real name
- vyodyun....anonym, fake name, false name, misnomer
- vyodyunier....take a fake name
- vyodyunuer....assign a fake name, misname
- vyoemdyunuer....misaddress
- vyonundyunuer....misbrand
- yandyundrer....cosign
- yansauna sundyun....common noun
- yebdyundrer....enlist
- yogdyun....abbreviated name, metonymy, metonym, nickname, short name
- yogjoba dyun....temporary name
- yondyuner....denominate
- yondyunuus....denominator
- zadyun....first name, forename, given name
- zedyun....middle name
- zedyunij....middle initial
- zodyun....family name, last name, surname
DYE- (read) Words
[edit | edit source]- The root dye- has to do with reading. The verb dyeer means to read, while dyes means something that is read, i.e. book.
- Here are some words that incorporate the root dye-:
- Aradyeer....read in Arabic
- dodyeer....lecture
- dyeer....read
- dyeyafa....able to read, literate
- dyeyofa....unable to read, illiterate
- dyeyafwa....legible
- dyeyofwa....illegible
- ebdyeer....read between the lines
- gawdyeer....reread, run over
- igdyeer....skim, fast read
- zyedyeer....peruse, read through
- jadyeer....preread
- odyewa....unread
- teasdyeer....sightread
- tepdyeer....divine, read minds
- teubobdyeer....lipread
- teuzdyeer....read aloud
- tuyibdyeer....read palms
- vyodyeer....misread
- zyedyeer....peruse
- Following is a list of different types of books:
- ajdindyes....history book
- andrayefdyes....chapbook
- anyendal dundyes....idioticon
- bekuldyes....pharmacopeia, pharmacopoeia
- dezdyes....playbill
- dindyes....novel, story book, storybook
- diyndyes....casebook
- dodindyes....history book
- dovyab tisundyes....hornbook
- dovyayabdyes....codex
- drebyendyes....stylebook
- drefabun dyes....paperback book
- drevyabdyes....grammar book
- druzdyes....songbook
- dundyes....dictionary, lexicon, wordbook
- dunnyexdyes....thesaurus
- duz uzyiun dyes....record album
- dyanesdyes....phrase book
- dyes....book
- extuundyes....instruction book
- fyadeuzundyes....hymnal, hymnbook
- fyadil dyes....prayer book
- fyadildyes....breviary, missal
- fyadyes....bible
- Fyadyes....Bible
- fyavyader be ha Fyadyes....swear on the Bible
- genegatdyes....peerage
- gyodyes....brochure
- hyastundyes....encyclopedia
- Islama fyadyes....Koran, koran
- iztuundyes....guidebook
- jabdyes....almanac, yearbook
- jubtaxdyes....diary
- kodrendyes....codebook
- Kristina fyadyes....bible
- kyasaundyes....variorum
- kyesdyes....logbook
- magelen dyes....cookbook
- memdyes....terrier
- napdyes....rulebook
- nasamdyes....bankbook, passbook
- nasdrefdyes....checkbook
- nuixdyes....cashbook
- odyes....nonbook
- potdyes....bestiary
- tedpet dyes....stud book, studbook
- teexdyes....audiobook
- tipaxlea dyes....thriller
- tistam dyes....schoolbook, textbook
- tisun dyes....lesson book
- tixundyes....lesson book
- todtaxyandyes....scrapbook
- totinduidyes....catechism
- tudet dyes....baby book
- tuyadyes....handbook
- tyenuen tuyxdyes....training manual
- tyuendyes....training manual
- vyadreden dyes....spelling manual
- vyaoyek dyes....bluebook
- vyomdyes....book of fiction
- yadrevdrayefdyes....sexto
- yexdyes....workbook
- yibdalir dyes....phone book
- yibdalir emdyundyes....phone book, telephone book
- yigabun dyes....hardbound book, hardcover book
- yigzon dyes....hardback book
- yogdrarundyes....sketchbook
- yogdyes....brochure
- yugabun dyes....softbound book, softcover book
[edit | edit source]- The root word drof means board while drov means cardboard, carton. These are the root of the following words:
- aber sindrof....put up a poster
- angonxwa yuzmep drof....integrated circuit
- aoksagdrof....scoreboard
- byaxer siundrof....stick up a sign
- cekerekdrof....checkerboard
- cekerekdrofen....checkerboarding
- cekerekdrofyena....checkerboarded
- deldrof....ad, banner, billboard, sign
- dindrof....storyboard
- dodres drof....bulletin board
- drasin drof....drawing board
- drof....board, cardboard, carton
- drofxer....bind in boards
- drofyan....boarding
- dyesdrofxen....bookbinding
- dyesdrofxut....bookbinder
- endrof....binder
- faogonesdrof....particle board, particleboard
- faogosdrof....chipboard
- gyodrof....paperboard
- ifek drof....game board
- jobdrof....schedule, timetable
- jobdrofxen....scheduling
- jobdrofxer....schedule
- jobdrofxut....scheduler
- jobdrofxwa....scheduled
- jobdrofxyafwa....schedulable
- maka siundrof....electronic signboard
- malza drof....whiteboard
- malzdrof....whiteboard
- mas drof....blackboard, wallboard
- meyagdrof....chalkboard
- molza drof....blackboard
- molzdrof....blackboard
- mufesdrof....pegboard
- muyvdrof....pinboard
- nundeldrof....billboard
- nyifujdrof....plugboard
- ober sindrof....take down a poster
- purilp izeadrof....traffic sign
- sindren drof....drawing board
- sindrof....picture board, poster
- siundrof....billboard, poster, sign board, signboard
- soilkgos drof....circuit board
- tuloxdrof....scratchboard
- tuundrof....data panel, information board. bulletin board
- tuwasdrof....bulletin board
- uijbar drof....switch board
- xahmatek drof....chessboard
- yivbyasea tejnaga sindrof....standee
- yobix drof....blackboard, chart, pull-down chart, whiteboard
- yuzbarar drof....clipboard
- drov....board, cardboard, pasteboard, poster board
- drova....made of cardboard
- drovnyem....cardboard box, carton
- drovxam....cardboard factory
- drovxer....cardboard
- drovxut....cardboard binder
- drovyan....cardboard
[edit | edit source]- The root word draf means chart, card while drav means ledger, notebook, account.
- The following words are derived from these roots:
- aga draf....magna carta
- aladraf....jack of cards
- aoksagdraf....scorecard
- bixpur jobdraf....train schedule
- domepdraf....street map
- draf belar....card holder, card wallet
- draf bi doyivi....bill of rights
- draf ifek....card game
- draf vyoek....card trick
- draf....card, chart
- drafdyeys....chartulary
- drafnaab....card file
- drafnyan....card deck
- drafxer....chart, map out, plot, plan
- duhotandraf....identity card
- dyundraf....badge, i.d., id, identification card, identity card, name badge, name card, nametag
- ebnapxer ekdrafi....shuffle cards
- ekdraf fuzekut....cardsharp
- ekdraf gitepat....macer
- ekdraf....playing card
- ekdrafnyan....deck of cards
- eker drafi....play cards
- nogsiyndraf....report card
- gawdrafxer....remap
- gawyivdrafuer....recharter
- getandraf....identification badge, identification card, identity card
- gonutan draf....membership card
- haydraf....greeting card
- heydraf....calling card
- hotandraf....i.d., identification badge, identification card
- hyaydraf....thank-you card
- hwaydraf....congratulatory card
- hyesundraf....wildcard
- hyetesa draf....wild card
- hyoydraf....sympathy card
- ifek bi drafi....game of cards
- ifekdraf....playing card
- igapaxler draf....swipe a card
- igdraf....flashcard
- ivtajjub draf....happy birthday card
- joibdrafika....testate
- jonixdraf....debit card
- judraf....calendar, date chart
- jwobdir draf....clock card
- jwobdraf....hourly schedule
- kyebuer ekdrafi....deal cards
- kyanapxer ekdrafi....shuffle cards
- mardraf....star chart, star map
- melnigdraf....plat
- melpaslundraf....seismograph
- mepdraf....map, road map, roadmap, route map, street map
- mepdrafxer....map, route
- mersindraf izdar....gazetteer
- mersindraf....atlas, geographic map of the world map
- mersindrafxen....cartography, map-making, mapping
- mersindrafxer....map
- naabdraf....file card
- naabdrafsam....file cabinet, filing cabinet
- naabdrafyan....filesystem
- naapdraf....schema
- naapdrafi....schemata
- naapdraf....schematic, scheme
- naapdrafay....schematically
- nab bi ekdrafi....suit of cards
- nabyantuundraf....tableau, spreadsheet
- nasamdraf....bankcard
- naznemdraf....cartogram
- nogsiyn draf....report card
- nuxyef draf....tariff schedule
- nyan bi drafi....deck of cards, deck of cards, stack of cards
- odrafxwa....uncharted
- ogladraf....microcard
- ojdraf....timetable
- ojdrafewa....being scheduled
- ojdrafober....call off, cancel, remove from the schedule
- ojnux draf....credit card
- ojnuxdraf....credit card
- olojdrafbwa....unscheduled
- popdraf....travel map
- popmepdraf....travel map
- popsindraf....picture postcard
- purexuta afdraf....driver's license
- sindraf....chart, visual chart
- suandraf....chart of elements
- updiendraf....invitation card
- utandraf....i.d.
- vatexdraf....credential, credentials
- yanjobdraf....synchronism
- yantosdraf....sympathy card
- yanuvtos draf....condolence card
- yibnyuxdraf....postcard
- yibsin jwobdraf....t.v. guide, t.v. schedule
- yivyandraf....charter
- yivyandrafxer....charter
- drav....ledger, notebook
- dravag....ledger, register, registry
- dravagbam....registrar
- dravagber....register
- dravagut....accountant
- draves bi bak....health record
- draves bi drurunesi....book of tickets
- draves bi emtuuni....address book
- draves bi nogsigni....report card
- draves bi pop....travel diary
- draves....book, log, logbook, record, small notebook
- jonix syagdrav....debit account
- napxer ota syagdrav....square one's account
- nasam syagdrav....bank account, bank ledger
- neafdraves....blog
- nexun syagdrav....savings account, thrift savings account
- ojnux syagdrav....credit account
- syagdrav....account, ledger
- syagdraver....keep the books
- syagdravtyen....accountancy, accounting, bookkeeping
- syagdravyan....accounts
- yemben syagdrav....deposit account
- yembuix syagdrav....checking account, current account
- yizpendrav....passbook
[edit | edit source]- The root word dref means paper, draft, bill while drev means page.
- Here are words derived from these roots:
- abdrefxen....papering over
- abdrefxer....paper over
- abdrefxut....paperer
- abdrefxwa....papered over
- afdref....license
- afdrefbeut....licentiate
- axlafdref....authorization papers, written mandate, written order
- boy drefgos....chadless
- ditandref....citizenship papers
- dobnix didref....tax form
- dodildref....petition
- dodirdref....written mandate
- dopox vladref....arrest warrant
- doteuzdref nyem....ballot box
- doteuzdref....ballot
- dovafdref....manifesto
- doyevam updiendref....subpoena
- dref balar....paper weight
- dref bi apeyef....tissue paper
- dref goblar....paper cutter
- dref goblir....burster
- dref goflun....scrap of paper
- dref goflunyan....confetti
- dref gyoflar....paper shredder
- dref gyoflun....paper shred of paper
- dref kiduzar....paperclip
- dref kyis....paper weight
- dref kyis....paperweight
- dref mek....paper pulp
- dref mug movuf....stovepipe
- dref yugglal....pulp
- dref yuzyun bi dref....roll of paper
- dref zyunog....spitball
- dref....paper
- drefa....made of paper
- drefabun dyes....paperback book
- drefes....bill, billet, piece of paper, scrap of paper, slip of paper, sticker
- drefesuen....billeting
- drefesuka....untagged
- drefgoblar....guillotine, paper cutter
- drefgoblunsizen....decoupage
- drefgobluntuz....decoupage
- drefgorf....scrip
- drefgos....chad
- drefgran....red-tape
- drefnag....demy
- drefnam....stationery
- drefnamut....stationer
- drefnas....paper money
- drefnyafar....brad
- drefnyan....ream of paper, stack of paper
- drefnyef....paper bag, paper sack
- drefnyem....briefcase
- drefoya....paperless
- drefpat....kite
- drefsaxam....paper factory, paper mill
- drefsaxen....paper manufacture
- drefsaxut....paper manufacturer
- drefuka....paperless
- drefyan....paperwork, red-tape, stationery
- drefyena....papery
- drefyugfaxir....calender
- drefyugfaxirxwa....supercalendered
- drefyugfaxwa....calendered
- drer nasdref....write a check
- dropek exdref....war plan
- drur dref....printer paper
- dyesabaundref....millboard
- dyundrer nasdref....sign a check
- ebexdrefgon....intermodule
- ejdindref....gazette, journal, newspaper
- ejdindrefsyen....journalese
- ejdindreftyen....journalism
- ejdindrefut....journalist, newspaperman
- ejdindrefuyt....newspaperwoman
- ejkyesdref....bulletin
- exdref....plan
- fevolayobdref....onionskin
- fin jubdindref....broadsheet
- fyudref....wastepaper
- gabdref....allonge
- geldrefunyan....quart
- ikxer ukundref....complete a form, fill out a form
- ilpdref....flow chart, flowchart
- ilpdrefxen....flowcharting
- jadref....slate
- jadrefwa....slated
- jobnixendref....lease
- joibendref....testament
- joibendrefa....testamentary
- jonasdref dyundrut....comaker
- jubdindref nixbuut....newsdealer
- jubdindref....journal, newspaper
- jubdindrefbelut....newsboy
- jubdindrefbeluyt....newsgirl
- jubdindrefnamut....newsvendor
- jubdindrefnum....newsstand
- jubdindrefsyen....journalese
- jubdindreftyen....journalism
- jubdindrefut....paperboy
- jubdindrefuyt....papergirl
- kebidref nyem....ballot box
- kebidref....ballot
- kexafdref....search warrant
- koda doteuzdref....secret ballot
- koda kebidref....secret ballot
- kyodrefes....sticker
- loxer nasdref....cancel a check
- masdref....wallpaper
- masdrefben....paperhanging
- masdrefbut....paperhanger
- meigdref....granite paper
- meilza dref....manila paper
- mialamdref....hygrothermograph
- mialdref....hygrograph
- mialdrefa....hygrographic
- milnagdref....hydrograph
- milnagdrefa....hydrographic
- milufdref....toilet paper
- naif bi dref....strip of paper
- nasdref gobruj....check stub
- nasdref....banknote, bill, monetary note, paper bill, paper money
- nasdref....check
- nasdrefdyes....checkbook
- nasdreftaxgon....counterfoil
- nasdrefyan....set of checks
- nax drefes yokran....sticker shock
- nax drefes....price tag, sticker
- naxdref....bill of fare
- nazdrefi....securities
- nidrefdren....papyrography
- nildref....papyrus
- nildrefdrir....papyrograph
- nildreftun....papyrology
- nildreftut....papyrologist
- nixdref....pay check
- nundoyivdref....patent
- nundoyivdrefuen....patenting
- nundoyivdrefuer....patent
- nundoyivdrefuwa....patented
- nundoyivdrefuwat....patentee
- nundoyivdrefuyafwa....patentable
- nundoyivdrefuyafwan....patentability
- nuxdref....paycheck, payslip
- nuxer ha naxdref....pay the bill, settle the bill
- nuxer ha ujna naxdref....pick up the tab
- nyan bi dref....stack of paper
- nyixdref....check, order form
- nyixen sandref....order form, requisition form
- nyuvdref....wrapping paper
- nyuxdref....shipping invoice
- odrefesbwa....untagged
- ojnasdref....draft, money order
- ovxer vaknasdref....jump bail
- pergama dref....parchment
- popdref balsiyn....passport stamp
- popdref....passport, travel document
- popdrefdib....passport office
- poput nasdref....traveler's check
- sandref....form
- sopyepea dref....streamer
- sunyandref....program
- syagnasiuta nasdref....cashier's check
- syagnasuer nasdref....cash a check
- taj vladref....birth certificate
- tajnaddref....pedigree
- tayodref....parchment
- teubixwa dref....papier mache, papier mâché
- tixujakdref....diploma
- toj vladref....death certificate, death warrant
- tulnaxdref....bill of fare, check, food bill, restaurant bill
- tuundref....bulletin, notification
- ujna naxdref....tab
- uka nasdref....blank check
- ukundref....form
- upetayodref....vellum
- vadref....voucher
- vaknasdref....bail bond
- veeybxwa dref....grained paper
- vladref....certificate, warrantee, warranty, writ of guarantee, claim
- vladrefuer....serve a warrant, issue a warrant
- vladrefuut....warrant issuing officer
- vobier nasdref....bounce a check
- vobiwa nasdref....bad check, bounced check
- vyaba jubdindrefut....columnist
- vyodrefxen....forgery
- vyodrefxut....forger
- xaer exdref....carry out a plan
- xwadref....bulletin
- xwosdref....agenda
- yantexdref....pact, charter
- yeber doteuzdref....cast a ballot, cast a vote
- yebewasdref....manifest
- yefobdref....quittance
- yember nasdref....deposit a check
- yija nasdref....open check
- yogdraren drefnyan....sketchpad
- yugfa melza yuznovabea dref....kraft
- yugglalxwa dref....paper mulch, pulp
- yuxyuvdref....indenture
- yuznovabea dref....wrapping paper
- zyunog bi dref....wad of paper
- abdrev....header
- abdrun drev....title page
- alo Usodan nasdrev....ten dollar bill
- aso Usodan nasdrev....hundred dollar bill
- drev....page
- elo dolar nasdrev....twenty dollar bill
- gyodrev....crape
- hihidrasin drev....cartoon page
- miekdrev....sandpaper
- pandrev....ticker
- tamdrev....homepage
- ujdrev....end paper, end sheet
- uka drev....flyleaf
- upelatdrev....flypaper
- Usodan nasdrev....dollar bill
- vyosauna nasdrev....counterfeit note, fake bill
- yebwa drev....fold-out, foldout
- yowa dolar nasdrev....five dollar bill
- zadrev....front page
- zedrev....middle page
- zodrev....back page
[edit | edit source]- This word is a composite of dr- (write) and (f)ayeb (leaf) and means sheet, page. It is incorporated in the followings words:
- drayef....folio, leaf of paper, sheet
- duz drayef....music sheet, score, sheet of music
- dyes beut drayef....bookplate
- dyundren drayef....signup sheet
- ebdrayef....glassine, interleaf
- ejtuun drayef....bulletin, newsletter, update sheet
- extuun drayef....instruction sheet
- gonekutxen drayef....enrollment sheet
- igtuen drayef....brief sheet
- kyosaun drayef....stencil
- ogladrayef....microsheet
- syagdrayef....account sheet, invoice
- tuundrayef....fact sheet, notice, poop sheet, tip sheet
- twasdrayef....fact sheet
- vyakxen drayef....proof sheet, proofsheet
- yexdrayef....worksheet
- yidrayef....octavo
- yilodrayef....octodecimo
- zedrayef....centerfold
TER to know
[edit | edit source]- The stems of the words in this family begin with t, meaning human and mental states and activities like knowing, thinking, understanding, etc.:
T- TY- TR- Words
[edit | edit source]- t-....to know (a fact)
- ty-....to know how
- tr-....to be familiar with, recognize, to know (a person)
- Here are some common derivatives of these roots:
T-, TY-, TR- Words t- ty- tr- ter....to know
tun....science, -ology
twas....fact, datum
teyen....ideatyer....to know how
tyun....concepttrer....to know personally
fitrawa....well-knownti- tyi- tri- tier....to learn
tixer....to studytyier....to learn how
tyiut....interntrier....to get acquainted
trien'....familiarizationtu- tyu- tru- tuer....to inform
tuxer....to teach
tuunyan....informationtyuer....to train
tyut....expert, mastertruer....to acquaint
- Many verbs are built off the root word ter (to know). Here are some:
- avejter....stand-in, substitute
- dreter....have the impression
- fiter....be expert, be familiar with, know well
- fitester....understand well
- fyinter....consider useful, value
- glanazter....prize highly, appreciate
- glater....know a lot
- glonazter....disesteem
- hyaster....be omniscient, know everything
- iztester....directly apprehend, get it off the bat, intuit
- jater....be prescient, forebode, have advance knowledge of, have foreknowledge of, know in advance, presage
- kater....come to know, find out, realize
- koter....know without telling, secretly know
- kyeojter....know one's destiny, know one's fortune, presage, see the future
- naxter....be thankful, prize
- nazter....appreciate, esteem, estimate, value
- obiter....obiter
- ojter....foresee, project, have foreknowledge of
- onazter....fail to appreciate
- oter....be unaware, ignore, not know
- otester....fail to understand
- otijter....be unaware
- tayoter....feel, physically feel
- ter....be aware, know
- tester....apprehend, comprehend, fathom, know the meaning of, understand
- tijter....be aware, be conscious, know consciously
- vater....be certain, be sure, know for sure
- vekter....surmise
- vlater....know for sure, be certain, resolve
- vuyateater....be repulsed, consider vile
- vyaoter....be wise, discern, know right from wrong
- vyater....be wise, know to be true, possess insight, see through things
- vyatester....understand properly
- vyotester....misapprehend, misconstrue, misunderstand
- yangronaster....commiserate
- yobnazter....discountenance
TAX- TEX- TOX- Words
[edit | edit source]- taxer....to remember
- texer....to think
- toxer....to forget
- Here are some derivatives of these:
- tax....memory
- taxer....to remember
- taxier....to memorize, take note of
- taxuer....to remind
- tex....thought, cognition
- texer....to think
- jatexer....to plan
- ajtexer....to reminisce, reflect on
- vatexer....to believe, think so, suppose
- vatexuer....to persuade
- votexer....to doubt, discount, think not
- votexuer....to dissuade
- vyotexuer....to deceive
- vetexer....to guess
- vaotexer....to wonder, vacillate
- vaotexder....to decide
- vyatexer....to reckon
- vyatexuer....to convince
- yantexer....to agree
- yontexer....to disagree
- ebtexer....to decide, deliberate
- vaebtexer....to decide yes
- voebteser....to decide no
- yevtexer....to judge
- veyovtexer....to suspect
- vyotexer....to doubt
- vyotexuer....to trick
- ovtexer....to oppose
- avtexer....to favor
- geltexer....to think alike
- kyotexer....to obsess about
- kyitexer....to ponder
- vaktexer....to trust
- vektexer....to doubt
- voktexer....to distrust
- fyetexer....to phantacize
- iztex....logic, rationale
- iztexer....to reason, rationalize
- uztex....irrationality
- tox....oblivion
- toxer....to forget
[edit | edit source]- teser....to mean
- toser....to feel (emotionally)
- toos....instinct
- Here are some derivatives of these:
- tes....meaning
- teser....to mean, matter
- tesier....to infer
- tesuer....to imply, suggest
- izteser....denote
- uzteser....connote
- tester....to understand
- testier....to realize
- testuer....to make realize, explain
- tesder....to explain
- tos....feeling
- toser....to feel
- tosier....to get the feeling
- tosuer....to make feel
- oktoser....to miss
- taamoktoser....to be nostalgic
- uftoser....to scorn
- futoser....to resent
- yanuvtoser....to commiserate, pity
- zoyuvtoser....to regret
- yovtoser....to feel ashamed
- iztos....gut feeling
- toos....instinct
- toosa....instinctual
TUN (-ology) Words
[edit | edit source]- Suffixing -tun....science to words forms many -ology terms. An -ologist is rendered with -tut, eg:
Ologies tep....mind teptun....psychology teptut....psychologist tieb....lung tiebtun....pneumology tiebtut....pneumologist toj....death tejtun....thanatology tejtut....thanatologist pat....bird pattun....ornithology pattut....ornithologist pit....fish pittun....ichthyology pittut....ichthyologist pot....animal pottun....zoology pottut....zoologist mul....matter multun....chemistry ("materiology?") multut....chemist ko-....hidden, dren....writing kodrentun....cryptology kodrentut....cryptologist
- Some -ology words in English refer to pseudo-science and are translated into Mirad with the ending -tuyn:
-Tuin Suffix Words mar....star martuyn....astrology (cf. martun....astronomy) martuyt....astrologist sag....number sagtuyn....numerology (cf. sagtun....mathematics) sagtuyt....numerologist
TIN (-ism) Words
[edit | edit source]- Words in English referring to doctrines, dogmas, or -isms are translated into Mirad with the ending -tin or its stub, -in, eg:
Ism Words dot....society dotin....socialism Buda....Buddha Budatin....Bhuddism gwa....most, fis....good thing gwafistin....optimism vyaa....true vyatin....orthodoxy, truism an-....one, tot....god antotin....monotheism
TUIN (theory) and TUYN (Pseudo-science) Words
[edit | edit source]- There are some words that refer to pseudoscience use the -tuyn suffix. Those that are legitimate theories use the suffix -tuin.
- martuyn....astrology
- sagtuyn....numerology
- niftuin....string theory
- vyeantuin....theory of relativity
[edit | edit source]- The general word for school is tixam (house of study). The various levels of schools are translated with this word scalarized numerically.
Schools jatixam pre-school, kindergarten atixam primary school etixam secondary school, high school, lycee itixam college utixam university joutixam post-graduate school
- The word pre-school, kindergarten is represented with jatixam (lit. pre-school), while post-graduate school is rendered with joutixam (lit. post-university).
- Some other, related terms:
- enjab itixam....two-year college
- dovyab tixam....law school
- tyena tixam....trade school, vocational school
- zetixam....middle school
- tutam....academy
- tiut....pupil
- tixut....student
- tixamutyan....student body
- tuxut....teacher
- tuxnead....course (of study)
- tuxneadyan....curriculum
- tuuxut....educator
- tuuxen....education
- tut....professor, scholar
- tit....disciple, learner
- tixameb....principal
- itixameb....college dean
- tuxutyan....faculty
- tuxim....lecture hall, classroom
- tixim....study hall
- tixutyan....class
- tisun....lesson
- tisundyes....lesson book
- aa tixnog....first grade
- ea tixnog....second grade
JOB time
[edit | edit source]- Here are the most important words derived from job....time. Bear in mind that, in English, there are two meanings for time. One refers to time as it passes, which is translated by job in Mirad, and the other refers to a point in time, an instance or occasion, i.e. a countable noun concerning frequency, translated by jod in Mirad.
Calendar Time Units
[edit | edit source]Calendar Time Units TIME GEOLOGIC
PERIODSSEASONS MONTHS DAYS OF THE WEEK job....time joab....eon jeab....spring jiab....January juab....Monday jab....year joeb....era jeeb....summer jieb....February jueb....Tuesday jeb....season joib....period jeib....autumn jiib....March juib....Wednesday jib....month joub....epoch jeub....winter jiub....April juub....Thursday jub....day joyob....age jiyob....May juyob....Friday jwob* hour joyab....chron jiyab....June yuyab....Saturday jwab* minute
jwap....momentjoyeb....term jiyeb....July juyeb....Sunday jweb* second
jwep....instantjiyib....August jiyub....September jilob....October jilab....November jileb....December OTHER yejub....week sojab....century rojab....millennium hyajob....eternity oyujan....infinity
- * These would normally be jyob, jyab, and jyeb, but there are hard to pronounce and difficult to hear, so the y is replaced by a w.
Clock Time
[edit | edit source]- The following examples show how to express clock time:
- Se duhojwob?....What time is it?
- Se alo jwobi JaZ (=jazemaj).....It is ten o'clock A.M.
- Se uwa jwobi JoZ (=jozemaj).....It is four o'clock P.M.
- Se yawa jwobi gab ilo.....It is six thirty. (= plus thirty)
- Se alo (jwebi) ju yiwa.....It is ten (minutes) til eight. (or:)
- Se yiwa (jwobi) gab alo..... " " "
- Se uyn ji awa.....It is a quarter past ( = since) one.
- Se uyn ju ewa.....It is a quarter til ( = until) two.
- Se go jo ewa.....It is a little past ( = after) two.
- Se jubay uwa jwabi.....It is almost 4 o'clock.
- Se gwe zemaj.....It is exactly (= just) noon.
- Se go yiz zemoj.....It was slightly past (= beyond) midnight.
- At so hum ojo ale jwobi.....I'll be there in (= not-after) twelve minutes.
- Su him jwa / jwe!....Be here early / on time!
- Von su jwo!....Don't be late!
- Su him ojo zemoj.....Be here by (= not-after) midnight.
General Time Words
[edit | edit source]GENERAL TIME WORDS | EXAMPLES |
job....time | job bi uvan....a time of sadness Job pape.....Time flies. |
jod....time, instance, occasion | awa jod....once ewa jodi....two times ga(wa)jod...again, another time |
xag....frequency | Duhoxag?....How often? glaxag....very often hyoxag....never |
jud....date | Be duhoa jud?....On what date? be ga jwoa jud....at a later date |
jag....age | Et se duhojaga?....How old are you? At se ulo jaga.....I am forty years old. (Lit: forty of age) |
Some Parallel Time Terms
[edit | edit source]taj birth |
aj past |
ajna former, old |
ajoba ancient |
ja before |
jay already |
jana previous |
jaga old |
jwa early |
jwafa pre-mature |
tej life |
ej present |
ejna new |
ejoba modern |
je during |
jey meanwhile |
jena current |
jwe on time |
jwefa mature, ripe | |
toj death |
oj future |
ojna imminent |
ojoba futuristic |
jo after |
joy afterwards |
jona next |
joga young |
jwo late |
jwofa stale |
tij wakefulness |
ij beginning |
ijna initial |
ijob early times |
ji since |
jiga fresh, vibrant |
tuj sleep |
uj end |
ujna final |
ujob latter days |
ju until |
juga tired, jaded |
JOB (time) Words
[edit | edit source]- The base word job means time (the kind of time that passes). Here are some words derived from it:
- ajnoda job....preterit, preterite
- ajob....times past
- av hyajob....for eternity
- av job....pro-tem
- be glojob....in a short while
- be ponjob....on leave
- be yanjob....in sync
- bi job bu job....from time to time
- dezun ebjob....entr'acte
- dopa ponjob....furlough, military leave
- dropek job....wartime
- duz job....musical time, tempo
- ebedabjob....interregnum
- ebekjob....halftime, intermission
- ebjob....interim, intermission, interval, lapse, meantime
- efronjob....critical time, crisis
- ejob....modern era, modern times
- ekjob....inning
- erdunjob....tense, verb tense
- etyaljob....lunchtime
- exenjob....uptime
- fyadil job....prayer session
- fyuzam job....jail time
- gaikta job....pluperfect tense
- gajob....further, longer, more time, still, yet
- glajob....a lot of time, long time, much time
- glojob....little time, short while
- gojob....less time
- gupjob....turning point
- gwafijob....heyday
- ifek ebjob....halftime
- ifekjob....playtime, recess
- igefjob....critical time
- ijob....early days
- ikta job....perfect tense
- ityaljob....dinnertime
- ivjob....recreation
- ja duhagla job....how long ago
- ja gla job....a long time ago
- ja glo job....a short while ago, not long ago
- ja yogjob....a short while ago
- je hujob....during that time
- jeubjob....wintertime
- ji duhagla job....for how long
- job....time
- jwamojjob....evening time, soiree
- kyajob....phase
- majob....daytime
- mojob....nighttime, soiree
- oejob....time off, leave of absence
- ojob....future tense, future times
- okwa job....downtrain
- ponjob....leave, leisure time, vacation
- popjob....travel time
- poynjob....break time
- poysjob....downtime
- puix ekjob....baseball inning
- teabexlun job....vigil, watch
- tejjob....lifetime
- tisjob....internship
- tyemjob....residency
- ujob....latter days
- utyaanjob....session
- utyaljob....suppertime
- vabiblen job....vintage, harvest time
- yagafjob....sabbatical
- yagjob....a long time, for a long time, long time, long while
- yeb gla yoga job....in a trice
- yeker aker job....stall for time
- yex ponjob....work break
- yivjob....leisure time, vacation
- yogjob....short time, short while
JAB (year) Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word jab means year. Here are some words derived from it:
- awa jod hyajab....once a year
- dobnix jab....tax year
- ewa jodi hyajab....twice a year, two times a year
- eynjab....half a year
- hijab....this year
- hujab....that year
- huujab....such a year
- hya yea jab....septennial
- hyajab....every year
- ijab....triennial
- jab....annum, twelvemonth, year
- je ha jab....during the year
- je hujab....during that year
- ji hujab....since that year
- ju hujab....until that year
- lojab....decade
- rojab....millennium
- sojab....century
- tistam jab....school year
- ujab....quadrennium
- uynjab....fourth of a year, quarter
- vijab....vintage year
- Yejab....Sabbath
- yojab....lustrum
- yolojab....jubilee
- zajab....next year
- zejab....midyear
- zojab....last year, yesteryear
JEB (season) Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word jeb means season. The four seasons are:
- jeab....spring
- jeeb....summer
- jeib....autumn
- jeub....winter
- Here are some derivations:
- fijeba....seasonable
- iblen jeb....picking season
- ivjeb....honeymoon
- jeb....season
- jeba....seasonal
- jebmaalyen....climate
- jebmaalyentun....climatology
- jebmamil....monsoon
- jebmamyenxer....acclimatize
- jebtam....lodge
- jebyuxut....seasoner
- ojeba....nonseasonal
- taadxen jeb....mating season
- Teloxenjeb....Lent
- vobiblun jeb....crop season, harvest season
- vyojeba....unseasonable
- zajeb....next season
- zojeb....last season
- jeab....spring, springtime
- jeaba....vernal
- jeabyim....freshet
- jeeb ifpopem....summer resort
- jeeb maar yibnod....summer solstice
- jeeb tistam....summer school
- jeeb....summer, summertime
- jeeba teaput....summer visitor
- jeeba....estival, summertime
- jeeber....estivate
- jeebfabyan....greenwood
- jeebtam....dacha, summerhouse
- jeebyena....summery
- jeib....autumn, fall
- jeiba....autumnal
- jeper ha jeub....overwinter
- jeub maar yibnod....winter solstice
- jeub....winter
- jeuba....hibernal, wintry
- jeuber....winter
- jeubjob....wintertime
- jeubtuj....dormancy, hibernation, torpor, winter sleep
- jeubtujer....hibernate
- jeubtujut....hibernator
- jeubxer....winterize
- jeubyena....wintery, wintry, hibernal
- zejeeb....midsummer
- zejeub....midwinter
JIB (month) Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word jib means month. Some derived words follow:
- enjiba....bimonthly
- eynjiba....semimonthly
- hyajib....monthly
- injib....trimester
- injiba....trimonthly
- jajibilena....premenstrual
- jib....month
- jiba....mensual, monthly
- jibdren....monthly magazine
- jibdrurun....monthly review
- jibilen....menstruation
- jibilena....menstrual
- jibiler....menstruate
- jibjesea....month-long
- poteotef jib....rutting season
- sinjibdren....illustrated review, magazine
- tistam yajib....school semester
- vabiblenjib....vintage, harvest season
- vafiljib....vintage
- yaonjib....semester
- zajib....next month
- zojib....last month
- jiab....January
- jieb....February
- jiib....March
- jilab....November
- jileb....December
- jilob....October
- jiub....April
- jiyab....June
- jiyeb....July
- jiyib....August
- jiyob....May
- jiyub....September
JUB (day) Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word jub means day. Some words derived from it include:
- av yagjub....for a long stretch, for a long time
- be hajub bi....on the day of
- be hajub van....on the day that
- be hujub....on that day
- be hya ea yejub....fortnightly
- Byoykien Ulojub....Lent
- enyejuba....biweekly
- ewa jodi hyajub....twice a day, two times a day
- ewa yejubi....fortnight
- eynyejubay....semiweekly
- Fijub!....Good day!
- fijubder....say good day
- fyajub ivxelen....holiday celebration
- fyajub....feast day, festival, holiday, holy day
- gwajub bi....next to
- hejub....some day, someday
- hia jubi....nowadays, these days
- hijub....today
- hijuba tul....blue plate special, dish of the day, today's special dish
- hujub....that day
- huujub....such a day
- huujubi....in such days
- hyaha jub....all day, all the day, the entire day, the whole day
- hyajub....every day
- hyajuba....daily, everyday, mundane, quotidian
- hyajubyena....workaday
- Hyaydenjub....Thanksgiving Day
- hyejub....any day, whatever day
- hyijub....the same day
- hyujub....another day, some other day, the other day
- ifponjub....holiday, vacation day
- ifpoysjub....leisure day
- inyejubay....triweekly
- ivjub....feast day, festival, festivity
- ivra....enchanted, delighted, beatific, enthusiastic, gleeful, jolly, jubilant, upbeat
- jazojub....day before last, the day before yesterday
- ji hujub....from that day on, since that day
- jozajub....the day after tomorrow
- ju hujub....until that day
- jub....day
- juba....daily, diurnal
- jubdin....news account, news item, news story
- jubdinam....news station
- jubdindodras....news bulletin
- jubdindref....journal, newspaper
- jubdindrefnum....newsstand
- jubdindrefsyen....journalese
- jubdindreyf....tabloid
- jubdindrurun....newsprint
- jubdindyezun....newsreel
- jubdinim....newsroom
- jubdintyena....journalistic
- jubdinubun....newscast
- jubdinubut....newscaster
- jubdinut....journalist, news reporter, newsagent, newsman, newspaperman, reporter
- jubdinyeyfwa....newsworthy
- jubdrurun....daily press
- jubkyesyan....current events, news, the day's happenings
- jubtaxdyes....diary
- jubtaxdyesut....diarist
- jubtwasyan....daily news
- jubyen....daily routine, habit
- jubyena....habitual, run of the mill, usual
- jubyenier....accustom oneself, get used to, grow accustomed
- jubyujber....adjourn
- Juda Yejub....Sabbath
- Kristajjub....Noel, Christmas, Yule
- Kristajjub dafab....Christmas tree
- Kristajjub deuz....yuletide carol
- Kristajjub Maj....Christmas Day
- Kristajjub Zomoj....Christmas Eve
- kyeujjub....doomsday
- nuxjub....payday
- ojubyena....unhabitual, unusual, unwonted
- ojubyenuwa....unaccustomed
- tajjub ivxel....birthday party
- tajjub leovol....birthday cake
- tajjub xel....birthday celebration
- tajjub....birthday
- tosifla....gleeful, jubilant, rhapsodic, rhapsodical, thrilled
- tosiflaser....be thrilled, feel jubilant
- tosiflaxen....making jubilant, thrilling
- tosiflaxer....make jubilant, thrill
- unjubambok....quartan
- yejub....week
- yejuba....weekly
- yejubdren....weekly magazine, weekly review
- yejubdrurun....review, weekly magazine
- yejubmoj....weeknight
- yejubuj....weekend
- yexjub....weekday, workday
- yexyejub....workweek
- yivjub....holiday, day off
- yujuba fyadilen....novena
- yulojubyonxer....quarantine
- yuzjuba....circadian
- zajub jwamaj....tomorrow morning
- zajub jwamoj....tomorrow evening
- zajub maj....tomorrow during the day
- zajub moj....tomorrow night
- zajub....tomorrow
- zajuber....procrastinate
- zayejub....next week
- zayejubuj....next weekend
- zayjub....the day after
- zejub....midday
- zejubtuj....midday nap, siesta
- zeyejub....mid-week, midweek, weekday
- zeyejuba....midweek
- zojub jwamaj....yesterday morning
- zojub jwamoj....yesterday evening
- zojub maj....yesterday during the day
- zojub moj....yesterday night
- zojub....yesterday
- zojuba....of yesterday's
- zoyejub....last week
- zoyejubuj....last weekend
- ajna juab....the past Monday
- be juab....on Monday
- be juyeb....on Sunday
- ha ea jona juab....the second Monday from now, two Mondays from now
- ha jana juab....the previous Monday
- ha jona juab....the following Monday
- hea joa juab....some future Monday
- hejuab....some Monday
- hijuab....this Monday
- hujuab....that Monday
- hya ea juab....every other Monday, every second Monday
- hya juyeb....every Sunday
- hyajuab....Mondays, every Monday
- hyejuab....any Monday
- hyijuab....the same Monday
- hyuawa juab....another Monday, some other Monday
- ja juab....before Monday, by Monday
- ji juab....since Monday
- jo juab....after Monday
- ju juab....until Monday
- juab....Monday
- jueb....Tuesday
- juib....Wednesday
- juub....Thursday
- juyab....Saturday
- juyeb....Sunday
- juyob....Friday
- ojo juab....by monday
- zajuab....next Monday
- zojuab....last Monday
JWOB (hour) Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word jwob meaning hour should be spelled jyob, but the distinction between job and jyob is difficult to hear. Here are some derived words:
- ber jwobir....set a clock
- eynjwob yiz bi yawa jwobi ay eyn....half past six
- eynjwob....half-hour
- ginod jwob....peak hour, rush hour
- Cahema jwobur....Swiss clock, cuckoo clock
- hya elu jwobi....around the clock
- jojwobi....after-hours
- jwatuar jwobir....alarm clock
- jwob balsiyn....timestamp
- jwob bi taj....hour of birth, time of birth
- jwob bi toj....hour of death, time of death
- jwob....clock time, hour, time of day
- jwobar neyef....watchband
- jwobar....time piece, timepiece, watch
- jwobarsaxut....watchmaker
- jwobarseux....tick tock, ticktock
- jwobder....clock, tell time
- jwobdir....clock punch
- jwobdraf....hourly schedule
- jwobir izdar....clock hand
- jwobir sirunyan....clockwork
- jwobir yabtom....clock tower
- jwobir zaned....clock face
- jwobir zyutom....clock tower
- jwobir....clock
- jwobirizona....clockwise
- jwobirnam....clock shop
- jwobirsaxut....clockmaker
- jwobirteaxut....clock-watcher, clockwatcher
- jwobirtun....horology
- jwobnagut....timekeeper
- jwobur....grandfather clock
- jwobyixwa....timeworn
- jwobyuxlus....timeserver
- kyajwoba naab....flexitime, flextime
- manyujben jwob....curfew
- mapad jwobir....cuckoo clock
- mas jwobir....wall clock
- miekjwobar....hourglass
- nagen jwobar....stopwatch
- nazdwa jwob bi puen....ETA, estimated time of arrival
- ogeljwoba....asynchronous
- ogeljwoban....asynchronism, asynchrony
- ogeljwobay....asynchronously
- ov ha jwobir....counterclockwise
- ovjwobirizona....anticlockwise, counterclockwise
- oyanjwobxwa....unsynchronized
- pien jwob....departure time, hour of departure
- pon jwobi....leisure hours
- puen jwob....arrival time, hour of arrival
- Se awa jwob.....It's one o'clock.
- Se duhojwob?....What time is it?
- Se ewa jwobi.....It's two o'clock.
- tojjwob....time of death
- tuyafyem jwobar....pocket watch
- tuyob jwobar....wrist watch, wristwatch
- tyaljwob....mealtime
- vyafan bi jwobir....clockwork precision
- yanjwoba....synchronic, synchronical, synchronous
- yanjwobxer....synchronize
- yanupjwob....appointment, engagement, meet-up time, rendez-vous
- yex jwobdraf....work schedule
- yibsin jwobdraf....t.v. guide, t.v. schedule
- yigtuzyuber jwobar....wind up a watch
- yizjwob nux....overtime pay
- yox jwobi....leisure hours
- yuxlen jwobi....service hours
JWAB (minute) Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word jwab means minute. The variant jwap means moment. Here are some derivatives:
- hijwap....at this moment
- hujwap....at that moment
- huujwap....at such a moment
- duhojwap?....at what moment?
- hejwapi....at certain moments
- hyawa jwap....at each moment
- hyejwap....at any moment
- igefjwap....critical moment
- iz ja jwap ajay....just a moment ago
- jwab....minute
- jwabdar....minute hand
- jwabsager....clock, count the minutes, time
- jwap....moment
- jwapa ifron....craze
- jwapa....momentary
- tuxyafwa jwap....teachable moment
- vaodjwap....critical moment
- zyupi gol jwab....rpm
JWEB (second) Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word jweb means second, a second of time. The variant jwep means instant. Here are some derivatives:
- amloynjweb....microsecond
- arominaki gol jweb....kilometers per second, km/s
- aroynjweb....millisecond
- be jwep....in an instant
- goralyujweb....attosecond
- gorawa jweb....jiffy
- goryujweb....nanosecond
- jweb....second
- jwebdar....second hand
- jwep....instant, jiff, jiffy
- jwepa ikxen....instant gratification
- jwepa kafeyl....instant coffee
- jwepa ubun....instant message
- jwepa yegekun....instant replay
- jwepa....instant, instantaneous
- jwepay....instantaneously, instanter, instantly
JOD (occasion) Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word jod means occasion, instance, (point in) time. Here are some derivatives:
- aajoda....first-time
- aajodat....first-timer
- ajod zyetejwa....first-experienced
- aso jodi....hundred times
- awa ga jod....another time, once again, one more time
- awa jod hyajab....once a year
- awa jod....on one instance, once, one time
- be awa ga jod....at one more point in time
- be awa jod....at one time
- be ewa jodi....on two occasions
- be hea jodi....at certain times, at times, on occasion
- be hia jod....on this occasion
- be hojod....on no occasion
- be hyajod....at every occasion
- be hyejod....at any point in time
- be jodi....at times
- duhood?....on what occasion, at which point?
- duhogla jodi....how frequently, how many times, how often
- duhojodi....at which times, on what occasions, on which occasions
- ea jod....a second time, again
- eiwa jodi....two or three times
- ewa ga jodi....twice more, two more times
- ewa jodi hyajab....twice a year, two times a year
- ewa jodi hyajub....twice a day, two times a day
- ewa jodi....on two occasions, twice, two times
- ga awa jod....again
- ga jodi vyel et....more often than you, more times than you
- ga jodi....more often
- gajod ay gajod....over and over, time and time again
- gajod gajod....again and again
- gajod....again, another time
- gajodi vyel....more often than, more times than
- ge jodi ho et fu....as frequently as you would like
- ge jodi vyel....as often as
- ge jodi....the same number of times
- gejodi vyel....as many times as
- gla jodi hyajub....many times a day
- gla jodi....frequently, many times, oft, often, on many occasions
- glajodi hyajub....many times a day
- glajodi....many times, on many occasions
- gle jodi....now and then, on some occasions, rather often
- glejoda....severalfold
- glejodi....now and then, on some occasions
- glo jodi....on few occasions, rarely, seldom
- glojoda....infrequent, rare
- glojodan....infrequence, infrequency
- glojodas....rare thing, rarity
- glojoday....infrequently, rarely, seldom
- glojodi....on few occasions, seldom
- go jodi vyel....less often than
- go jodi....less often
- gojoday....rarely
- gojodi....less often
- gra jodi....on too many occasions, too often
- grajodi....on too many occasions, too often
- gre jodi....often enough, quite a few times, quite often
- gro jodi....not often enough, on too few occasions, too seldom, two seldom
- gwa jodi....as frequently as possible, as often as possible, the most times
- gwo jodi....as seldom as possible, the least number of times
- hagla jodi....the number of times
- hajod ho....on the occasion that, the time that
- hajod....on the occasion
- hajodi ho....on the occasions that, on the occasions when
- hajodi....at the times, at the times that, on the occasions
- hawajod ho....the only time that
- hawajod....the only time
- hegla jodi....on some occasions, some number of times, sometimes
- hejod ho....at a certain point when
- hejod....at a certain time, at some point, on some occasion, sometime
- hejoday....occasionally
- hejodi ho....at times when
- hejodi....at some points, at times, on occasion, on some occasions
- hesag jodi....on some occasions, some number of times, sometimes
- higla jodi....so many times, this many times, this often
- hijod....this time
- hijodi....at these times, on these occasions
- hugla jodi....so many times, that many times, that often
- huijoda....sporadic
- huijoday....sporadically
- hujod....on that occasion, that time
- hujodi....at those times, on those occasions
- huujod....at such a time
- huujodi....at such times
- huyena jodi....at such times
- huyengla jodi....so many times, so often
- huyenjod....at such a time, on such an occasion
- huyenjodi....at such times, on such occasions
- hyaewa jodi....all two times, both times, on both instances
- hyagla jodi....all the time, always, at all times
- hyajod....always, at every instance, each time, every time
- hyajodi....all the time, always, at all times, in all cases, on all occasions
- hyawa jod ho....each time that, every time
- hyawa jod....each time, every time, on each occasion
- hyegla jodi....any number of times, however often, on any number of occasions
- hyejod ho....any time that, anytime that, on any occasion when, whenever
- hyejod....any time, anytime, at any point, on any occasion, on whatever occasion
- hyejodi....any time, at whatever times, on any occasions, whenever
- hyigla jodi vyel....as many times as
- hyigla jodi....as often, the same number of times
- hyijod....at the same time, on the same occasion
- hyijodi....at the same times, on the same occasions
- hyo ea jod....never again
- hyoawa jod....never, not a single time, not one time, on no occasion
- hyogla jodi....as often as, never, zero times
- hyojod....at no point in time, at no time, never, not once
- hyojodi....at no times, never, not ever
- hyua jodi....on other occasions
- hyuawa jod....one more time, again
- hyugla jodi....a different number of times
- hyujod drurunes....rain check
- hyujod....again, another time
- iwa jodi....three times, thrice
- jod....instance, occasion, occurrence, point in time
- joda....occasional
- jodsag....frequency
- oge jodi vyel....not as often as
- owa ga jod....never again
- owa jod....never, not a single time
- vaodjod....crisis, critical time, decision point, turning point
- vaodjoda....critical
JUD (date) Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word jud means date (on a calendar). Here are some derivatives:
- balsiyner ha jud....stamp the date
- gajudrer....reschedule
- jabjud....anniversary
- jajudrer....ante-date, antedate, predate
- jojuder....postdate, prorogue
- jojudrer....post-date, postpone
- jud....date
- judar....calendar
- judarer....put on the calendar, schedule
- judarober....call off, cancel
- judnabyan....date range
- judnad....dateline
- judraf....calendar, date chart
- judrawa....dated
- judrer....date
- judroer....erase from the calendar, cancel
- lojudrer....cancel, nix
- nyuxen jud....delivery date, delivery date
- ojudarwa....nonscheduled
- ojudrawa....undated
- tajjud....date of birth
- ujjud....deadline, end date
- zoyjudrer....backdate
B.C. and A.D.
[edit | edit source]- These are represented by JaK (Ja Krist) and JoK (Jo Krist), respectively. For example:
- His xwa be 52 JaK.....This happened in 52 BC.
- Ha mir ujo be 3000 JoK.....The world will end in 3000 AD.
SAG number, XAG frequency, JAG age
[edit | edit source]- The words in this family have to do with number, frequency, and age.
SAG (number) words
[edit | edit source]- sag....number
- syag....count
- syaag....calculation, computation
- Here are some principal derivatives:
- sag....number
- sagdyun ....numeral
- sagsiyn....figure
- sagun....digit
- saguna....digital
- sagunxer....to digit(al)ize
- ansaguna....single-digit
- ensaguna....double-digit
- sagunigan....bitrate
- aynsag....whole number, integer
- golsag....fraction
- ensagvyen....fraction
- sagder....to count, tally
- sagdyofwa....innumerable, uncountable, countless
- sagar....counter
- zesag....average, mean
- vyesag....proportion, quota, rate, ratio
- vyayeksag....checksum
- veksag....odds
- sagvekek....lottery
- sagvekeker....to play the lottery
- sagvekier....to gamble
- sagvekiam....gambling casino
- agsagvekek....sweepstakes
- sagtuun....statistic
- sagtuin....numerology
- yizsager....to outnumber
- yosaga....octal
- alosaga....decimal
- alyusaga....hexadecimal
- sagzyiun....dial
- sagzyiuner....to dial
- maar sagzyiun....sundial
- sagmus....index, numeric scale
- sagmusber....to index
- sagnapa....in numeric order
- sagnapxer....to arrange in numeric order
- sagier....to count on, reckon, figure
- sagon....byte
- sagones....bit
- sagonesa....bitwise
- mepsag....address
- sagtyofa....innumerate
- kosag....cypher
- kosaga....cryptic
- kosagxer....encipher, encrypt
- lokosagxer....decipher, decrypt
- kosagtun....cryptology
- asagtun....mathematics
- esagtun....algebra
- isagtun....trigonometry
- usagtun....calculus
- kyensag....odds
- eker ha kyensagi...to play the odds
- oleuna sag....odd number
- euna sag....even number
- glasaga....plural
- glasagxer....to pluralize
- ansaga....singular
- ansagan....singularity
- eksag....score
- eksagder....to keep score
- eksagdrof....scoreboard
- eksaguka uj....shutout
- geeksag....tie, even score
- geeksaga....even, tied up
- geeksager....to tie
- loxer geeksag....to break a tie
- geeksagloxea ifek....a tiebreaker
- drevsag....page number
- drevsagber....to paginate
- dresager....to canvass
- amansag....temperature
- aogsag....ordinate
- aybsag....numerator
- syag....count
- ujea syag....countdown
- syagder...to count, tally
- syagar....tabulator
- syagir....calculator
- syagder....to calculate
- vyosagder....to miscalculate
- syagseem....counter
- syagseemut....counter clerk
- syagtun....calculus
- syagnas....cash
- syagnasir....cash machine
- syagnas ibdres....cash receipt
- syagnas nyem....cash box
- syagnas nyeyf....purse
- syagnas samnyeb....cash drawer
- syagnas vyayeker....cash out
- syagnasier....to cashier
- syagnasiut....cashier
- syagnasuer....to cash, convert to cash
- syagnasuer nasdref...to cash a check
- syagnasxer....to liquidate
- ebkyaxer av syagnas....to cash out, exchange for cash
- yiga syagnas....hard cash
- nuxer be syagnas....to pay in cash
- syagdrav....account
- jonix syagdrav....debit account
- nexen syagdrav....savings account
- yemben syagdrav....deposit account
- yembuix syagdrav....checking account
- syagdravtyen....accountancy
- syagdrayef....invoice
- syagyofwa....incalculable
- dosyag....census
- teb syag....head count
- tab syag....body count
- tiibil syag....blood count
- veksyagtun....actuaries
- veksyagut....actuary
- syaag....computation, calculus
- syaager....to compute, calculate, figure out
- gasyaager....to recompute, to recalculate
- syaagir....computer
- tuunsyaagir....data processor, computer
- sem syaagir....desktop computer
- belyafwa syaagir....portable computer
- zeysyaagir....transputer
- yizsyaagir....supercomputer
- oglasyaagir....microcomputer
- gwosyaagir....minicomputer
- goryusyaagir...nanocomputer
- aota syaagir....personal computer
- maka syaagir....electronic computer
- obzatib syaagir....laptop computer
- syaagirxer....to computerize
- syaagir extuunyan....computer program
- extuundrer syaagir....to program/code a computer
- syaagirtun....cybernetics
- syaagirnig....cyberspace
- syaagirtob....cyborg
- syaagnyed....spreadsheet
- syaagyofwa....incalculable
XAG (frequency) Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme xag means frequency and is used in the following ways:
- As a frequency enumerator adverb:
- axag....once
- exag....twice
- ixag....thrice
- As an adverb with the ga-/ge-/go- multiplicator prefixes:
- glaxag....often, multiple times
- gloxag....seldom
- gaxag vyel.......more often than...
- graxag....too often
- gwaxag....as often as possible
- gexag vyel.......as often as...
- As an adverb with the ho- deictic prefixes:
- duhoxag?....how often?
- hixag....this often
- huxag....that often
- huuxag van.......so often that...
- hyixag vyel.......as often as...
- hyoxag....never
- As an adjective:
- glaxaga....frequent
- xaga....frequentative
- As a verb:
- xagper....to frequent
- As a noun:
- ha xag....the frequency
JAG and JOG Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme jag means age. From this are derived the two main adjectives, jaga....old and joga....young. These words contain aga and oga plus the time element j. So, old means big in terms of time and young means little in terms of time. Here are some derived words:
- jag....age
- jaga....old
- jagser....get old, grow older
- jagsea....getting old
- jagat....old person, elder
- jagwat....old man
- jagayt....old woman
- zejaga....middle-aged
- zejagat....middle-aged person
- gajaga....elder, older, senior
- gajagat....elder
- gwajaga....eldest
- gwajagat....eldest
- grajaga....too old
- grejagat, jwot....adult
- grejagseat, jwotseat, agseat, jwet....adolescent
- grojaga....too young, minor, not old enough
- grojagat, jwat....minor, underaged person
- aloynjagat....teenager
- elojagat....twenty-year-old
- eloynjagat....a twenty-something-year-old
- joga....young
- jogxer....rejuvenate
- jogat....youth, youngster, juvenile
- jogwat....male youth, boy, lad
- jogayt....female youth, girl
- gwajoga....youngest
- gwajogat....cadet, youngest one
- grajoga....too young
Age Classes
[edit | edit source]Age Classes GENDER-NONSPECIFIC (MALE) FEMALE awajag(w)at....one-year-old (boy) awajagayt....one-year-old girl alojag(w)at....ten-year-old (boy) alojagayt....ten-year-old girl jog(w)at....youngster, youth, (boy) jogayt....girl, damsel gwajog(w)at....youngest person/(boy) gwajogayt....youngest girl gojag(w)at....younger person/(boy), cadet gojagayt....younger girl aloyjag(w)at....teenager, (teenaged boy) aloyjagayt....teenaged girl grajog(w)at....minor, (under-aged boy) grajogayt....minor female, girl too young grojag(w)at / jwot....minor, immature person/(boy) grojagayt / jwoyt....minor girl grejagseat / jwet....adolescent (boy) grejagseayt / jweyt....adolescent (girl) grejag(w)at / jwat....adult male, (boy of age) grejagayt / jwayt....adult female, girl of age zejag(w)at....middle-aged person/(man) zejagayt....middle-aged female/woman gajag(w)at....older person/(man), elder, superior gajagayt....older female/woman, elder, superior grajag(w)at....over-aged person/(man), person/(man too old) grajagayt....over-aged female/woman, woman too old jayg(w)at....youngish individual, youngish (man) jaygayt....youngish female, youngish woman yilojag(w)at....octogenarian yilojagayt....octogenarian woman, woman in her eighties yulojag(w)at....nonagenarian yulojagayt....nonagenarian woman, woman in her nineties asojag(w)at....centenarian asojagayt....centenarian woman, 100-year-old woman jag(w)at....oldster, veteran, old person, (old man), elder jagayt....old woman, old lady jayg(w)at....oldish person jaygayt....oldish woman gwajag(w)at....oldest/senior-most/eldest person/(man) gwajagayt....oldest/senior-most/eldest woman gwojag(w)at....the least old person/(man) gwojagayt....the least old woman
Age Questions and Answers
[edit | edit source]- The usual question about age is Duhojaga et se?....How old are you?
- Some usual responses are:
- At se elo jaga.....I am twenty years old. (Lit: I am twenty of age.)
- At se ili (jabi jaga).....I am thirty-three(years old).
- Hia tamaz se asoni bi jabi jaga.....This castle is hundreds of years old.
- Hua tajyat se anay ewa jubi jaga.....That baby is only two days old.
- Iyt voy se ga jaba vyel at.....She is not older than I.
- At se gwajagat bi ata tod.....I am the eldest of my family.
- Hya aloynjagati aso grejagseati.....All teenagers will become adolescents.
- Duhogla jubi jaga se hia tud?....How many days old is this child?
NOG degree
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme nog is a base word meaning degree, grade and is at the top of a series of subordinal words.
NOG words MIRAD ENGLISH nog degree, grade nag
nakmeasure, dimension
unit of measureneg level nig space
NOG Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme nog means degree, grade. Here are some derivatives:
- nog....degree, grade
- aa tisnog.... first grade
- aa tisnogat.... first-grader
- abnogat.... super grade
- abnogier.... get upgraded, graduate
- abnoguen.... graduation, upgrading
- abnoguer.... graduate, upgrade
- abnoguwa.... graduated, upgraded
- agnog.... to a large extent
- annoga yexnad.... primary line of business
- anoga aomeryuznad.... prime meridian
- anoga nyun.... primary product
- anoga ojduut.... prime lender
- anoga sag.... prime number
- anoga tes.... primary meaning
- anoga tesagan.... prime importance
- anoga tuxen.... primary education
- anoga tyun.... primary concept
- anoga volz.... primary color
- anoga xuun.... primary factor
- anoga.... first-degree, primary
- anogaa erdunjob.... primary tense
- anogaa kyid.... primary stress
- anogaa tes.... primary sense
- anogaa vyesag.... prime rate
- anogan.... primacy, primeness
- anogay.... primarily
- aybnog.... super-grade
- aybnoga.... super-grade, superior in degree
- aybnogser.... stride
- aybnogyana.... superscalar
- be yokxea nog.... staggeringly
- bekul zyunog.... capsule, tablet, pill
- dota musnog.... social rung
- dota yabnogpen.... social climbing
- dota yabnogput.... social climber
- duhonog.... how, to what extent, to what degree, to what extent
- duz nogyan.... musical range
- duzunyanog.... sonatina
- ea tisnog.... second grade
- ea tisnogat.... second-grader
- enoga.... backbench, second-degree, secondary
- enogat.... backbencher
- enogay.... secondarily
- epetob goblunog.... veal cutlet
- finnog.... grade
- finnogien.... being graded
- finnogier.... be graded
- finnoguen.... grading
- finnoguer.... grade
- finnoguwa.... graded
- finogsiyn.... good grade, good mark
- finogsiyndraf.... report card
- finogsiynien.... getting good grades, getting good marks
- finogsiynier.... get good grades, get good marks
- funogsiynien.... getting bad grades, getting bad marks
- funogsiynier.... get bad grades, get bad marks
- fyinog.... poor rating
- fyinoga.... of low value, poorly rated, worth little
- ganogxer.... regrade
- gelnog.... as
- genog ho.... just as
- genog molza ho yafwe.... as black as can be
- genoga.... equal in degree
- genogay.... equally
- ginogser.... get steeper
- glanog.... driblet, to a great degree, very
- gonog.... driblet, small part
- gonogsea.... digressing
- gonogsen.... degradation, digression
- gonogser.... degrade, digress
- gonogsyea.... digressive
- gonogxea.... degrading, digressive
- gonogxen.... degradation, digression
- gonogxer.... degrade
- gonogxus.... sliding scale
- gounog.... tiny piece
- granog.... excess, extreme
- granoga .... drastic
- granoga.... excessive, exorbitanant, exorbitant, extreme
- granogan.... excessiveness, exorbitance, exorbitancy, extremeness
- granogay.... drastically, excessively, exorbitantly, extremely
- granogin.... extremism, fanaticism
- granogina.... extremist, fanatical
- granoginay.... fanatically
- granoginut.... extremist, fanatic
- gunnog.... angle, degree of angularity
- gwanog.... maximum
- gwanoga.... maximal, maximum, superlative
- gwanogay.... maximally, superlatively
- gwanogi.... maxima
- gwanogin.... maximalism
- gwanogina.... maximalist, maximalistic
- gwanoginut.... maximalist
- gwanogsen.... graduation, maxing out
- gwanogsut.... graduate
- gwanogxea.... maximizing
- gwanogxen.... maximization, maximizing
- gwanogxer.... graduate, maximize
- gwanogxus.... maximizer
- gwanogxwa.... graduated, maximized
- gwe genog ho.... just as much as
- gwonog.... minimum
- gwonoga.... minimal, minimum
- gwonogay.... minimally
- gwonogin.... minimalism
- gwonogina.... minimalist, minimalistic
- gwonoginut.... minimalist
- gwonogxea.... minimizing
- gwonogxen.... minimization, minimizing
- gwonogxer.... minimize
- gwonogxwa.... minimized
- hanog.... to the degree
- henog.... somewhat, to a certain extent, to some degree
- hinog.... so, this, to this degree, to this extent
- honog.... to the degree that
- hunog.... so, that, to that degree, to that extent
- huunog.... so, to such a degree, to such an extent
- huyennog.... so, to a degree like that
- hyanog.... completely, totally
- hyenog ho.... to any extent that, to whatever degree
- hyenog.... however, in any degree, to any extent, to whatever extent
- hyinog ho.... as much as, just as, to the same degree that
- hyinog.... as, to the same degree, to the same extent
- hyonog.... in no way, in no wise, to no extent, not at all, not at all
- hyunog.... to a different degree, to a different extent
- ia tisnog.... third grade
- ia tisnogat.... third-grader
- iber fia nogdruni.... get good grades
- ika duz nogyan.... gamut
- iknogay.... fully
- inoga.... tertiary, third-degree
- kinnog.... pitch
- kinnoga.... cliometric
- kinnogar.... clinometer
- kinnogut.... cliometrician
- kodinog.... anecdote
- kodinoga.... anecdotal, anecdotic
- loginoga.... gradual
- mesnog.... doorstep
- miilzyunog.... dew drop
- mukibler bay nogmemi.... stope
- musnog.... grade, rime, rung, stair rung, step
- musnoga.... gradual
- musnogar.... ladder
- musnogay.... gradually
- musnogser.... graduate, step along
- musnogxen.... stepping
- musnogxer.... step
- musnogxwa.... staged, stepped
- nog.... degree, grade
- noga.... gradual
- nog-agcanak.... degree Celsius
- nog-agfenak.... degree Fahrenheit
- nog-agkinak.... degree Kelvin
- nogar.... gradient
- nogay ga yugay.... decrescendo
- nogay.... by degrees, gradatim, gradually, stepwise
- nogbyofwa.... unscalable
- nogdrawa.... graded
- nogdref.... report card
- nogdren.... grading
- nogdrer.... to grade
- nogdreut.... grader
- nogdrun.... grade
- nogmem mukiblen....stope, stoping
- nogmus.... degree scale
- nogsar.... stepper
- nogsea sir.... stepper
- nogsiun.... degree sign
- nogsiyn dref.... report card
- nogsiyn.... grade, mark
- nogsiynier.... to get a grade, get a mark
- nogsiynuen.... giving marks, grade assignment
- nogsiynuer.... give a mark
- nogsiynuut.... grader
- nogsiynuwa.... graded
- nogsiynxen.... grading
- nogsiynxer.... grade
- nogxen.... gradation, grading, pacing
- nogxer.... gradate, grade, pace
- nogxwa zyuk.... ratchet
- nogxwa.... gradated, graded, paced
- nogxwat.... grad
- nogxyafwa.... scalable
- nogyan.... scale
- nogyana.... scalar
- nogyanser.... to escalate
- nogyanxen.... escalation, scaling
- nogyanxer.... escalate
- nogyanxwa.... escalated, scaled
- nogyena.... gradual
- nogyenay.... gradually
- nogyenin.... gradualness
- obnogxea.... abating
- obnogxen.... abatement
- obnogxer.... to abate
- obnogxwa.... abated
- ognog.... in a small degree
- ognogyana.... small-time, smalltime
- onogsiynuwa.... ungraded, unmarked
- otejyobnogxyafwa.... nonbiodegradable
- sonog.... trifling matter
- sonogpexwen.... pettifogging
- sonogpexwer.... to pettifog
- sonogpexwut.... pettifogger
- tejyobnogxyafwa.... biodegradable
- tejyobnogxyafwan.... biodegradability
- tisnog.... grade, mark
- tobetifek zyunog.... pewee
- tuj bekzyunog.... sleeping pill, soporific
- tyennog.... degree
- tyennogien.... graduation
- tyennogier.... to get one's degree, get ones degree, graduate
- tyennogiwat.... graduate
- tyennoguer.... to give out a degree, graduate
- tyonog.... pace
- tyonogen.... pacing
- tyonoger.... to pace
- tyonogxen meg.... stepping stone, steppingstone
- tyonogxen.... stepping
- tyonogxut.... pacemaker, pacesetter
- tyonogxwa.... paced
- tyoyab nog.... footstep
- tyoyanogem.... stoop
- ua tisnog.... fourth grade
- ua tisnogat.... fourth-grader
- ugnoga.... gradual
- ugnogay.... gradually
- unoga.... fourth-degree, quaternary
- utistam anog.... baccalaureate
- uzunog.... ringlet
- uzyiunog.... diskette
- volznogyan.... chromatic scale
- volznogyana.... chromatic
- volznogyanay.... chromatically
- vyonog.... minor fault, misstep
- vyonogper.... misstep
- xer gla zaynogi.... make great strides
- yaa tisnog.... sixth grade
- yaa tisnogat.... sixth-grader
- yaba nog.... high grade
- yabmusnogxen.... stepping up
- yabmusnogxer.... to step up
- yabmusnogxwa.... stepped up
- yabnog.... upgrade, upper rung
- yabnoga.... high-grade, upscale
- yabnogat.... grandee
- yabnogpen.... climbing, graduating, graduation, upgrading
- yabnogper.... climb, graduate, upgrade
- yabnogput.... climber, graduate
- yabnogser.... to ascend, ramp up, upgrade
- yabnogxen.... ramping up, upgrade, upgrading, upscaling
- yabnogxer.... to notch up, ramp up, upgrade, upscale
- yabnogxwa.... ramped up, upgraded, upscaled
- yabnogxyafwa.... scalable
- yabnogyansea.... scaling up
- yabnogyanxen.... scaling up
- yabnogyanxer.... scale up
- yabnogyanxwa.... scaled up
- yanapa tisnog.... sixth grade
- yazyunogdopar.... six-gun, sixgun, sixshooter
- yea tisnog.... seventh grade
- yea tisnogat.... seventh-grader
- yia tisnog.... eighth grade
- yia tisnogat.... eighth-grader
- yiga nogsiynuut.... tough grader
- yiznoga.... extreme
- yiznogan.... extremeness
- yiznogay.... extremely
- yiznogin.... extremism
- yiznogina.... extremist
- yiznoginut.... extremist
- yiznogpan.... transcendency
- yiznogpea.... transcendent, transcending
- yiznogpen.... transcendence, transcending
- yiznogpena.... transcendental
- yiznogpenay.... transcendentally
- yiznogper.... to transcend
- yiznogpin.... transcendentalism
- yiznogpinut.... transcendentalist
- yiznogpya.... transcended
- yiztyonoger.... to outstep
- yoa tisnog.... fifth grade
- yoa tisnogat.... fifth-grader
- yobmusnogxen.... stepping down
- yobmusnogxer.... to step down
- yobmusnogxwa.... stepped down
- yobnoga.... downscale, low-grade
- yobnogbea.... de-escalating
- yobnogben.... de-escalating, de-escalation, deescalation
- yobnogber.... to de-escalate, deescalate
- yobnogpea.... descendant
- yobnogpen.... descent, downscaling
- yobnogper.... climb down, descend, downscale
- yobnogser.... to become degraded, degrade, downgrade, downscale
- yobnogxea.... degrading
- yobnogxen.... commutation, commuting, degradation, degrading, downgrading, downscaling
- yobnogxer.... commute, degrade, downgrade, downscale
- yobnogxwa.... commuted, degraded, downgraded, downscaled
- yobnogxyafwa.... commutable, degradable
- yobnogxyofwa.... incommutable
- yobnogyanxea.... scaling down
- yobnogyanxen.... scale-down, scaling down
- yobnogyanxer.... to scale down
- yobnogyanxwa.... scaled down
- yonog.... sol
- yonsaunog.... nuance
- yonsaunoguer.... to nuance
- yonsaunoguwa.... nuanced
- yuga nogsiynuut.... easy grader
- yugzyunog.... pastille
- yuigof zyunog.... wad of gum
- yuka zyunog.... caplet
- zanogen.... advancement, graduation
- zanoger.... to advance, graduate
- zanogut.... graduate
- zaymusnogxer.... step forward
- zaynog.... progress
- zenoga.... medium
- zoynogsea.... regressing, retrogressive
- zoynogsen.... regressing, regression, retrogression
- zoynogser.... to regress, retrogress
- zoynogsya.... regressed
- zoynogsyea.... regressive
- zoyyabnogper.... to re-climb
NAG and NAK Words
[edit | edit source]- nag....dimension, measure
- nak....unit of measure
- Here are words derived from nag:
- nag....dimension, measurement, size
- naga....dimensional
- agnaga....uppercase
- ognaga....lowercase
- annaga....one-dimensional
- ennaga....two-dimensional, stereo
- innaga....three-dimensional
- gelnaga....symmetrical
- logenaga....unsymmetrical
- glanaga....multi-dimensional
- granaga....oversized
- gronaga....undersized
- gwenaga....sized just right
- gwenagwa....perfectly sized
- iknaga....full-size
- ognagyana....small-scale
- agnagyana....large-scale
- nagder....to measure, size up
- nagdyofwa....immeasurable, unsizeable
- nagdyofway....immeasurably, unsizeably
- amnag....temperature
- amnak....degree of temperature
- amnagar....thermometer
- amonnak....calory
- amonnagar....calorimeter
- balnag....barometry
- balnagar....barometer
- bixfeelknagar....magnetometer
- dobnastunnaga....econometric
- drefnag....demy
- duz nag....measure, bar (in music)
- ebnag....median
- ebnaga nix....median income
- egnag....norm
- ennagsin....stereograph
- ennagseuxar....stereo phonograph
- ennagteaxar....stereoscope
- ennagteexa....stereophonic
- eznaga....moderate-sized
- finagxer....adapt, adjust, fit
- finagser....fit, suit (intrans.)
- funagser....ill fit
- funagxwa....ill-suited, ill-fitted, maladjusted
- funagxwat....a misfit
- nagader....metricate
- nagar....gauge, meter, -stat
- ignagar....speedometer, accelerometer
- ilbalnagar....manometer
- ilpanebennagar....interferometer
- imagar....hygrometer
- innagsinuar....shadowbox
- yiznagxer....outsize
- deupnagar....metronome
- jwobnagar....chronometer
- kyiazonnagar....gravimeter
- kyinag....weight
- kyoemben nagar....parking meter
- maalnagar....radiosonde
- maarnagar....heliometer
- maegil nagar....gas meter
- makilpnagar....ammeter
- maknagar....electrometer
- mamilnagar....rain gauge
- mannagar....light meter
- manubennagar....fluoroscope
- mapnagar....anemometer
- marnagar....astrolabe
- meirnaga....geodetic
- melpaslunnagar....seismometer
- mepignagar....odometer
- mialnagar....hygrometer
- milnagar....hydrometer, hydrostat
- milnagdref....hydrograph
- milnaknagar....mileometer
- mimuipnagar....tide gauge
- nabyanmannagar....spectrophotometer
- nabyannagar....spectrometer
- teesnagar....audiometer
- yabnannagar....hypsometer
- yabnaynanagar....altimeter
- yibanjobnagar....taximeter
- yobnagar....bathometer
- zyimnagar....level, leveling device
- zyuknagar....cyclometer
- nagaraber....to instrument
- nagarer....to gauge, meter
- nagarwa....metered
- nagegon....yardstick, standard of measurement
- nagen jwobar....stopwatch
- naggoxer....to downsize
- naggaxer....to upsizde
- nagmuf....dipstick
- nagmus....scale, metric scale
- nagonxer....to modulate
- nagsaxwa....made-to-order
- naguer....to mete out
- nagwas....measurand
- nagyafwa....measurable
- nagyofwa....immeasurable
- nagyofway....immeasurably
- nidnag....volume, dosage
- nidnagar....dosimeter, volumeter
- ofinaga....inapt, unsuitable
- finagxer....to adjust
- finagxyofwa....adjustable
- ovbexnag....impedence
- ovgenaga....antisymmetric
- nagpan....rhythm
- ovnagpan....counter-rhythm
- ozenaga....immoderate, intemperate
- tapnag....analog
- tapnaga....analogical
- tepnaga....psychometric
- tujnagdrar....hypnograph
- vyanag....true measure
- vyenaga....commensurate
- vyenagay....commensurately
- vyenagyafwa....commensurable
- vyonaga....wrong-sized
- yabnag....altitude, height, stature
- yoynaga....quintic
- yubfinagsea....snug, snug-fitting
- yuznag....circumference, girth
- zenag....average, mean
- zenagxer....to average out, moderate
- The related morpheme nak means unit of measure, metric unit. Here is a list of metric and other units of measure:
- aganak.... amp, amperage, ampere, A
- aganak-gol-minak.... ampere per meter
- agbadenak.... baud
- agbakonak.... Bq, becquerel
- agbanak.... byte
- agcainak.... curie
- agcanak.... coulomb, C
- ageagbanak.... EB, exabyte
- agebanak.... Eb, exabit
- agfenak.... farad
- aggebanak.... Gb, gigabyte
- aggegenak.... gigagram, Gg
- aggeyunak.... gray, Gy
- aghelonak.... ohm
- aghenak.... henry, H
- aghezunak.... Hz, hertz
- agjinak.... joule, J
- agkinak.... kelvin, K
- aglamigenak.... macrogram, Mg
- aglinak.... lambert
- aglonak.... liter, litre
- agmibanak.... Mb
- agmivunak.... Mv.
- agni-gol-minak.... N/m, surface tension
- agniminak.... N-m, moment of force
- agninak.... newton, unit of force, N
- agpoanak.... pascal, Pa
- agpoasonak.... Pa-s, dynamic viscosity
- agponak.... poise, P
- agsonak.... Siemens
- agsovunak.... sievert, Sv
- agtoagbanak.... TB, terabyte
- agtobanak.... Tb, terabit
- agtogenak.... teragram, Tg
- agtonak.... tesla
- agvunak.... volt
- agwubanak.... Wb, weber
- agwu-gol-migarenak.... W/m2 heat flux density, irradiance
- agwunak.... watt, W
- agyuagbanak.... YB, yottabyte, yobibyte, zebibyte
- agyubanak.... Yb, yottabit
- agyugenak.... yottagram, Yg
- agzegenak.... zettagram, Zg
- agzuagbanak.... ZB, zettabyte, zebitye, exbibyte
- agzubanak.... Zb, zettabit, zebibit, exbibit
- alogenak.... decagram
- alolinak.... deciliter
- alominak.... decameter
- amloagbadenak.... megabaud
- amloagbanak.... meg, megabyte
- amloaghenak.... megahertz
- amloagvunak.... megavolt
- amloagwunak.... megawatt
- amlobanak.... megabit
- amlocanak.... megacycle
- amloomeganak.... megohm
- amloronak.... milliradian
- amlotonak.... megaton
- amloynminak.... micrometer, micron
- amloynsonak.... microsecond
- amnak.... degree of temperature
- amroagbanak.... gigabyte
- amroagvunak.... gigavolt, gV
- amroagwunak.... gigawatt, gW
- amroahezunak.... gigahertz, gH
- amrobanak.... gigabit
- amrobanak.... gigabit
- aroagbanak.... kilobyte
- aroaghelonak.... kilohm
- aroaghenak.... kilohertz
- arobanak arobanak.... kb
- arobanak.... kilobit
- arocanak.... kilocycle
- arogenak.... kg, kilo, kilogram
- arojinak.... kilojoule
- arolinak.... kiloliter
- arominak.... kilometer, kilometre, km
- arominak.... km
- aroomeganak.... kilohm
- arotonak.... kiloton
- arovunak.... kilovolt
- arowunak.... kilowatt
- aroynaganak.... milliampere
- aroyn-aganak.... milliampere
- aroynagbanak.... millibyte
- aroynbalnak.... millibar
- aroyngenak.... milligram
- aroynjinak.... millijoule
- aroynlinak.... milliliter, millilitre
- aroynminak.... millimeter, millimetre
- aroynronak.... milliradian
- aroynsonak.... millisecond, ms
- aroynvunak.... millivolt
- aroynwunak.... milliwatt
- asogenak.... hectogram
- asolinak.... hectolitre
- asominak.... hectometer
- asoycanak.... centigrade
- asoygenak.... centigram
- asoylinak.... centiliter
- asoyminak.... centimeter
- asoyn-anak.... centigrade
- aunak.... angstrom
- ayoynminak.... millimeter
- banak.... bit
- baposonak.... bawd
- cadanak.... candela, cd
- cagenak.... centigram, cg
- caminak.... cm
- canak.... calorie
- cawutonak.... hundredweight, cwt
- daagbanak.... dB, decibel
- daagenak.... decagram, dag
- dagenak.... decigram, dg
- daminak.... decimeter, dm
- dayuninak.... dyne
- Enida minak.... mile
- faobnak.... rick
- fetonak.... foot
- gahenak.... gigahertz
- garaleagbanak.... Tb, terabyte
- garalyiagbanak.... exabyte
- garalyigegenak.... exagram, Eg
- garalyoagbanak.... petabyte
- garalyobanak.... petabit
- garelaagbanak.... zettabyte
- gareluagbanak.... yottabyte
- garyuagbanak.... gigabyte
- garyubanak.... gigabit
- garyubanak.... gigabit, gb
- garyugenak.... gigagram, Gg
- genak.... gram
- gol sonak.... per minute
- goraleagfenak.... picofarad
- goralesonak.... picosecond
- goralyigenak.... attogram, ag
- goralyusonak.... attosecond
- gorelasonak.... zeptosecond
- gorelugenak.... yoctogram, yg
- gorelusonak.... yoctosecond
- goryuminak.... nanometer
- goryusonak.... nanosecond
- hartleynak.... hartley
- heanak.... hectare, ha
- hegenak.... nectogram, hg
- helmigenak.... microgram
- iber finak.... receive an award
- ingarwa minak.... cubic meter
- inonak.... inch
- kapetnak.... mickey
- kiatonak.... katal
- kigenak.... kilogram
- kogenak.... kilogram, kg
- kyinak.... weight gain
- libanak.... pound
- liminak.... lm, lumen
- lixunak.... lux, lx
- mannak.... photon
- melnak.... acre
- mianak.... ma
- migenak.... mg, milligram, mg
- milnak.... mile
- miminak.... mm
- minak.... meter
- minak-gol-sonak.... meter per second
- miolinak.... Mole, mole
- mufzyegnak.... caliber, calibre
- nasyanak.... capital gain
- naudnak.... rad
- nifnak.... sett
- nigenak.... nanogram, ng
- nignak.... stere
- niminak.... nm
- nog-agcanak.... degree Celsius
- nog-agfenak.... degree Fahrenheit
- nog-agkinak.... degree Kelvin
- ozunak.... ounce
- poagfenak.... picofarad
- poagjinak.... picojoule
- pogenak.... picagram, pg
- posonak.... parsec, picosecond, ps
- powunak.... pennyweight
- roadanak.... plane angle unit, rad
- ro-gol-sogarenak.... rad/s2, angular acceleration
- ro-gol-sonak.... rad/s, angular velocity, angular frequency
- ronak.... radian, roentgen
- seuxignak.... mach
- sonak.... quintal, second
- soronak.... solid angle unit, sr, steradian, sr
- tonak.... ton, t
- tuubnak.... cubit
- unak.... quarto
- vunak.... unit of voltage
- yafonak.... power gain
- yanak.... hexameter
- yudanak.... yard
- yusonak.... ys
- zegenak.... zeptogram, zg
- zu-a-jinak.... rpm
- zusonak.... zs
- zyefnak.... diopter
NEG Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme neg means level. Here are some derived words:
- aa neg.... first level, level one, first floor
- abdoneg.... top social class, top social stratum, upper class
- abdonega.... upper-class
- abdonegat.... member of the upper class, sociocrat
- abneg.... top level, upper level
- abnega.... top-level
- aglaneg.... macrolevel
- aneg.... first level
- anega.... first level, first-level
- annega.... single-level
- ayba neg.... superior echelon, superior level
- aybneg.... superstratum
- be ijduzneg bi.... in the key of
- be neg bi ha domep.... at street level
- doneg axlen yevson.... class action suit
- doneg teptijan.... class consciousness
- doneg.... class, social class, social level, social stratum
- donega.... class-related
- donegin.... classism
- donegina.... classist
- doneginut.... classist
- donegoya.... class-less, classless
- donegoyan.... classlessness
- donegteptija.... class-conscious
- doneguka.... class-less, classless
- donegukan.... classlessness
- dota neg.... social level
- duzneg yabar.... capo
- duzneg.... pitch, tune
- duznegsiyn.... clef
- duznegxar.... tuner
- ebneg.... in-between level, inter-level
- ebnega.... inter-level
- ebtajnega.... intergenerational
- ebtajnegay.... intergenerationally
- ennega.... bi-level, double-layered, split-level, two-level
- ennegmimofag.... galleon
- euxneg.... volume
- eynegon.... gauge
- eynyabwa duzneg.... sharp
- eynyobwa duzneg.... flat
- fiduznega.... in key, on pitch
- fika duzneg.... perfect pitch
- fuduznega.... off-key, off-pitch, off-tune, pitchy
- gatajnegxea.... regenerative
- gatajnegxen.... regenerating, regeneration
- gatajnegxer.... regenerate
- gatajnegxus.... regenerator
- gatajnegxwa.... regenerated
- gatajnegxwan.... regeneracy
- genega.... coplanar, levigate, level, smooth, even
- genegat.... peer
- genegatan.... peerage
- genegatdyes.... peerage
- genegatoya.... peerless
- genegatuka.... peerless
- genegatyan.... peerage
- genegtadiwayt.... peeress
- genegxer.... levigate
- genegxwa.... levigate
- getajnega.... co-generational, of the same generation
- getajnegat.... co-generational
- glanega.... multi-level, multilevel
- glasuexnega.... multivolume
- greneg.... break-even, breakeven
- gwafiduznega.... pitch-perfect
- ijduzneg.... key
- ilneg.... pond, stretch of water
- kyodoneg.... caste
- manegsea.... aglitter, glittering
- milneg.... body of water
- naxneggox.... deflation
- naxneggoxea.... deflationary
- neg bi tiibil level.... blood sugar level
- neg.... echelon, layer, level, stratum, tier
- nega zeymep.... grade crossing
- nega.... even, level
- negar.... level
- negay.... evenly
- negi.... strata
- negika.... tiered
- negser.... level out
- negxar.... leveler
- negxen.... leveling, smoothing, stratification
- negxer.... level, smooth out, stratify
- negxwa.... even, leveled out, smoothed, stratified
- ob duzneg.... off-key
- obdonega.... of the lower class
- obdonegat.... member of the lower class
- obneg.... inferior echelon, sublevel
- odonega.... class-free
- ogenega.... not level, uneven
- ogenegan.... unevenness
- ogetajnega.... allo-generational, of a different generation
- ogetajnegat.... allo-generational
- oglaneg.... microlevel
- oktajnegser.... degenerate
- oktajnegsoa.... degenerative
- oktajnegxer.... degenerate
- oktajnegxwa.... degenerated
- oneg.... ground level
- onega.... uneven
- onegan.... unevenness
- onegay.... unevenly
- onegxwa.... unstratified
- oyba doneg.... lower social class
- oybneg.... substratum
- oybnegi.... substrata
- oyegtajnegxer.... unregenerate
- seuxneg.... sound level
- tajneg.... generation
- tajnega.... generational
- tajnegay.... generationally
- tiibil levafil neg.... blood-alcohol level
- tiibil neg.... blood level
- tisneg.... grade, grade level
- tisnegyaper.... advance scholastically, move up a grade in school
- tistam neg.... school grade
- vyaduznega.... in tune, on-pitch
- vyaduznegxer.... tune
- vyaduznegxwa.... tuned
- vyanegdwas.... aphorism, catchword, dictum, maxim, saw, saying
- vyoduznega.... off-pitch, out of tune, pitchy
- vyoduznegser.... get out of tune
- yaba doneg.... high social status, higher social class
- yaba duzneg.... high pitch
- yaba neg.... high level
- yabdoneg.... higher social class, upper class
- yabdonega.... classy, high class, high-class, upper class
- yabdonegat.... high-class person, member of the upper class
- yabduzneg.... high pitch, treble
- yabduznega.... high-pitch, high-pitched, treble
- yabnega.... high-echelon, high-level, top echelon
- yabnegser.... go up a level
- yabnegxea.... uplifting
- yabnegxen.... raising the level, ratcheting up
- yabnegxer.... raise the level, ratchet up, uplift, upshift
- yabnegxwa.... ratcheted up
- yabzedoneg.... upper middle class
- yabzedonega.... upper middle class
- yeduznega.... diatonic
- yexuta doneg.... working class
- yeybtajnega.... intragenerational
- yoba doneg.... low social class, low social stratum
- yoba neg.... lower level
- yobdoneg yuxlut.... scullion
- yobdoneg.... lower class
- yobdonega.... low class, low-class, lower class, lower-class
- yobdonegat.... guttersnipe, lower-class person, member of the lower class
- yobduznega.... low-pitched
- yober ha seuzneg.... lower the volume
- yobnega.... bottom echelon, bottom-level, low-echelon, low-level, lower-level
- yobzedoneg.... lower middle class
- yobzedonega.... lower middle class
- yomneg.... ice floe, ice sheet
- zea doneg.... middle class
- zedoneg.... middle class
- zedonega.... middle class, middle-class, middlebrow, of the middle class
- zedonegat.... member of the middle class, middle-class person, middlebrow
- zenega.... mid-level
NIG Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme nig means space. Here are some derived words:
- abnig.... plenum, upper space
- annigxer.... monospace
- annigxwa.... monospaced
- At voy yafe nigafxer hia nusbiun..... I cannot afford this purchase.
- avyuzniga.... pro-environmental
- azon exnig.... force field
- be kunig bi.... on the margins of
- be nig bi.... in the space of
- bixfeelka exnig.... magnetic field
- doivakdibut exnig.... sheriffwick
- dozyinig.... esplanade
- ebnig.... elbowroom, gap, headspace, interspace, interstice, interval, leeway, play, room in-between, space in-between
- ebniga.... interstitial
- ebnigxer.... create leeway, make some space in-between, space out
- ebuknig.... cofferdam
- exnig.... area of operations, compound, field, operational terrain
- geniga.... coextensive
- glamepnig.... concourse
- glaniga.... palatial, roomy, spacious
- glanigan.... roominess, spaciousness
- glanigay.... palatially
- gloniga.... cramped, poky
- glonigxen.... cramping
- glonigxer.... cramp
- glonigxwa.... cramped
- ifeknig.... arena
- ijkuniggaxen.... indentation, indenting, indention
- ijkuniggaxer.... indent
- ijkuniggaxwa.... indented
- inigan.... triplex
- izbexnig.... purview
- jubdinig.... newsflash
- keaxnig.... scope
- kunig.... latitude, margin, side space
- kuniga.... marginal
- kunigay.... marginally
- kunigdren.... marginalia
- kunigxen.... marginalization
- kunigxer.... marginalize
- kunigxwa.... marginalized
- kyoemben nig.... parking space
- maegmemnig.... coalfield
- magyel memnig.... oilfield
- malnig.... aerospace, airspace
- malyom memnig.... snowfield
- malza nig.... white space, whitespace
- melnig.... plat
- melnigdraf.... plat
- memnig.... expanse of land, field, patch, plot, territory, tract, turf
- mimpurnig.... berth
- mulikxwa nig.... plenum
- mulunigxur.... cyclotron
- nelnig.... buffer
- nelnigen ebemben.... buffering
- nelniger.... buffer
- nelnigwa.... buffered
- nig.... bulk, capacity, confines, expanse, field, range, room, space
- niga.... expansive, spacial, spatial
- nigafxea.... accommodating
- nigafxen.... accommodation, affording
- nigafxer.... accommodate, afford space
- nigafxwa.... accommodated, afforded
- nigafxyafwa.... affordable
- nigamxar.... space heater
- nigaxway.... turgidly
- nigay.... spaciously, spatially
- nigaya.... capacious, roomy, spacious, vast
- nigayan.... capaciousness, roominess, spaciousness, vastness
- nigbuer.... accommodate, allot room for
- nigenak.... nanogram, ng
- nigika.... capacious, roomy, spacious, vast
- nigikan.... capaciousness, roominess, spaciousness, vastness
- nigikay.... capaciously, spaciously, vastly
- nigikxar.... quadrat
- nignagar.... stereometer
- nignak.... stere
- nignoyx.... groundage
- nignyox.... waste of space
- nigog.... cranny, niche, nook, tiny space
- nigogika.... crannied
- nigser.... expand, space out
- nigxar.... spacer
- nigxen.... expansion, spacing out
- nigxer.... expand, make room for, space out
- nigxwa.... expanded, spaced out
- nigyanxea.... overlapping
- nigyanxer.... overlap
- nigyanxwa.... overlapped
- nyadrunig.... handlist
- nyexen nig.... storage space
- onelnigwa.... unbuffered
- onigaya.... cramped, unspacious
- onigika.... cramped, unspacious
- onigxwa.... cramped, crowded
- ovunigpem.... steeplechase
- oybkuniga.... submarginal
- oybnig.... subspace
- oyebnig.... exterior space, outer space
- oyebvyifxer nig.... clear out a space
- oyeybkuniga.... extramarginal
- purkyoemben nig.... parking space
- puxrunigseux.... zing, zip
- sagunigan.... bitrate
- tamnig.... houseroom
- tapsexnig.... workout space, workout space
- teatnig.... eyeshot, field of view, viewing range
- tebnig.... head room, headroom
- tejennig.... Lebensraum, living space
- tesnig.... scope
- testnig.... purview
- tyennig.... bailiwick
- tyobnig.... legroom
- uka nig.... blank space, empty space
- uknig.... blank space, vacuity, vacuum
- ukniges.... vacuole
- ungunnig.... quod
- unkunnig.... quad, quadrat
- xeunnig.... business turf
- yafon niguk.... power vacuum
- yanbyuxboknig.... contagion
- yanigper.... run together
- yaynebnig.... quint
- yeba nig.... inner space
- yebnig.... court, courtyard, interior
- yexnig.... work space, workspace
- yeybkuniga.... intramarginal
- yijnig.... loft
- yijniga toames.... loft apartment
- yinig.... octave
- yomnig.... ice cap, icecap
- yonigper.... run apart
- yonnigwa.... spaced apart
- yonnigxer.... space apart
- yonnigxwa.... spaced apart
- yonota nig.... private space
- yujmelnig.... croft
- yujmelnigut.... crofter
- yuznig-.... eco-
- yuznig.... environ, environment, environs, surroundings
- yuzniga.... ecologic, environmental
- yuznigay.... ecologically, environmentally
- yuznigdata.... eco-friendly
- yuznigin.... environmentalism
- yuznigina.... environmentalist
- yuzniginut.... environmentalist
- yuznignaab.... ecosystem
- yuznigovdata.... eco-hostile
- yuznigtojben.... ecocide
- yuznigtun.... ecology
- yuznigtuna.... ecological
- yuznigtunay.... ecologically
- yuznigtut.... ecologist
- zanig.... forecourt, foreground, frontage, headway
- zenig.... midst, nave
- zonig.... background
- zoynig.... backspace
- zoynigxen.... backspacing
- zoynigxer.... backspace
- zoynigxwa.... backspaced
- zyanig.... stretch, expanse
- zyaniga.... extensive, expansive
- zyanigay.... extensively, expansively
- zyanigxer.... space out
- zyanigxwa.... broad-gauge, wide-spaced
- zyomamnig.... corridor
- zyonig.... close quarters, confines, narrow space, tight-fitting space
- zyoniga.... cramped
- zyonigxwa.... cramped, narrow-gauge, narrow-spaced
NOD point
[edit | edit source]- The base word nod means point, dot and is the top-level word of a scalar series.
NOD words MIRAD ENGLISH nod point, dot nad line ned plane nid volume
- The morpheme nod means point, dot and has the following derivatives:
- abennod siyn.... dieresis, tréma, umlaut
- abfin nod.... break point
- abnod.... apex, peak, summit, summum, tip, tiptop, top, vertex, zenith
- abnodser.... peak, top out
- abnodsiyn.... dot above
- abnoduper.... culminate
- adjnoda.... preterite
- aker eknod.... win a point
- alonsuna nod.... decimal point
- alyaynduznod.... semiquaver
- alznodbok.... measles
- ama nod.... hot spot, hotspot
- Amernod.... North Pole
- ankyiba duznod.... crotchet
- anmernoda.... unipolar
- annod siyn.... period
- axlea nod.... hyperlink
- aynduznod.... semibreve
- be gunod bi.... on the verge of
- be hinod.... at this juncture, at this point
- be nod bi.... on the point of
- be yabnod bi.... at the peak of
- bu nod bi.... to the point of
- byinod.... point of origin
- byunod.... aim, bull's eye, target
- dalnod.... issue, point, talking point, theme
- debea duznodyan.... canto
- deuznod.... note
- dobnix oznod.... tax loophole
- domep zyenod.... street intersection
- drenod.... dot
- duz nod.... musical note
- duz nodren.... musical notation
- duznodyan.... chord, melody
- duznodyana vyeson.... leitmotif, leitmotiv
- ebnod.... connection, junction, juncture, node
- ebnoddunek.... cross-word puzzle
- ebnodxer.... connect
- ebnodyan.... grid, matrix
- ebujnoda.... interterminal
- eknod zesag.... point average
- eknod.... point
- emnod.... location
- emnodxer.... locate
- ennod aybsiyn.... diaeresis, double dot sign above, two dots above accent, two dots above diacritic, umlaut
- ennod siyn.... colon
- ennodas.... bicuspid
- enod.... deuce
- enujnoda.... bipolar
- eynduznod.... minim
- fiteas nod.... vantage point
- fiznod.... point of honor
- gabsinod.... crossing
- gimel abnod.... mountain summit, mountaintop
- ginod jwob.... peak hour, rush hour
- ginod.... acme, apex, peak, sharp point, summit, summum, tip, vertex
- glaebnoda.... multinode
- glanoda.... multipoint
- glaujnoda.... multipolar, multiterminal
- gupnod.... cusp, turning point
- gwanod.... maximal point, maximum, peak, summit, summum
- gyanod.... hump
- gyanodzon.... humpback
- igan gwanod.... speed limit
- ijnod.... square one, starting point
- ikraxen nod.... saturation point
- ilxen nod.... melting point
- innod aybsiyn.... three dots above accent, three dots above diacritic
- iznod puxren.... trapshooting
- iznod.... aim, bull's eye
- iznodarzyun.... trackball
- iznodnyed.... crosshair
- iznodxer.... aim
- jeeb amar yibnod.... summer solstice
- jeub amar yibnod.... winter solstice
- jobnod.... point in time
- jobnoda.... punctual
- kaxnod.... provenience
- kexnod.... bull's eye
- kyanod.... moving target, variable point
- kyaxnod.... breakpoint
- kyonod.... fixed point
- amaryibnod.... solstice
- amaryubnod.... perihelion
- magilen nod.... boiling point
- magnod.... burn point, focus
- maknod.... blip
- mannod.... pip
- mepnod.... mile marker, mile-marker, route point
- mernod.... cardinal point, compass point, pole
- mernodmar.... polestar
- mernodxer.... polarize
- mernodzuber.... levogyrate
- meryubnod.... perigee
- mimkum ijnod.... beachhead
- molznod.... blackhead
- moylza nod.... blotch
- mugabnodmuf.... tipstaff
- mupyubnod.... perigee
- musabnod.... climax, peak, top of the ladder, top of the scale
- musabnodxer.... climax
- musobnod.... bottom of the scale, nadir
- musobnodxer.... bottom out
- muyvabnod.... pinhead
- neafnod.... website
- nivarabnod.... pinhead
- nod aybsiyn.... dot above accent, dot above diacritic
- nod bi merizondar.... compass point
- nod bi ozoyp.... point of no return
- nod bi vyelean.... point of reference
- nod bu nod.... point-to-point
- nod oybsiyn.... dot under diacritic
- nod.... dot, peak, period, point, tip
- noddrer.... write in Braille
- nodeaxer.... aim, demonstrate, show
- nodgrun siyn.... semi-colon, semicolon
- nodig.... blip
- nodkyoxer.... pinpoint
- nodog.... iota, little dot, speck, speckle
- nodogsizin.... pointillism
- nodogxer.... speckle
- nodrawa nad.... dotted line
- nodren siyn.... punctuation mark
- nodren.... dotting, punctuation
- nodrer.... dot, punctuate
- nodsindruren.... halftone
- nodxer.... check off, dot, mark off, plot, prick off, punctuate, stipple, tick off
- nodyan.... cluster
- nodyanser.... cluster
- nodyena.... persnickety
- nodyig.... callus
- nodzyuper.... swivel
- obnod.... bottom, nadir
- obnodser.... bottom out
- obosnod.... flashpoint, hot spot
- oegla volznod.... blotch
- ogladrenod.... microdot
- oglanod.... micro-point, nadir, minimum
- oker eknod.... lose a point
- omernod.... south pole
- ovduznodyan.... counterpoint
- ovmernod.... antipode
- ovmusabnoda.... anticlimactic
- ovnod.... counterpoint
- oyvnod.... pole, antipode, opposite point
- oyvnoda.... contrapuntal
- ozenodxwa.... unfocused
- oznod.... loophole
- pansinujnod.... videoterminal
- pasea kexnod.... moving target
- pyan zenod.... wave node
- pyos nod.... landing point
- sinnod.... pixel
- sinnodxer.... pixilate
- tayibujnod.... synapse
- teasnod.... standpoint
- teatnod.... perspective
- teaxnod.... outlook
- teazena nod.... focal point
- tesnod.... keypoint
- toja nod.... standstill
- ujnod.... cutoff, end point, endpoint, extreme, extremity, extremum, tail end, terminal, terminus, tip
- ujnodan.... polarity
- ujnodxer.... polarize
- ujnodyagxwa.... prolate
- uknod.... hole, puncture
- uknodxer.... create a hole, puncture
- unmernodar.... quadrupole
- uznod.... bending point, crux, turning point
- uznoda.... crucial
- volznod.... freckle, spot
- vyaleax nod.... checkpoint
- vyunod.... fleck
- vyunodxer.... fleck
- yaba duznod.... high note
- yabnod.... acme, apogee, climax, highpoint, meridian, peak, summit, summum, tip, top, vertex, zenith
- yabnodser.... climax, peak, top out
- yannapnod.... coordinate
- yannapnoda ned.... coordinate plan, Cartesian plane
- yannapnoder....to plot
- yannod.... junction, juncture, point of convergence
- yannodxer....to slur
- yanupnod.... meeting point
- yaonnodek.... touchdown
- yaznodrezeyn.... Braille script, braille
- yemnod.... locus
- yempuem nod.... access point
- yepnod.... portal
- yexnod.... post
- yibamarnod.... aphelia
- yibarmarnod.... aphelion
- yibnod.... apogee, extremity
- yibnodan.... polarity
- yibnodxer.... polarize
- yijlar duznod.... keynote
- yiksonnod.... point of difficulty, sticking point
- yinod drursiyn.... brevier
- yinodyan.... diapason
- yobnod.... bottom, dip, ebb, low point, nadir
- yobnodxer.... bottom out, ebb
- yomxen nod.... freezing point
- yonbyex nod.... breaking point
- yonbyexlea nod.... bursting point
- yonnod.... point of divergence
- yoymilnod.... dew point
- yugnod.... fontanel
- yuzmaaryubnod.... perihelion
- yuzmernoda.... circumpolar
- zateabmafnod.... leucoma
- zenod.... bull's eye, bullseye, center-point, focal point, hub, mid-point, midpoint, node, nucleus, mean point
- zenoda.... focal, nuclear
- zenodxer.... aim, zero-in
- zeymernoda.... transpolar
- zeynod.... cross point, crossover point, crosspoint
- zoypen nod.... turning point
- zyenod.... intersection, through-point
- zyenodxer.... intersect
- zyiabnodmuyv.... tack
- zyubolnod.... hinge, pivot
- zyubolnoda.... pivotal
- zyubolnodxer....to pivot
- zyubolnodxwa.... pivoted
- zyunod.... cycloid
- zyupnod.... hub, pivot
- zyupnoda.... pivotal
- zyupnodxer.... pivot
NAD, NAAD, and NYAD Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme nad means line and has the following derivatives:
- aagnad.... mainline
- aagnada.... mainline
- ab nad.... on line, on-line, online
- abdrenad.... heading, headline
- abdrenadxer.... headline
- abzemernad.... Tropic of Capricorn
- abnad.... maximum, upper limit
- abnadsiyn.... macron
- Zamergonad.... Norse
- Zmernad.... Arctic Circle
- anadab.... dictatorship
- anadeb.... dictator
- anadeber.... dictate
- anduznada.... monophonic
- aniznad.... one-way, single direction
- annada.... inline, single-file, unilinear
- annadeuz.... monody
- annadser.... line up
- anoga zaomeryuznad.... prime meridian
- antobnad.... single file
- zaomernad.... longitude
- zaomeryuznad.... meridian
- aonab....column
- aonad.... vertical line
- aonada.... sheer, vertical
- aonadser.... become vertical
- aotnad.... cortege, line of people, queue, retinue
- aotnadser.... queue up
- aotyuznad.... cordon
- apyexnad.... line of assault
- axlen nad.... line of action
- be ha zanad.... on the front lines
- be iznad.... in a straight line
- be kinad bi.... on a slope with
- be kunad bi.... bordering on the edge of
- be kunadi bi.... on the fringes of
- be nad bay.... in line with
- be nad bi yef.... in the line of duty
- be nad.... tandem
- be pesnad.... in a queue, in line
- be uvnad bi.... on a curve with
- be yigkunad bi.... on the brink of
- be yonkunadi bi.... on the fringes of
- be yuznad bi.... con the periphery of, on the border of, on the periphery of
- be zakumnad bi.... on the front edge of
- be zyokunad bi.... on the brink of, on the verge of
- byusnad.... tangent
- caosonad.... cosine
- casocanad....tangent
- catogenad.... cotangent
- deuznad.... verse
- didnad.... inquiry, line of questioning
- dinnad.... narrative thread, plot, scenario, storyline
- dobnad.... border, frontier
- dobnadib.... customhouse, customs office
- dobnadut.... frontiersman
- dopa zanad.... battle front, military front
- dopanadab.... junta
- dopek nad.... battle line
- dopek zanad.... battlefront
- dotoj pesnad.... death row
- drenadyan.... paragraph
- drenivnad.... line of text
- dreznad.... line of poetry, verse
- dreznadeon.... couplet
- dreznaduon.... quatrain
- dreznadxen.... versification
- dreznadyan.... stanza
- dreznadyaon.... sestina
- dropek zanad.... war front
- drursiynnad.... line of type
- drursiynnadbar.... linotype, typesetter
- drursiynnadber.... set type
- drutdyunnad.... byline
- dunnadyan.... text
- duz nadyan.... musical score
- duznad.... line of music, melody
- duznada.... melodic
- dyesnadrun.... bibliography
- dyunnadram.... registrar
- dyunnadrun.... register, registration list
- dyunnadrut.... registrar
- dyunyuznad.... cartouche
- ebdrenad.... crosshead
- ebnad.... dividing line, interline, perineum
- ebnada.... interline, interlinear
- ebtajnadxer.... interbreed
- ebtyennada.... interdisciplinary
- ebyuznad.... interframe
- zemernad.... equator, meridian
- enkunada.... double-edged
- ennada.... bilinear
- enuzgolnad.... secant
- eona nadsiyn.... double dash
- exujnad.... operating limit
- eymmernad.... meridian
- eynkinad.... radius, ray
- eynkinada.... radial
- eynkinadxea.... radiating
- eynkinadxen.... radiation
- eynkinadxer.... radiate
- eynobemernada.... semitropical, subtorrid
- eynyexnadujbwa.... semiretired
- eynzyenad.... radius
- fabagxennad.... timberline
- fabnad.... tree line, treeline
- fabnadxwa.... tree-lined
- feelknad.... iron rail line, railway, track
- feelknadoper.... derail, go off the rails, jump the tracks
- fitajnadxen.... eugenics
- fiujnadrawa.... well-defined
- fuujnadrawa.... ill-defined
- fuybnad.... hedgerow
- fyadrenad.... verse of scripture
- gawnadber.... realign
- gebalnad.... isobar
- gebalnada.... isobaric
- gikunad.... rim, sharp edge
- gladuznada.... polyphonic
- glanad.... polyline
- glayexnada.... multi-track, multidisciplinary
- golnad.... dividing line, sagittal
- gumkunad.... bevel
- gumkunadxer....to bevel
- gwa fua kyeon dinnad.... worst case scenario
- gwonad.... minimum
- gyonad.... thin line
- ifpipnad.... cruise line
- ijnad.... starting line, threshold
- ijtuxnada.... propaedeutic
- imkunnad.... shoreline
- izdyea nad.... directrix
- iznad aybsiyn.... macron
- iznad.... bee-line, direction, straight line, vector
- iznadmapil.... derecho
- iznadrar.... straightedge
- iztodnad....lineage
- jadyunnadrer....to preregister
- jaijnada.... preliminary
- jajoupnadxer....to presequence
- jobnad.... timeline
- jobujnad.... deadline, time limit
- joibnad.... line of inheritance, lineage
- jopnad.... line of succession, lineup, sequence
- joupnad.... sequence
- judnad.... dateline
- kikunad.... bezel
- kinad.... diagonal line
- kunad.... border, borderline, brim, brink, edge, margin,frontier, limit, rand, sideline
- kunadayber.... spill
- kunadbar.... delimiter
- kunadber.... delimit, limit, put a limit on
- kunadeken.... brinkmanship
- kunadgoblar.... trimmer
- kunadgobler.... trim
- kunadmem.... borderland
- kunadnav.... fringe, ruffle
- kunadser.... abut, border, flank
- kunadyig.... flange
- kunadyuban.... brinkmanship, brinksmanship
- kyatajnad.... crossbreed
- kyatajnadxer.... crossbreed
- logikunada.... blunt-edged, dull-edged
- loyanarnadxer.... unchain
- malyomkunad.... snowbank
- mamnad.... horizon
- mamnaduz.... azimuth
- mampurnad.... airline
- manad.... beam of light, horizon, light beam, ray of light, skyline
- manadxer.... effulge, irradiate
- mebnadag.... cordillera
- meluknad.... ditch, furrow, groove, trench
- meluknadxer....to furrow
- melyaznad....ridge
- memnad.... landline
- mepkunad.... curb, kerb
- mepnad.... trend
- mes yuzkunad.... door frame, doorframe
- mesnad.... enfilade
- milnad.... waterline
- mimkunad.... beach, coast, coastline, sea coast, seaboard
- mimof aonad.... luff
- mipkunad.... river bank, river's edge
- mis obkunad.... window sill, windowsill
- mis yuzkunad.... window frame
- misebnad.... spandrel
- mufyegnad.... pipeline
- nad bi dreniv.... line of text
- nad bi drirsiyn.... line of type
- nad siyn.... dash
- nad.... line
- nada.... lineal, linear
- nadan.... linearity
- nadxer.... linearize
- nadber.... line up
- nadbwas.... lineup, set
- nadgobler.... cut a line
- nadika.... lineal
- nadpen.... cortege, getting in line, lining up
- nadper.... get in line, get into line up
- nadrer.... delineate, draw a line, score
- nadser.... line up, align
- nadsiyn.... dash
- nadxer.... align, line up
- nadyog.... serif
- nadyogukas.... sans serif, sanserif
- nafebnad.... seam
- nafebnaduka.... seamless
- nafkunad.... hem
- nidijsanxea uznad.... generatrix
- nodrawa nad.... dotted line
- nunnad.... brand, commercial brand, line of products, make, product line
- nyux nad.... supply line
- ob nad.... off line
- obzemernad.... tropic, Tropic of Cancer
- obzemernada vabmem.... savanna, savannah
- obxemernada.... torrid, tropical
- obkunad.... sill
- obnad.... minimum
- Zomernad.... Antarctic Circle
- onada.... non-linear, nonlinear
- onadben.... nonalignment
- opyexnad.... line of defense
- oujnadwxa.... unlimited, absolute
- oybabdrenad.... subheader, subheading
- oybdinnad.... subplot, underplot
- oybnad.... underline
- oybnadrer.... underline
- oybnadyan.... subrange
- oybyexnad.... subfield
- oyebujnad.... outer limit
- oyebkunad.... outer edge
- oyebnad.... outline, profile
- oyebnadrer.... outline
- oyebnadrun.... outline
- oyebtiisnada.... extracurricular
- oyebtisnada.... extra-curricular
- oyebujnada.... outlying
- oyva byuxnad.... arctangent
- oyva uznad.... arcsine
- pesnad.... line of people waiting, queue, row, wait line, waiting line
- pesnadser.... queue up, get in line, line up
- popnad.... trajectory
- puxnad.... trajectory
- pyosnad.... downswing
- pyoxlennad.... plumb line
- pyuxnad.... touchline
- sanyuznad.... silhouette
- sanyuznadxwa.... silhouetted
- sindrer nad.... draw a line
- soininad pyaon.... sine wave
- soininad.... sine
- syobnad.... baseline, bottom line
- tadnadxem.... breeding ground
- tafoybnadar.... hemmer
- tajnad.... breed, brood, pedigree
- tajnaddref.... pedigree
- tajnadxer.... breed
- tajnadxowa apeyt .... broodmare
- tajnadxwa.... bred, pedigreed
- tayeb yonkunad.... hair fringe
- tayebnad yonbyexun.... hairline fracture, tiny crack
- tayebnad.... hairline
- tayoybnad.... hemline
- teabkunad.... conjunctiva
- teabkunadbok.... conjunctivitis
- teatnad.... line of sight, vista
- tebzan yuznad.... silhouette
- tef yazkunad.... hat brim
- tejnad.... curriculum vitae, life line
- teubiba funadxen.... malocclusion
- texnad.... line of thought, train of thought
- teyobnad.... neckline
- tiibilnad.... blood line, bloodline, ethnicity, heritage, lineage, strain
- tisnad.... curriculum
- tixnad.... discipline
- todnad.... family line
- todnadanyan.... genome
- todnadaun.... gene
- todnadkyaxus.... mutagen
- todnadtun.... genetics
- togenad.... tangent
- toj pesnad.... death row
- tuxnad.... line of study, course of study
- tyennad.... profession, career
- tyodnad.... lineage
- uimernad.... latitude
- uinad.... east-west line, horizontal line
- uiznad....zigzag
- uiznadar.... rudder
- uja iza nad.... final stretch
- ujbwa nofkunad .... selvage
- ujnad.... boundary, confines, finish line, limit, mere
- ujnadber.... confine, determine, impose a limit
- ujnadoya.... boundless, infinite, limitless
- ujnadrer.... define, delineate, delimit, limn
- ujnadrut.... limner
- ujnaduka.... boundless, infinite, limitless
- uka nad.... blank line
- unkyiddreznad.... tetrameter
- unnad.... quatrain
- uzbyuxnad.... tangent
- uzkunad.... rim
- uznad aybsiyn.... breve
- uznad manar.... klieglight
- uznad oybsiyn.... cedilla
- uznad.... arc, azimuth, bend, bow, crooked line, curve, curved line, wimple
- uznadmep.... archway
- uznadxer.... arc, arch, curve
- vixkunad.... matte
- viyuzkunad.... decorative frame
- vosaonad.... raceme
- vyanad.... guideline
- vyanadxer.... align, guide
- vyiztajnadxwa.... purebred
- vyonadber.... maladjust, misalign
- xetyen tixnad.... practicum
- yabujnad.... upper limit
- yagzyonad.... stripe
- yagzyonadxwa.... striped
- yanarnad bi kyesi.... sequence of events
- yanarnad.... sequence
- yanarnadxer.... catenate, sequentialize
- yanifnad.... scar, seam
- yanifnadxer.... seam
- yanizona nad.... parallel line
- yanizonad.... parallel line
- yanmulxwa todnad yepet.... mutt
- yanuzbyuxnad.... cotangent
- yanxnad.... ligature, vinculum
- yaoznad.... tilde
- yebnada.... inline
- yebtajnadxer.... inbreed
- yexnad.... career, discipline, field of work, line of business, line of work, occupation, profession
- yexnadij.... career's start
- yexnadijat.... career freshman, rookie
- yexnadtut.... maven
- yeybnada.... intraline
- yeyvnad.... line of duty
- yez bi kunad.... edgewise
- yez bi mimkunad.... coastwise
- yeznad.... parallel line
- yeznada mor.... parallel universe
- yeznada.... parallel
- yibdrursiynnadbar.... teletypesetter
- yibkunad.... fringe
- yibnad.... edge, extremity
- yibtuxnad.... telecourse
- yiznada.... exorbitanant, exorbitant
- yizobzemernada.... subtropic, subtropical
- yoba ujnad.... lower limit
- yobteyobnad.... decolletage
- yonkunad.... fringe
- yoonkyib dreznad.... pentameter
- yuzkunad.... frame
- yuzkunadber....to frame
- yuzmamnada.... circumhorizontal
- yuznad.... border, boundary, circumference, contour, frontier, limit, lip, outline, perimeter, periphery, ring
- yuznada.... circumferential, peripheral
- yuznadrer.... circumscribe, draw a border around, outline
- yuznadrun.... synopsis
- yuznadser.... border on
- yuznadxer.... border, bound, contour, limit, ring, delimit, limit
- yuzujnad.... ambit
- zakunad.... front edge
- zanad.... fore-line, front, frontier, frontline
- zenad.... center line, median, midline
- zenades.... dash
- zetibnad.... waistline
- zeydobnada.... transborder
- zeynad.... transverse line
- zeynada dal.... lingua franca
- zeynada pyaon.... transverse wave
- zeynadxer.... cut across, transverse
- zoa mamnaduz.... backazimuth, back azimuth
- zokunad.... back edge
- zonad.... rear line
- zoypnad.... line of retreat
- zyagnad.... radius, ray
- zyagnada.... radial
- zyagnadxer.... radiate
- zyanad.... latitude
- zyenad.... diameter, perpendicular line
- zyenada.... diametric, diametrical, transverse, perpendicular
- zyenadber.... cross out, put a line through
- zyenadrer.... cross through, draw a line through
- zyinad.... flat line, horizon
- zyinada.... flat-lined, horizontal
- zyokunad.... brink, narrow edge, verge
- zyonad.... groove
- zyug uzkunad.... tire rim
- zyukoyebkunad.... felloe, felly
- zyunad.... circle
- zyunadrer.... circle
- The morpheme nad is expanded into other related words with the addition of a 2nd tier ordinal vowel:
NAAD MIRAD ENGLISH naad rail, track naed lane, course naid stripe, strip, streak naud ray, beam, spoke nyad list, sequence, chain
- Here are some words that are derived from the above roots:
- naad....rail, track
- annaad.... monorail
- annaada.... monorail
- annaadpur.... monorail train
- belun naadpur.... freight train
- daztuyabnaad.... barre
- domnaadpur.... tram, tramcar, tramway
- dovyaba naad.... legal framework
- iga naadpur.... high-speed train
- iza naadpur.... express train
- mumpur naad.... subway track
- musnaad.... banister
- naadkyaxar.... shunt
- naadkyaxen.... shunting
- naadkyaxer.... shunter
- naadkyaxut.... shunter
- naadoben.... derailment
- naadober.... derail
- naadobwa.... derailed
- naadopen.... derailment
- naadoper.... derail
- naadopya.... derailed
- naadpur zyined.... train platform
- naadpur.... rail vehicle, train (also: bixpur)
- naadpures.... wagon, train car
- nyuxnaadpur.... freight train
- tuyanaad.... banister, handrail
- vaknaad.... guardrail
- zonaad.... trace, track
- zonaadren.... tracing, tracking
- zonaadrer.... trace, track
- zyug zonaad.... tire track
- naed....lane, course
- annaeda.... single-lane, single-track
- ennaeda agmep.... two-lane highway
- ennaeda domep.... two-lane street
- ennaeda mep.... two-lane road
- ennaeda.... two-lane, two-track
- glanaeda.... multi-laned, multitrack
- glanaedxer.... multitrack
- seuxnaed.... soundtrack
- zenaed.... median, middle lane
- zinaed.... right lane
- zunaed.... left lane
- tuxnaed....course (of education)
- naid....stripe, strain, streak, stria
- gyonaid.... pinstripe
- gyonaida.... pinstriped
- gyonaidnof.... pinstripe
- gyonaidtaf.... pinstripe
- manignaid.... streak of light
- maolznaidxwa.... grizzled
- naidaya.... streaky, striped, stripy
- naidber.... stripe, streak, striate
- naidbut.... striper, streaker
- naidbwa.... striped, streaked
- naidgoflawa.... rent
- naidgoflen.... rending
- naidgofler.... rend
- naidi.... striae, streaks
- naidika.... streaky, striped, stripy
- naidser.... streak
- naidxen.... streaking, striation, striping
- naidxer.... streak, stripe, striate
- naidxwa.... streaked, striated, striped, stripy
- naidyena.... streaky
- naidyenan.... streakiness
- oyonxwa naid.... streak
- volznaid.... smear, streak
- volznaidaya.... brindled, smeary
- volznaider.... bedaub, besmear, smear, streak
- volznaidika.... brindled, smeary
- volznaidwa.... bedaubed, smeared, streaked
- volznaidyan.... brindle
- naud....beam, radius, ray
- amnaudxar.... radiator
- gamma naud.... gamma ray
- maarnaud.... sun ray, sunbeam, sunray
- maarnaudsan.... sunburst
- maknaud.... electric beam, electric ray
- man naud.... light ray
- man naudxen.... light radiation
- manaudsea.... radiating
- manaudser.... eradiate
- manaudxen.... radiation
- manaudxer.... radiate light
- manaudxwa.... radiated
- marnaud.... star beam, star ray, stellar beam
- muarnaud.... moonbeam
- naud pyaon.... radio wave
- nauda.... radial
- naudaxlea.... radioactive
- naudaxlean nagar.... geiger counter
- naudaxlean.... radioactivity
- naudaxleay.... radioactively
- naudaxlentun.... radiology
- naudaxlentut.... radiologist
- nauday.... radially
- naudazon.... radiation
- naudazonxen.... irradiation
- naudazonxer.... irradiate
- naudazonxwa.... irradiated
- naudben.... irradiation, radiation
- naudber.... irradiate
- naudbwa.... irradiated
- naudbyek.... radiotherapy
- naudbyekut.... radiotherapist
- naudcalk.... radiocarbon
- nauddras.... radiogram
- naudgeyemsuan.... radioisotope
- naudmomtun.... radioastronomy
- naudnagar.... radiometer
- naudnagen.... radiometry
- naudnagena.... radiometric
- naudnak.... rad
- naudsen.... beaming
- naudser bay ivran.... beam with joy, radiate with joy
- naudser.... beam, fluoresce, radiate
- naudxag.... radio frequency
- naudxea.... radiant, radiating
- naudxean.... radiance
- naudxeay.... radiantly
- naudxen.... beaming, radiation
- naudxendras.... radiograph
- naudxendren.... radiography
- naudxendrut.... radiographer
- naudxer.... beam, effulge, radiate
- naudxwa.... beamed, radiated
- naudxyea.... effulgent
- naudxyean.... effulgence
- onaudaxlea.... nonradioactive
- xunaud.... xray
- xunaudrar.... X-ray
- xunaudraren.... X-raying
- xunaudrarer.... X-ray
- xunaudrarut.... X-ray technician
- xunaudrarwa.... X-rayed
- xunaudras.... xray
- xunaudteaxen.... radioscopy
- yebilier maarnaudi.... soak up sun rays
- zyuknaud.... spoke, wheel spoke
- zyuknaudxwa.... spoked
- akpasnyad....tactic
- apetnyad....cavalcade
- bekulnyadrun....dispensatory
- dalsonnyad....syllabus
- dun nyadrun....word list
- dunnyad....lexicon, word list
- dunnyadrawa....glossed
- dunnyadrun....glossary, list of words
- duzun nyadrun....discography
- dyes nyadrun....booklist
- dyesnyad....bibliography
- dyesnyada....bibliographical
- dyesnyadxen....bibliography
- dyesnyadxut....bibliographer
- dyun nyadrun....names list, rostrum
- dyunnyad bi updiwati....invitation roster
- dyunnyad....name list, roster
- dyunnyadawat....registree
- dyunnyadram....registry
- dyunnyadrawa....put on a roster, registered
- dyunnyadren....putting on a roster, registering, registration
- dyunnyadrer....put on a roster, register
- dyunnyadrun bi oybdyundruti....list of sign-ins
- dyunnyadrun....list of names, roster
- dyunnyadrut....registrant
- fyadeuz zyunesnyad....psalter
- gimelnyad....mountain range
- gonut dyunnyad....roster
- gonut nyad....roster
- ivxelnyadpen....parade
- ivxelnyadtyop....parade
- janyadren....prelisting
- janyadrer....prelist
- jesea nyad....continuum
- lonyadrawa....crossed off the list, de-listed
- lonyadren....crossing off the list, de-listing
- lonyadrer....cross off the list, de-list
- mebnyad....mountain chain, mountain range
- nyad aotglal....chain gang
- nyad bi kyesi....chain of events
- nyad bi vyakxeni....corrigendum
- nyad....chain, list, sequence
- nyadben....catenation, putting in chains
- nyadber....catenate, chain up, put in chains
- nyadbwa....put in chains
- nyadgaber....enqueue
- nyadgabwa....enqueued
- nyadpen....parade, parading, procession
- nyadpena....processional
- nyadper....parade
- nyadput....parader
- nyadrawa....listed, tabulated
- nyadrea....tabulating
- nyadren bi yebexuni....table of contents
- nyadren....index, listing, table, tabulating, tabulation
- nyadrer....list, table, tabulate
- nyadrun bi dyuni....list of names
- nyadrun bi gonuti....list of members
- nyadrun....list
- nyadrunig....handlist
- nyadtyop....march, parade, procession
- nyadtyopea duzutyan....marching band
- nyadtyopen....marching, parading
- nyadtyopena....processional
- nyadtyoper....march, parade
- nyadtyopuen....parading
- nyadtyopuer....parade
- nyadtyoput....marcher, parader
- nyadtyopuut....parader
- nyadxen....chaining, concatenating, concatenation
- nyadxer....chain, concatenate, enchain
- nyadxwa....chained together, concatenated
- oybnyad....sublist
- pesnyad....waitlist
- purnyad....motorcade
- suzyan nyadrun....museography, museology
- tolnyad....food chain
- ujponxel nyadpen....funeral procession
- ujponxel nyadtyop....funeral march
- ujponxel purnyad....funeral motorcade
- volz nyadras....colormap
- yaga nyad bi yexesi....razzmatazz
- yevson nyadrun....docket
- zaynyadtyoper....march on
- zoynyadpen....recession
- zoynyadpena....recessional
- There is one other word derived by adding the diminutive-producing y:
- nayd....dash
- naydsiyn....hyphen
- naydsiynxer....hyphenate
NED and NYED Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme ned means plane and has the derivatives nead meaning course and nyed meaning net, retina, grid.
- abned.... surface, top, upper plane, upper surface
- abneda.... superficial, top
- abnedan.... superficiality
- abneday.... superficially
- abtomasned.... rooftop
- anneda.... monoplane, uniplanar
- aopen zyined.... running board
- be teabned.... at eye level
- bixpur zyined.... train platform
- byunedgoblawa.... razed
- byunedgoblen.... razing
- byunedgobler.... raze
- domned.... place, public square
- ebdoneda.... connecting
- ebned.... interface
- ebneda.... inter-planar
- ebnedgun.... dihedral
- ebnedxar.... interfacer
- ebnedxea.... interfacing
- ebnedxen.... interfacing
- ebnedxwa.... interfaced
- enkined.... wedge
- enkinedsana.... cuneiform
- enkinedxen.... wedging
- enkinedxer.... wedge
- enkinedxwa.... wedged
- enneda.... bi-planar, dihedral
- ganedvixer.... refinish
- ganedxer.... reface
- gazyugnedxer.... retread
- geneda.... even, level, smooth
- genedan.... evenness, levelness, smoothness
- genedxen.... evening out, leveling, smoothing
- genedxer.... even out, level out, smooth out, smooth over
- genedxwa.... evened out, leveled, smoothed over
- glaneda.... multi-layered, multi-level, multi-planar
- glanedesa.... multifaceted
- gyaned.... bed, layer, stratum
- gyanedxwa.... layered
- inneda.... trihedral, triplane
- jwobir zaned.... clock face
- kined.... inclined plane, slope, sloped plane
- kuned.... face, flank, lateral surface, side, wall
- kuneda.... lateral
- kunedxer.... flank
- makned.... electrotype
- maknedxen.... electroplating
- maknedxer.... electroplate
- mayneda.... sleek
- maynedan.... sleekness
- mayneday.... sleekly
- melned.... flat, meadow, plain
- mepned.... macadam
- mepnedxer.... macadamize
- milnedpar.... hydroplane
- milnedper.... hydroplane
- naadpur zyined.... train platform
- ned pyaon.... plane wave
- ned.... pane, plane, surface
- neda.... planar
- nedaber.... revet
- nedabyexen.... incidence
- nedan.... planarity
- nedar.... squeegee
- nedes.... facet, pane
- nedgoblar.... scraper
- nedgoblawa.... scraped
- nedgoblen.... scraping
- nedgobler.... scrape
- nedgoblun.... scrape
- nedgoybler.... knick
- nedgoyblun.... knick
- nedmagxar.... scorcher
- nedmagxen.... scorching, singing
- nedmagxer.... scorch, singe
- nedmagxwa.... scorched, singed
- nedmayn.... gloss
- nedmaynayan.... glossiness
- nedmaynikan.... glossiness
- nedmaynikay.... glossily
- nedmeg.... outcrop, outcropping
- nedmul.... surfacing
- nedrut.... etcher
- nedvixer.... finish
- nedvyaa.... specious
- nedvyaan.... speciousness
- nedvyaay.... speciously
- nedxar.... strickle
- nedxwa.... graticulated
- nedyaz.... bump
- nedyazaya.... bumpy
- nedyazayan.... bumpiness
- nedyazika.... bumpy
- nedyazikan.... bumpiness
- nedyebwa.... inlaid
- nedyoz.... depression, hole, pit
- nedyugfir.... trowel
- obned.... base, bottom, floor, foundation
- obneda.... basic, bottom, fundamental
- ogeneda.... lopsided
- ogenedan.... lopsidedness
- ogeneday.... lopsidedly
- oybned.... substrate, subsurface
- oybneda.... subsurface
- oyebned.... exterior surface, outer plane
- teabneda.... eye-level
- unnednid.... tetrahedron
- unnednida.... tetrahedral
- yabned.... plateau, platform, raised surface
- yabzyined.... maintop
- yanizoned.... parallelepiped
- yannapnoda ned.... coordinate plan, Cartesian plane
- yaozned.... knur, knurl, knurr
- yeba ned.... inner plane
- yigfa nedvixul.... roughcast
- yimmelned.... flood plain
- yoba abned.... lower surface
- yoba ned.... lower plane
- yoymned.... rime
- yugfanedfaob.... puncheon
- yugnedoya.... napless
- yugneduka.... napless
- zaned.... anterior plane, face, front, frontal plane
- zaneda.... anterior, frontal
- zoned.... back plane, back side, dorsal plane, rear
- zoneda.... back, dorsal, rear
- zoneday.... dorsally
- zoynedser.... resurface
- zyaned.... area, expanse, span, stretch
- zyined.... flat surface, platform
- Words using the root word nead (course) include the following:
- igpek nead....race course, race track, racecourse, racetrack
- igpekpur nead....race car track
- nead bi xwasi....course of events
- nead....course
- neader....course
- popnead....course
- yubneada....bordering
- zoyneadpen....backtracking
- zoyneadper....backtrack
- The root word nyed is used in the following expressions:
- bay nyedwul bilyig....au gratin
- domnyed....urban grid
- ebnyed....web, internet
- ebnyeda....interconnected, interlaced, interwoven
- iznodnyed....crosshair
- magelnyed....griddle
- maka nyed....electric grid, electrical grid
- nyed....criss-cross, crisscross, grate, grid, raster, reticle
- nyeda....gridded, reticular
- nyedovol amxar....waffle iron
- nyedser....reticulate
- nyedwul....gratin
- nyedxea....criss-crossing
- nyedxen....criss-crossing, crisscrossing, graticulation, reticulating, reticulation
- nyedxer....criss-cross, crisscross, graticule, reticulate
- nyedxwa....criss-crossed, crisscrossed, gridded, reticulated
- nyedyan....grating, grid work, network
- nyedyena....reticulate
- nyedyenay....reticulately
- ob ha nyed....off the grid
- oybnyed....subgraph, subnet
- sagunnyed....bitmap
- syaagnyed....spreadsheet
- teabnyed....retina
- teabnyeda....retinal
- teabnyedbok....retinopathy
- yeybnyed....intranet
NID Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word nid means volume. Three-dimensional shapes use this root. Here are some derivatives:
- azaxen ha nid.... turning up the volume
- azaxer ha seuxnid.... turn up the volume
- bekul nid.... drug dose, drug volume
- cauzunidresizen.... chalcography
- defebnida.... conical
- dofebnid.... cone
- Egema ginnid.... Egyptian pyramid
- ekyagunid.... die
- ekyagunidi.... dice
- elokunid.... icosahedron
- elokunida.... icosahedral
- eynzyunid.... hemisphere
- eynzyunida.... hemispheric
- gimufyegnid.... cone
- gimufyegnida.... conical
- gimufyegnidsana.... cone-shaped
- ginid.... cone
- ginnida.... conical
- ginnidsan.... cone shape
- ginnidsana.... cone-shaped
- ginnidtam.... teepee
- glakunid.... polyhedron
- glakunida.... polyhedral
- gunnid.... wedge
- gunnidxen.... wedging
- gunnidxer.... wedge
- gunnidxwa.... wedged
- ha Agta Ginnidi.... the Great Pyramids
- ifbekul nid.... drug dose
- ignidgaser.... expand quickly
- ignidgaxer.... expand quickly
- inguginid.... pyramid
- inguginidsan.... pyramid shape
- inguginidsana.... pyramid-shaped
- mufyegnid.... cylinder
- mufyegnida.... cylindrical
- mugvunid.... quoin
- mulunkunid.... block of matter
- nid bi bekul.... dose of drugs, dose of medicine
- nid.... dosage, dose, volume
- nidak.... volume gain
- nidakea.... gaining volume
- nidaker.... gain volume
- nidalk.... neodymium, Nd
- niday.... voluminously
- nidaya.... voluminous
- nidayan.... voluminosity, voluminousness
- nidgasea.... expanding
- nidgaser.... balloon, expand, swell
- nidgax.... ballooning, expansion, swelling
- nidgaxen.... ballooning, expansion, swelling
- nidgaxer.... balloon, expand, swell
- nidgaxwa.... ballooned, expanded, swollen
- nidgaxwan.... turgidity, swollenness
- nidgoser.... contract, shrink
- nidgox.... contraction, shrinkage
- nidgoxen.... contraction, shrinkage, shrinking
- nidgoxer.... contract, preshrink, shrink
- nidgoxwa.... contracted, preshrunk, shrunk, shrunken
- nidgoxyafwa.... contractible, contractile, shrinkable
- nidgyaxwa.... turgid, shrunken
- nidijsanxea uznad.... generatrix
- nidika.... voluminous
- nidikan.... voluminosity, voluminousness
- nidikay.... voluminously
- nidnag.... dosage
- nidnaga.... volumetric
- nidnagar.... dosimeter, volumeter
- nidnagen.... volumetry
- nidog.... dram
- nidoga.... pokey
- nidok.... loss of volume
- nidokea.... losing volume
- nidoker.... lose volume
- niduen.... dosing
- niduer.... dose
- nidyaber.... raise the volume, turn the volume up
- nidyaobar.... volume control, volume tuner
- nidyezen.... envelopment
- nidyober.... turn the volume down
- nidyuz.... envelope
- nidyuzbea.... enveloping
- nidyuzber.... envelop, enwrap
- nidyuzbwa.... enveloped
- nidyuzyig.... coquille, shell
- nidzyasea.... expanding
- nidzyaser.... blow up, expand, swell
- nidzyaxer.... blow up, expand, swell
- nidzyaxwa.... blown up, expanded, swollen
- nidzyoxyofwa.... unshrinkable
- ogranidzyaxwa.... unexploded
- onidzyosea.... unshrinking
- ozaxer ha nid.... turn down the volume
- seuxnid izbexar.... volume control
- seuxnid.... volume
- tebosa eynzyunid.... cerebral hemisphere
- teibginid.... nose cone, nosecone
- unnednid.... tetrahedron
- unnednida.... tetrahedral
- utgunnidxer.... wedge oneself
- vyanabxer ha seuxnid.... adjust the volume
- yaber ha nid.... raise the volume, turn the volume up
- yaber ha seuxnid.... turn the volume up
- yabnida.... high-volume
- yabseuxnida.... forte, high-volume, loud
- yagekunid.... cube
- yagekunida.... cubic
- yagekunidxen.... cubing, dicing
- yagekunnidxen.... dicing, cubing
- yagekunnidxer.... cube, dice
- yagekunnidxwa.... cubed, diced
- yakunid.... cube, hexahedron
- yakunida.... cubic, cubical
- yakunidin.... cubism
- yakunidina.... cubist
- yakunidinut.... cubist
- yakunidum.... cubicle
- yakunidxar.... cuber
- yaonkunid.... cube
- yikunid.... octahedron
- yikunida.... octahedral
- yingunid.... octagon
- yingunida.... octagonal
- yober ha nid.... turn the volume down
- yober ha seuxnid.... turn the volume down
- yobnida.... low-volume
- yobseuxnida.... low-volume, piano, soft
- yungunid.... nonagon
- yungunida.... nonagonal
- yunkunid.... nonahedron
- zyefnid.... prism
- zyefnida.... prismatic
- zyunid.... ball, orb, sphere
- zyunida.... orbicular, spherical
- zyuniday.... spherically
- zyunidog.... bead, globule
- zyunidoga.... globular
- zyunidogan.... globularity
- zyunidsan.... ball shape, globe shape, sphere shape
- zyunidsana.... ball-shaped, globe-shaped, sphere-shaped, spherical
NAB rank, NAP order
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme nab means row, rank, while nap means order. Related to these, are the words naab meaning file, nabyan meaning range, and naap meaning system. Here are some derivatives of these words:
NAB and NAAB words
[edit | edit source]- Here are derivatives of nab (row, rank):
- aa donabwa.... top brass, top-ranked
- aa donabwat.... top brass officer
- aa donabwatyan.... top brass officer class
- aa nab sim.... front row seat
- aa nab.... first rank, first row
- aadonaba.... first-ranked
- abdonab.... upper class
- abdonaba.... of superior rank, senior-ranking
- abdonabat.... senior
- abdonaben.... being superior in rank
- abdonaber.... be superior in rank
- abdonabsen.... ranking above
- abdonabser.... rank above
- abdonabxer.... rank above
- abdonabxwa.... ranked above
- abdrenabof.... marquee
- abnab.... top grade, upper rank
- abnaba.... ranking
- abnabier.... advance, go up in rank, graduate
- adonabwa.... number-one-ranking
- anab.... first rank, first row
- anaba.... first rank, first row, first-ranking, first-row, paramount, premier, top
- anaban.... paramountcy
- Anabaptism.... Kyafyamilbutin
- Anabaptist.... Kyafyamilbut, Yegfyamilbuta
- Anabaptistical.... Kyafyamilbutina
- anabser.... rank first
- anabwa.... first-ranked, number-one-ranking, top-ranked
- anabwer.... be ranked first
- anabxen.... ranking first
- anabxer.... rank first
- aonab bi dreniv aonad.... column of text
- aonab bi mov.... column of smoke
- aonab.... column, y-axis
- aonaba.... columnar
- aonabdun ifek.... crossword
- aonabxen.... columnarization, columnizing
- aonabxer.... columnarize, columnize
- aonabxwa.... columnarized, columnized
- aonabyan.... columnade
- ayba nab.... superior rank
- aybnaba.... superior in rank
- azonaben.... application of force, coercing, coercion, duress
- azonaber.... apply force, coerce, dragoon
- azonabwa.... coerced, dragooned
- azonabyea.... coercive
- be aa nab.... in the first row
- belunaben.... loading
- belunaber.... load
- belunabwa.... loaded
- bixfeelka nabyan.... electromagnetic spectrum
- dapa nab.... air force rank
- donab dyun.... rank name
- donab.... civil service rank
- donabdyun.... title
- donabdyunuen.... titling
- donabdyunuer.... title
- donabdyunuwa.... titled
- donabser.... rank
- donabxen.... ranking
- donabxer.... rank
- donabxwa.... ranked
- dopa nab.... military rank
- dopa nabyan.... military hierarchy
- dota nab.... social rank
- dotnab.... social rank, social standing, social stratum
- duz nabyan.... musical range of music
- dyunaben.... designation, name assignment
- dyunaber.... assign a name, designate
- dyunabwa.... designated
- dyunabwat.... designee
- edonabwa.... second-ranking
- enaba.... ancillary, second-ranking
- enabat.... runner-up
- eyjnaba.... semiannual
- eynabaxrea yujteuzun.... affricative consonant
- eynabaxrea.... affricate
- eynabdrun.... half title
- fayebnab.... windrow
- funabxwat.... misfit
- fuvyanabxwa.... maladjusted
- fuvyanabxwat.... misfit
- fyaantinab.... abbey, monastic hierarchy
- fyaxinab.... church hierarchy, clergy, ecclesiastical chain of command, religious hierarchy
- fyaxinaba.... church-related, churchly, clerical, ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical
- fyaxinaban.... ecclesiastically
- fyaxinabifa.... churchly
- gabelunaben.... reloading
- gabelunaber.... reload
- gabelunabwa.... reloaded
- gadyunaben.... re-designation, redesignation
- gadyunaber.... re-designate, redesignate
- gadyunabwa.... re-designated, redesignated
- gakyiunabar.... reloader
- gakyiunaben.... reloading
- gakyiunaber.... recharge, reload
- gakyiunabut.... reloader
- gakyiunabwa.... reloaded
- gakyiunabyafwa.... rechargeable
- gavayanabxen.... retuning
- gavyanabxen.... re-tuning, readjustment, recalibrating, tune-up, tuneup
- gavyanabxer.... re-tune, readjust, recalibrate, retool, retune
- gavyanabxwa.... re-tuned, readjusted, recalibrated, retuned
- gavyanabxyafwa.... re-adjustable, re-tunable
- genaba.... equal in rank
- gimelnab.... mountain chain, mountain range
- glanabyana.... multirange
- glatuunnabyana.... multidatabase
- grakyiunaben.... overloading
- grakyiunaber.... overfreight, overload
- grakyiunabwa.... overladen, overloaded
- granabdwa.... over-ranked
- grokyiunabwa.... underloaded
- gronabdwa.... under-ranked
- gwa vyanaba.... fittest
- gyuvyanabxer.... fine-tune
- ika nabyan.... gamut
- jabelunaber.... preload
- jabelunabwa.... preloaded
- jakyiunaber.... preload
- jakyiunabwa.... preloaded
- janabxen.... prearrangement
- janabxer.... prearrange
- janabxwa.... prearranged
- Judinab.... rabbinate
- judnabyan.... date range
- kiunabwa bay yexnyan.... backlogged
- kyenabyanxwa.... scattershot
- kyidsiynaben.... accenting, stressing
- kyidsiynaber.... accent, apply a stress mark, apply an accent
- kyidsiynabwa.... accented, stressed
- kyinabut.... stevedore
- kyiunabem.... loading dock, loading zone
- kyiunaben.... burdening, charging, lading, loading
- kyiunaber.... burden, charge, lade, load
- kyiunabun.... burden, charge
- kyiunabwa.... burdened, charged, fraught, laden, loaded
- kyiunabyafwa.... chargeable
- kyiunabyea.... burdensome, cumbersome
- kyiunabyean.... burdensomeness, cumbersomeness
- lonab.... disarray
- lonabaxer.... de-serialize
- lonaben.... overturning, reversal, upset
- lonaber.... overturn, reverse, upset
- lonabwa.... overturned, reversed, upset
- lonabxen.... derangement, disarrangement
- lonabxer.... derange, disarrange
- lonabxwa.... deranged, disarrayed
- mamyomnab.... windrow
- man nabyan.... light spectrum
- man nabyan.... light spectrum
- mapebea fabnab.... windbreak
- mebnab.... mountain range
- megyognab.... windrow
- movaonab.... plume of smoke
- moynabof.... bowery
- nab bi ekdrafi.... suit of cards
- nab.... rank, row, suit
- naba tam.... row house
- nabagat.... magnate
- nabalwa.... serried
- nabden.... ranking
- nabder.... rank
- nabdwa.... ranked
- nabdyun.... rank
- nabdyuna.... titular
- nabdyunier.... assume a title
- nabier.... take on a rank
- nabob.... nabob
- nabon.... row
- nabper.... line up
- nabsea.... adapting, ranging
- nabsen.... adapting, deployment, getting in order, lining up
- nabser.... adapt, get in line up, range
- nabsyaf.... ability to adapt
- nabsyea.... adaptive
- nabsyeay.... adaptively
- nabtam.... row house
- nabuer.... assign a rank
- nabxar.... adapter
- nabxen.... adaptation, adaption, arrangement, deployment, lineup, orchestration
- nabxer.... adapt, arrange, deploy, line up, orchestrate, put in order
- nabxut.... arranger
- nabxwa.... arranged, deployed, lined up, orchestrated, ranked
- nabxyafa.... adaptable
- nabxyafan.... adaptability
- nabxyafwa.... adaptable
- nabxyafwan.... adaptability
- nabyan.... array, grid, matrix, pattern, range, selection, spectrum, table, web
- nabyana.... gridded, tabular
- nabyandrar.... spectrograph
- nabyandras.... spectrogram
- nabyandren.... spectrography
- nabyandrena.... spectrographic
- nabyanmannagar.... spectrophotometer
- nabyanmannagen.... spectrophotometry
- nabyannagar.... spectrometer
- nabyansan.... table
- nabyanser.... range
- nabyanteaxar.... spectroscope
- nabyanteaxara.... spectroscopic
- nabyanteaxaren.... spectroscopy
- nabyantuundraf.... tableau
- nabyanxea.... tabulating
- nabyanxen.... gridding, layout, tabulating, tabulation, arrangement
- nabyanxer.... array, grid, lay out, tabulate, arrange
- nabyanxer.... tabulate
- nabyanxwa.... gridded, laid out, tabulated, arranged
- nabyem.... array, disposition, layout
- nabyemxen.... disposal
- nabyemxer.... array, dispose, lay out
- nabyemxun.... device, mechanism, thing at one's disposal
- nabyemxwa.... arrayed, disposed
- nunaben.... shelving
- nunabwa.... on the shelf
- obdonabat.... member of the lower class
- obnab.... bottom grade, inferior rank
- obnaba.... ancillary, inferior in rank
- obnabier.... be demoted, go down in rank
- odonabwa.... unranked, zero-ranking
- odunnyanabwa.... unregistered
- ogenaba.... unequal in rank
- oloybnabsea.... insubordinate
- oloybnabsen.... insubordination
- oloybnabser.... be insubordinate
- onaba.... out of order
- onabwa.... messed up, unranked, zero-ranking
- onabxwa.... deranged, messed up
- ovyanaba.... nonaligned, out of order, unaligned
- oybnaba dyangon.... subordinate clause
- oybnaba.... inferior in rank, subaltern, subordinate
- oybnabat.... inferior
- oybnabser.... become subordinate
- oybnabxen.... subordination
- oybnabxer.... subordinate
- oybnabxwa.... subordinated
- sarnab.... toolbar
- saunaber.... assign to a type
- seux nabyan.... sound spectrum
- sumnabyan.... bleacher
- tamsonabteaxut.... chamberlain
- teasnabyan.... visual spectrum
- teesnabyan.... sound spectrum
- tex nabyan.... thought pattern
- tomnab.... row of buildings
- totinab.... the church
- tuunnab.... tuple
- tuunnabyan.... database
- uinab bi dreniv.... row of text
- uinab.... row, x-axis
- uinaba.... arrayed, in a row
- uinabser.... get into rows
- uinabxen.... lining up, making a row
- uinabxer.... array, lay out in rows, line up, make a row, put into a row
- uinabxwa.... arrayed, lined up
- umvabnab.... windrow
- vibaonab.... pilaster
- volz nabyan.... range of colors
- volznabyan.... array of colors, color spectrum, rainbow
- voyabunaber.... recap
- voyabunabun.... recap
- voyvyanabser.... get readjusted, readjust
- voyvyanabxer.... ha seuxnid retune the volume
- vyanaba.... just so, lined-up, fit
- vyanaban.... fitness
- vyanabay.... fittingly
- vyanabsea.... condign
- vyanabser.... adjust, fit, get adjusted
- vyanabwa.... properly aligned, adjusted
- vyanabxen.... adjustment, calibration, tuning
- vyanabxer ha seuxnid.... adjust the volume
- vyanabxer.... adjust, calibrate, tune, tweak
- vyanabxut.... adjustor
- vyanabxwa.... adjusted, attuned, calibrated, fitted, tuned
- vyanabxyafwa.... adjustable
- vyonaba.... misaligned, off-base, unfit, unfitting
- vyonaban.... maladjustment, misalignment, unfitness
- xagnabyana.... spectral
- yaba donab.... high rank
- yaba nab.... high rank
- yabdonaba.... of high social status
- yabnaba.... high-ranked, high-ranking, higher-ranking
- yabnabat.... muckamuck
- yabnabi.... upper ranks
- yabnabser.... rank high
- yabnabxen.... ranking high
- yabnabxer.... rank high
- yabnabxwa.... high-ranked, high-ranking, ranked high
- yabnabxwer.... get promoted
- yabwasinabar.... embosser
- yabwasinaben.... embossing
- yabwasinaber.... emboss
- yabwasinabun.... embossment
- yabwasinabwa.... embossed
- yafon nabyan.... power grid
- yagnabyana.... long-range
- yannabxen.... marshaling, racking
- yannabxer.... marshal, rack
- yannabxwa.... marshaled
- yebbelunabar.... reloader
- yenaba.... septenary
- yexunab.... task force
- yinaba.... octonary
- yiznaber.... outrank, trump
- yiznabus.... trump
- yiznabwa.... trumped, outranked
- yoba nab.... lower rank
- yobdonaba.... lower-ranking
- yobdonabat.... lower-ranking person
- yobdotnaba.... of low social standing
- yobnaba.... low-ranked, low-ranking, lower-ranking
- yobnaban.... peonage
- yobnabat.... lower-ranking person, peon
- yobnabxen.... abasement
- yobnabxer.... abase
- yobnabxwa.... abased
- yognabyana.... short-range
- yonabea.... overturning, overwhelming
- yonaben.... overwhelming, overturning
- yonaber.... overwhelm, turn upside down
- yonabwa.... overwhelmed, turned upside down
- yonabxea.... overwhelming, disrupting, overwhelming
- yonabxen.... overturning, overwhelming, disruption
- yonabxer.... disrupt, overturn, overwhelm
- yonabxwa.... overturned, overwhelmed, disrupted
- yujunaben.... corking, capping
- yujunaber.... apply the stopper to, cap, cork, plug up, put on the lid
- yujunabut.... corker
- yujunabwa.... capped, corked, plugged
- yuzaonabyan.... peristyle
- yuznab bi fyon.... axis of evil
- yuznab.... axis, axle
- yuznaba.... axial
- zaynabxea.... promoting
- zaynabxen.... promoting, promotion
- zaynabxer.... promote
- zaynabxwa.... promoted
- zedonaba.... mid-ranking
- zenaba.... mesne, mid-ranking
- zenabyan.... midrange
- zogunab.... shogunate
- zoynabxen.... demotion, retrofitting
- zoynabxer.... demote, retrofit
- zoynabxwa.... demoted
- zyanabyan.... panoply
- zyanabyana.... wide-ranging
- zyonabyana.... narrow band
- zyovyanabxwa.... finely-tuned
- Here are derivatives of naab (file, class):
- drafnaab.... card file
- finaabxwa.... well-organized
- funaabxwa.... disorganized, poorly organized
- gabyuxea taxdren naab.... swapfile
- ganaaben.... reclassification, reclassifying
- ganaaber.... reclassify, refile
- ganaabwa.... reclassified
- ganaabxen.... reorganization
- ganaabxer.... reorganize
- ganaabxwa.... reorganized
- glanaaba.... multifile
- kyajwoba naab.... flexitime, flextime
- lonaabxen.... declassification, disorganization
- lonaabxer.... declassify, disorganize
- lonaabxwa.... declassified, disorganized
- naab.... class, file
- naaba.... organizational
- naaban.... organization
- naabanay.... organizationally
- naabdref.... file card
- naabdrefsam.... file cabinet, filing cabinet
- naabdrefyan.... filesystem
- naabdyun.... filename
- naaben.... classification, filing
- naaber.... classify, file
- naabsam.... filing cabinet
- naabtun.... taxonomy
- naabtuna.... taxonomic, taxonomical
- naabtunay.... taxonomically
- naabtut.... taxonomist
- naabuka.... out of order, unorganized
- naabus.... classificator, classifier
- naabut.... classifier, filer
- naabwa.... classified, filed
- naabxea.... organizing
- naabxen.... organization
- naabxer yaxutyan.... organize a union
- naabxer.... organize, file, classify
- naabxut.... organizer, filer, classifier
- naabxwa.... organized, filed, classified
- naabxyafwa.... organizable, filable
- naabyafwa.... classifiable
- oglanaab.... microfiche, microfile
- ognaab.... minifile
- ojbuen naab.... lend-lease
- onaabxwa.... unorganized
- oybnaab.... subfile
- vyonaaben.... misfiling
- vyonaaber.... misfile, wrongly classify
- vyonaabwa.... misfiled, wrongly classified
- yiznaab.... metafile
- yizogranaab.... ultrafiche
- zonaab.... backfile
- Here are derivatives of nabyan (range, array)
- aonabyan.... columnade
- bixfeelka nabyan.... electromagnetic spectrum
- dopa nabyan.... military hierarchy
- duz nabyan.... musical range of music
- glanabyana.... multirange
- glatuunnabyana.... multidatabase
- ika nabyan.... gamut
- judnabyan.... date range
- kyenabyanxwa.... scattershot
- man nabyan.... light spectrum
- man nabyan.... light spectrum
- nabyan.... array, grid, matrix, pattern, range, selection, spectrum, table, web
- nabyana.... gridded, tabular
- nabyandrar.... spectrograph
- nabyandras.... spectrogram
- nabyandren.... spectrography
- nabyandrena.... spectrographic
- nabyanmannagar.... spectrophotometer
- nabyanmannagen.... spectrophotometry
- nabyannagar.... spectrometer
- nabyansan.... table
- nabyanser.... range
- nabyanteaxar.... spectroscope
- nabyanteaxara.... spectroscopic
- nabyanteaxaren.... spectroscopy
- nabyantuundraf.... tableau
- nabyanxea.... tabulating
- nabyanxen.... gridding, layout, tabulating, tabulation, arrangement
- nabyanxer.... array, grid, lay out, tabulate, arrange
- nabyanxer.... tabulate
- nabyanxwa.... gridded, laid out, tabulated, arranged
- seux nabyan.... sound spectrum
- sumnabyan.... bleacher
- teasnabyan.... visual spectrum
- teesnabyan.... sound spectrum
- tex nabyan.... thought pattern
- tuunnabyan.... database
- volz nabyan.... range of colors
- volznabyan.... array of colors, color spectrum, rainbow
- xagnabyana.... spectral
- yafon nabyan.... power grid
- yagnabyana.... long-range
- yognabyana.... short-range
- yuzaonabyan.... peristyle
- zenabyan.... midrange
- zyanabyan.... panoply
- zyanabyana.... wide-ranging
- zyonabyana.... narrow band
NAP and NAAP Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme nap means order, while naap means system, regime.
- Here are some derivatives of nap:
- alanapa.... eleventh
- alanapas.... twelfth thing
- alanapat.... twelfth person
- alenapa.... dozenth, twelfth
- alinapa.... thirteenth
- alo napdeni.... decalogue
- alonapa.... tenth
- alunapa.... fourteenth
- alyanapa.... sixteenth
- alyenapa.... seventeenth
- alyinapa.... eighteenth
- alyonapa.... fifteenth
- alyunapa.... nineteenth
- anap.... primacy
- anapa.... first-order, primary, prime
- anapan.... primacy
- anapas.... first-of-its-kind
- anapat.... chief, primate
- anapay.... firstly, primarily
- anapelt.... body louse
- anapen.... going first, precedence
- anaper.... go first, precede
- anaput.... person going first
- anapxer.... put in first place
- aronapa.... thousandth
- aybnap.... superorder
- aybnapa.... superordinate
- aybnapxen.... superordination
- be nap bi.... in order of
- benapxen.... interspersion
- Biu ha zanapa bixpur..... Take the next train.
- dab bi onaptyoyd.... mob rule
- donap.... civil order, public order, social order
- donapden.... public mandate, public ordinance
- donapdib.... police administration
- donapdiba.... police-related
- donapdiben.... policing
- donapdiber.... police
- donapdibut.... cop, policeman, police officer
- dopa napden.... military order
- dopnap.... phalanx
- dopnapen.... military parade, military review
- dota nap.... social order
- dota napden.... social ordinance
- douta nap.... public order
- douta napden.... public mandate, public ordinance
- dunapyex.... verbal offense
- dunnap.... syntax, word order
- dunnapa.... syntactic, syntactical
- dunnapay.... syntactically
- dunnapxun.... syntagma
- dunnapxuna.... syntagmatic
- duz napxun.... musical arrangement
- duz napxut.... musical arranger
- ebnapxar.... mixer
- ebnapxen.... interspersing, mix-up, mixing up, mixup, shuffling
- ebnapxer ekdrafi.... shuffle cards
- ebnapxer.... intersperse, mix up, shuffle
- ebnapxut.... shuffler
- ebnapxwa.... interspersed, mixed up, shuffled
- ebnapxyafwa.... mixable
- elonapa.... twentieth
- enapa dyun.... by-name, cognomen, secondary name
- enapa.... second, secondary
- enapay.... secondly
- enapelt.... head louse
- enapetbixwa belir.... curricle
- eonapxen.... gemination
- eonapxer.... geminate
- finap.... good order, kilter, neatness, order, tidiness
- finapa.... in good order, neat, shipshape, tidy
- finapan.... neatness, tidiness
- finapay.... neatly
- finapser.... get in order, straighten up, tidy up
- finapxen.... neatening up, straightening up, tidying up
- finapxer.... neaten up, put in good order, straighten up, tidy up
- finapxwa.... tidied, well-ordered
- funap.... disorder, mayhem, mess
- funapa.... disordered, messy, out of order, untidy
- funapan.... messiness, untidiness
- funapay.... messily, rowdily, untidily
- funapaya.... rowdy
- funapika.... rowdy
- funapikan.... rowdiness, rowdyism
- funapser.... become disordered, become untidy, get messed up, get out of order
- funapxen.... bungling, disordering, foul-up, messing up, mix-up, mixing up, screwing up, screwing up
- funapxer.... bungle, bungler, foul up, mess up, mix up
- funapxwa.... bungled, disordered, disorderly, messed up, mixed up, ragtag, screwed up
- funapxwan.... disorderliness
- funapyena.... disorderly
- galosaunnapxen.... reshuffling
- galosaunnapxer.... reshuffle
- galosaunnapxwa.... reshuffled
- ganapkyaxen.... reshuffling
- ganapkyaxer.... reshuffle
- ganapkyaxwa.... reshuffled
- ganapxea.... rearranging
- ganapxen.... rearrangement, rearranging, redressing, rejigging
- ganapxer.... re-dress, rearrange, redress, rejig
- ganapxwa.... rearranged, redressed
- ganapxyafwa.... rearrangeable
- gonnapyanx.... scheme
- hyenapa.... umpteenth
- ijnapa.... first, primary
- ijnaper.... come in first
- ilonapa.... thirtieth
- inapa.... tertiary
- inapelt.... woodlouse
- inapetpir.... troika
- janapa.... last, previous, prior
- janapan.... priority
- janapay.... previously
- janapden.... preordaining, preordination
- janapder.... prearrange, preordain
- janapdwa tojben.... hit job, pre-arranged killing
- janapdwa.... pre-arranged, pre-arrranged, preordained
- janapxen.... prearrangement, prioritization
- janapxer.... prearrange, prioritize
- janapxwa.... prioritized
- jasaunapxen.... presorting
- jasaunapxer.... presort
- jayannapxen.... precoordination
- jonap.... sequence
- jonapa dyuen.... roll call
- jonapa.... following, next, postorder, sequential, successive, subsequent
- jonapan.... sequentiality
- jonapas.... next one
- jonapat.... next one
- jonapaxen.... sequentializing
- jonapaxer.... sequentialize
- jonapaxwa.... sequentialized
- jonapen.... succession
- jonaper.... follow, succeed
- jonaput.... successor
- jonapxen.... sequencing, sequentialization
- jonapxwa.... sequenced
- kaxontexnap.... algorithm
- kaxontexnapa.... algorithmic
- kaxontexnapay.... algorithmically
- kovyoanapa.... pseudoprimary
- kyanapxen.... shuffling
- kyanapxer ekdrafi.... shuffle cards
- kyanapxer.... shuffle
- kyanapxut.... shuffler
- kyanapxwa.... shuffled
- kyenapxar.... scrambler
- kyenapxen.... scrambling
- kyenapxer.... scramble
- kyenapxwa.... scrambled
- lokyenapxer.... unscramble
- lonap.... mess
- lonapan.... entropy
- lonapaya.... messy
- lonapder.... countermand
- lonapfaof.... shuffleboard
- lonapika.... messy
- lonapxar.... scrambler
- lonapxea.... disconcerting
- lonapxeay.... disconcertingly
- lonapxen.... bothering, derangement, disordering, disturbance, messing up, scrambling, shuffling, tousle
- lonapxer.... bother, derange, discompose, disconcert, disturb, mess up, muss, scramble, tousle
- lonapxut.... shuffler
- lonapxwa tayebsyen.... shag
- lonapxwa.... bothered, deranged, disconcerted, disordered, disorderly, disturbed, messed up, messy, mixed, mussy, scrambled, tousled
- lonapxwan.... discomposure, disorderliness
- lonapxyea.... bothersome, messy
- lonapxyean.... messiness
- maalyenapat.... weathercock, weathervane
- nap.... order
- napa yexun.... chore
- napa.... ordinal
- napayan.... orderliness
- napdea.... ordaining
- napden bi nagi.... assize
- napden.... commandment, decree, decreeing, dictat, enjoining, ordainment, order, ordnance
- napder.... command, decree, dictate, enjoin, ordain, order
- napdras.... prescription, recipe
- napdrea.... prescriptive
- napdreay.... prescriptively
- napdwa.... commanded, decreed, enjoined, ordained, ordered
- napdwas.... decree
- napdyes.... rulebook
- napeden.... grunting
- napeder.... grunt
- napelt.... louse
- napelta.... formic
- napeltam.... anthill, formicary
- napeltyan.... swarm of ants, ant colony
- napeltyanea.... swarming
- napeltyaner.... swarm
- napeltyansea.... teeming
- napeltyanser.... teem
- napeltyanxwa.... teemed
- napiat.... heron, egret
- napika.... orderly, spick, trig
- napikan.... orderliness
- napiza.... in order, neat, tidy
- napizaser.... neaten up
- napizaxer.... neaten, straighten up, tidy up
- napizaxwa.... neatened, straightened up, tidied up
- napizra.... in perfect order, neat and tidy
- napkyaxea.... overwhelming, upsetting
- napkyaxen.... bowling over, interspersing, interspersion, mixing up, overthrowing, overturning, overwhelming, permutation, permuting, turning upside down, upsetting
- napkyaxena.... permutational
- napkyaxer.... bowl over, change the order of, intersperse, mix up, overthrow, overturn, overwhelm, permute, turn upside down, upset
- napkyaxwa.... bowled over, interspersed, mixed up, overthrown, overturned, overwhelmed, permuted, turned upside down, upset
- napkyaxyafwa.... permutable
- napot.... armadillo
- nappax.... maneuver
- nappaxen.... maneuvering
- nappaxer.... maneuver
- nappaxwa.... maneuvered
- nappaxyafwa.... maneuverable
- nappaxyafwan.... maneuverability
- napsana testien.... commonsense
- napsana.... banal, ordinary, run-of-the-mill
- napsanan.... banality, ordinariness
- napsanay.... ordinarily
- napsauna.... unprepossessing
- naptyop.... cortege, parade
- naptyopen.... parading
- naptyoper.... parade
- naptyoputyan.... retinue
- napuka.... unorderly, messy
- napukan.... unorderliness, messiness
- napukay.... messily
- napuzra.... convoluted, discombobulated, haywire, messed up, messy, screwed up, scruffy
- napuzran.... convolutedness, discombobulation, messiness, scruffiness
- napuzraser.... become convoluted, become discombobulated
- napuzraxen.... convolution, discombobulation, messing up, mixing up, screwing up
- napuzraxer.... discombobulate, mess up, mix up, screw up
- napuzraxwa.... convoluted, discombobulated, messed up, mixed up, screwed up
- napuzray.... messily, scruffily
- napxar.... concordance, index
- napxara.... indexical
- napxaren.... indexation, indexing
- napxarer.... index
- napxarwa.... indexed
- napxaryafwa.... indexable
- napxen.... arraying, ordering, putting in order
- napxer ota syagdrav.... square one's account
- napxer.... array, put in order
- napxwa.... arrayed, ordered, orderly, put in order
- napxwas.... array, set
- napyeit.... octopus
- napyen.... discipline, rule of law
- napyenan.... state of discipline
- napyenxen.... disciplining
- napyenxer.... discipline
- napyenxwa.... disciplined
- nyanapyex doputi.... storm troops
- nyanapyexer.... storm
- nyanapyexwa.... stormed
- obler donap.... upend public order
- ojonapa.... non-sequential, nonsequential
- ojonapas.... non-sequitur
- olonapxen.... cleaning up, figuring out, putting back in order, reordering, tidying up
- olonapxer.... clean up, figure out, put back in order, reorder, tidy up
- olonapxwa.... cleaned up, figured out, put back in order, reordered, tidied up, uncluttered, unperturbed
- onap.... ataxia, clutter, disorder, melee, mess, muss, welter
- onapa gonut.... floater
- onapa nyan.... tumble
- onapa yigbalwa aotyan.... scrum
- onapa.... ataxic, haywire, irregular, messy, out of order, seedy, sloppy, zeroth
- onapag.... pandemonium
- onapan.... irregularity, seediness, sloppiness
- onapas.... zeroth thing
- onapat.... zeroth person
- onapay.... irregularly, out of order, sloppily
- onapaya.... unorderly
- onapika.... unorderly
- onapiza.... out of order, untidy
- onapsana.... extraordinary, inordinate, irregular
- onapsanay.... extraordinarily, inordinately
- onaptyod.... mob
- onaptyodxen.... mobbing
- onaptyodxwa.... mobbed
- onaputyan.... unruly group
- onapxen.... cluttering, messing up
- onapxer.... clutter, mess up
- onapxwa paax.... donnybrook
- onapxwa.... cluttered, deranged, messed up, messy, random, unordered
- onapyena.... messy
- onapyenxwa.... undisciplined
- otayebnapxwa.... uncombed
- otexnapa.... nonstrategic, unmethodical
- ovdal naptyop.... protest march
- ovnap.... mayhem
- oybnap.... suborder
- oybnapdyun.... hyponym
- oyegnapxwa.... unredressed
- oyeybnapsana.... extraordinary
- oyeybnapsanan.... extraordinariness
- oyeybnapsanay.... extraordinarily
- sagnapa.... in numerical order
- sagnapxer.... arrange in numerical order
- sagnapxwa.... arranged in numerical order
- saunapxar.... sorter
- saunapxen.... sorting
- saunapxer ha nyan.... sort the deck
- saunapxer yonibler.... sort out
- saunapxer.... sort
- saunapxut.... sorter
- saunapxwa.... sorted out
- saunnapxen.... triage
- taponapay.... manically
- tayebonapa.... uncombed, with messy hair
- tayebonapxen.... dishevelment
- tayebonapxer.... dishevel, mess up the hair
- tayebonapxwa.... disheveled
- teponap.... mania, mental disorder
- teponapa.... crazy, deranged, maniacal, manic, mentally deranged, mentally disordered, psychotic
- teponapan.... craziness, mental disturbance
- teponapay.... crazily, maniacally, psychotically
- teponapsea.... become mentally disturbed, going crazy
- teponapser.... become mentally disturbed, go crazy
- teponapxen.... making crazy, mental disturbance
- teponapxer.... make crazy
- teponapxwa.... crazed, deranged, mentally disturbed
- tepyufonap.... paranoia
- tepyufonapa.... paranoid
- tepyufonapat.... paranoiac
- texnap.... method, stratagem, strategy
- texnapa.... methodical, strategic, strategical
- texnapan.... methodicalness
- texnapay.... methodically, strategically
- texnapina.... methodist
- texnapinut.... methodist
- texnapxen.... strategizing
- texnapxer.... strategize
- texnapxut.... strategist
- texnapxwa.... strategized
- tulxuta napdras.... recipe
- ujnapa.... last in order
- ujnapen.... coming in last
- ujnaper.... come in last
- ulonapa.... fortieth
- unapa.... fourth, in fourth place
- unapay.... fourthly
- unapetpar.... phaeton
- utnapyen.... self-discipline
- utnapyena.... disciplinary
- utnapyenuut.... disciplinarian
- vabijnapxen.... gemmation
- vinapa.... spiffy
- voa lonapan.... negentropy
- vyaknapxwa.... correctly ordered
- vyanap.... order, proper order, right order, proper arrangement
- vyanapa.... appropriate, in the right order, rightly arrayed, seemly, properly arranged
- vyanapan.... appropriateness, seemliness, proper arrangement
- vyanapay.... appropriately
- vyanapser.... get adjusted, get in the right order
- vyanapxen.... adjustment, ordering correctly, proper arrangement, putting in the right order
- vyanapxer.... adjust, arrange correctly, put in the right order
- vyanapxwa.... adjusted, properly arranged, properly ordered
- vyonap.... bumble, jumble, mess
- vyonapa.... confused, deranged, jumbled up, messy, mixed up
- vyonapdun.... anagram
- vyonapser.... become disarrayed, get messed up, get out of order
- vyonapxen.... confusion, derangement, jumbling, mix-up
- vyonapxer.... confuse, flummox, garble, jumble, mess up, missort, mix up
- vyonapxwa.... confused, deranged, garbled, jumbled, messed up, mixed up
- vyonapyena.... hugger-mugger, huggermugger
- vyoynapa.... prim
- xer jonapa dyuen.... do a roll call
- yalonapa.... sixtieth
- yanapa tisnog.... sixth grade
- yanapa.... quinary, sixth
- yanapaxlarer.... raff
- yanjonapxen.... collating, collation
- yanjonapxer.... collate
- yannapnod.... coordinate
- yannapnoda ned.... coordinate plan, Cartesian plane
- yannapnoda.... coordinate
- yannapnoden.... plotting
- yannapnoder.... plot
- yannapnodwa.... plotted
- yannapxea.... coordinating
- yannapxen.... collocation, coordinating, coordination
- yannapxer.... collocate, coordinate
- yannapxut.... coordinator
- yannapxwa.... coordinated
- yelonapa.... seventieth
- yenapa.... septenary, seventh
- yinapa.... eighth
- yisonapa.... eight hundredth
- yiznap.... superorder
- yonapa.... out of control
- yonapaya.... messy
- yonapika.... messy
- yonapsen.... getting out of control, going haywire
- yonapser.... get out of control, go haywire
- yonapxea.... disrupting
- yonapxen.... disrupting, disruption
- yonapxer.... make go haywire
- yonapxwa.... disrupted, gone haywire
- yonapxyea.... disruptive
- yonapxyeay.... disruptively
- yunapa.... ninth in order, nonary
- zanapa.... next
- zonapa.... previous, last
- zonapay.... previously
- zoynapa.... retrograde
- zoynaptyop.... countermarch
- zoynaptyoper.... countermarch
- zoysyemxer donap.... restore public order
- Here are some derivatives of naap:
- ebnaapa.... intersystem
- gimel naap.... mountain system
- glanaapa.... multisystem
- maarnaap.... solar system
- marnaap.... star system
- meb naap.... mountain system
- naap.... regime, regimen, system
- naapa.... regimental, systematical, systemic
- naapay.... systemically
- naapdraf.... schematic, scheme
- naapdrafay.... schematically
- naapoya.... systemless
- naapuka.... systemless
- naapxea.... systematizing
- naapxen.... regimentation, systematization, systematizing, systemization
- naapxer.... regiment, systematize
- naapxwa.... regimented, systematized
- naapyena.... systematic
- naapyenan.... systematicity
- naapyenay.... systematically
- onaapa.... unsystemic
- onaapxwa.... unsystematized
- onaapyena.... unsystematic
- onaapyenay.... unsystematically
- oybnaap.... subsystem
- tayiba naap.... nervous system
- yuzilpa naap.... circulatory system
- zyanaapa.... systemwide
SON abstract thing
[edit | edit source]- The base word son means (abstract) thing, matter and is the top-level word in a scalar series.
SON MIRAD ENGLISH son matter, issue san shape, form sin picture, image sun thing (concrete) syen style, mode, fashion syin subject syun object
SON words
[edit | edit source]- The root word son means (abstract) thing, matter, issue. Here are some words derived from this root:
- aaga son.... main thing
- aovdalson.... controversy
- avson.... case, cause, sake, subject
- kyeson....circumstance
- venson.... condition
- be venson bi.... in the event of, on condition that
- be venson van.... contingent on the fact that, contingent that, on the condition that, provided that, provided that
- be vensonxwa van.... conditioned on the fact that
- be vyeson bi.... about, concerning, on the subject of, re
- ber yikson av.... pose a problem for
- ber yikson.... pose a problem
- beson.... stance, state
- bukwat bi kyeson.... victim of circumstance
- dalson.... issue, subject, topic
- dalsonnyad.... syllabus
- dolson.... hush-hush affair
- doyevson.... case, court case, law case, lawsuit, suit
- dub bi oyebmema soni.... foreign minister of foreign affairs, secretary of state
- Duhos se ha teson?.... What's the matter?
- Duhos se ha yikson?.... What's the matter?
- duznodyana vyeson.... leitmotif, leitmotiv
- efrawa son.... critical matter, crucial matter
- efson....crisis
- ejna kyos bi soni.... current state of affairs
- eson.... entity
- glazesona.... polytopical
- gyuson.... delicate matter, subtle matter
- hason.... it, the matter, the thing
- ifson.... fun, pleasure
- igefson....emergency
- ivson.... diversion, good time, happy affair
- javenson.... precondition
- jayufson.... menace, threat
- jesea yikson.... bugbear
- jeson.... conjuncture
- jovenson.... postcondition
- kason dizun.... sitcom
- kason.... location, plight, situation, station, status, whereabouts, situation
- keson.... experience
- koson.... mystery, secret
- kyeson.... circumstance, wildcard, case
- kyison.... encumbrance, grave issue, grave matter, important issue, important matter, problem, weighty matter
- kyos bi soni.... state of affairs
- kyoson.... status quo
- kyuson.... trivial matter
- kyutesa soni.... trivia
- lokosoner.... debunk
- lokyisonxer.... downplay
- nyafson.... entanglement, knotty problem, tangled mess
- ogson.... quiddity, trivium, minor matter
- ogteson.... trifling matter
- okyisonxer.... downplay the importance of
- okyusona.... nontrivial
- ovson.... object, suit
- ovyesona.... athematic, immaterial, irrelevant
- oybyikson.... subproblem
- oybzeson.... subtopic
- yuzkason.... context
- oyebsona.... spurious
- oyiksonxer.... clear up, simplify, uncomplicate
- ozesonwa.... unfocused
- son.... affair, issue, matter, thing
- sonog.... trifling matter
- sonogpexwer.... pettifog
- sonyan.... affairs
- sonyev.... critique
- teojson.... matter of life and death, matter of life or death
- teson.... implication, issue
- uvson.... sad state of affairs, tragedy
- uvsona.... tragic
- venson.... condition, contingency, proviso
- vison.... object of beauty
- vyaoson.... mystery
- vyeson.... concern, issue, shebang, subject, theme, topic
- yanson.... domain
- yevson.... case, court case, suit
- yevsonuer.... bring to trial, litigate, sue
- yevsonut.... lawyer
- yikkyeson.... predicament
- yikla kason.... complicated situation
- yikson.... difficult issue, difficult matter, difficulty, hard issue, problem
- yiksonober.... resolve
- yokson.... sensation
- yontexson.... controversy
- yukson.... levity
- zeson.... central issue, nub, subject, topic
- zevyeson.... keynote
- zeysona.... crucial
[edit | edit source]- san....form, shape
- saun....kind, type
- sax-....make, create
- saz....sculpture
- Here are some words derived from the above roots:
- aajsan.... primitive form
- aajsana.... primordial
- aajsanay.... primordially
- aajtejsantun.... paleontology
- aajtejsantuna.... paleontological
- aajtejsantut.... paleontologist
- aglasan.... macroform
- agvusan.... big ugly shape, blob
- ajsan.... decrepitude
- alekunsan.... dodecahedron
- alekunsana.... dodecahedral
- alogunsan.... decagon
- amezsan.... diamond shape, fusil, rhomb, rhomboid, rhombus
- amezsana.... diamond-shaped, rhomboidal
- amola san.... primitive form
- ansana.... monomorphic, singular, uniform
- ansanan.... uniformity
- ansanay.... singularly, uniformly
- ansandea.... specifying
- ansantof.... uniform
- ansantofwa.... uniformed
- ansanxen.... making uniform, singularization, uniformization
- ansanxer.... make uniform, uniformalize, uniformize
- ansanxwa.... uniformized
- anyensana.... idiomorphic
- asanxen.... casting
- asanxer.... cast
- asanxwa.... cast
- asanxwas.... casting
- aybtomsan.... superstructure
- aybtomsana.... superstructural
- aynsan.... gestalt
- aynsana.... holomorphic
- azfuteisan.... rancidity, rancidness
- azonijsanxar.... generator
- baysan.... property
- be yansansen bay.... in conformance with
- bilyigsanxwas.... ramekin, ramequin
- bisana.... genitive
- bookteasan.... haggardness
- boosan.... tranquility
- bosan.... calmness, litheness, quiescence, quiet, quietness, quietude, stillness
- boysan .... penuriousness
- boysan.... dearth, penury, wantage
- buobsana.... dative
- calilksan.... chloroform
- defebsana.... conic, conical
- defebsanay.... conically
- dobsan.... regime
- dofebsan.... cone shape
- dofebsana.... cone-shaped
- dosana ovden.... remonstrance, remonstrating, remonstration
- dosana ovdut.... remonstrant
- dosana.... formal
- dosanan.... formality
- dosanaxen.... formalizing
- dosanaxer.... formalize
- dosanaxwa.... formalized
- dosanay ovdyea.... remonstrative
- dosanay.... formally
- drevsan.... layout, page layout
- duhosan.... quiddity
- dunsan.... morpheme
- dunsana.... morphemic
- dunsantun.... morphology
- dunsantuna.... morphological
- dunsantunay.... morphologically
- dunsantut.... morphologist
- dyesanxam.... bookbindery
- dyesanxen.... bookbinding
- dyesanxer.... bind
- dyesanxut.... bookbinder
- dyessannyem.... solander
- dyunsanxyofwa.... indeclinable
- ejsan.... novelness
- enfubsan.... wishbone
- enkinedsana.... cuneiform
- ensana.... bimorphic
- ensanan.... bimorphism
- ensanas.... bimorph
- entesan.... ambiguity
- eontesan.... ambiguity
- ersan.... infinitive
- ersana.... infinitival
- esan.... state
- esana.... static
- eymmuarsan.... meniscum
- eynmuarsan.... crescent shape
- faosyebteisan.... fustiness
- faybsanxen.... topiary
- faybsanxena.... topiary
- fayebsana.... foliate
- feelksanxam.... blacksmith shop, blacksmith's shop
- feelksanxen.... blacksmithing
- feelksanxer.... forge
- feelksanxut.... blacksmith, farrier, forger, ironsmith
- feelksanxwa.... blacksmithed, forged
- fisan.... good figure, good form, good shape
- fisana.... hunky
- fisanika.... in good form, nicely-shaped
- fisansa.... reformed
- fisansam.... reformatory
- fisanser.... get into better shape, reconfigure, reform
- fisanxen.... reconfiguration, reformation
- fisanxer.... reconfigure, reform, reshape
- fisanxut.... reconfigurer, reformer
- fisanxwa.... pert, reconfigured, reformed, well-formed
- fiteisan.... redolence
- fiteusan.... deliciousness, lushness, sapidity
- fubsana.... branch-shaped, ramiform
- fusan.... bad form, deformation, deformity, malformation
- fusana.... deformed, malformed, misshapen, ratty
- fusansea.... retrograde
- fusanser.... become malformed, become misshapen
- fusanuzben.... bending out of shape
- fusanuzber.... bend out of shape
- fusanuzbwa.... bent out of shape
- fusanuzraxen.... twisting out of shape
- fusanuzraxer.... twist out of shape
- fusanxea.... disfiguring
- fusanxen.... deformation, disfigurement, malformation, mis-shaping, misshaping
- fusanxer.... deform, disfigure, misshape
- fusanxun.... deformation, deformity, malformation
- fusanxwa.... deformed, disfigured, malformed, misshapen, poorly-formed, unshapely
- fusanxwat.... deformed person
- futeasan.... obscurity
- futeisan.... fetidness, rankness
- futeusan.... brackishness, foul taste, unsavoriness
- futoleusan.... rankness
- fuvyafsanxwa.... maladjusted, poorly fitted
- fuyesan.... adversity
- fyuzam ansantof.... prison uniform
- gaasanxen.... remodeling
- gaasanxer.... remodel, remold
- gaasanxwa.... remodeled
- gabsinsana.... cross-shaped
- gabzyupsan.... helix
- gabzyupsana.... helical
- gadyesanxen.... rebinding
- gadyesanxer.... rebind
- gagasanser.... redevelop
- gagasanxen.... redevelopment
- gagasanxer.... redevelop
- gagasanxut.... redeveloper
- gagasanxwa.... redeveloped
- gagelsanxen.... readaption
- gagelsanxer.... readapt
- gagelsanxwa.... readapted
- gagelsanxyafwa.... readaptable
- gakyosanxen.... reformatting
- gakyosanxer.... reformat
- gakyosanxwa.... reformatted
- gasandrawa.... reformulated
- gasandren.... reformulating, reformulation
- gasandrer.... reformulate
- gasansea.... developing, reforming, reshaping, shaping up
- gasansen.... development, mutation, reforming
- gasanser.... change shape, morph, mutate, re-shape, reform, develop, get into shape up, take on a new shape
- gasanxea.... modifying, transfiguring
- gasanxen.... built, development, modification, modifying, morphing, re-shaping, reformation, reforming, transfiguration, re-casting
- gasanxena.... developmental, reformational, transformational
- gasanxenay.... developmentally
- gasanxer.... develop, modify, morph, re-shape, reform, reformat, transform, re-cast
- gasanxus.... modifier, transformer
- gasanxut.... re-shaper, reformer
- gasanxwa.... developed, modified, morphed, re-shaped, reformed, transformed
- gasanxyafwa.... modifiable, mutable, reformable, transformable
- gasanxyafwan.... modifiability, mutability, reformability, transformability
- gasanxyafway.... modifiably, transformably
- gasanxyea.... reformative, transformative
- gasanxyof.... immutability, unmodifiability, untransformability
- gasanxyofwa.... immutable, inalterable, unmodifiable, untransformable
- gasanxyofwan.... immutability, untransformability, inalterability
- gasanxyofway.... immutably, unmodifiably, untransformably, inalterably
- gasanyan.... hodgepodge, potpourri
- gasanyanxea.... reconfiguring
- gasanyanxen.... reconfiguration, reconfiguring
- gasanyanxer.... reconfigure
- gasanyanxut.... reconfigurer
- gasanyanxwa.... reconfigured
- gasanyanxyafwa.... reconfigurable
- gauksanxer.... remold
- gayansanxen.... reconstitution
- gayansanxer.... reconstitute
- gayansanxwa.... reconstituted
- gekyisan.... counterpoise
- gelsan.... replica
- gelsana.... homeomorphic, homomorphic
- gelsanin.... homomorphism
- gelsansea.... acclimating, adapting, conforming, consistent
- gelsansean.... consistency
- gelsanseay.... consistently
- gelsansen.... conformance, conformation, conformity
- gelsanser.... acclimate, adapt, conform
- gelsanxar.... adapter
- gelsanxen.... acclimation, adaptation, adapting, adaption, conforming, replicating
- gelsanxer.... acclimate, adapt, make conform, replicate
- gelsanxwa.... acclimated, adapted, made to conform, replicated
- gelsanxyafwa.... adaptable
- gelsanxyafwan.... adaptability
- gelsanxyoftwa.... impossible to adapt
- gelsanxyofwa.... unadaptable
- geltesan.... synonymy
- gesan.... clone
- gesana.... isomorphic
- gesanay.... isomorphically
- gesanin.... isomorphism
- gesanxen.... cloning
- gesanxer.... clone
- gesanxwa.... cloned
- gimufyegnidsana.... cone-shaped
- ginnidsan.... cone shape
- ginnidsana.... cone-shaped
- gintomsana.... pyramid-shaped
- gisan.... extremity
- giteusan.... zestfulness
- glasana.... diverse, multiform, polymorphic, varied
- glasanan.... diverseness, diversity, variety
- glasanay.... diversely, polymorphously
- glasanaya.... polymorphous
- glasanika.... polymorphous
- glasanikay.... polymorphously
- glasankyaxyafa.... protean
- glasansea.... diversifying
- glasanser.... diversity
- glasanxen.... diversification
- glasanxer.... diversify
- glasanxwa.... diversified
- glasanyafwa.... diversifiable
- glatesan.... importance, polysemy, significance
- glonasan.... pauperism
- glotesan.... insignificance, unimportance
- gosansea.... degenerating
- gosansen.... devolution
- gosanser.... degenerate, devolve
- gosanxen.... degeneration
- gosanxer.... degenerate
- gosanxwa.... degenerate, degenerated
- gragasanxer.... overdevelop
- grasan.... excessiveness, extremeness, superfluity
- gronasan.... misery
- groteusan.... insipidity, insipidness
- gwa vyatsana.... fittest
- gyanodsana.... hump-shaped
- gyusan.... subtlety
- gyuysan.... daintiness
- hesana.... a certain form of, some form of
- hosana.... hosanna
- hyaewatesan.... ambiguity
- hyagekunsan.... rhomboid, rhombus
- hyagekunsana.... rhomboidal
- hyisandyofwa.... unidentifiable
- hyusan.... allomorph
- hyusana.... allomorphic
- hyusanxer.... estrange
- hyusanxwa.... estranged
- hyusanxwen.... estrangement
- iftayosan.... sensuality, sensuousness
- ijna san.... initial shape
- ijsan.... initial shape, rudiment
- ijsana.... formative, rudimentary
- ijsanay.... formatively
- ijsanxea.... generative
- ijsanxen.... begetting, breeding, engendering, generation
- ijsanxer.... beget, breed, engender, generate
- ijsanxwa.... begotten, bred, engendered, generated
- iksankyaxen.... transmogrification
- iksankyaxer.... transmogrify
- iksankyaxwa.... transmogrified
- ilsan.... iodoform
- incsana.... unciform
- infayebsan.... trefoil
- inguginidsan.... pyramid shape
- inguginidsana.... pyramid-shaped
- ingusan.... triangle
- ingusana.... triangular
- isanxen.... engendering
- isanxer.... engender
- isanxwa.... engendered
- ivsan.... droleness, drollery, drollness, funniness
- izmufsan.... arrow shape
- jasan.... forerunner, precursor, preform
- jasana.... precursory
- jasanxer.... preform
- jogsanxwa.... newly-shaped
- jwasan.... prematurity, proto-form
- jwesan.... newness, novelty
- jwofteisan.... fustiness, mustiness
- kosan.... cover, reconditeness, stealthiness
- kyasan.... mutation, variant
- kyasana.... diversiform
- kyasansat.... mutant
- kyesan.... happenstance
- kyesana.... incidental
- kyesanay.... incidentally
- kyesanyangon.... episode
- kyesanyangona.... episodic
- kyitesan.... gravity, ponderousness, seriousness, solemness, solemnity, solemnness, somberness
- kyosan.... format
- kyosanxar.... formatter
- kyosanxen.... formatting
- kyosanxer.... format
- kyosanxwa.... formatted
- kyutesan.... frivolousness, silliness, tomfoolery, triviality
- lasanya.... lasagna
- lisan.... ell
- maarnaudsan.... sunburst
- maparsana.... fanfold
- marsan.... aster, star shape
- marsana.... star-shaped
- mefsan.... slab
- megvusan.... chockstone
- mepsosan.... chicane
- mepvusan.... fork in the road, where the road comes to a V
- mezsan.... crystal shape
- monsan ektobet.... shadow-puppet
- monsan.... shadow
- monsanaya.... shadowy
- monsanayan.... shadowiness
- monsanika.... shadowy
- monsanikan.... shadowiness
- monsanxen.... shadowing
- monsanxer.... shadow
- monsanxwa.... shadowed
- monsanyena.... shadow-like
- mufsanun.... bacillary
- mufsanuni.... bacilli
- mufyegsan.... cylinder
- mufyegsana.... cylindrical
- mugsanxar.... swage
- mugsanxen.... swaging
- mulsana.... hylomorphic
- mulsanin.... hylomorphism
- mulsanina.... hylomorphic
- mulsaninut.... hylomorphist
- nabyansan.... table
- napsana testien.... commonsense
- napsana.... banal, ordinary, run-of-the-mill
- napsanan.... banality, ordinariness
- napsanay.... ordinarily
- neefsanxer.... gauffer
- nidijsanxea uznad.... generatrix
- nyixen sandraf.... order form, requisition form
- oansana.... disparate, non-uniform, nonuniform
- oansanan.... disparity, nonuniformity
- oansanay.... disparately
- oaynsan.... decadency
- oboosan.... restlessness
- obosan.... disquietude
- obsan.... case
- ogasanxwa.... undeveloped
- ogasanxwam.... backwater
- ogelsansea.... discrepancy, discrepant, nonadaptive
- ogelsanxyafwa.... nonadaptable
- oglasan.... microform
- ohyisandwa.... unidentified
- okosan.... overtness
- okyosanxwa.... unformatted
- ololtejsan.... anaerobe
- onapsana.... extraordinary, inordinate, irregular
- onapsanay.... extraordinarily, inordinately
- osana.... informal
- osanan.... informality
- osanay.... informally
- osandrawa.... unformulated
- osangeyben.... maladaption
- osankyaxwa.... unmutated
- osanxwa.... unformed, unshaped
- ovaotosan.... unambivalence
- ovaysan.... lack of security
- ovder dosanay.... remonstrate
- ovyisan.... crudeness
- ovyosanxwa.... undistorted
- oyansanin.... non-conformism
- oyansanina.... non-conformist
- oyansaninut.... non-conformist, nonconformist
- oyansansea.... disagreeable, incompliant, non-compliant, non-conformant, non-conforming, noncomplying, nonconforming, out of the ordinary
- oyansansean.... disagreeableness, nonconformity
- oyansanseay.... disagreeably
- oyansansut.... freak
- oyansansyea.... non-compliant
- oybtepsan.... subschema
- oybtomsan.... infrastructure, substructure
- oybtomsana.... infrastructural
- oyebsan.... appearance, aspect, contour, outer form, outward appearance
- oyebsana.... aspectual, freak, freakish, queer, unwonted
- oyebsanan.... freakishness, queerness
- oyebsanay.... freakishly, queerly
- oyegsanxwa.... unreformed
- oyeybnapsana.... extraordinary
- oyeybnapsanan.... extraordinariness
- oyeybnapsanay.... extraordinarily
- oytebosan.... brainlessness, imbecility
- patijsan.... egg-shape, ellipse, oval
- patijsana.... egg-shaped, oval, ovate, ovoid, ovular
- peltjasan.... larva, nymph
- peltjasana.... larval
- peyetsana.... vermiform
- piramidsana.... pyramid-shaped
- pitsana.... pisciform
- poosan.... placidity, placidness, sereneness
- puxuyzsana.... paraboloidal
- puxuzsan.... parabola shape
- puxuzsana.... parabola-shaped, parabolic
- pyaonsan.... ogee, waveform, wave form
- san.... figure, form, gestalt, semblance, shape
- -san.... -form, -shape
- sana dodal.... allocution
- sana.... formal
- sanan.... formality
- sananyanden.... declining
- sananyander.... decline a noun
- sananyandwa.... declined
- sanaun.... moneme
- sanaxea.... formalizing
- sanaxen.... formalization, formalizing
- sanaxer.... formalize
- sanaxwa.... formalized
- sanay.... formally
- sanaya.... intact, shapely
- sanayan.... intactness, shapeliness
- sandraf.... form
- sandras.... formula
- sandrasa.... formulaic
- sandrasyena.... formulaic
- sandrawa.... formulated
- sandrea.... formulating
- sandren.... formulating, formulation
- sandrena.... formulaic
- sandrer.... formulate
- sandrun.... formula
- sandruna.... formulaic
- sandrunxen.... formulation
- sandrunxer.... formulate
- sandrut.... formulator
- sandyun.... substantive
- sandyunan.... substantivity
- sandyunay.... substantively
- sangela.... conformant
- sangelay.... in conformance
- sangelea.... conforming
- sangelen.... conformance
- sangeler.... conform
- sangeybwa.... adapted
- sangeybyafwa.... adaptable
- sangoblar.... carving knife
- sangoblawa.... carved, sculpted
- sangoblen.... carving
- sangobler.... carve, cut to a form, sculpt
- sangoblun.... carving, sculpture
- sangoblut.... carver, sculptor
- sangobluyt.... sculptress
- sangunxwaot.... avatar
- sanien.... formation, taking shape
- sanier.... endue, form, take shape
- sanika.... intact, shapely
- sanikan.... intactness, shapeliness
- sanin.... formalism, morphism
- sanina.... formalistic
- saninut.... formalist
- sanizbar.... template
- sankyasea.... evolving
- sankyaser.... evolve, metamorphose, mutate, transform
- sankyaxea.... mutating, transforming
- sankyaxen.... evolution, evolving, metamorphism, metamorphosing, mutating, mutation, transformation, transforming
- sankyaxena meg.... metamorphic rock
- sankyaxena.... evolutionary, metamorphic, mutational, mutative, transformational
- sankyaxenay.... metamorphically, mutationally, transformationally
- sankyaxer.... evolve, metamorphose, mutate, transform
- sankyaxina.... evolutionist
- sankyaxinut.... evolutionist
- sankyaxir.... transformer
- sankyaxtuin.... theory of evolution
- sankyaxwa.... evolved, metamorphosed, mutated, transformed
- sankyaxyafwa.... transformable
- sankyaxyea.... transformative
- sankyos.... sediment
- sankyosea meg.... sedimentary rock
- sankyosea.... sedimentary
- sankyosen.... sedimentation, settling
- sankyoser.... sediment, settle
- sankyoxea.... determinant, determining
- sankyoxer.... determine
- sankyoxwa.... determined
- sankyoxyafwa.... determinable
- sanokay.... flabbily
- sanokea.... going flabby, losing shape
- sanoker.... go flabby, lose shape
- sanokya.... flabby, flaccid
- sanokyan.... flabbiness, flaccidity
- sanoya.... amorphous, formless, hyaline, shapeless
- sanoyan.... amorphousness, formlessness, shapelessness
- sansea.... formative, forming
- sanser.... constitute, figure, form, take shape
- sansiyn.... impression, imprint
- sansiynxen.... imprinting
- sansiynxer.... imprint
- sansiynxwa.... imprinted
- santim.... centime
- santun.... morphology
- santuna.... morphological
- santunay.... morphologically
- santut.... morphologist
- sanuen.... formation, forming, giving shape to
- sanuer.... form, give shape to, lend shape to
- sanuka drilun.... inkblot
- sanuka.... amorphous, formless, hyaline, shapeless
- sanukan.... amorphousness, formlessness, shapelessness
- sanukay.... amorphously, shapelessly
- sanuwa.... formed, shaped
- sanuzben.... warping
- sanuzber.... warp
- sanuzbwa.... warped
- sanxar.... shaper
- sanxea goypur.... fretsaw
- sanxea.... shaping
- sanxen.... constitution, formation, shaping
- sanxena.... formational
- sanxenay.... formationally
- sanxer.... constitute, form, shape
- sanxir.... lathe
- sanxus.... formant, shaper
- sanxwa.... formed, shaped
- sanxyea.... formative
- sanxyeay.... formatively
- sanyan.... composite, composition, configuration, format
- sanyanxen.... configuration, configuring, formatting
- sanyanxer.... configure, format
- sanyanxwa.... configured, formatted
- sanyanxyafwa.... configurable
- sanyeven.... criticism, critiquing
- sanyever.... criticize, critique
- sanyevwa.... critiqued
- sanyuznad.... silhouette
- sanyuznadxwa.... silhouetted
- semsan.... trapezoid
- semsana.... trapezoidal
- seusarsan.... cloche
- sosan.... ogee
- tabsan.... body shape
- tabyigsan.... catatonia
- taebsansen.... muscling
- tebnyemsantun.... phrenology
- tebnyemsantut.... phrenologist
- tebsan.... profile
- tejsan.... bioform, life form
- tejsana.... biotic
- tejsani.... biota
- teloysan.... dearth
- tepsan.... schema, scheme
- tepsana.... schematic
- tepsanay.... schematically
- tepsani.... schemata
- teubobsan.... labrum
- teyubsana.... horn-shaped
- tilsyebsan.... cupola
- tilsyebsanika.... cupolaed
- tilsyebsanxen.... cupping
- tilsyebsanxer.... cup
- tilsyebsanxwa.... cupped
- tobsan.... manikin, mannikin
- tobsana.... anthropomorphic
- tobsanan.... anthropomorphism
- tobsanay.... anthropomorphically
- tomsan.... structure
- tomsana.... structural
- tomsanokea.... breaking down
- tomsanoken.... breakdown, breaking down, dilapidation
- tomsanoker.... break down, dilapidate, waste away
- tomsanokya pur.... jalopy
- tomsanokya.... broken down, dilapidated
- tomsanxen.... structuring
- tomsanxut.... structurer
- tomsanxwa.... structured
- toybtwobsana.... gynandromorphous
- tuzika ogelsansut.... bohemian
- twooybsana.... gynandromorph
- twooybsanat.... gynandromorph
- tyoyab sansiyn.... footprint
- tyoyasan.... socle
- tyugsan.... agility, nimbleness, spriteliness
- uggasansea.... gestating
- uggasanser.... gestate
- uggasanxen.... gestation
- uggasanxer.... gestate
- uggasanxwa.... gestated
- uksan.... mold
- uksanxar.... molder
- uksanxen.... molding
- uksanxer.... mold
- uksanxwa.... molded
- uksanxyafwa.... moldable
- uksanxyafwan.... moldability
- unfayebsan.... quatrefoil
- ungegunsan.... rectangle
- ungegunsana.... rectangular
- ungekunsan.... rhomb
- ungekunsana.... quadratic, rhombic, square-shaped
- ungekunsanxen.... quadrature
- ungunsan.... quadrangle, tetragon
- ungunsana.... quadrangular, tetragonal
- unizgunsan.... rectangle
- unizgunsana.... rectangular
- usanfaof.... oxbow
- utsiynesan.... idiosyncrasy
- utzeysanxar.... autotransformer
- uvossan.... rosette
- uzsan.... volute
- uzuzsan.... curlicue
- uzuzsanser.... curlicue
- uzuzsanxer.... curlicue
- uzvusan.... cam
- uzvusanmuf.... camshaft
- uzyiunsana.... disk-shaped
- uzyufsan.... coil-shape
- uzyufsana.... coil-shaped
- uzyusan.... spiral shape
- vaotosan.... ambivalence
- viteasan.... picturesqueness
- vobsanxar.... espalier
- vobsanxer.... espalier
- vusan.... chevron, shim, v shape, wedge
- vusana.... cuneiform, grotesque
- vusanan.... grotesqueness
- vusanay.... grotesquely
- vusandreyen.... cuneiform
- vusanser.... wedge
- vusanxen.... wedging
- vusanxer.... wedge
- vusanxwa.... wedged
- vyafsan.... fitness
- vyafsansea.... fitting
- vyafsanser.... fit, match
- vyafsanxen.... adjustment, fitting
- vyafsanxer.... fit, match
- vyafsanxut.... fitter
- vyafsanxwa.... adjusted, fitted
- vyakxam ansantof.... prison uniform
- vyamsan.... substantiality, tenuousness
- vyasan.... original
- vyatsanser.... adjust, fit
- vyatsanxen.... adjusting, adjustment
- vyatsanxer.... adjust, fit
- vyatsanxut.... adjuster
- vyatsanxwa.... adjusted
- vyegesan.... analog, analogon, analogue
- vyegesana.... analogous
- vyegesanan.... analogousness
- vyegesanay.... analogously
- vyegesanxer.... analogize
- vyisan.... sheerness
- vyisansiyn.... hallmark, plate mark
- vyomira sankyasut.... changeling
- vyosan.... peccancy
- vyosanxea.... distorting
- vyosanxen.... distorting, distortion, mis-shaping
- vyosanxer.... distort
- vyosanxut.... distortionist
- vyosanxwa.... distorted
- vyuteasan.... slovenliness
- xusan.... cross shape, cruciform, x shape
- xusana.... cross-shaped, cruciform, decussate
- yagisan.... hexagram
- yanizonsan.... parallelogram
- yankyesan.... synchronism
- yansana.... common
- yansanan.... commonality
- yansanay.... commonly
- yansanin.... conformism
- yansanina.... conformist
- yansaninut.... conformist
- yansansea.... complying, conforming, conformant
- yansansean.... compliancy
- yansanseay.... compliantly
- yansansen.... compliance, complying, conformance, conformation
- yansanser.... comply, conform
- yansansyea.... compliant, conformant
- yansansyean.... compliancy
- yansanus.... constituent
- yansanut.... constituent
- yaongunsan.... hexagon
- yaongunsana.... hexagonal
- yazsan.... convex form, hump, swollen shape
- yazsana.... hump-shaped
- yeongunsan.... heptagon
- yeongunsana.... heptagonal
- yezsan.... parallelogram
- yezsantosea.... parasympathetic
- yibtosan.... aloofness, telepathy
- yigrivsan.... wryness
- yigsan.... rigidity, rigidness, ruggedness, starkness, stiffness
- yigseusan.... huskiness
- yingusan.... octagon
- yingusana.... octagonal
- yivsana.... free-form
- yonsana.... alien, different, diverse
- yonsanan.... difference, diverseness, diversity
- yonsanay.... diversely
- yonsansea.... diversifying
- yonsanser.... diversify
- yonsanxen.... alienation, diversification, diversifying, estrangement
- yonsanxer.... alienate, diversify, estrange
- yonsanxwa.... alienated, diversified, estranged
- yonsanyafwa.... diversifiable
- yontosan.... aloofness
- yoongunmarsan.... pentagram
- yoongunsan.... pentagonal shape
- yoongunsana.... pentagon-shaped, pentagonal
- yugsan.... floppiness, limberness, litheness, plasticity, pliancy, suppleness
- yuzsan.... circular shape, contour, ring
- yuzsana.... circle-shaped, circular, rotund
- yuzsanser.... circularize, take on a round shape
- yuzsanxen.... circularization, making round-shaped
- yuzsanxer.... circularize, give a round shape to
- yuzsanxwa.... circularized
- zesanat.... mesomorph
- zeysana.... cross-shaped
- zeysansen.... metabolism
- zeysansena.... metabolic
- zeysansenay.... metabolically
- zeysanser.... metabolize
- zeysansul.... metabolite
- zeysanxer.... metabolize
- zoysansea.... regressive
- zoysansen.... regression
- zoysanser.... regress
- zoysansya.... regressed
- zyefsana.... vitriform
- zyeteasan.... limpidity, limpidness, transparence, transparency
- zyuabtamassana.... domed
- zyubsanxem.... turnery
- zyubsanxen.... turnery
- zyuessana.... annulate
- zyuisan.... oval shape, ellipse, oblong shape
- zyuisana.... oval-shaped, elliptical, oblong
- zyuksan.... wheel shape
- zyuksana.... wheel-shaped
- zyumufsan.... cylinder
- zyumufsana.... cylindrical
- zyunidsan.... ball shape, globe shape, sphere shape
- zyunidsana.... ball-shaped, globe-shaped, sphere-shaped, spherical
- zyunsan.... ball-shape, sphere
- zyunsana.... ball-shaped, orbicular, spherical
- zyusan.... circularity, round shape
- zyusana.... round-shaped, tubby
- aasaun....prototype, archetype
- aasauna....prototypical, archetypical
- afebsaun....pome
- afebsauntun....pomology
- amezasauna....argyle
- anasauna....unique
- anasaunan....uniqueness
- anasaunay....uniquely
- ansaun....species
- ansauna kyin....specific weight
- ansauna....specific
- ansaunan....specificity
- ansaunay....specifically
- ansaunden....specification, specifying
- ansaunder....specify
- ansaundwa....specified
- ansaundyafwa....specifiable
- asaun mampur....model airplane
- asaun....exemplar, model, original, paradigm, paragon, pattern, specialty
- asauna....exemplary, model, original, paradigmatic, special
- asaunan....specialness
- asaunar....matrix
- asaunas....firstling
- asaunay....especially, in particular, specially
- asaundun....determiner
- asaunser....be a model oneself after
- asauntob....mannequin
- asauntoyb....female mannequin
- asauntwob....male mannequin
- asaunuklun....matrix
- asaunxen....exemplification, modeling after, specialization
- asaunxer....exemplify, model after, originate, specialize
- asaunxut....model
- asaunxuyt....female model
- asaunxwa....exemplified, modeled after, specialized
- asaunxwn....specializing
- av asaun....e.g.
- av saungon....for example
- aynsaun....holotype
- balsiyn ijsaunar....stamper
- bey saungon....by example
- bi hisaun....of this sort
- bi hisauni....of these types
- bi husaun....of that sort
- bi husauni....of those types
- bi hyasauni....of all types
- bi hyusauni....of different types, of various kinds
- bier saungoyn....take a sample
- daz pasaun....dance move, dance step
- duhohyusauna?....what other kind of?
- duhosaun?....what kind?
- duhosauna?....what kind of?, what manner of?
- duhosaunas?....what kind of thing?, what sort of thing?
- duhosaunasi?....what kind of things?, what sort of things?
- duhosaunat?....what kind of person?
- duhosaunati?....what kind of people?
- duhosaunayt?....what kind of girl?
- duhosaunayti?....what kind of girls?
- duhosaunwat?....what kind of guy?
- duhosaunwati?....what kind of guys?
- egsauna....average, banal, normal, ordinary, regular, typical
- egsaunan....ordinariness, typicality, typicalness
- egsaunay....normally, on average, ordinarily, typically
- egsaunxen....normalization
- egsaunxer....normalize
- egsaunxwa....normalized
- ejnavisauna....neoclassic, neoclassical
- ejnavisaunin....neoclassicism
- ensaun....duplicate
- ensauna....duplicate
- ensaunxar....duplicator
- ensaunxen....duplicating, duplication
- ensaunxer....duplicate
- ensaunxwa....duplicated
- ensaunyafwa....duplicable
- esaun....kingdom
- exgon asaun....role model
- fika saungon....perfect specimen
- fiksaun....epitome, paragon, perfect specimen
- fiksaunser....epitomize, be a model for
- fiksaunxer....epitomize
- fiksaunxwa....epitomized
- gel saungon....as an example
- gelsaun....copy, counterpart, duplicate
- gelsaunas....copy
- gelsaunay....homogeneously
- gelsaunser....be alike, be congruent, to be of like kind
- gelsaunxar....duplicator
- gelsaunxen....copying, duplicating, duplication, homogenization
- gelsaunxer....copy, duplicate, homogenize
- gelsaunxwa....copied, duplicated, homogenized
- gelsaunyafwa....duplicable, copiable
- gelsaunyofwa....unduplicable, uncopiable
- gesaun....the same kind
- gesauna....the same kind of, of the same kind
- gesaunxer....inosculate, reproduce, copy
- gesaunxyafwa....reproducible, copyiable
- gesaunxyafwan....reproducibility, copiability
- gesaunxyofwa....irreproducible, uncopiable
- gesaunxyofwan....irreproducibility, uncopiability
- glasauna....diverse, heterogeneous, multitype, of many types, various
- glasaunan....diversity, heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, variety
- glasaunay....diversely, heterogeneously, variously
- glasaunser....diversify, vary
- glasaunxen....diversification, variation, varying
- glasaunxer....diversify, vary
- glasaunxwa....diversified, varied
- glasaunyafwa....diversifiable
- glausaunan....diverseness
- glosauna....rare
- glosaunan....rarity
- glosaunas....rare item
- glosaunsea....becoming rare
- glosaunser....become rare
- glosaunxen....rarefication
- glosaunxwa....rarefied
- gosaunan....rarity
- grazyasaunder....overgeneralize
- grazyosaunxen....overspecialization
- grazyosaunxer....overspecialize
- gwafisaun bi fiin....paragon of virtue
- gwafisaun....ideal, model, paragon
- gwafisauna....ideal
- hahyusauna....the other kind of, this same kind of
- hasauna ho....the kind that
- hasauna....the kind of
- hasaunas ho....the kind of thing that
- hasaunas....the kind of thing
- hasaunasi....the kinds of things
- hasaunat ho....the kind of person who
- hasaunat....the kind of person
- hasaunati ho....the kind of people who
- hasaunati....the kind of people
- hasaunayti ho....the kind of women who
- hasaunayti....the kind of women
- hasaunwat ho....the kind of man who
- hasaunwat....the kind of man
- hasaunwati ho....the kind of men who
- hasaunwati....the kind of men
- hehyusauna....some other kind of
- hesauna....a certain kind of, some kind of, some type of
- hihyusauna....that other kind of, this same kind of
- hisaun....this kind
- hisauna....such, this kind of
- hisaunas....such a thing, this kind of thing
- hisaunat....such a person, this kind of person
- hisaunati....such people, these kind of people
- hisaunayt....this kind of girl
- hisaunayti....these kinds of girls
- hisaunwat....this kind of guy
- hisaunwati....these kinds of guys
- hiusauna....this or that kind of, various kinds of
- huhyusauna....that other kind of, that same kind of
- husaun....that kind
- husauna....such, that kind of
- husaunas....such a thing, that kind of thing
- husaunasi....such things, those kinds of things
- husaunat....such a person, that kind of person
- husaunati....those kind of people
- huusauna....such a, such a kind of
- hyasauna....every kind of, generic
- hyehyusauna....any other kind of
- hyesaun....any kind, genre, whatever kind
- hyesauna....any kind of, whatever kind of
- hyesaunas....any kind of thing, whatever kind of thing
- hyesaunasi....whatever kinds of things
- hyesaunat....any kind of person, whatever kind of person
- hyesaunati....any kind of people, whatever kind of people, whatever kinds of people
- hyesaunayt....any kind of woman
- hyesaunayta....any kind of woman's
- hyesaunayti....whatever kind of women
- hyesaunwat....any kind of man
- hyesaunwata....any kind of man's
- hyesaunwati....whatever kind of men
- hyisaun....the same kind
- hyisauna....homogeneous, the same kind of
- hyisaunan....homogeneity, homogeneousness
- hyisaunay....homogeneously
- hyisaunxen....homogenization
- hyisaunxer....homogenize
- hyisaunxwa....homogenized
- hyosaun....no kind
- hyosauna....no kind of
- hyosaunas....no kind of thing
- hyosaunasi....no kind of things
- hyusaun....another kind
- hyusauna....a different kind of, allogenic, another kind of, heterogeneous, strange
- hyusaunan....heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, strangeness
- hyusaunas....strange thing
- hyusaunat....stranger
- hyusaunay....curiously, heterogeneously, strangely
- hyusaunxen....making heterogeneous, variegation
- hyusaunxer....make heterogeneous, variegate
- hyusaunxwa....made to be heterogeneous, variegated
- ijjsauna....archetypical
- ijsaun....archetype, original specimen, pattern
- ijsauna....archetypal, original
- ijsaunan....originality
- ijsaunay....originally
- ijsaunser....originate
- ijsaunxen....derivation, originating, origination, patterning
- ijsaunxer....derive, originate, pattern
- ijsaunxut....originator
- ijsaunxwa....derived, originated, patterned
- ijsaunxwas....derivative, pattern
- insauna....triplicate
- insaunan....triplicity
- insaunxen....tripling
- insaunxer....triple
- insaunxwa....tripled
- isaun....phyllum, phylum
- isaunsasen....phylogeny
- jasaun....pattern
- jasaunapxen....presorting
- jasaunapxer....presort
- jasaunxen....patterning, prefiguring
- jasaunxer....pattern, prefigure, pretypify
- jasaunxwa....patterned, prefigured
- javisauna....pre-classical
- jovisauna....postclassical
- jwasaun....early model, mock-up, mockup, prototype
- jwasauna....early model, prototypical
- jwasaunay....prototypically
- jwasaunxen....prototyping
- jwasaunxer....prototype
- jwasaunxwa....prototyped
- jwosaun....late model
- jwosauna....late model
- kyasaun....variety
- kyasauna....diverse, eclectic, miscellaneous, sundry, varied, varietal, various
- kyasaunan....diverseness, diversity, miscellaneousness, variety
- kyasaunasi....miscellany
- kyasaunasyan....mishmash
- kyasaunay....diversely, eclectically, miscellaneously
- kyasaundyes....variorum
- kyasaunin....eclecticism
- kyasaunsea....diversifying, varying
- kyasaunser....diversify, vary
- kyasaunxen....diversification, diversifying, variation, varying
- kyasaunxer....diversify, vary
- kyasaunxwa....diversified, varied
- kyasaunxyafwa....variable
- kyasaunxyafwan....variability, variableness
- kyasaunxyafway....variably
- kyasaunxyofwa....invariable
- kyasaunxyofwan....invariability
- kyasaunxyofway....invariably
- kyasaunyafwa....diversifiable
- kyesauna....of a random type
- kyosaun drayef....stencil
- kyosaun....boilerplate, convention, formula, mold, pattern, pigeonhole, stereotype, template
- kyosauna....boilerplate, conventional, formulaic, patterned, stereotypical
- kyosaunan....conventionality
- kyosaunay....stereotypically
- kyosaunxen....pigeonholing, stereotyping
- kyosaunxer....conventionalize, pigeonhole, stereotype
- kyosaunxwa....pigeonholed, stereotyped
- logelsauna....heterogeneous
- logelsaunan....heterogeneity
- logesaunaxyafwa....uncopiable, unreplicatable
- napsauna....unprepossessing
- oansauna....generic, not special
- oansaunay....generically
- oasaunxea....nonspecializing
- oegsauna....abnormal, atypical, bizarre, untypical
- oegsaunan....abnormality, bizarreness
- oegsaunay....abnormally, atypically, bizarrely, untypically
- ogesaun....another kind
- ogesauna....heterogeneous
- ogesaunan....heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, inhomogeneity
- ogesaunay....heterogeneously
- oglasauna....undiverse
- okyasauna....undiverse, unvaried
- okyasaunsea....unvarying
- olansaunxwa....unspecialized
- olegsauna....irregular
- olegsaunay....irregularly
- osaunxwa....unclassified
- ovsaungon....counterexample
- ovyasauna....unoriginal
- oyebsauna....alien, bizarre, odd, outlandish, quirky, strange
- oyebsaunan....bizarreness, oddness, outlandishness, quirkiness, strangeness
- oyebsaunas anyenas....foible
- oyebsaunas....oddity, quirk, strange thing
- oyebsaunat....oddball, stranger
- oyebsaunay....bizarrely, oddly, outlandishly
- oyebsaunxer....estrange
- oyebsaunxwa....estranged
- oyonsauna....indistinct
- oyonsaunan....indistinctness
- oyonsaunay....indistinctly
- oyonsaunxwa....undistinguished
- saun....embodiment, genre, ilk, kind, sort, type, caliber
- sauna....generic
- saunaber....assign to a type
- saunan....banality
- saunapxar....sorter
- saunapxen....sorting
- saunapxer ha nyan....sort the deck
- saunapxer yonibler....sort out
- saunapxer....sort
- saunapxut....sorter
- saunapxwa....sorted out
- saunay....generically
- saunes....sample, specimen
- saunesien....sampling
- saunesier....sample
- saunesiun....sampler
- saunesiwa....sampled
- saunesyan....assortment
- saungon....example, sample
- saungona....exemplary
- saungonsea....exemplifying
- saungonser....exemplify
- saungonuka....unexampled
- saungonxen....exemplification
- saungonxer....exemplify
- saungonyan....sample set
- saungos....swatch
- saungoynier....take a sample
- saungoynuen....giving to sample, offering a sample
- saungoynuer....give to sample, offer a sample
- saungoynuwa....offered as a sample
- saunkyoxen....typecasting, classification, stereotyping
- saunkyoxer....typecast, classify, stereotype
- saunkyoxwa....typecast, classified, stereotyped
- saunnapxen....triage
- saunsea....typifying
- saunser....be modeled after, typify
- sauntun....typology
- sauntuna....typological
- sauntunay....typologically
- sauntut....typologist
- saunxea....typifying, classifying
- saunxen....typification, classification
- saunxer....typify, classify
- saunxus....classificator, classifier
- saunxut....classifier
- saunxwa....classified, typified
- saunxyafwa....classifiable
- tabsaun....body type
- tejglasaunan....biodiversity
- tesaun....semanteme, sememe, unit of meaning
- tiibil saun....blood type
- tobsaun....humankind, mankind
- tooday gelsauna....racially homogeneous
- usaun....class
- visaun....classic, model, standard
- visauna duz....classical music
- Visauna Elid....Classical Greek
- visauna leduzar....classical guitar
- visauna leduzarut....classical guitarist
- visauna Liad....classical Latin
- visauna....classic, classical
- visaunay....classically
- visaundyan....classicism
- visauntun....classics
- visauntut....classicist
- visaunyena....classical
- vusauna....base, degenerate
- vusaunan....degeneracy
- vusaunsea....degenerative
- vusaunser....degenerate
- vusaunxwa....degenerate
- vusaunxwat....degenerate
- vyasaun....archetype, genuine article, original specimen, original
- vyasauna....archetypal, archetypical, genuine, original
- vyasaunas....genuine article
- vyasaunay....genuinely
- vyosaun....counterfeit, dummy, fake, phony, sham
- vyosauna nasdrev....counterfeit note, fake bill
- vyosauna....counterfeit, fake, phony
- vyosaunan....phoniness
- vyosaunxut....shammer
- yansaun....common form
- yansauna dal....lingua franca
- yansauna fisen....commonweal
- yansauna niv....leitmotif, leitmotiv
- yansauna sundyun....common noun
- yansauna tyod....common people, ordinary people
- yansauna....common, commonplace, ordinary, usual
- yansaunan....commonality, commonness
- yansaunat....commoner
- yansaunay....commonly, usually
- yansaundala....colloquial
- yansaundalay....colloquially
- yansaundalun....colloquialism
- yansaunxen....making common
- yansaunxer....make common
- yansaunxwa....made common
- yasaun....family
- yesaun....genus
- yesauna....generic
- yeybansauna....intraspecies, intraspecific
- yisaun....species
- yizasaunxut....supermodel
- yonsaun....distinction, oddity, peculiarity, specialty
- yonsauna....distinctive, odd, oddball, particular, peculiar, special
- yonsaunan....distinctiveness, oddness, particularity, peculiarity, specialness
- yonsaunas....oddity, particularity, peculiarity
- yonsaunat....oddball, stranger
- yonsaunay....distinctively, especially, oddly, particularly, peculiarly, specially
- yonsaunog....nuance
- yonsaunoguer....nuance
- yonsaunoguwa....nuanced
- yonsaunxen....distinction, distinguishing, particularization, specialization, specializing
- yonsaunxer....distinquish, particularize, specialize
- yonsaunxwa....distinguished, specialized
- yonsaunxyofwa....indistinguishable
- yonsaunxyofway....indistinguishably
- yosaun....order
- yuxler gel asaun....serve as an example
- zesauna....average, typical
- zesaunan....typicality
- zoykyosaunxen....reformulating, reformulation
- zoykyosaunxer....reformulate
- zoykyosaunxwa....reformulated
- zoylosaunnapxen....reshuffling
- zoylosaunnapxer....reshuffle
- zoylosaunnapxwa....reshuffled
- zoylsaunxen....replication
- zoysaunxen....reclassification, reclassifying
- zoysaunxer....reclassify
- zyasaun....genre
- zyasauna zoyxelen....dress rehearsal
- zyasauna....broadly-typed, general
- zyasaunan....generality
- zyasaunay....generally
- zyasaundea....generalizing
- zyasaunden....expressing in broad terms, generalization, generalizing
- zyasaunder....express in broad terms, generalize
- zyasaundut....generalizer
- zyasaundwa....broadly speaking, expressed broadly, generalized
- zyasauninut....generalist
- zyasaunxen....generalization
- zyasaunxer....generalize
- zyasaunxwa....generalized
- zyosaun....speciality, specialty
- zyosauna....narrowly-typed, special, specific
- zyosaunan....specialness, specificity
- zyosaunay....specially, specifically
- zyosaunden....specification
- zyosaunder....say specifically
- zyosaundwa....specified, stated narrowly
- zyosaunin....specialism
- zyosauninut....specialist
- zyosaunxea....specializing, specifying
- zyosaunxen....specialization, specializing, specification, specifying
- zyosaunxer....specialize, specify
- zyosaunxus....specifier
- zyosaunxut....specifier
- zyosaunxwa....specialized, specified
- zyosaunxyafwa....specifiable
- amsaxer....forge
- asaxer....author, coin, create
- ensaxer....couple
- gelsaxer....clone
- ijsaxer....concoct, create from scratch, innovate, instrument, invent
- jasaxer....prefabricate
- kyesaxer....cobble
- losaxer....unmake
- masofsaxer....make carpets
- ojsaxer....procreate
- sarsaxer....make a tool
- saxer....craft, create, fabricate, make, manufacture
- sirsaxer....machine
- somsaxer....do carpentry, make furniture
- tepsaxer....devise
- tofsaxer....make clothes, tailor
- tuyasaxer....make by hand, craft
- tyoyafsaxer....cobble
- uzunsaxer....crape
- vyosaxer....fabricate, fake, make up, wangle
- yansaxer....concoct
- zoyamsaxer....reforge
- zoyijsaxer....recreate
- zoysaxer....re-make, recreate, remake
- zoytomsaxer....reconstruct
- amsazula....thermoplastic
- asazul....polyester, PET
- esazul....polyethylene, HDPE
- isazul....vinyl, polyvinyl chloride, PVC
- jwasazul....protoplasm
- jwasazula....protoplasmic
- masaz....breastwork
- masazul....daub, gypsum, plaster of Paris, poultice
- masazulben....daubing, plastering
- masazulber....parget, plaster daub
- masazulbut....dauber, plasterer
- masazulbwa....daubed, plastered
- masazulfaof....plasterboard
- mieksazun....sand sculpture
- saz....sculpture
- saza....sculptural
- sazan....sculpting
- sazer....sculpt
- sazul....plastic
- sazula milbelar....plastic bucket, plastic pail
- sazula....made of plastic
- sazulabaun....boot
- sazulaben....plasticization
- sazulaber....apply plastic, plasticize
- sazulabut....plasticizer
- sazulabwa....plasticized
- sazulan....plasticity
- sazulayefben....lamination
- sazulayefber....laminate
- sazulayefbwa....laminated
- sazulnyef....plastic bag
- sazulnyuv....plastic wrap
- sazulnyuvben....plasti-wrapping
- sazulnyuvber....wrap in plastic
- sazulnyuvbwa....plasti-wrapped in plastic-wrapped
- sazulxen....plasticization, plying
- sazulxer....plasticize, ply
- sazulxut....plasticizer
- sazulxwa....plasticized, plied
- sazulxyafwa....malleable, pliable
- sazulyena....pliant, resilient, supple
- sazulzyun....balloon, plastic ball
- sazun....piece of sculpture
- sazut....sculptor
- sazwa....sculpted
- tebosazon....brainpower
- teesaza....loud, noisy
- teesazan....loudness, noisiness
- teesazay....loudly, noisily
- usazul....low-density polyethylene, LDPE
- yasazul....polystyrene, PS, styrofoam
- yesazul....bisphenol A plastic
- zoysazen....re-sculpting
- zoysazer....re-sculpt
- zoysazwa....re-sculpted
- Here is a table of shapes:
Shapes san....shape, figure nad....line nid....volume, solid ned....plane nod....point, dot gin....point, tip gun....angle kun....side kin....slope, diagonal zyus....circle zyuys....oval zyunid....sphere zyuk....wheel unizgun....rectangle ungekun....square ungun....quadrangle unoizgun....rhombus ingun....triangle yoongun....pentagon ginnid (or: defebnid)....cone yagekunid....cube inguginid....pyramid gimufnid (or: nifarnid)....obelisk mufyegnid....cylinder amezsan....diamond tosan....cross uznad....arc, curve iznad....vector pyaon....wave gunnid (or vunid)....wedge marsan....star shape yoz....concavity, depression yaz....convexity, bulge semsan....trapezoid
SEX- (build) and SEZ Words
[edit | edit source]- The root word sex- forms words relating to building and constructing.
- sexer....to build, to construct
- sexen....construction, erection
- sexut....builder
- sexun....building, structure
- gawsexer....to rebuild
- gawsexwa....rebuilt
- losexer.....to destroy
- losexen.....destruction
- losexwa.....destroyed
- sexyen....structure
- sexyena....structural
- sexyea....constructive
- losexyea....destructive
- ekutyansexen....team-building
- fisexwa....well-built
- fyasinlosexut....iconoclast
- grasexwa....overbuilt
- sextyen....architecture
- sextyut....architect
- gyasexwa....stocky
- jasexwa....pre-built
- oflosexer....to vandalize
- kyusexmef'....cinderblock
- losexuni....ruins
- maglosexen....conflagration
- massexun....masonry
- megsexut....mason
- mimpursexen....shipbuilding
- oybsexyen....infrastructure
- sexaun....module
- sexem....building site
- sexen surtyut....construction engineer
- sexgon....building block
- sexin....constructionism
- sexmul....construction material
- sexyenoker....to become dilapidate
- tapsexen....bodybuilding
- The word sez means sculpture and is incorporated in the following derived words:
- fisezwa....finely-sculptured, well-sculpted
- iluarsezun....gargoyle
- jaajdina sezgoblar....celt
- sez....sculpture
- seza....sculptural
- sezen....carving, sculpting
- sezer....carve, sculpt
- sezesiut....medal recipient
- sezeyef....frieze
- sezgoblar....chisel
- sezgoblawa....chiseled
- sezgoblen....chiseling
- sezgobler....chisel
- sezgoblut....chiseler
- sezim....sculpture studio
- sezun....carving, sculpture
- sezunog....figurine
- sezut....carver, sculptor
- sezuyt....sculptress
- sezwa....carved, sculpted, sculptured
- sezyonar....chisel
- sezyonaren....chiseling
- sezyonarer....chisel
- sezyonarut....chiseler
- sezyonarwa....chiseled
- teibsez....scrimshaw
- teibsezer....scrimshaw
- teibsezun....scrimshaw
SIN, SIYN, SIUN, and SIZ words
[edit | edit source]- sin....picture, image
- siyn....mark, sign
- siun....symbol
- siz....painting
- The morpheme sin means picture, image and has the following derivatives:
- aber sindrof.... put up a poster
- abmefsin.... mosaic
- aglamansin.... macrophotograph
- alpkazar sinuar.... radarscope
- arodresin.... arabesque
- aynsin.... hologram
- balsiyner dresin abu mug.... stamp a design onto metal
- dezsin.... scene
- dezzomassin.... backcloth, backdrop, scenery, theatrical scenery
- dinsin.... vignette
- dinsinxut.... vignettist
- dinsinxwa.... historiated
- domdresin.... urban design
- domsin.... cityscape, townscape, urban scene
- dotsinen.... salutation, saluting
- dotsiner.... salute
- dotsinwa.... saluted
- drasin drof.... drawing board
- drasin.... depiction, drawing, illustration
- drasinea.... illustrating
- drasinen.... drawing, illustrating, illustration
- drasiner.... depict, draw, illustrate
- drasintem.... art gallery
- drasinut.... illustrator
- drasinwa.... designed, drawn, illustrated
- dresin.... design, draft
- dresinam.... design studio, drafting studio
- dresinen.... designing, drafting
- dresiner.... design, draft, draw up
- dresinut.... designer, drafter, draftsman
- dresinuyt.... draftswoman
- dresinwa.... designed, drafted, drawn up
- dresinyyen.... draftsmanship
- drilsin.... inkblot
- dunsinyan.... character set
- dyezun sinuar.... motion picture screen
- dyunsin.... logo, logogram, logotype
- dyunsina.... logographic
- ebsinber.... tween
- ebtabif mansin.... sex photo
- ennagsin.... stereograph
- ennagsinxer.... stereographic
- exdrasin.... diagram, diagraph
- exdrasina.... diagrammatic
- exdrasinay.... diagrammatically
- exdrasinen.... diagramming
- exdrasiner.... diagram
- exdrasinut.... diagrammer
- exdrasinwa.... diagrammable, diagrammed
- fayebsinvib.... vignette
- fyasin yonpyexin.... iconoclasm
- fyasin yonpyexina.... iconoclastic, iconoslastic
- fyasin yonpyexinut.... iconoclast
- fyasin.... icon
- fyasina.... iconic
- fyasindren.... iconography
- fyasindrena.... iconographic
- fyasinifren.... paganism, idol-worship, heathenism
- fyasinifrut.... pagan, idol-worshipper, heathen
- fyasinxen.... iconification
- fyasinxer.... iconify
- fyasinxwa.... iconified
- fyelsinar.... signet
- fyosin.... dirty picture, porno, profane image
- fyosina.... pornographic
- fyosinay.... pornographically
- fyosinut.... pornographer
- fyosinyan.... porn, porno, pornography
- gabsinod.... crossing
- gabsinsana.... cross-shaped
- gabsinxen.... making a cross
- gabsinxer.... make a cross
- gadrasinen.... re-drawing
- gadrasiner.... re-draw, redraw
- gadrasinwa.... re-drawn, redrawn
- gadresinen.... redesigning
- gadresiner.... re-design, redesign
- gadresinwa.... re-designed, redesigned
- gamansinier.... rephotograph
- gapensinen.... retracing
- gapensiner.... retrace
- gapensinwa.... retraced
- gasindrura.... reprographic
- gasindruren.... reprography
- gasinua.... redisplayed
- gasinuen.... redisplaying
- gasinuer.... redisplay
- gasinyubwa.... re-framed
- gasinyuzber.... re-frame
- gelsin.... facsimile, fax
- gelsinar.... facsimile, fax
- gelsinxen.... facsimile
- gelsinxer.... facsimile, fax
- glamansin.... photomontage
- glamansinxen.... photomontage
- glasinuara.... multiscreen
- goynsinuen.... tomography
- goynsinuena.... tomographic
- gyanyif yibsiniar.... cable t.v.
- hihidrasin drev.... cartoon page
- hihidrasin.... cartoon
- hihidrasinut.... cartoonist
- hihidrasinyena.... cartoonish
- hihisin.... caricature, comic, cartoon
- hihisinut.... caricaturist, cartoonist
- hihisinxen.... caricaturing
- hihisinxer.... caricature
- hihisinxwa.... caricatured
- ibtebsinea.... facing away
- ibtebsinen.... facing away
- ibtebsiner.... face away
- iftayosinut.... sensualist
- iksin.... tableau
- ikteasa sin.... panoramic view
- ila mez sinuar.... LCD, liquid crystal display
- innagsinuar.... shadowbox
- insin.... triptych
- insinuar.... triniscope
- ivteubsin.... smiley
- iza yibsin.... direct t.v.
- joibmanigsin.... stroboscope
- josin.... afterimage
- kyesindrer.... doodle
- kyesindrun.... doodle
- kyesindut.... doodler
- lokosagsinxar.... decipherment device, decryption machine
- lokosagsinxen.... deciphering, decipherment, decryption
- lokosagsinxer.... decipher, decrypt
- lokosagsinxut.... decipherer, decryptor
- lokosagsinxwa.... deciphered, decrypted
- lokosagsinxyafwa.... decipherable, possible to decode
- lokosagsinxyafwaxer.... render undecipherable
- lokosagsinxyofwa.... impossible to decode, undecipherable
- malza-molza mansin.... black-and-white photo
- mammansinen.... aerophotography
- mansin bi dager.... daguerreotype
- mansin gwogteaxaren.... photomicrography
- mansin.... flick, photo, photograph, still shot
- mansina.... photographic
- mansinar ifyexut.... shutterbug
- mansinar.... camera, still camera
- mansinarut.... cameraman
- mansinaruyt.... camerawoman
- mansinay.... photographically
- mansindinden.... photojournalism
- mansindindut.... photojournalist
- mansindrirsiynben.... photocomposition
- mansindruren.... photofinishing
- mansingedrun.... photostat
- mansingedruna.... photostatic
- mansingelxar.... photocopier, photoduplicator
- mansingelxer.... photoduplicate
- mansingelxun.... photocopy, photocopying
- mansingelxwa.... photocopied
- mansinig.... snapshot
- mansinmegdriren.... lithophotography
- mansinsira.... photomechanical
- mansinsizen.... photogravure
- mansinteesdrar.... camcorder
- mansinteesdrarer.... camcorder
- mansinuar.... projector
- mansinuer.... project an image
- mansinuut.... projectionist
- mansinvia.... photogenic
- mansinviay.... photogenically
- mansinvolza.... photochromic
- mansinxar.... camera, still camera
- mansinxen.... photographing, photography
- mansinxer.... photograph, take a picture
- mansinxut.... photographer
- mansinxwa.... photographed
- mansinyanben.... photosetting
- mansinyanber.... photoset
- mansinzaypuxar.... epidiascope
- massin.... mural
- massinut.... muralist
- mays sin.... screen image
- melpaslunsinuar.... seismoscope
- memdresinen.... landscaping
- memdresinwa.... landscaped
- memsin.... countryside, landscape, scene
- memsina.... scenic
- memsinay.... scenically
- memsingondren.... topography
- memsingondrena.... topographic, topographical
- memsingondrenay.... topographically
- memsingondrut.... topographer
- memsingoni.... topography
- memsinyan.... scenery
- memvdresinut.... landscaper
- mersindraf izdar.... gazetteer
- mersindraf.... atlas, geographic map of the world map
- mersindrafxen.... cartography, map-making, mapping
- mersindrafxer.... map
- mersindrafxut.... cartographer, map-maker, mapmaker
- mersingontun.... geography
- mersingontuna.... geographic, geographical
- mersingontunay.... geographically
- mersingontut.... geographer
- mimsin.... seascape
- molza pansin.... film noir
- nasin.... monetarism
- nasinut.... monetarist
- neafmansinuar.... webcam
- nemsindren.... topography
- nodsindruren.... halftone
- nofsin.... embroidery
- nofsinen.... embroidery
- nofsiner.... embroider
- novsinen.... embroidering
- novsiner.... embroider
- novsinut.... embroiderer
- novsinwa.... embroidered
- nunsin.... logo
- ober sindrof.... take down a poster
- oega singon.... quiddity
- ogesinbok.... aniseikonic
- oglamansinxen.... microphotography
- oglasin.... microimage
- oglateaxarwa mansin.... photomicrograph
- ogmansinar.... minicam
- opansin.... still
- osingondrawa.... unfeatured
- osinuarwa.... unscreened
- otepsinyafwa.... unimaginable
- otujsiniwa.... undreamed, undreamt
- otujsinwa.... undreamed of
- ovtebsiner.... confront
- pansin ekut.... movie actor
- pansin goyblun.... video clip
- pansin izbut.... movie director
- pansin jateax.... trailer
- pansin mays.... video screen
- pansin neyef.... filmstrip
- pansin nyof.... celluloid, film, motion picture film, motion picture film, movie film
- pansin yaniblun.... filmography
- pansin.... cinema, motion picture, movie, video
- pansina.... cinematic
- pansinam.... cinema, movie house, movie theater, movie theatre
- pansinar.... movie camera
- pansinarut.... cameraman
- pansinaruyt.... camerawoman
- pansindreniv.... videotex
- pansinekut.... movie star
- pansiniar.... cinemascope, videorecorder
- pansinien.... filming, recording, video-recording, videography
- pansinier.... capture on film, get on film, record, video-record
- pansinifek.... videogame
- pansinifut.... cinephile
- pansinim.... movie auditorium, movie salon
- pansiniun.... videogram, videograph
- pansiniwa.... captured on film, filmed, recorded, video-recorded
- pansinmays.... motion picture screen
- pansinnyem.... videocassette
- pansinnyov.... videotape
- pansinput.... movie-goer, moviegoer
- pansinsaxen.... movie-making
- pansinsaxut.... movie maker
- pansintuz.... cinema
- pansintuza.... cinematic
- pansintuzut.... cinematographer
- pansinuar.... videoplayer
- pansinuer.... make a video of, put on film
- pansinujnod.... videoterminal
- pansinutyan.... motion picture cast
- pansinuwa.... filmed, recorded on film
- pansinxam.... motion picture studio
- pansinxen.... filming
- pansinxer.... film
- pansinxut.... filmmaker
- pansinyanup.... videoconference
- pansinyanupen.... videoconferencing
- pansinyanuper.... videoconference
- pansinyibdalir.... videophone, videotelephone
- pansinyibdaliren.... videotelephony
- pansinzyiun.... videodisc, videodisk
- poosin.... pacifism
- poosina.... pacifistic
- poosinut.... pacifist
- popsindraf.... picture postcard
- popsindren.... travelogue
- sagsin.... figure
- sin tepyek.... jigsaw puzzle
- sin.... image, picture
- sina.... figurative, pictorial
- sinaogxer.... zoom
- sinar.... camera
- sinarzev.... focus mechanism, lens
- sinay.... pictorially
- sindraf bi ha amuli.... chart of the elements
- sindraf.... chart, visual chart
- sindrawa.... depicted, described, drawn, illustrated
- sindrawas.... depiction, description
- sindrea adun.... descriptive adjective
- sindrea dyun.... appellative, descriptive name
- sindrea.... depicting, describing, descriptive, illustrating, illustrative
- sindrean.... descriptiveness
- sindreay.... descriptively, illustratively
- sindren drof.... drawing board
- sindren nad yuz.... drawing a line around
- sindren.... depiction, description, drawing, illustrating, illustration
- sindrena.... descriptive
- sindrer bi tej.... draw from life
- sindrer gasin.... draw an x
- sindrer nad.... draw a line
- sindrer zyus.... draw a circle
- sindrer.... depict, describe, draw, illustrate, limn
- sindresiyn.... ideogram, ideograph
- sindresiyna.... ideographic
- sindrof.... picture board, poster
- sindrun.... drawing
- sindrus.... descriptor
- sindrut.... describer, illustrator, limner
- sindryafwa.... describable
- sindryofwa.... indescribable
- sindryofway.... indescribably
- sindun.... character, pictogram, pictograph
- sindundren.... pictography
- sindundrena.... pictographic
- sineyef.... frieze
- singon.... feature
- singondrawa.... described, featured
- singondrea.... featuring
- singondren.... describing, description, featuring
- singondrer.... describe, feature
- singonoya.... featureless
- singonuka.... featureless
- siniar.... viewer, viewing device, visualizer
- sinien.... picturing, viewing, visualization, visualizing
- sinier.... picture, visualize
- siniun.... view
- siniwa.... pictured, visualized
- siniyafwa.... imaginable, viewable
- siniyafway.... imaginably
- sinjibdren.... illustrated review, magazine
- sinkyaxen.... transfiguration
- sinkyaxena.... transfigurational
- sinkyaxer.... transfigure
- sinkyaxwa.... transfigured
- sinmis.... picture window
- sinnod.... pixel
- sinnodxen.... pixilation
- sinnodxer.... pixilate
- sinnodxwa.... pixilated
- sintem.... picture gallery
- sinuam.... showplace
- sinuar.... displayer, readout, screen
- sinuaren.... screening
- sinuarer.... screen
- sinuarim.... screening room
- sinuarwa.... screened
- sinuem.... display site, exhibition site, scene
- sinuen.... depicting, displaying, exhibiting, imaging, picturing, showing
- sinuer nunyan.... display merchandise
- sinuer.... depict, display, exhibit, show
- sinuim.... showroom
- sinuun.... depiction, display, exhibit, show, simulacrum
- sinuut.... display artist, exhibitioner, exhibitor
- sinuwa.... depicted, displayed, exhibited, pictured
- sinuyafwa.... displayable
- sinwa balsyin.... puncheon
- sinxea.... depicting, descriptive
- sinxen.... depiction, description, figuration
- sinxer.... depict, describe
- sinxun.... depiction, description
- sinxwa opyexar.... scutcheon
- sinyan.... imagery
- sinyeber.... inlay
- sinyebut.... inlayer
- sinyena.... idyll, picturesque
- sinyenan.... picturesqueness
- sinyenay.... picturesquely
- sinyuz.... frame, picture frame
- sinyuzben.... framing
- sinyuzber.... frame
- sinyuzbut.... framer
- sinyuzbwa.... framed
- sinyuzoben.... unframing
- sinyuzober.... unframe
- sinyuzobwa.... unframed
- sinzyef yilomil.... quicksilver
- sinzyef.... looking glass, mirror, speculum
- sinzyefen.... mirroring
- sinzyefer.... mirror
- sinzyefifran.... narcissism
- sinzyefifrea.... narcissistic
- sinzyefifrut.... narcissist
- sinzyefnam.... mirror shop
- sinzyefnamut.... mirror retailer
- sinzyefut.... mirror-maker
- sinzyefwa.... mirrored
- sonilkmansin.... tintype
- taadxen mansin.... sex photo
- tab utsinyen.... body image
- tabsin.... figure
- tabsina.... figurative
- tabsindras.... figure drawing
- tabsindrun.... figure drawing
- tabsindrut.... figure drawer
- talobsin.... angiogram
- talobsinxen.... angiography
- tapifek yibsinuun.... sports telecast
- teabsinukay.... glassily
- teasin.... scene, sight, view, vista
- teasina.... scenic
- teasinay.... scenically
- teasinyan.... scenery
- teaxer yibsin.... watch t.v.
- tebsin.... countenance, face
- tebsina.... facial
- tebsinay.... facially
- tebsinea.... facing
- tebsinen.... facing
- tebsiner.... face
- tebsintun.... physiognomy
- tebsintuna.... physiognomic, physiognomical
- tebsintunay.... physiognomically
- tebsintut.... physiognomist
- tebzansin.... face image, head shot, mugshot
- tejdrasin.... life drawing
- tejdrasinam.... life drawing studio
- tejdrasinen.... life drawing
- tejdrasinwat.... life drawing model
- tepsin.... imagination, mental image
- tepsina.... imaginary
- tepsinien.... imagination, imagining
- tepsinier.... imagine
- tepsiniwa yuf.... bug-a-boo, bugaboo
- tepsiniwa.... imaginary, imagined
- tepsiniyafwa.... imaginable
- tepsiniyafway.... imaginably
- tepsiniyea.... imaginative
- tepsiniyean.... imaginativeness
- tepsiniyeay.... imaginatively
- tepsiniyofwa.... ludicrous, unimaginable
- tepsiniyofwan.... ludicrousness
- tepsiniyofway.... ludicrously, unimaginably
- tepsinuer.... make see in the mind
- tepsinuka.... unimaginative
- tepsinuyea.... lysergic
- tesdrasin.... explanatory drawing
- tesin bi dal.... figure of speech
- tesin.... figure
- tesina.... figurative
- tesinay.... figuratively
- tesinwer.... figure
- teubsin.... expression
- teubsinen.... making an expression
- teubsiner.... make an expression
- teubsinoya.... deadpan, expressionless, glassy
- teubsinuka.... deadpan, expressionless, glassy
- tijsin.... vision
- totsin.... idol
- totsinifrawa.... idolized
- totsinifren.... idol worship, idolatry, idolization, idol-worship
- totsinifrer.... idolize
- totsinifrut.... idol worshiper, idol-worshiper
- ufsin.... effigy
- ufteubsin.... glower, hateful expression
- ujber ha yibsinibar.... turn off the television
- uka sinuun.... empty display
- uksinuen.... pageantry
- utsinar.... cachet
- uttesinea.... self-evident
- uvteubsin.... sad expression, sad face
- uvteubsinea.... making a sad face, pouting
- uvteubsinen.... making a sad face, pouting
- uvteubsiner.... make a sad face, pout
- visinuen.... panoply
- vitebsinea.... grinning
- vitebsinen.... grinning
- vitebsiner.... grin, put on a pretty face
- vitosin.... aestheticism, aesthetics
- volzmansintyen.... chromophotography
- vosin.... matte
- vrisinuen.... pomp
- vrisinuun.... pageant
- vrisinuunyan.... pageantry, pomp and circumstance
- vutebsin.... grimace, sneer, ugly mug
- vutebsiner.... grimace, sneer
- vyogelsinxen.... travesty
- vyomsin.... illusion, mirage, optical illusion
- vyomsina.... illusional
- vyomsiner.... have illusions
- vyomsinien.... getting illusions
- vyomsinier.... get illusions
- vyomsinuen.... giving the illusion
- vyomsinuer.... give the illusion
- vyotepsin.... hallucination, illusion
- vyotepsina.... hallucinatory, illusory
- vyotepsinen.... hallucination
- vyotepsiner.... hallucinate
- vyotepsinier.... imagine wrongly
- vyotepsinuer.... give the illusion
- vyotepsinwa.... hallucinatory, illusory
- vyotepsinxea.... hallucinogenic
- vyotepsinxul.... hallucinogen
- vyototsin.... idol
- xer mansin.... take a photo, take a picture
- yabwasinabar.... embosser
- yabwasinaben.... embossing
- yabwasinaber.... emboss
- yabwasinabun.... embossment
- yabwasinabwa.... embossed
- yibmansin kyazyef.... telephoto lens
- yibmansin.... telephoto
- yibmansinar.... telephoto camera
- yibmansinaren.... telephotography
- yibsin aaggekut.... t.v. star
- yibsin anyan.... t.v. series
- yibsin ebtunuien.... television communications
- yibsin jwobdraf.... t.v. guide, t.v. schedule
- yibsin mays.... t.v. screen
- yibsin meypyan.... t.v. network
- yibsin moup.... t.v. channel, television channel
- yibsin moupyan.... t.v. channel lineup
- yibsin nundel.... t.v. commercial, television commercial
- yibsin sinuar.... t.v. screen
- yibsin siunar.... television signal
- yibsin teaxutyan.... t.v. audience
- yibsin teaz.... t.v. show, television show
- yibsin.... t.v., t.v. image, television image, telly
- yibsindras.... telex
- yibsindrirtyen.... telex
- yibsiniar.... t.v. camera, television camera
- yibsinibar muyfyeg.... television tube
- yibsinibar.... t.v., t.v. receiver, television receiver, television set, telly
- yibsiniben.... television reception
- yibsinibun.... t.v. signal
- yibsinien.... televising, television
- yibsinier.... televise
- yibsiniwa.... televised
- yibsinteaxer.... teleview
- yibsinteaxut.... televiewer
- yibsintyen.... television technology
- yibsinuar fyadinzyaben.... televangelism
- yibsinuar fyadinzyabut.... televangelist
- yibsinuar.... telescreen
- yibsinuben.... television transmission
- yibsinubun.... t.v. broadcast, t.v. program, t.v. show, television broadcast, television program, telecast
- yibsinubut.... telecaster, televisor
- yibsinvia.... telegenic
- yibteasintyenut.... veejay
- yijber ha yibsinibar.... turn on the television
- yinsindrir.... telex
- yivbyasea tejnaga sindrof.... standee
- yoga sindren.... blurb
- yogsindrawa.... encapsulated
- yogsindren.... encapsulating, encapsulation
- yogsindrer.... encapsulate
- yoneatyafwa singon.... lineament
- yonsinuar.... parameter
- yonsinuara.... parametric
- yonsinuaren.... parameterization, parameterizing
- yonsinuarer.... parameterize
- yonsinuaroya.... parameterless
- yonsinuaruka.... parameterless
- yonsinuarwa.... parameterized, parametrized
- yonsinuaryafwa.... parameterizable
- yujbwa yuzmep yibsin.... cctv, closed circuit t.v.
- zaypasin.... progressivism
- zaypasina.... progressive, progressivist
- zaypasinan.... progressiveness
- zaypasinut.... progressivist
- zaytebsinea.... facing ahead, facing forward
- zaytebsinen.... facing ahead, facing forward
- zaytebsiner.... face ahead, face forward
- zomassin.... backdrop, scenery
- zosinmays.... backcloth
- zotiubsinuen.... mooning
- zotiubsinuer.... moon
- zotiubsinuwa.... mooned
- zoypasin.... regressivism
- zoypasina.... regressivistic
- zoypasinut.... regressivist
- zoysin.... mirror image, reflection
- zoysinar.... mirror, reflector
- zoysinea.... reflective
- zoysinen.... mirroring, reflection
- zoysiner.... mirror, reflect
- zoysinwa.... mirrored, reflected
- zoysinyea.... reflective
- zoysinyean.... reflectivity
- zoysinyeay.... reflectively
- zoyteas sinzyef.... rear-view mirror
- zoytebsinea.... facing backwards
- zoytebsinen.... facing backwards
- zoytebsiner.... face backwards
- zyapansin.... cinerama
- zyateasin.... panorama
- zyateasina.... panoramic
- zyesindrer.... draw a line through
- The root word siyn means mark and is featured in the following words:
- aajsiyn....fossil
- abdresiyn....accent mark above, diacritic
- abennod siyn....dieresis, tréma, umlaut
- abgrun siyn....hacek
- abnadsiyn....macron
- abnodsiyn....dot above
- agdresiyn....capital letter, majuscule, uppercase letter
- ajpensiyn....trace, track
- ajsiyn....vestige
- ana gedsiyn....single quotation mark, single quote
- andresiyn....monograph
- annod siyn....period
- aotsiyn....trait
- aybsiyn....above-the-line mark, accent
- ayna ged siyn....single quotation mark, single quote
- balsiyn....impression, stamp
- boksiyn....stigma
- boysunsiyn....apostrophe
- byemsiyn....cursor
- didsiyn....question mark
- drarsiyn....cursive letter, handwritten character
- dresiyn....cipher, glyph, grapheme, letter of the alphabet
- drirsiyn....block character, type, typewritten character
- drursiyn....character, font character, glyph, grapheme, print character, printed character, type
- dunsiyn....diacritic, diacritical mark
- duznegsiyn....clef
- dyessiyn....bookmark
- ebdras balsiyn....postage stamp
- ebdungonsiyn....hyphen
- endresiyn....digraph
- ennod aybsiyn....diaeresis, double dot sign above, two dots above accent, two dots above diacritic, umlaut
- ennod siyn....colon
- eona gedsiyn....double quotation mark, double quote
- eona kinsiyn....double slash
- eona nadsiyn....double dash
- exsiyn....badge, emblem, insignia
- feelk gasiyn....iron cross
- finogsiyn....good grade, good mark
- finsiyn....grade, hallmark, mark, sign of quality
- fizsiyn....badge of honor, mark of honor
- fuzsiyn....gussy, stigma
- fyadresiyn....hieroglyph
- fyasiyn....emblem, hierogram, holy pictograph, sacred symbol
- fyel vaksiyn....wax seal
- gabsiyn....cross, plus sign
- galsiyn....times sign
- garsiyn....exponent sign
- gedsiyn....quotation mark, quote mark
- gesiyn....equal sign
- gia kyid siyn....acute accent, acute stress mark
- gla yuga duzigan siyn....lento
- gobsiyn....dash, minus sign
- golsiyn....division sign
- gorsiyn....radical sign
- grun siyn....comma
- hyaysiyn....high-five
- ifonsiyn....hickey
- ijdresiyn....first letter, initial
- ilpan aybsiyn....tilde
- indresiyn....trigram, trigraph
- innod aybsiyn....three dots above accent, three dots above diacritic
- izdresiyn....block script letter
- izkusiyn....bracket
- iznad aybsiyn....macron
- izonsiyn....arrow sign
- jobsiyn....time mark
- jobuksiyn....cicatrice, cicatrix
- jopensiyn....track, trail
- josiyn....trace, track
- jwasiyn....remarque
- jwob balsiyn....timestamp
- kinsiyn....slash
- kosagsiyn....code, cipher
- kyebuksiyn....monition
- kyidsiyn....accent mark, stress mark
- logia kyid siyn....grave stress mark
- marsiyn....asterisk
- memsiyn....dole, landmark
- milsiyn....watermark
- mimuipsiyn....tidemark
- nad bi drirsiyn....line of type
- nad siyn....dash
- nadsiyn....dash
- naydsiyn....hyphen
- nod aybsiyn....dot above accent, dot above diacritic
- nod oybsiyn....dot under diacritic
- nodgrun siyn....semi-colon, semicolon
- nodren siyn....punctuation mark
- nodsiyn....punctuation
- nogsiyn....grade, mark
- nunsiyn....brand, label
- obdunsiyn....accent mark underneath a word
- ogdresiyn....lower case letter, miniscule, small letter
- ojsiyn....herald
- oybsiyn....below-the-line mark, descending diacritic
- pensiyn....trace
- petyoyasiyn....pug
- popdref balsiyn....passport stamp
- sagdresiyn....cipher
- sagsiyn....number sign
- sansiyn....impression, imprint
- seuxsiyn....phonogram
- sindresiyn....ideogram, ideograph
- siyn....mark
- taja siyn....birthmark
- tebsiyn....physionomy
- tesiyn....mental note
- teuzdrirsiyn....phonotype
- tibuj oybsiyn....cedilla
- tijsiyn....stigma
- toj jwasiyn....death knell
- tosiyn....cross
- tuafvisiyn....epaulette
- tuyajosiyn....handprint
- tyoyab josiyn....footprint, footrace
- tyoyab sansiyn....footprint
- ugaren siyn....skid mark
- ujsiyn....boundary, delimiter, demarcation
- utsiyn....character trait
- uzkusiyn....parenthesis
- uznad aybsiyn....breve
- uznad oybsiyn....cedilla
- vakan siyn....safety sign
- vaksiyn....seal
- vasiyn....check mark, checkmark
- vidresiyn....dingbat
- vyisansiyn....hallmark, plate mark
- vyusiyn....smirch
- xusiyn....cross, x sign
- yaba finsiyn....high mark
- yagzyosiyn....smear, streak
- yanulsiyn....sticker
- yazgrun aybsiyn....circumflex
- yibnyux balsiyn....postage stamp, postmark
- yifla drursiyn....boldface
- yijea aona ged siyn....opening single quote
- yijea ged siyn....left quote, opening quotation mark, opening quote
- yinod drursiyn....brevier
- yoga kyidsiyn....micron
- yokteuda siyn....exclamation mark, exclamation point
- yonsiyn....character
- yujea aona ged siyn....closing single quote
- yujea ged siyn....closing quotation mark, closing quote, right quote
- yujea yegdal siyn....closing quotation mark
- yuzsiyn....circumfixed diacritic
- zea ijdresiyn....middle initial
- zia izkusiyn....left bracket
- zia uzkusiyn....right parenthesis
- zika kisiyn....forward slash
- zikina aybsiyn....grave accent
- zoya kisiyn....backslash, backward slash
- zua izkusiyn....right bracket
- zua uzkusiyn....left parenthesis
- zukina aybsiyn....acute accent
- zyagxen siyn....stria
- zyeygsiyn....pockmark
- The word siun means sign and is featured in the following words:
- alpkaxar jwadsiun....radar beacon
- aysiun....ampersand
- boksiun....symptom
- domep siun....street sign
- dropek jwasiun....war cloud
- embesiun....settlement
- fikyentesiun....mascot
- iber siun....pick up a signal
- izonsiun....direction sign
- jasiun....forerunner, harbinger
- jwad siun....warning sign
- jwasiun....early sign, knell
- kyasiun....variable
- kyatesiun....variable
- kyoemben siun....parking sign
- kyotesiun....constant
- malzsiun....ratch
- mansiun....stop light, stoplight
- mepsiun....road sign
- mugsiun....token
- niemal siun....neon sign
- nixmugsiun....scrip
- nogsiun....degree sign
- nundelsiun....billboard, commercial sign board
- nunsiun....trademark
- ojbuk siun....omen
- ojfun siun....omen
- possiun....stop sign
- purkyoemben siun....parking sign
- sagtuna kyasiun....mathematical variable
- saunesiun....sampler
- siun....sign, token
- tejsiun....life sign of life
- tesiun....denotation, educt, siglum, symbol
- tosiun....sensation
- tuyasiun....hand gesture, hand signal
- ujukan tesiun....lemniscate
- uzmep siun....detour sign
- vatebsiun....affirmative nod
- voksiun....danger sign
- votebsiun....negative nod, negative sign
- yansiun....description, symptom
- yizkyasiun....metavariable
- yizper mansiun....run a stoplight
- zoysiun....feedback
- zyusiun....roundel
- The morpheme siz means painting and has the following derivatives:
- cauzunidresizen....chalcography
- drefgoblunsizen....decoupage
- dresiz....engraving
- dresizar....burin, chisel, graver
- dresizen....engraving
- dresizer....engrave
- dresizmef....stele
- dresizun....engraving, graving
- dresizut....engraver
- dresizwa....engraved, graven
- faodresizen....xylography
- faodresizena....xylographic
- faodresizun....xylograph
- faodresizut....xylographer
- faofsiz....quadrature
- faosizen....woodcarving
- faosizut....woodcarver
- fevofyelsiz....linocut
- finsiz....award, merit badge
- finsizag....big award, trophy
- finsizakea....award-winning
- finsizakut....award-winner
- finsizier....receive an award
- finsizuen....award presentation, award-giving, awarding
- finsizuer....award a medal, bestow an award
- finsizuut....award-giver, awarder
- finsizuwa....awarded
- finsizuwat....award recipient, awardee
- jwefsiz....fresco
- kyoa tej sizun....still life painting
- mandresizen....photoengraving
- mandresizer....photoengrave
- mandresizut....photoengraver
- mansinsizen....photogravure
- memsizen....landscape painting
- memsizun....landscape painting
- memsizut....landscape painter
- milvolz siz....aquarelle
- mimsizun....seascape
- mugdresiz....metallography
- myaozasiz....chiaroscuro
- nodogsizin....pointillism
- nodogsizina....pointillist
- nodogsizinut....pointillist
- seuz sizun....tone painting
- siz....painting
- sizam....painting gallery
- sizar pyex....brush stroke
- sizar....brush, paintbrush
- sizaren....brushing
- sizarer....brush
- sizarwa....brushed
- sizaryen....brushwork
- sizer....paint
- sizes....medal
- sizesien....winning a medal
- sizesier....win a medal
- sizesuen....awarding a medal
- sizesuer....award a medal
- sizfaof....palette
- sizil....paint
- sizilnyeb....paintbox
- sizim....painting studio
- sizkebiar....palette
- sizmuf....maulstick
- siztayefar....paintbrush
- sizun....painting
- sizut....graver, painter
- sizutbut....poser
- sizuyt....paintress
- sizwa mays....tafferel, taffrail
- sizwa....painted
- volzyanxuulsiz....tempera
- zasiz....frontispiece
- zoysizer....repaint
- zoysizwa....repainted
- zyumufdresiz....rotogravure
- zyumufdresizen....rotogravure
- zyumufdresizun....rotogravure
- zyumufdresizut....rotogravurer
SUN words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme sun means thing. The suffix -un is just a stub of this word. Here are some derived words:
- absun.... coat, layer, stratum
- absunaya.... layered
- absunika.... layered
- absunxen.... coating, layering
- absunxer.... coat, layer
- absunxwa.... coated, layered
- agelksunyan.... silverware
- ajbesun.... legacy
- alonsuna nod.... decimal point
- alonsuna.... decimal
- alonsunxen.... decimalization
- alyensuna.... hexadecimal
- amensun.... thermocouple
- ansun.... singleton
- ansuna.... simple, simplex
- ansunan.... simpleness, simplicity
- ansunay.... simply
- ansunser.... simplify
- ansunxen.... simplification
- ansunxer.... simplify
- ansunxus.... simplifier
- ansunxut.... simplifier
- ansunxwa.... simplified
- ansunxyofwa.... irreducible
- ansunxyofway.... irreducibly
- ansunyena.... haploid
- aota sundyun.... proper noun
- aotsunyan.... kit
- asuna.... singular
- asunan.... singularity
- asunaxen.... singularization
- asunaxer.... singularize
- asunaxwa.... singularized
- asunay.... singularly
- asunden.... selection, specification
- asunder.... select, specify
- asundwa.... selected, specified
- aybsun.... layer, stratum
- baosun.... shake
- baysun.... belongings, possession
- baysuna.... possessional
- baysuni.... belongings, possessions
- besun.... remainder, residue
- bi joesun.... a posteriori
- boysun.... lack, lacuna, something missing
- boysuni.... lacunae
- byosun.... tailpiece
- dovyab tisundyes.... hornbook
- duhosun?.... what thing?, what?
- duhosuni?.... what things?, what?
- dyunuka sun.... doodad, doohickey, widget
- ejobsun.... modern contraption
- ejsun.... novelty
- elonsuna.... vigesimal
- esun.... entity
- esuna.... paired
- feelksunyan.... ironware
- fikyensun.... talisman
- fisun.... goody, something good
- fusun.... handicap, something bad
- fusunyan.... malware
- fyasun.... idol
- fyasunam.... shrine
- fyasunbeaxut.... sacrist
- fyasunifrawa.... idolized
- fyasunifren.... idol worship, idolatry, idolization
- fyasunifrer.... idolize
- fyasunifrut.... idol worshiper
- fyasunnuien.... simony
- fyasunxen.... idolization
- fyasunxer.... idolize
- fyasunxut.... idolater
- fyasunxuyt.... idolatress
- fyasunxwa.... idolized
- fyesun.... talisman
- fyisun.... vademecum
- fyosun.... taboo
- fyosuna.... taboo
- gaasunden.... re-specification
- gaasunder.... re-specify
- gaasundwa.... re-specified
- gelsunxen.... doing the same thing
- gelsunxer.... do the same thing
- gelsunxun.... knockoff
- gelteesun.... homophone
- glaalonsuna.... polydecimal
- glafisun.... screamer
- glasuna.... manifold, plural
- glasunan.... plurality
- glasunaxen.... pluralization
- glasunaxer.... pluralize
- glasunxen.... pluralization
- glasunxer.... pluralize
- glasunxwa.... pluralized
- graansuna.... oversimple
- graansunxea.... oversimplifying
- graansunxen.... oversimplification
- graansunxer.... oversimplify
- graansunxwa.... oversimplified
- ha aa sun ho.... the first thing that
- ha aa sun.... the first thing
- ha ana sun ho.... the only thing that
- ha ana sun.... the only thing
- ha ana suni ho.... the only things that
- ha ana suni.... the only things
- ha zoybesun bi.... the rest of
- habyena suni ho.... the kind of things that
- hasun.... it, the thing
- hasuni ho.... the things that
- hasuni.... the things, them, they
- hea suni ho.... some things that
- heawa sun.... a certain thing
- hesun ho.... something which
- hesun.... something
- hesuni.... some things
- hisun.... it, this thing
- hisuni.... these things
- hyasun.... everything
- hyasuni.... all things
- hyasunxut.... factotum
- hyesun ho.... anything that
- hyesun.... anything, whatever
- hyesundraf.... wildcard
- hyesuni.... any, whatever things
- hyisun.... the same, the same thing
- hyisuni.... the same things
- hyisunxen.... copying
- hyisunxwa.... copied
- hyosun.... nihil, nothing
- hyosunxen.... annihilation
- hyosunxer.... annihilate, nix, raze
- hyosunxwa.... annihilated
- hyusun.... alternate, another thing, something else
- hyusuna.... alternate, alternative
- hyusunay.... alternately, alternatively
- ifsunog.... bibelot
- ikxer tisunyan.... complete a course of study
- iluksun.... drainage, flush
- insuna.... ternary, trinary
- jaabsun.... pre-coat, primer
- jaabsunen.... pre-coating, priming
- jaabsuner.... pre-coat, prime
- jaabsunwa.... pre-coated, primed
- jesun.... continuation
- jobesun.... residuum
- jobesuna.... residuary
- jobesuni.... residua
- josun.... aftermath, succession, suite, followup
- jwesun.... novelty
- kisun.... bend, incline
- kusun.... sidepiece
- kyasunyan.... compendium
- kyea sun.... doodad, doohickey
- kyesun.... event, happening, occurrence
- kyisun.... encumbrance, burden
- kyisunaya.... burdensome, cumbersome
- kyisunier.... take on a burden, encumber oneself
- kyisunika.... burdensome, cumbersome
- kyisunikan.... cumbersomeness
- kyisunoben.... disencumbering, unburdening
- kyisunober.... disencumber, unburden
- kyisunobwa.... disencumbered, unburdened
- kyisunser.... get in the way
- kyisunuer.... encumber, burden
- kyisunuwa.... encumbered, burdened
- kyisunuyea.... encumbering, burdensome
- kyisunyablen.... weightlifting
- kyisunyablut.... weightlifter
- loabsunxen.... stripping
- loabsunxer.... strip
- loabsunxwa.... stripped
- logela sun.... different thing
- magelim sunyan.... kitchenware
- magsun.... burn
- mailpusun.... spout
- melpaosun.... tremor
- mukzoybesun.... fossil
- mukzoybesun-maolza.... fossil gray
- mukzoybesunxen.... fossilization
- mukzoybesunxer.... fossilize
- nefsunyen.... mesh
- oasundwa.... unspecified
- ofyisun.... deadwood
- oglasun.... microscopic thing, particle, speck, tiny thing, whit
- ogsun.... minor thing, tidbit, detail
- ogsunden.... detailing
- ogsunder.... detail
- ogsundwa.... detailed
- ogsunuen.... detailing
- ogsunuer.... detail
- ogsunuwa.... detailed
- olesuna.... uneven, odd
- olesunat.... odd man out
- olesuntyoyuba.... odd-toed, perrisodaktylos
- osun.... nihil, nil, non-entity, nothing
- osuna.... unreal
- osunan.... irreality, nothingness
- osunxwa.... unrealized
- osunxyafwa.... unrealizable
- osunxyafwan.... unrealizability
- osunyanesbwa.... unsorted
- osunyantixwa.... unparsed
- oteeper tisun.... miss a class
- oyasuna.... atypical, ungeneric
- oybsunyan.... subcategory
- oysunsiyn.... apostrophe
- oysunsiynder.... apostrophize
- paosun.... tremor
- pyosun.... fallout
- sun.... thing
- suna.... real
- sunam.... bazaar
- sunan.... reality
- sundae.... sundae, yomyel tilsyeb
- sundun.... noun
- sunduna.... nominal
- sundunxen.... nominalization
- sundunxer.... nominalize
- sundunxwa.... nominalized
- sunemben.... putting away
- sunember.... put away
- sunembwa.... put away
- sunog.... trifle
- sunsen.... materialization
- sunser.... materialize
- sunuar.... display device
- sunxen. tiea.... realizing
- sunxen.... realization
- sunxer.... realize
- sunxwa.... realized
- sunyan.... category, paraphernalia
- sunyana.... categorical
- sunyanag.... caboodle
- sunyandraf.... program
- sunyandrawa.... programmed
- sunyandren.... programming
- sunyandrut.... programmer
- sunyanes.... item
- sunyanesben.... assortment, itemization, itemizing
- sunyanesber.... assort, itemize
- sunyanesbwa.... assorted, itemized
- sunyantixar.... parser
- sunyantixen.... parsing
- sunyantixer.... parse
- sunyantixwa.... parsed
- sunyanxen.... categorization
- sunyanxer.... categorize
- sunyanxwa.... categorized
- sunyenin.... structuralism
- tayobosun.... skin irritation
- tebbaoxbaosun.... confusion
- teubsun.... mouthpiece
- tisun dyes.... lesson book
- tisun jadrun.... lesson plan
- tisun joib.... class period, lesson period
- tisun.... lesson, session
- tisunyan kyiun.... course load
- tisunyan.... course of study
- tojbesuntuxut.... coroner
- tosun.... feeling, sensation, something felt
- tuxun jadrun.... lesson plan
- ulzasunyan.... greenery
- unsuna.... quaternary
- utbaysun.... own thing
- uzpyasun.... vault
- viysun.... piece of finery
- vyoafyasunifuyt.... idolatress
- vyofyasun.... false image, idol
- vyofyasunif.... idolatry
- vyofyasunifut.... idolater
- vyogelfinsun.... mismatch
- vyomsun.... artifice
- yabler kyisuni.... lift weights
- yanesun.... liaison
- yansauna sundyun.... common noun
- yansunan.... complexity
- yansunay.... complexly
- yansunes.... accessory
- yansunesuen.... accessorizing
- yansunesuer.... accessorize
- yansunesuwa.... accessorized
- yansunser.... become complex
- yebaysun.... content
- yigsunyan.... hardware
- yisuna.... octonary
- yogiksunyan.... compendium
- yonsunxer.... hypostatize
- yoonsuna.... quinary
- yosunin.... nihilism
- yosunina.... nihilistic
- yosuninut.... nihilist
- yosunxen.... obliterating, obliteration, wiping out
- yosunxer.... obliterate, wipe out
- yosunxwa.... obliterated, wiped out
- yovsun.... offense
- yovsuna.... offensive
- yugsunyan.... software
- yuzsun.... belt, cincture, girdle, wrap
- yuzsunen.... belting, girding, ringing, wrapping around
- yuzsuner.... gird, wrap around belt
- yuzsunwa.... belted, girded, rung, wrapped
- zobesun.... rump
- zoybesun.... leftover, relic, relict, remains, residual
- zoyjesun.... leftover
- zyepusun.... hoop
- zyeyazasun.... hernia
- zyeyazasuna.... hernial
- zyubaosun.... maelstrom
- zyulsun.... whirr, twirl, twist
- zyungyasun.... swelling, tumor
- The stub suffix -un is used to form a word meaning the result of an action, eg.:
- der....to say
- dun....word
- tuer....to inform
- tuun....datum, piece of information
SYEN words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme syen means style and is used in the following derivatives:
- apetibuj tayebsyen.... ponytail
- azta syen.... panache
- be syen bi.... a la, in the style of, in the style of
- be visyen.... a la mode, in fashion
- datiber fisyenay.... graciously host
- ditsyen.... civility
- dotsyen.... civilization
- dotsyena.... civilized
- dotsyenser.... civilize
- dotsyenxen.... civilizing
- dotsyenxer.... civilize
- dotsyenxwa.... civilized
- dresyen.... script, style of writing style
- drirsyen.... type face, typeface
- duz utsyen.... music genre, style of music
- dyesyena.... bookish, nerdy
- dyesyenat.... bookworm, nerd
- ejdindrefsyen.... journalese
- ejesyen.... status quo
- ejsyen.... fashion
- ejsyena aloyjagat.... teenybopper
- ensyena.... bimodal
- esyen bi tep.... state of mind
- fisyen.... courtesy, gallantry, good manners, grace, properness, propriety, suitability
- fisyena.... courteous, gallant, proper, suitable, tasteful, well-mannered
- fisyenan.... suitableness, tastefulness
- fisyenay.... courteously, gallantly, gracefully, graciously, properly, suitably, tastefully
- fisyenaya.... graceful, gracious
- fisyenayan.... gracefulness, graciousness
- fisyenika.... graceful, gracious
- fisyenikan.... gracefulness, graciousness
- fisyenikay.... gracefully, graciously
- fisyenoya.... graceless
- fisyenoyan.... gracelessness
- fisyenuer.... be proper for, grace, suit
- fisyenuka.... graceless
- fisyenukan.... gracelessness
- fisyenukay.... gracelessly
- fisyenuwa.... becoming, becomingly, graced, well-suited
- fisyenxen.... sprucing up
- fisyenxer.... spruce up
- fisyenxwa.... spruced up
- fitofsyena.... fashionable, nicely-dressed, stylishly-dressed
- fusyen.... impoliteness, impropriety
- fusyena.... crude, impolite, improper, tasteless
- fusyenan.... tastelessness
- fusyenay.... tastelessly
- futofsyena.... poorly-dressed, unfashionable, unstylishly-dressed
- gasyenxer.... restyle
- ifsyenuer.... ingratiate
- ifsyenuwa.... ingratiated
- igtyodifwasyena.... faddish, faddy
- igtyodifwasyenut.... faddist
- jubdindrefsyen.... journalese
- kisyen.... trend
- kisyena.... trendy
- kisyenea.... trending
- kisyenen.... trending
- kisyener.... trend
- koteasyen.... guise
- kyua drirsyen.... lightface
- kyua drirsyena.... lightfaced
- kyusyena.... wispy
- lonapxwa tayebsyen.... shag
- odosyena.... uncool
- odotsyenxwa.... uncivilized
- ofisyena.... inappropriate, ungallant
- ofisyenan.... inappropriateness
- ofisyenay.... inappropriately
- ofisyenuwa.... unbecoming
- ofisyenuway.... unbecomingly
- osyenyena.... unstylish
- ovisyena.... inelegant, unfashionable, unrefined
- ovisyenan.... inelegance, unfashionableness
- ovisyenay.... inelegantly, unfashionably
- oybsyen.... submode
- sibarisyena.... sybaritic
- syen.... fashion, guise, mode, style
- syena.... fashion-related, modish, stylistic
- syenan.... modishness
- syenaxer.... stylize
- syenaxwa.... stylized
- syenay.... modishly, stylistically
- syenin.... mannerism
- syenizon.... trend
- syenizona.... trendily, trendy
- syenizonan.... trendiness
- syenizonsea.... trending
- syentun.... manners
- syenxen.... fashioning, styling
- syenxer.... fashion, style
- syenxut.... fashionista, styler, stylist
- syenxwa.... fashioned, styled
- syenyan.... fashions, manners
- syenyena.... fashionable, stylish
- syenyenay.... stylishly
- taba basyen.... body language
- tayebsyen.... coif, coiffure, hairdo, hairstyle
- tayebsyenam.... hair salon
- tayebsyenut.... coiffeur, hair stylist, hairdresser
- tayebsyenuyt.... coiffeuse, hair stylist, hairdresser
- tayebsyenx.... hairdo
- tayebsyenxen.... coiffing, hairdressing
- tayebsyenxer.... coiff, get a hairdo, get one's hair styled
- tayebsyenxwa.... coiffed
- tayobzyigosyena.... scurfy
- tejsyen.... lifestyle
- teuztisyen.... phonics
- tofsyen.... fashion, style of dress
- utsyen.... genre
- visyen.... class, elegance, fashion, flair, high fashion, la mode, nattiness, vogue
- visyena.... a la mode, chic, classy, dressy, elegant, fashionable, in vogue, natty, refined, smart, soigné, swank, swanky, trendy, voguish
- visyenan.... dressiness, swankiness
- visyenay.... elegantly, fashionably, nattily, swankily
- vivisyena.... chichi
- vusyen.... bad form, bad style, inelegance, poor form
- vusyena.... dowdy, in bad form, inelegant, rough-hewn, unfashionable, unstylish, vulgar
- vusyenan.... dowdiness, vulgarity
- vusyenay.... dowdily, vulgarly
- vusyendun.... expletive, vulgar word, vulgarity
- vusyenxen.... vulgarization
- vusyenxer.... vulgarize
- vusyenxut.... vulgarizer
- vusyenxwa.... vulgarized
- vyasyena.... pukka
- vyosyen.... artifice
- vyoyfisyena.... prissy
- vyoyfisyenan.... prissiness
- vyoyfisyenay.... prissily
- yabsyena.... tony
- yagsyena.... stodgy
- yagsyenan.... stodginess
- yagsyenay.... stodgily
- yivsyena.... freestyle
- yizfisyen.... prudery
- yizfisyena.... prudish
- yizfisyenan.... prudishness
- yizfisyenat.... prude
- yizfisyenay.... prudishly
SYIN words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme syin means subject and is featured in the following derived words:
- be syin bi.... about, concerning, on the subject of, pertaining to, re, regarding
- gasyin.... motif
- gla vyesyina.... gonzo
- osyina.... unsubjective
- osyinan.... unsubjectivity
- osyinay.... unsubjectively
- pensyinwa.... traced
- sinwa balsyin.... puncheon
- syin.... subject
- syina.... subjective
- syinan.... subjectivity
- syinay.... subjectively
- syin-izonbwa.... subject-oriented
- syinxen.... subjectification
- syinxer.... subjectify
- syinxwa.... subjectified
- syinzoyubea.... reflexive
- syinzoyubean.... reflexiveness, reflexivity
- syinzoyubeay.... reflexively
- vyesyina.... subjective
- vyesyinan.... subjectivity
- vyesyinay.... subjectively
- vyesyinxen.... subjectification
- vyesyinxer.... subjectify
SYUN words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme syun means object and figures in the following derived words:
- aota syuni.... personal effects
- dresimsyunam.... stationery shop
- dresimsyunamut.... stationer
- dresimsyunesyan.... stationery
- exsyun.... functor
- ifek syun.... game object, game piece
- ifonsyun.... heartthrob, love object
- izsyuna.... accusative
- kyoa tej syun.... still life object
- osyuna.... nonclinical, nonobjective, unobjective
- osyunan.... unobjectivity
- osyunay.... unobjectively
- ovsyun.... blockade, impediment, obstacle
- ovsyunxen.... blocking, getting in the way of, impeding
- ovsyunxer.... block, get in the way of, impede
- ovsyunxwa.... blocked, impeded
- syun.... object
- syuna.... objective
- syunan.... objectiveness, objectivity
- syunay.... objectively, transitively
- syundabea.... intransitive
- syundabean.... intransivity
- syundabeay.... intransitively
- syunes.... article
- syunika.... transitive
- syunikan.... transitiveness, transitivity
- syunin.... objectivism
- syun-izonbwa.... object-oriented
- syunxen.... objectification
- syunxer.... objectify
- syunxwa.... objectified
- syunyena.... objective
- syunyenan.... objectivity
- syunyenay.... objectively
- vyesyuna.... objective
- vyesyunan.... objectivity
- vyesyunay.... objectively
- vyesyunxen.... objectification
- vyesyunxer.... objectify
- vyesyunxwa.... objectified
- zagyosyun.... headpin
NOM situation
[edit | edit source]- The stems in this family end in -m, with the general meaning of place, or -yeb meaning container. The family includes areas, places, locations, buildings, houses, rooms, spaces, and containers.
NOM and -OM Words
[edit | edit source]- The base word nom, which means situation, is the top element of a scalar series of words. It is also the base for several stub suffixes as seen in the chart below:
NOM NOM -M STUB nom....situation -om....situation nam....store -am....indoor place, building, house nem....place -(e)m....open space num....cell -um....cell, booth, stall, compartment nyem....box -yem....closed space
NAM Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme nam means store. Here are some derived words that use this root:
- aglanam....superstore
- ajnunam....antique shop, antique store
- ajnunamut....antiquarian, antiquary
- ajnunamutin....antiquarianism
- ameznam....diamond shop
- ameznamut....diamond dealer, diamond-cutter, diamond-seller
- apelatyanam....apiary
- apetsimnam....saddlery
- aybilnam....creamery
- bekulnam....druggist, drugstore, pharmacy
- bekulnama....pharmaceutical
- bekulnamut....druggist, pharmacist
- bilyignamut....cheesemonger
- dopnam....commissary
- drefnam....stationery
- drefnamut....stationer
- dresimsyunam....stationery shop
- dresimsyunamut....stationer
- dyesnam....book mart, bookshop, bookstore
- dyesnamut....bookseller
- ejnaunnam....novelty shop
- ejnaunnamut....novelty shop owner
- ekarnam....toyshop
- faofunam....carpenter shop
- filnam....dramshop, packaged alcohol store
- filnamut....liqueur salesman
- givobnam....tobacco store, tobacconist
- givobnamut....tobacconist
- granampea....shopaholic
- granampen....shop-aholism, shopaholism
- granamput....shop-aholic
- ifpopnam....tourist bureau
- iznunuen nam....retail store
- jubdindrefnamut....newsvendor
- jwobirnam....clock shop
- levafil nam....liquor store
- masofnam....carpet store
- masofnamut....carpet merchant, carpet salesman, carpet seller
- nam mis....shop window
- nam....retail establishment, shop, shoppe, store
- namag....department store
- namagbikuut....floor-walker, floorwalker
- namagyan....mall
- nambelar....shopping cart
- nambeut....shop owner
- nambexut....shopkeeper
- nameb....store manager
- namkobien....shoplifting
- namkobier....shoplift
- namkobiut....shoplifter
- nammis....shop window
- namnyef....shopping bag
- namog....small shop, boutique
- nampen....shopping
- namper....go shopping, shop
- namput....shopper
- namut....shop clerk, store clerk, storekeeper
- namutyanup....fair
- namutyanupem....fairground
- namyan....collection of shops, shopping center, shopping complex
- namzam....store front, storefront
- namzen....mall, shopping center, shopping mall
- naxgox nam....discount store
- naxgox nunam....discount store
- nunam mis....shop window
- nunam....emporium, mart, shoppe, store
- nunamag....hypermarket
- nunamben....shelving, storage, storing, warehousing
- nunamber....put into store, shelve, stock up, store, warehouse
- nunambwa....shelved, stocked, stored, warehoused
- nunampen....shopping
- nunamper....shop
- nunamput....shopper
- nunamut....retailer, shop owner
- nunamzen....shopping center
- oyebnam....outdoor store, market
- patnam....bird shop
- patnamut....bird seller
- petifnam....pet store
- pitnam....fish shop, fishmonger's
- pitnamut....fish merchant, fishmonger
- purnam....car dealership
- purnamut....car dealer, car salesman
- sinzyefnam....mirror shop
- sinzyefnamut....mirror retailer
- suemnam....mattress retailer, mattress store
- suemnamut....mattress dealer, mattress seller
- tayebsyenam....hair salon
- teabarnam....eyeglasses store, optical store
- tefnam....haberdashery, hat shop, hat store
- tefnamut....haberdasher, hat seller, hatter
- teiznam....perfumery
- teiznamut....perfumer
- teyfnam....millinery
- todnam....mom-and-pop store
- tofnam....clothes store
- tofnamut....clothes salesperson
- tolnam....grocery store
- tolnamag....supermarket
- tolnamog....corner grocery store
- tolnamogut....greengrocer
- tolnampen....grocery shopping
- tolnamper....go grocery shopping
- tolnamput....grocery shopper
- tolnamut....grocer, grocery clerk
- tolyanamut....grocer
- tyoyafnam....shoe shop, shoe store
- tyoyafnamut....shoe salesman
- aotxwa tafnam....outfitter
- vafil nunam....wine seller, wine store
- vafilnam....wine store
- vafilnamut....vintner, wine merchant, wine seller
- vosnam....florist shop
- vosnamut....florist
- yigvafilnam....vinegar store
- yigvafilnamut....vinegar merchant
- yomaybilnam....ice cream store
- yuzovolnam....pita shop, taco shop
- zanam....shop front
- zanunam....shop front, window display
NEM, -EM, and -M Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme nem means place, location. From this word comes the stub suffix -em referring usually to an open space.
- Here are some words incorporating the root nem:
- be nem bi hus....instead of that
- be nem bi....in lieu of, in place of, instead of
- be ujponem....graveside
- du hoa nem?....where?
- gelnema....homotopic
- hyinema....homotopic
- naznemdraf....cartogram
- nem....locale, location, place, site, stead
- nema bixpur....local train
- nema nad....local line
- nema yuzpur....local bus
- nema....local
- nemat....local person
- nemaxea....localizing
- nemaxen....localization, localizing
- nemaxer....localize
- nemaxwa....localized
- nemay....locally
- nemben....installation, placement, putting in place, setting
- nember....install, place, put in place, set
- nembun....installation, placement, setting
- nembwa....installed, placed, put in place, set
- nemoyg....cozy place
- nemsindren....topography
- nemtun....topology
- nemtuna....topological
- nemxea....localizing
- nemxen....localizing
- onemat....non-local person
- ponem....getaway, rest area, rest stop
- Here are words incorporating the stub suffix -em, meaning open place, area.
- abawa yepem....covered entryway, porch, portico
- abefyaxem....archdiocese
- abem....surface, top
- abtam zyiyujem....terrace
- abtamas zyiyujem....rooftop terrace
- adopar vyanyekem....gunnery
- adoparen vyaoyekem....test-firing range
- adoparenem....firing range, shooting range
- agelk mukiblem....silver mine
- ajpem....passage, passageway
- amerem....north, northern region
- amez mukiblem....diamond mine
- anpopur pesem....taxi stand, taxicab stand
- anpopur posem....cabstand, taxi stand, taxicab stand
- apaxlawem....swept area
- apem....embarkation area
- apet igekpem....hippodrome, horse race track
- apetvabem....paddock
- aulk mukiblem....gold mine, goldmine
- axlem....sphere of activity
- axlen gonem....zone of activity
- aypem....overpass
- azaxwem....garrison
- azem....bastion, stronghold
- be abem....atop
- be oyebem....alfresco, on the outside, out of doors, outdoors
- be ujponem....graveside
- be yabem....on high, up above, upstairs
- be yebem....indoors, inside, on the inside
- be yibem....in the distance
- be yigrem....in the wild
- be yijem....in the open
- be yobem....down below, downstairs
- be yubem....in the vicinity
- belyafwa fyasem....viaticum
- bem....locale, location, locus, post, seat, site, stead
- besem....board, lodging
- bewem....grounds
- bi abem bu obem....from top to bottom
- bi oyebem....from outside
- bi yabem....from up above
- bi yebem....from inside
- bi yibem....from afar
- bi yobem....from down below
- bi yubem....from the vicinity
- bixpur posem....train station, train stop
- bu hem....hither, to here
- bu oyebem....outdoors, to the outside
- bu yabem....to the upstairs
- bu yebem....indoors, to the inside
- bu yibem....far away, to a distant place
- bu yobem....downstairs, to the downstairs
- buiem....market, marketplace
- bukzem....trauma center
- byupem....direction
- caulk mukiblem....copper-mine
- daba zem....government center
- dabzem....seat of government
- dalsem....tribune
- dalufekem....debate forum
- damem....metropolis
- dapzem....airbase
- datibem....reception area, reception hall
- dazem....dance floor
- debelem....realm
- debzem....headquarters
- dibzem....admin, administrative center
- dobem....home country, metropolis
- dobnad bem....border post, frontier station
- dobnix vakem....tax haven
- dodem....public arena
- doebdalem....forum
- doebdalzem....conference center
- doem....village
- dokebien debzem....election headquarters
- dom yijem....urban open space
- doma dem....city park, municipal park
- domabem....municipality
- domdem....city park, municipal park
- domeba debzem....mayor's headquarters
- domeem....department
- dompur posem....bus stop
- domyijem....piazza, plaza, square, urban open space
- domzem....city center, midtown
- doobem....fatherland
- dopa debzem....military headquarters
- dopa posem....military post
- dopa syobem....military base
- dopa tomofem....encampment
- dopat azaxwem....garrison
- dopek gonem....combat zone
- dopek posem....battle station
- dopekem....battlefield, battleground, fight arena
- doptelem....mess hall, mess hall canteen
- dopzem....military headquarters
- doteuziem....poll, polling site
- doteuzuem....poll, voting place
- douta zyidem....public plaza
- dovyabmeem....jurisdiction
- doyevyekem....trial venue
- dresem....desk
- dropek gonem....war zone
- dropekem....war arena, war zone
- dunuibem....newsgroup
- dyezem....movie set
- dyezunxem....movie set
- ebdalekem....debate forum
- ebem....area between, area in between, buffer, gap, interstice
- ebgonem....buffer zone
- ebkyaxem....marketplace
- ebmimuipa gonem....foreshore
- ebposem....station, stop
- ebtexdalem....debate forum
- ebuienem....exchange, market
- ebvyifem....clearance
- efyaxem....diocese
- ekem....court, paddock, playground, playing court, playing field
- -em....-ary, -atory, -torium, open space, open-air space, place, area
- emaegem....muskeg
- embesem....habitat
- embesiem....settlement
- emupem....settlement
- eopetyanem....stockyard
- epetekem....bullring
- epyexem....fight arena
- eymaegem....coking works
- fabagxem....wood lot, woodlot
- fabogem....bush, bushland
- fabukzyiem....tundra
- fabyanem....timberland, woods
- fabyexem....tree farm
- fabyijem....glade
- faufyanem....lumberyard
- faybem....chaparral
- faybesem....moor
- feelknadpur posem....train station
- feelkyig saxem....steel mill
- feelkyigem....steelyard
- fitapasem....fitness center, gym
- fitapaxem....fitness center, gym
- fobdem....botanical garden, orchard
- fobyexem....farm
- fuagxem....hotbed
- fuhobyena yexem....sweatshop
- fyakosem....hermitage, sacred retreat
- fyameem....glebe
- fyasem....altar
- fyaxelem....ceremonial ground, worship site
- fyaxem....holy ground, holy site, sacred ground, sacred site
- fyozsem....pillory
- gem....isotope
- gevob vabem....cornfield
- givob melyexem....tobacco farm
- givobem....tobacco plantation
- gloxem....cubbyhole
- gonem....zone
- goynem....sector
- gwonayxa gonem....steerage
- gyifobem....jungle
- gyosuem....pad
- hem....somewhere, where
- ibem....reception area
- ifekem....arena, playground, playing court, playing field, yard
- ifiendem....amusement park
- ifponem....holiday site, vacation destination
- ifpopem....resort
- ifyaxem....parish
- igef oyepem....emergency exit
- igef yepem....emergency exit
- igoyepem....emergency exit, escape
- igpekem....raceway
- igtyopem....running path, running track
- ijem....cradle, starting point
- ikfluxwem....wasteland
- imera gonem....eastern zone
- imerem....east, eastern zone
- ingonem....trizone
- ivob vabem....barley field
- iza yubem....doorstep
- izonkyaxem....turnout
- jatixem....practice venue
- jayekem....proving ground, testbed
- jeeb ifpopem....summer resort
- Jiem....Jersey
- job gonem....time zone
- kebidem....voting station
- kebidiem....polling station
- kevyaxem....proving ground, testing grounds
- kexem....search zone
- kexer vakem....seek asylum, seek refuge, seek sanctuary, seek shelter
- kiem....incline
- kipasem....skating rink
- kobem....cache
- kodem....hideout, secret hideout
- koem....hideaway, hideout, hiding place, redoubt, refuge, shelter
- kosem....hideaway, hideout, lair
- koxem....hirn
- koyanupem....conventicle
- kua yepem....side exit
- kuem....sidelines
- kusem....credenza, sideboard
- kuteax bem....observation post
- kyesem....venue
- kyiunabem....loading dock, loading zone
- kyoejem....waiting area
- kyoembem....car park, parking lot
- kyoemben gonem....parking zone
- kyoja yexbem....tenure
- kyosem....settlement
- lafebem....orangery
- lobexwasem....junkyard
- lodopxwa gonem....DMZ, demilitarized zone
- maaryuzem....heliosphere
- maeg mukibiem....coal mine, coal mining, coalmine, colliery
- magelabem....hob
- magvyifem....firebreak
- magxyukwem....tinderbox
- magyelkuem....tarmac
- malsuem....air mattress
- mampurem....aerodrome, airdrome
- mamyenem....clime
- meabem....hill site
- meb abem....mountaintop
- meebabem....hilltop
- meeg mukibiem....slate quarry
- meegem....slate quarry
- mefxem....brickyard
- megibiem....quarry, rock quarry, stone quarry
- megyogbwem....pavement
- mekuzlem....dust bowl
- melpien gonem....departure zone
- melukbem....tomb
- melukbenem....burial site
- melyexem....farm, farmstead
- mempuen gonem....arrival zone
- mepoyepem....turnout
- mepyiklem....labyrinth
- miekem....beach, sandy area
- miekibiem....sand quarry
- milikbwem....swampland
- milyobyogem....shoal
- milzyegem....oasis
- mimgrunbem....anchorage
- mimkum posem....quay
- mimobem....seabed
- mimolem....salt marsh
- mimolibiem....salt mine
- mimolxem....saltern, saltworks
- mimpar nyanufbem....moorage
- mimpar sexem....boatyard
- mimparapem....embarkment zone
- mimparpuem....embarcadero, landing stage, pier
- mimpiem....disembarkation point, quay
- mimpuem....embarcadero
- mimpuim yubem....dockside
- mimpur piem....embarcadero
- mimpur puem....ship dock
- mimpur telem....mess
- mimpurapem....embarkation area, embarkation point
- mimpurem....shipyard
- mimpurpuem....roadstead
- mimpuryexem....dockyard
- mipijem....wellhead
- mipuem....port, wharf
- mipujem....downriver
- mipyanupem....conflux
- mipyepem....slew
- mosoybem....spandrel
- moylzem....murk
- mukibiem....mine
- mumben dem....burial ground
- mumbenem....burial site
- mumzyegabem....pithead
- nagarwa kyoemben gonem....metered parking zone
- namutyanupem....fairground
- nasa buiem....money market
- neafekem....tennis court
- nem....locale, location, place, site, stead
- nunem....market-place
- nunteatuem....merchandise display
- nunuiem....market
- nuxpur posem....cabstand, taxicab stand
- nuxwa kyoemben gonem....paid parking zone
- nyanupem....assembly point
- nyem abem....boxtop
- nyexunem....storage site
- nyifsaxem....ropewalk
- ob igtyopem....off-track, offtrack
- obdabem....colony
- obem....base, bottom, foundation, underpinning
- obemerem....torrid zone, tropical zone, tropics
- ofwa kyoben gonem....no parking zone
- ofxwa gonem....prohibited zone
- omerem....south, southern region
- onuxefwa kyoemben gonem....free parking zone
- opem....disembarkation point
- opusem....jumping off point
- ovunigpem....steeplechase
- ovunukem....fairway
- oybdopyunem....minefield
- oybebem....subinterval
- oyebekem....outfield
- oyebem....exterior, outer area, outside
- oyebilpem....drain
- oyepem....exit, way out
- oytofmelyepem....skinning-dipping spot
- oyugem....uncomfortable spot
- patagxem....barnyard, farmyard
- pattujem....perch, roost
- pekem....combat zone
- pelpem....crawl space, crawlspace
- pem....walkway, way
- pesem....waiting area
- petagxem....breeding ground, cattle ranch, vivarium
- piem....departure point of departure
- pipuem....jetty, pier, quai, quay
- pirem....refuge
- podizekem....circus
- ponem....getaway, rest area, rest stop
- popem....travel location
- posem....station, stop
- potnyanizbem....cattle ranch
- pottojbem....hunting ground
- pottujem....roost
- poysem....rest area, rest stop
- puem....arrival point of arrival
- puien gonem....kiss-and-ride zone
- puix ifekem....baseball arena, baseball field, baseball yard
- puix pesem....baseball dugout
- purem....car lot
- purfinyekem....skidpad
- purilp yuzpem....traffic circle
- purkyoembem....car park, parking lot, parking zone
- puxrem....shooting range
- puxrunxem....cartridge factory
- pyaxem....launch pad, launch site, launchpad
- pyuxem....range
- saxem....plant
- sexem....building site, construction site
- sinuem....display site, exhibition site, scene
- sonilk mukiblem....tinner
- suzyanem....art gallery
- syoba tomofem....base camp
- syobem....base, post
- syoibwa mes dresem....escritoire
- tabmelukem....graveyard, saree
- tabmelzyegem....graveyard
- tadnadxem....breeding ground
- tajem....birthplace, place of birth
- tambesem....habitat, place of residence
- tamem....messuage
- tamkyoxem....settlement
- tamofem....camp, campground
- tapifekem....sports field
- tapsexem....workout facility
- taptyeniem....workout facility, workout space
- tavyulobem....latrine
- taxem....memorial grounds
- taxxelem....commemorative site
- tazem....portrait gallery
- teapem....stopover
- teatuem....exhibition site
- teaxem....arena
- telem....cafeteria, refectory
- tepbakem....mental health ward
- tepbekem....mental ward, psych ward
- texyenxem....tribune
- tistamem....schoolyard
- tixem....study hall
- tobetekem....sandlot
- toem....domicile
- toj tomofem....death camp
- tojbyoxem....gallows
- tojem....place of death
- toluem....feedlot
- tomsexem....construction site
- totifrem....worship site
- tudifekem....children’s playground
- tujdinem....dream scape, dream world
- tujeazem....dream scape
- tunkexem....research site
- tuxem....campus, place of learning
- tuyabzyun ekem....handball court
- tuzem....art exhibition, art fair
- tyalagsem....banquet table
- tyalem....dining hall
- tyenyanem....industrial site
- tyodikxwem....populated area
- tyodukem....desert, no man's land, wasteland
- tyopem....walkway
- tyoputa gonem....pedestrian zone
- tyoyabzyun ifekem....football field, soccer field
- tyoyafsaxem....shoemaking factory
- tyoyanogem....stoop
- ub oyebem....outward
- ub yabem....upward, upwardly
- ub yebem....inward
- ufekem....battlefield, combat zone
- ufem....hellhole
- ujem....dead end, endpoint, extremity, terminal
- ujponem....grave site, final resting place
- ujponuem....burial site, burying
- ukem....empty space, gap, vacant lot
- ukxwasem....dump, dumping ground
- umerem....western region
- umvabem....hayfield
- umxem....drying plant
- unkudem....public square
- unkunem....place
- uzpem....curve
- uzyupatupurem....heliport
- vabem....barnyard, field, grassy area, meadow, pasture, prairie
- vafaybem....vineyard
- vafilem....vinery
- vafilxem....vineyard
- vak gonem....safety zone, security zone
- vakbexem....guard post, ward
- vakem....haven, refuge, safe place, sanctuary, secure location
- viltulem....brasserie
- vobem....cropland, farmland, plantation
- vobyexem....plantation
- vok gonem....danger zone
- vokem....danger zone
- volem....market garden
- vyakxam dem....prison yard
- vyaleaxem....checkpoint
- vyantixem....research site
- vyayekem....proving ground, testing ground
- vyifem....clear area, cleared zone, clearing
- vyixarwem....swept area
- vyizaxem....purgatory
- xeem....agency
- xelem....practice venue
- xem....office, workplace
- xemsem....desk
- xetyenem....practice venue
- xeunem....business place of business
- xusiynpem....crossing
- yaba fyasem....high altar
- yabem....heights, upper area, upper reaches
- yabkiem....uphill climb, upward slope
- yabteasem....lookout
- yaflem....seat of power
- yafon saxem....power plant, utility
- yanbem....joint, juncture
- yanbyuxem....point of contact
- yanem....junction, juncture
- yanivem....hangout
- yanotpur posem....bus stop
- yanpem....juncture
- yantaxem....commemorative site
- yanupem....meeting place, meeting venue
- yanuzpem....point of convergence
- yanxem....connection point
- yanzexen tomofem....concentration camp
- yapetagxem....pig farm
- yaxem....business place of business
- yaxunyana xem....industrial plant
- yaxunyanem....industrial site
- yeba ifekem....infield
- yebekem....infield
- yebem....indoors, inside, interior
- yebexem....enclosed area, enclosure
- yedebem....demesne
- yejubbesem....weekender
- yeklem....fight arena
- yekuem....testing ground, testing grounds
- yelxem....oil refinery
- yembem....depositary, depository, depot, site
- yepem....entrance, entrepot, entry way, entryway, way in
- yexem....business place, work site, workplace
- yexlem....labor camp
- yexsem....desk, work desk
- yibdomukem....outback, boondocks
- yibem....distance, exile, remote area
- yiboyebem....outer depths
- yibujem....far ends
- yibyabem....far reaches, high up, heights
- yibyebem....inner depths
- yibyobem....depths, lower depths
- yibyuzem....outer fringes
- yigabem....hardtop
- yigem....hard spot, tough spot
- yigrem....wild area, wilderness
- yigvafilxem....vinegar factory
- yijem....clearing, open area, open space, public arena, space
- yiklem....complex
- yivob imem....paddy
- yizem....extremity, outer reaches, place beyond
- yizmolem....supernatural realm
- yoba abem....lower surface
- yobem....downstairs, lower area
- yobkiem....downhill climb, downward slope
- yobkiem....downward slope
- yobkuem....down slope, embankment, ramp
- yonem....cleavage
- yopem....way down
- yoplem....precipice, tilt, slant
- yozaxwem....recess, scoop
- yozpem....sinkhole
- yubem....neighborhood, vicinity
- yugayma nem....cozy place
- yugem....soft spot
- yujem....closed area, closed quarters, courtyard
- yukom gonem....comfort zone
- yupem....approach
- yuvrat melyexem....slave plantation
- yuvrat yexem....slave labor camp
- yuzem....area around, environ, environs, purlieu, surroundings, zone
- yuzmasbwem....enceinte
- yuzpem....beltway, circuit, cycle, loop, rotary
- yuzpur posem....bus stop
- yuzyujbwem....enclosed area
- yuzyujem....court, courtyard
- zapem....foregather
- zea bem....central post, headquarters
- zea ifekem....center field
- zeekem....midfield
- zem....middle, milieu
- zeymepujem....bridgehead
- zeypem....crossing, crossroads
- zia ifekem....right field
- zoekem....backfield
- zua ifekem....left field
- zyateaxem....range, scan zone, scanning area
- zyefsaxem....glass factory
- zyefyenem....glaziery
- zyegekem....golf course
- zyep gonem....transit area
- zyepem....thoroughfare, through-point, transit point
- zyidem....plaza
- zyiem....plain
- zyisuem....futon
- zyoafxwa gonem....restricted zone
- zyubsanxem....turnery
- zyupem....circle, rotary
- zyusekem....rink, circus
NYEM and YEM Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme nyem means box, case and is used in the following words:
- adopar nyem....guncase
- apyot pexnyem....lion's cage
- awapelatnyem....wasp nest
- beaxnyem....phylactery
- dodalnyem....soapbox
- dopzyunyan nyem....ammo box, caisson, munitions caisson
- doteuzdref nyem....ballot box
- drefnyem....briefcase
- drovnyem....cardboard box, carton
- dyessannyem....solander
- ebdras nyem....letter box
- ebdrasnyem....letter drop
- ekar nyem....toy box
- ekar nyemag....toy chest
- epyot pexnyem....tiger's cage
- etyalnyem....lunchbox
- givomuv mugnyem....cigarette case
- givomuv nyem....cigarette case
- ifekar nyem....toy box
- ifekar nyemag....toy chest
- ifeknyem....playpen
- kaznyem....cache
- kebidref nyem....ballot box
- lipyetnyem....vipers nest
- lobelunyem....doggy bag, take-away box
- lobexun nyem....doggy bag, take-away box
- magnyem....firebox
- meknyem....dust bin
- mieknyem....sandbox
- milnyem....aquarium, fish tank
- milnyemi....aquaria
- mugnyem....metal box, metal case
- myeknyem....compact, powder box, powder compact
- nas nyem....money box
- nasnyem....moneybox, piggy bank
- nasyemben vaknyem....safe deposit box, safety deposit box
- nazagnyem....treasure chest
- noznyem....jewelry box
- nunyem....case
- nyem abem....boxtop
- nyem bi givomuvi....carton of cigarettes
- nyem bi volzyeldrari....box of crayons
- nyem....box, case
- nyemag....caisson, chest, coffer
- nyemben....boxing
- nyember....box up, put in a box
- nyembwa....boxed
- nyempur....van
- nyempures....boxcar
- nyemsam....chest of drawers, coffer
- nyemsim....box seat
- nyemyena....boxlike, boxy
- nyemyikyijbut....yegg
- nyuunyem....shipping box
- nyuunyemben....boxing up
- nyuunyember....box up
- nyuunyembun....shipment
- nyuunyembwa....boxed up
- oteliwas nyem....doggy bag, take-away box
- ovol nyem....breadbox
- pansinnyem....videocassette
- pat pexnyem....birdcage
- patnyem....birdcage
- pexnyember....encage
- pexnyemwer....be caged
- pibzyuknyem....gearbox
- ponyem bexlim....checkroom, consignment
- ponyem....trunk
- pot pexnyem....animal cage
- potnyem....animal cage
- puxrun nyem....cartridge casing, shell casing
- sarnyem....toolbox
- saryanyem....gearbox, toolbox
- syagnas nyem....cashbox
- syagnasiut nyem....cashier box
- tabnyem....casket
- teatunyem....diorama
- tebnyem....brain case, cranium, skull
- tebnyema....cranial
- tebnyemsantun....phrenology
- tebnyemsantut....phrenologist
- tefnyem....hatbox
- teixgivobnyem....snuffbox
- teuznyem....larynx, voice box
- teuznyema....laryngeal
- tobijnyem....womb
- tobijnyema....uterine
- tobijnyemoben....hysterectomy
- tojyatnyem....casket
- tuunyem....databank
- tuyaf nyem....glove compartment
- ujponyem sem....bier
- ujponyem....casket, coffin, final resting place
- utvixnyem....vanity case
- vaknyem yijbut....safecracker
- vaknyem....safe
- yagnyem bi givomuvi....carton of cigarettes
- yagnyem....carton, long box
- yemben nyem....deposit box
- yeybtobijnyema....intrauterine
- yibnyuxnyem....mailbox, post box
- yijnyem....slipcase
- yonyem....compartment
- yonyemxen....compartmentalization
- yonyemxer....compartmentalize
- yonyemxwa....compartmentalized
- yujlarnyem....lock box, lockbox, strongbox
- yupetnyem....rabbit cage
- zyunog nyem....pill box, pillbox, shell box
- The stub word yem is from nyem and means enclosed space. It is used to build many new words:
- yem....container, enclosure, locus, place, seat, unenclosed place
- yemaybea....consigning
- yemayben....consignation, consigning, consignment
- yemayber....consign
- yemaybim....consignment room
- yemaybut....consignor
- yemaybwa....consigned
- yemaybwat....consignee
- yembea....depositing
- yembem....depositary, depository, depot, site
- yemben nyem....deposit box
- yemben syagdrav....deposit account
- yemben....deployment, depositing, deposition, emplacement, encasement, placement, seating, settlement, siting
- yember nas....deposit money
- yember nasdref....deposit a check
- yember....deploy, deposit, encase, place, seat, settle
- yembesea....resident, residing
- yembesen....residence, residing
- yembesena....residential
- yembeser....reside in
- yembesut....resident
- yembesutyan....residency
- yembesyofwa....unlivable
- yembewyofwa....uninhabitable
- yembiar....substitute, replacement
- yembiea....replacing, substituting
- yembien....lieutenancy, replacement, replacing, representation, standing in for, substituting, substitution, taking the place of
- yembiena....representational
- yembier....replace, represent, stand in for, substitute, take the place of
- yembiut....deputy, lieutenant, replacer, representative, stand-in, sub, substitute, surrogate
- yembiutan....surrogacy
- yembiutyanim....chamber of deputies, house of representatives, the house
- yembiwa....replaced, substituted
- yembiwas....substitution
- yembix....withdrawal
- yembixen....taking out, withdrawal
- yembixer....take out, withdraw
- yembixwa....taken out, withdrawn
- yembiyafwa....fungible, replaceable, representable, substitutable
- yembiyafwan....replaceability, substitutability
- yembuen....appointment, assignment, designation, settlement
- yembuer....appoint, assign, designate, offer a seat, settle
- yembun....deployment, deposition, emplacement, settlement
- yembus....depositary
- yembut....depositor
- yembuwat....appointee, assignee, designated person
- yembuxen....inserting, insertion, sticking in
- yembuxer....insert, stick in
- yembuxun....insertion
- yembuxwa....inserted, stuck in
- yembuxwas....insertion
- yembwa....deployed, deposited, encased, placed, seated, settled, sited
- yembwas....deployment, settlement
- yemez....amethyst
- yemika....occupied
- yemikan....occupancy
- yemikben....assignment, designation, filling a position
- yemikber....assign, designate, fill a position
- yemikbwa....assigned, designated
- yemikser....become occupied
- yemikxen....assignment, designation, filling a position, occupation
- yemikxer....assign, designate, fill a position, occupy
- yemikxwa....assigned, designated, occupied
- yemipea....evacuating
- yemipen mep....evacuation route
- yemipen....evacuation
- yemiper....evacuate
- yemiput....evacuant
- yemkuber....move out of the way
- yemkuper....be displaced, get out of the way
- yemnod....locus
- yemoben....unseating
- yemober....unseat
- yemobwa....unseated
- yemopen....desisting, quitting, vacating one's seat
- yemoper....desist, vacate one's seat
- yemper....accede, install oneself, seat oneself
- yempiat....resignee
- yempien....resignation
- yempier....leave one's position, quit, resign, take a spot
- yempiwa....resigned
- yempuem nod....access point
- yempuen....access, accession
- yempuer....accede
- yempuwa....acceded
- yempuyafwa....accessible
- yempuyafwan....accessibility
- yempuyofwa....inaccessible
- yempuyofwan....inaccessibility
- yempuyofway....inaccessibly
- yemuk....vacancy
- yemuka....vacant
- yemukan....vacancy
- yemukay....vacantly
- yemukser....go vacant, vacate
- yemukxen....vacating
- yemukxer....vacate
- yemukxwa....vacated
- aaga dezyem....main stage
- ab bu ha dezyem....onto the stage
- ab ha dezyem....on the stage
- ajpyem....passage
- ammilyepyem....spa
- apetyem....corral
- biwa yem....taken seat, taken spot
- byem....position
- dazyem....dance hall
- dezyem....performance space, stage
- diybena byem....managerial position
- doparyem....warhead
- dosyem....institute, institution, public institute
- douta syem....public institute
- duzarutyem....orchestra pit
- duzyem....music hall, music venue
- ebyem....posture, situation
- efebyem....emergency, crisis
- ega yikebyem....snafu
- fiebyem....good situation
- fuebyem....bad situation
- fyufyem....metal cage
- gorxyem....compartment
- ika yem....occupied seat
- kapotyem....rat's nest
- kobien tuyafyem....picking pockets
- kobier tuyafyem....pick a pocket
- koyem....shelter
- kuvabyem....side yard
- kyoembyem....parking space, parking spot
- maar pexyem....suntrap
- magilbaryem....fusebox
- magmufogyem....matchbox
- milbyem....washtub
- milneyem....reservoir
- milyem....basin
- milyepyem....bath tub
- milzyepyem....swimming pool
- mimpur yobyem....ship's hold
- nabyem....array, disposition, layout
- neufyem....wicker basket
- nexun syem....thrift and savings bank
- nunsyem....commercial firm, company
- nyifujyem....socket
- obdezyem....offstage
- obyem....base, foundation
- patyem....barnyard
- pipyem....swimming pool
- purkyoembyem....parking space, parking spot
- saryem....binnacle
- syem....establishment, foundation, setup, institution, firm
- taibyem....ossuary
- teasier be dezyem....appear on the stage
- teaxzyefyem....showcase
- titbul yansyem....scholarship foundation
- tobijyem....ovary
- tujyem....perch, roost
- tuyafyem....pocket
- ub yibdezyem....upstage
- ub zadezyem....downstage
- uka yem....empty seat, empty spot, vacancy
- ukxwasyem....dumpster
- ukyem....blank, empty space
- utvyilxyem....washtub
- uztubmufyem....crankcase
- vabijyem....pod
- vabyem....yard
- veebyem....pod, seed vessel
- veeybyem....anther
- vobijyem....ovary
- vosyem....flower bed, flowerbed
- vyilxyem....washtub
- xeyn ob dezyem....by-play, byplay
- yansyem....corporation, firm
- yebexyem....container
- -yem....-ary, enclosed space, stub for nyem
- yibdezyem....upstage
- yija yem....open seat, open spot
- yipet mekyem....cat litter
- yiva yem....free seat, free spot
- yomyem....ice box
- yonar bi tuyafyem....pocket knife
- yub bi ha dezzyem....ringside
- yubyem....neighborhood, vicinity
- yuzyem....perimeter
- zabyem....forward position
- zadezyem....forestage, front stage
- zebyem....middle position
- zobyem....rear position
- zovabyem....backyard
- zoylobexyem....junk box, trash can
- zyem....pass, through-point, through-way, throughway
- zyoyem....confines, narrow space
NYEB and -YEB Words
[edit | edit source]- The morpheme nyeb means container, storage. The stub suffix -yeb has the same meaning. Here are the many derived words from these roots:
- abnyeb....case, diaphragm, membrane, sheath, theca
- abnyeba....diaphragmatic, thecal
- abnyeben....sheathing
- abnyeber....sheathe
- abnyebwa....sheathed
- amnyeb....hotbox
- dreunyeb....file, portfolio
- dreunyeben....filing
- dreunyeber....file
- dreunyebsam....filing cabinet
- dreunyebwa....filed
- dreunyebyan....set of files
- ebdreunyeber....interfile
- eynyeba....half-way in, part-way in
- fyaxunyeb....reliquary
- gyinyeb yijbut....peterman
- ilnyeb....coop
- ilnyebog....vesicle
- ilnyeboga....vesicular
- ilnyebogxer....vesiculate
- kiyunier dreunyeb....download a file
- kyiunuer dreunyeb....upload a file
- loabnyeber....unsheathe
- lobelunyeb....trash can
- maeg nyeb....coal bin
- magyelnyeb....oilcan
- milnyeb....bucket, pail, water pail
- milnyebik....pailful
- mumilzyeg nyeb....well bucket
- nunyeb....parcel
- nyeb....container
- nyebag mimpur....container ship
- nyebag....bin, container, storage bin, storage container
- nyebagxen....containerization
- nyebagxer....containerize
- nyebagxwa....containerized
- nyebam....storage, store, storehouse
- nyeben....containing
- nyeber....contain
- nyebim....storage room
- nyebog....sporran, small container
- nyebsom....chest, trunk
- nyebum....storage closet
- nyebwa....boxed, contained
- nyebyofwa....uncontainable
- nyexunyeb....storage bin
- olk nyeb....oxygen tank
- ponyeb....luggage, suitcase, valise
- ponyebag....travel trunk
- ponyebbelut....bellhop, bellman
- samnyeb....drawer
- samnyebyan....set of drawers
- sizilnyeb....paintbox
- syagnas samnyeb....cash drawer
- tabmegnyeb....sarcophagus
- teababnyeb....choroid
- tebnyeb....bandbox
- tobijabnyeb....amnion
- tobijabnyeba....amniotic
- tofnyeb....clothes hamper, laundry basket
- tuyab ponyeb....valise
- ujponyebelar....catafalque
- ujponyebelut....pallbearer
- vabijnyeb....seedcase
- volzilnyeb....paintbox
- yanyeb....mix, blend
- yanyeben....blending, mixing up, tangling
- yanyeber....blend, mix, tangle
- yanyebun....blend, melange, mix-up, mixture, tangle
- yanyebwa....blended, mixed up, tangled
- yebabnyeber....recase
- yijnyeb....scuttle
- yipuxunyeb....trash can
- agtaolilyeb....stockpot
- ambokmulobyeb....autoclave
- ammilyeb....hot-water bottle
- bielyeb....creamer
- bilyeb....milkpan
- bu yibyeb....to deep inside
- byeb....accumulation, pile
- caulkayeb....copper foil
- cina magelyeb....wok
- dopyonaryeb....baldric
- draryeb....pencil holder
- dreyeb....folder, wallet
- drilaryeb....penholder
- drilyeb....ink well, inkwell
- enuja ilyeb....jigger
- feblevilyeb....fruit dish
- fyamilyeb....stoup
- fyaxilyeb....chalice, grail
- fyumul mugyeb....garbage can, garbage pail, rubbish can
- fyumulyeb....wastebasket
- fyus mugyeb....litter can, trash can, waste can
- fyusulyeb....waste receptacle
- goblaryeb....knife holder
- gyatilyeb....beaker
- ibyeb....receptacle
- ilneyeb....reservoir, tank
- ilogukxyeb....colander, strainer
- ilxyeb....crucible
- ilyeb....bottle
- ipuxwas mugyeb....trash can
- kafeyl magilmugyeb....coffee kettle, coffee pot
- kafeylmugyeb....coffee pot, coffee urn, coffeepot
- kelupotayeb....sable
- levelyeb....sugar basin, sugar bowl
- levilyeb....rummer
- lobexun mugyeb....trash can
- maagil neyeb....fuel tank
- maegil mugyeb....gas can, gas tank, gasoline can, petrol can
- magilmugyeb....kettle, pot
- magmufogyeb....matchbook
- magyelwa be zyitolyeb....pan-fried
- magyelyeb....grease can, oil can
- manumugyeb....candlestick
- mekyeb....dustbin
- milmoyeb....water well
- milmugyeb....canteen
- milneyeb....reservoir
- miluen mugyeb....watering can
- mimpur tilyeb....scuttlebutt
- mogyeb....ash tray, ashcan, ashtray
- mufyeb....conduit
- mugtilyeb....pannikin
- nasdrevyeb....billfold
- nasmugyeb....coin purse
- safayeb....tea leaf
- safeyl magilmugyeb....tea urn, teakettle
- safeylmugyeb....tea kettle, teakettle, teapot
- sonilkayeb....tin foil, tin plate, tin-plate, tinfoil, tin-foil, tinplate
- sonilkyeb....tin can, tin, metal container, kettle
- syafebyeb....punnet
- taolilyeb....porringer, stewpot
- tebzan tayeb....scruff
- teilyeb....bowl, soup bowl
- telilyeb....soup bowl
- telsoniyeb....can of food tin can
- telyeb....dinner plate
- tilmugyeb....beverage can
- tilyeb....glass, drinking glass
- tiyabilyeb....bedpan
- tiyuyb vyixmugyeb....bidet
- tolar milyeb....dishpan
- tolyeb....casserole, pan
- tudet ilyeb....nursing bottle
- tuilyeb....sauce pan, saucepan
- tulyeb....food platter
- tuyabilyeb....flask
- tuyub milyeb....finger bowl
- ukla telyeb....soup plate
- uktelyeb....bowl
- vavol yanmulyeb....salad bowl
- vavolyeb....salad bowl
- veebyeb....carpel, seedcase, seedpod
- vyumulukxea amyeb....autoclave
- vyumulukxer bey amyeb....autoclave
- yagugmagelyeb....Dutch oven
- yavil sonilkyeb....beer can
- yavil tilyeb....beer glass
- -yeb....container
- yelyeb....cruit, oil and vinegar jar, oil can
- yomaybilyeb....coupe
- yomyeb....ice bucket
- yuboyeb....a short way out
- yubyeb....a short way in, close in
- zajuyeb....next Sunday
- zyimilyeb....basin, bowl, washbasin, washbowl
- zyitolyeb....frying pan, skillet
NYEF Words
[edit | edit source]- The rootword NYEF is another container word meaning basket, bag, sack, pack, pouch. Here are words that use this root:
- aayuxnyef....first aid kit
- apetolnyef....feedbag
- apetsimnyef....saddlebag
- donasnyef....fisc
- donasnyefa....fiscal
- donasnyefay....fiscally
- doparnyef....holster
- drefnyef....paper bag, paper sack
- dyes nyef....book bag
- ennyef....pannier
- fyumul nyef....garbage bag, garbage sack
- fyus nyef....trash bag
- fyus yignyef....waste basket
- grana ponyefyan....excess baggage
- hyasnyef....ragbag
- ilnyef....bursa
- ilnyefi....bursae
- ilzilnyef....cholecyst
- lobelunyef....trash bag
- lobexun nyef....trash bag
- malnyef....air sack, airbag
- mapnyef....windbag
- masofnyef....carpetbag
- megnyef....gabion
- mieknyef....sandbag
- milnyef....bucket
- namnyef....shopping bag
- nasnyef....scrip
- nofxenyef....workbasket
- nyef....bag, basket, mesh, sack, pouch
- nyefab....kola
- nyefag....holdall
- nyefben....bagging
- nyefbut....bagger
- nyefeb....kola nut
- nyefel....cola
- nyefes....utricle, utricular
- nyefik....sackful
- nyefikon....bagful
- nyefog....small bag
- nyefovol amxar....waffle iron
- nyefovol....waffle
- nyefpyexar....racket
- nyefpyexarek....battledore
- nyeftyen....basketry, basketwork
- nyefyan....baggage
- nyefyena....baggy
- nyefyenan....bagginess
- nyusber ha ponyefi....pack the bags
- ovol yignyef....breadbasket
- oyepuxun yignyef....trash basket
- pitpexnyef....coop
- pityignyef....creel
- ponyef belar....baggage rack, luggage barrow, luggage cart, luggage rack
- ponyef belut....porter, redcap
- ponyef kaxim....baggage claim room
- ponyef....travel bag
- ponyefyan....baggage, luggage
- poteub yignyef....muzzle
- puxrun nyef....cartridge pouch
- safeylnyef....teabag
- sazulnyef....plastic bag
- tabnyef....body bag, cyst
- tabnyefa....cystic
- tafnyef....portmanteau
- tebnyef....skullcap
- teibnyef....nosebag
- tilutnyef....satchel
- tistam nyef....schoolbag
- tof yignyef....hamper, laundry basket
- tolnyef....grocery bag, grocery sack
- tuabnyef....satchel, shoulder bag
- tuj nyef....sleeping bag
- tujnyef....sleeping bag
- tuyanyef....handbag, pocketbook
- tuyepyex nyef....punching bag
- twiyibnyef....scrotum
- twiyibnyefa....scrotal
- twiyibnyefi....scrota
- uveb nyef sim....beanbag chair
- uveb nyef....beanbag
- veebnyef....seedlep, seedlip
- veeybnyef....grain sack
- yagnyef....flasket
- yangonnyefxen....contexture
- yebtabnyefben....encystment
- yebtabnyefber....encyst
- yejub ponyef....weekender
- yibnyuxnyef....mail pouch, mailbag
- yignyef....basket
- yignyefik....basketful
- yignyefzyun ekut....cager
- yignyefzyun....basketball
- zotib nyef....backpack, rucksack
- zotib ponyef....travel backpack
- zotibnyef....backpack, knapsack, rucksack
- zotibnyefen....backpacking
- zotibnyefut....backpacker
- zyigiar abnyef....scabbard
ZYEB Words
[edit | edit source]- The rootword zyeb is another container word meaning bottle, glass and is mnemonically reminiscent of the word zyef, meaning glass. Here are some words that use this root:
- bekul zyeb....ampoule, ampule, medicine bottle, vial of medicine
- elzyeb....jar
- engarzyeb....magnum
- fyavizyeb....monstrance
- gabnas zyeb....tip jar, tipping jar
- gabolzyeb....cruet
- iluarzyeb....jug, pitcher
- levafil zyeb....liquor bottle
- manigzyeb....flashbulb, flashcube
- meavzyebyan....crockery
- megzyebag....crock
- mogzyebag....urn of ashes
- neufzyebag....demijohn
- petogzyeb....terrarium
- teizyeb....vial of perfume
- tilzyeb bi vafil....glass of wine
- tilzyeb bi yavil....glass of beer
- tilzyeb....drinking glass
- tilzyebik....glassful
- vafil tilzyeb....wine glass, wineglass
- vafil vizyeb....wine decanter
- vafil zyeb....wine bottle
- vafil zyebag....wine magnum
- vafiluarzyeb....wine beaker, wine flask, wine jug
- vibtilzyeb....goblet, stemmed glass
- viiluarzyeb....decanter
- vizyeb....vase
- vizyebag....decorative urn
- vobzyeb....terrarium
- hukanfil zyeb....beer bottle
- yelzyebog....cruse
- yozyeb....bowl, vessel
- zyailarzyeb....beaker
- zyeb belar....bottle carrier, wine rack
- zyeb bi vifil....bottle of wine
- zyeb....bulb, glass container, jar, bottle, urn
- zyebag bi mogi....urn of ashes
- zyebag....amphora, glass jar
- zyunog zyeb....pill bottle
SYEB Words
[edit | edit source]- The rootword syeb is another container word meaning container. Here are words that use this root:
- absyeb....cover, lid, top
- aluynfaosyeb....rundlet
- amsyeb....thermos jar, thermos jug
- aonfaosyeb....tun
- bekul syebog....capsule, medicine capsule
- efaosyeb....puncheon
- elsyeb....pot
- eynfaosyeb....butt
- eynilsyeb....half carafe
- eyntilsyeb....demitasse
- faosyeb yijun....bung-hole, bunghole
- faosyeb....barrel, thrall, tub
- faosyebag....cask, cistern, tank
- faosyeben....barrelling
- faosyeber....barrel
- faosyebog....drum, firkin
- faosyebsaxam....cooperage
- faosyebsaxut....cooper
- faosyebsaxutan....cooperage
- faosyebteisa....fusty
- faosyebteisan....fustiness
- faosyebut....barrel-maker
- faosyebyena....tubby
- fyasyeb....pyx
- fyumul syebag....garbage bin, rubbish bin, trash bin
- gyatilsyeb....tumbler
- ilsyeb....beaker, carafe, flask, jug
- ilsyebag....pitcher
- ilsyebik....jugful
- iluarsyeb....pitcher
- iynfaosyeb....tertian
- kaffeylsyeb....coffee cup
- kixyafwa syeb....pessary
- kyitilsyeb bi hukanfil....stein of beer
- kyitilsyeb....mug, stein, tankard
- loabsyebwa....uncovered
- lobexun syebag....rubbish bin
- maagilsyeb....fuel can
- magyelsyeb....frying pan, skillet
- meksyeb....dustpan, urn
- melsyeb....pipkin
- mil faosyeb....water barrel
- milsyeb....bucket, cistern, pail, reservoir, tank
- mimol syeb....salt cellar
- oyepuxun faosyeb....trash barrel
- oyepuxun syeb....trash container
- patij syeb....eggcup
- pit milsyeb....aquarium, fish tank, fishbowl
- pyexlen syeb....pounder
- safeylsyeb....teacup
- safeylsyebik....teacupful
- sonilka syeb....tin can, tin container
- syeb bi hukanfil....can of beer
- syeb ijbar....can opener
- syeb....container, receptacle, vessel
- syebag....bin
- syebog....capsule
- teilsyeb....soup tureen
- tilsyeb bi tefayel....cup of tea
- tilsyeb bi kaffeyl....cup of coffee
- tilsyeb....cup, drinking cup
- tilsyebag....mug, stein
- tilsyebik....cup-full
- tilsyebsan....cupola
- toj tilsyeb....death cup
- tolsyeb grun....pothook
- tolsyeb....cooking pot, pan, pot
- tolsyebik....potful
- uynfaosyeb....hogshead
- vifil faosyeb....wine barrel
- vosyeb....flower pot, flowerpot, vase
- vyixyel syeb....soap dish
- vyusa syebag....septic tank
- hukanfil faosyeb....beer barrel
- hukanfil kyitilsyeb....beer mug, beer stein
- yaynfaosyeb....tierce
- yiynfaosyeb....barrel
- yuxnas syeb....change jar
TOM building
[edit | edit source]- Related to nom is the base word tom meaning building, which is the top element of a series of spatially-ordered words.
TOM MIRAD ENGLISH tom building tam house tem hall, gallery tim room tum closet, cell, compartment tyem residence
- The derived word taam means home.
TOM and Subordinal Words
[edit | edit source]- The base word tom means building. It is atop a series of 2nd tier words.
- tom....building
- toom....habitat, habitation, lodging
- toam....apartment building, residence
- toem....domicile
- The following are some words derived from the base word tom:
- abtomasned....rooftop
- amtomekuwa....mulled
- aybtomsan....superstructure
- aybtomsana....superstructural
- azaxwa tom....castle, keep
- beaxyabtom....watchtower
- bi dotom vyixut....janitorial
- budatom....pagoda
- byaxer tom....erect a building
- diztomof....big top
- doebdalutyan tom....congress building, parliament building
- dopa tomofem....encampment
- dopa tomofyan....bivouac, military encampment
- dopartom....blockhouse
- dotom vyixut....janitor
- dotomdrawasi....graffiti
- ebtexutyan tom....parliament building
- ebtoma tyomep....breezeway
- faotomxen....timbering
- faotomxer....timber
- faotomxwa....timbered
- fitomxwa....well-built, well-constructed
- futomxwa....ill-constructed
- fyasem abtom....baldacchin, baldachin
- gatomsaxen....reconstructing, reconstruction
- gatomsaxer....reconstruct
- gatomsaxwa....reconstructed
- gatomxen....rebuilding, reconstructing, reconstruction
- gatomxer....rebuild, reconstruct
- gatomxwa....rebuilt, reconstructed
- gintom....pyramid
- gintoma....pyramidal
- gintomsana....pyramid-shaped
- glatomyan....multiplex
- ha Baea Zyutom bi Pisa....the Leaning Tower of Pisa
- ha Eona Zyutomi....the Twin Towers
- ha Yabtom bi Babel....the Tower of Babel
- ha Yabtom bi Eiffel....the Eiffel Tower
- ha Yabtom bi London....the Tower of London
- he Baea Yabtom bi Pisa....the Leaning Tower of Pisa
- islama zyutom....minaret
- izbex yabtom....control tower
- jwobir yabtom....clock tower
- jwobir zyutom....clock tower
- kuteax yabtom....observation tower
- kutom....annex
- kwonsettom....quonset
- litom....ell
- lotomxea....ruining
- lotomxen....destruction, ruination, ruining
- lotomxer....destroy, ruin
- lotomxun....ruin
- lotomxuni....ruins
- lotomxut....destroyer, ruin-maker
- lotomxwa....destroyed, ruined
- lotomxyafwa....destructible
- lotomxyea....destructive, ruinous
- lotomxyean....destructiveness
- lotomxyeay....destructively, ruinously
- lotomxyefwan....destructibility
- mamyabtom....skyscraper
- melpien ujtom....departures terminal
- melpuen ujtom....arrivals terminal
- mempuen tom....arrivals terminal
- mil yabtom....water tower
- mumtom....silo
- num uiben yabtom....cell tower
- num yabtom....cell tower
- obtommas....foundation
- ootomxen....demolition
- otomxen....demolition, tearing down
- otomxer....demolish, tear down
- otomxwa....demolished, torn down
- oybglatomyanxwa....submultiplexed
- oybtomsan....infrastructure, substructure
- oybtomsana....infrastructural
- oyebtom....outbuilding
- podiz tomof....circus tent
- pyaxmufyeg mumtom....missile silo
- seusar yabtom....belfry, bell tower
- seusaryabtom....campanile
- syoba tomofem....base camp
- teabexlun yabtom....guard tower, watch tower
- toj tomofem....death camp
- tyem....residence
- tyema....residential
- tyemut....resident
- tyemjob....residency
- ujtom....terminal building
- veeybtom....silo
- vitom....showplace
- vujagtom....flea pit, fleapit
- xahmatek zyutom....chess rook
- xamtom....office building
- yabtom....high-rise building, tower
- yabtomea....towering
- yabtomer....tower over
- yanzexen tomofem....concentration camp
- yizaga tomyan....superblock
- yobtom....low-rise building
- yonpyosea vyua tom....rattrap
- zatomof....awning, overhang, pavilion
- zea tom....central block
- zyuktom....wheelhouse
- zyutom....chess rook, tower
TAM and -AM Words
[edit | edit source]- The rootword tam means house. The stub suffix for this is -am. The derived word taam means home. Here are words formed from the root tam or -am.
- abawam....covered shelter
- abaxram....massage parlor
- abtam zyiyujem....terrace
- abtamas zyiyujem....rooftop terrace
- abtamasgin....gable
- abtamas....housetop, roof
- abtamasoybun....eave
- abtamasuka....roofless
- abtameb....overlord
- abzam....surface
- adebam....imperial palace
- adoba vitamag....imperial palace
- afilam....cider factory
- afyaxelam....cathedral
- agalam....greatness
- agdwutam....seraglio
- aglanam....superstore
- agtam....mansion
- agvitam....chateau
- ajnunam....antique shop, antique store
- ajunbexlam....archive
- alpa tam....chalet
- -am....-ary, building, enclosed space, stub for tam
- ameznam....diamond shop
- amvobam....hothouse
- anmostam....rambler, ranch home
- apatam....chicken coop
- apayetam....bat cave
- apaytam....henhouse, chicken coop
- apelatam....beehive, hive
- apelatyanam....apiary
- apetam....horse stable
- apetapekam....hippodrome
- apetsimnam....saddlery
- apetyoyafam....blacksmith shop, blacksmith's shop
- apyatam....eagle nest, eagle’s nest
- apyotam....lion's den
- atetam....papal see
- atistam....grade school, primary school
- awapeletam....vespiary
- axram....ashram
- aybilam....creamery
- aybilnam....creamery
- ayibdubetam....consulate general
- azam....fort, fortress, stronghold
- azaxwam....fortification, fortress, stronghold
- azulam....energy plant
- baakam....sanitarium
- bakam....health facility, wellness center
- bakdubam....health department, health ministry
- be tam....home
- beaxam....ward
- beaxutam....guard post, guardhouse, watch post
- beaxwam....protectorate
- bekam....hospice, sanatorium, therapy center, treatment center
- bekulam....apothecary
- bekulnam....druggist, drugstore, pharmacy
- bekulsaxam....pharmaceutical plant
- besam....abode, dwelling, place to stay
- bewam....estate, premises, property
- bexlam....hold, keep
- bikam....care facility, clinic
- bikuam....care facility, nursery, nursing home
- bilunxam....dairy farm
- bokam....hospital, infirmary
- buiam....exchange, trading house, trading post
- bukyiplam....asylum, refuge, sanctuary
- bukyofxwam....protectorate
- buxram....pump station
- byaxer tamof....pitch a tent
- byekam....convalescence home
- byimilbakam....spa
- daba yuxlam....government agency
- dabubwatam....house of parliament
- dabxam....government office
- datibam....hostel, hotel
- dazam....dance club, dance hall
- daztilam....dance bar, dance club
- depa fyuzam....brig
- deymtamog....gazebo
- dezam....performance venue, theater, theatre
- deztelam....dinner theater, supper club
- deztilam....cabaret, nightclub
- dita doyevam....civil court
- dizam....circus arena, comedy stage, comic theater
- dizekam....comedy club
- doam....borough, township
- dobyokam....gaol
- dodalam....chamber of deputies, forum, house of representative
- dodinuam....reporting station
- dodruram....publishing firm
- doebam....statehouse
- doebdalam....conference center
- doebdalutam....congress building
- doebebam....governor's residence
- dokebiam....polling station
- domabam....town hall
- domeam....county, province
- domebam....city hall, mayor's office
- domtam....brownstone, town house, townhouse
- donasbex dubam....ministry of the treasury department
- dopa vyakxam....military brig, stockade
- doparam....emplacement
- doparyanam....armory
- dopmyekam....explosives factory, gunpowder factory
- dopnam....commissary
- doptam....barrack, barracks, quarters
- dopyanam....arsenal
- doublawatam....capitol
- douta tilam....public house
- dovyab tistam....law school
- dovyabdram....legislature, statehouse
- dovyakxam....slammer, prison, jail
- doyevam....court of justice, court of law, courthouse, tribunal
- doyevan dubam....department of justice, ministry of justice
- doyevsonutam....law firm
- vokpilam....asylum
- doytam....clubhouse
- dravagam....registry
- dravagbam....registrar
- drefnam....stationery
- drefsaxam....paper factory, paper mill
- dresimsyunam....stationery shop
- dresinam....design studio, drafting studio
- dreunyebsam....filing cabinet
- opyex dubam....ministry of defense
- dropek dubam....war department
- drovxam....cardboard factory
- drurunes nixam....ticket office
- drurxam....print shop
- dubam bi dropek....ministry of war
- dubam....branch, cabinet post, department, ministry, subsidiary
- Duhom et tambese?....Where do you live?
- duzam....music hall, music venue
- duzekam....concert hall
- duztilam....cabaret, tavern
- duztuxam....conservatoire
- duzuzyiunekam....disco, discotheque
- dyazam....ballet theater
- dyes dodruram....book publishing firm, book publishing house
- dyesam....bookcase
- dyesanxam....bookbindery
- dyesnam....book mart, bookshop, bookstore
- dyesnexam....library
- dyessaxam....bookbindery
- dyesyuvxam....bindery
- dyezam....film studio, movie house, movie theater
- dyezamtelam....commissary
- dyezunsaxam....motion picture studio
- dyezunxam....movie studio
- dyunnadram....registrar
- dyunnyadram....registry
- ebdalutam....forum
- ebdrasuienam....post office
- ebdrasyanam....post office
- ebitistama....intercollegiate
- ebkyaxam....trading house, trading post
- ebnunekam....dealership
- ebtabifam....brothel, hothouse
- ebtabifyuxlam....whorehouse
- ebtistama....interscholastic
- edeba vitamag....royal palace
- edebam....royal palace, royal court
- efyaxelam....basilica
- ejdinam....news station
- ejnaunnam....novelty shop
- ekam....arena
- ekarnam....toyshop
- ekliam....casino
- ektobetam....dollhouse
- embesam....abode, dwelling, living quarters
- eontam....duplex
- epetam....bull pen, cowshed
- epetepyexam....bullfight arena
- epetovekam....bullfight arena
- epyotam....tiger's den
- etistam....high school, lyceum, secondary school
- etyalam....luncheonette
- eymaegsaxam....coke plant
- eynzyudezam....amphitheater, amphitheatre
- fabtam....tree house
- fabtixam....arboretum
- fabyan tamog....cabin in the woods, forest cabin
- faofam....woodshed
- faofsaxam....joinery
- faofunam....carpenter shop
- faosyebsaxam....cooperage
- fauftam....lodge
- feelkmepur posam....railroad station
- feelkmepuram....railroad station
- feelknad posam....railroad station
- feelksanxam....blacksmith shop, blacksmith's shop
- feelktyenam....ironworks
- feelkxam....ironworks, smithery, smithy
- filnam....dramshop
- filtam....alehouse
- filvyunobam....distillery
- fisansam....reformatory
- fluustelam....delicatessen
- fobam....greenhouse
- fobyexunam....farmhouse, farmstead
- funobam....repair shop
- futam....house of ill repute
- fyaantinam....abbey, cloister, monastery
- fyabikam....chaplaincy
- fyadilam....chapel
- fyadoytuytam....convent, nunnery
- fyaifram....church, house of worship
- fyakosutam....hermitage, retreat
- fyam....sanctuary
- fyasunam....shrine
- fyateyzam....church, place of worship, temple
- fyatezam....church
- fyatidam....friary
- fyatiydam....priory
- fyaublam....mission headquarters
- fyautam....rectory
- fyaxam....house of God, mosque, place of worship, temple
- fyaxelam....church
- fyaxinebam....rectory
- fytezebam....rectory
- fyuzam....calaboose, hoosegow, jail, jailhouse, penal institution, penitentiary, prison
- gafiaxam....repair shop
- gapyotam....bear cave, den
- gatambier....resettle
- ginnidtam....teepee
- givobnam....tobacco store, tobacconist
- glabikam....polyclinic
- glajobnuxwam....tenement
- glatoda melukbam....mausoleum
- gonbewam....co-op
- gonbiwa bewam....timeshare
- gyataolgolam....chophouse
- gyutelam....deli
- ham....the place
- hawam....the only place
- hinda tam....bungalow
- huum....such a place
- hyam....allover, everyplace, everywhere
- hyatama nunuut....door-to-door salesman, doorstep salesman
- hyatama....door-to-door
- ibentam....roadhouse
- dizam....comedy club
- ifekam....arena, stadium
- ifpon tamog....vacation cabin
- ifpon tamoyg....vacation cottage
- ifyaxebam....rectory
- igtelam....fast food outlet
- igtulam....snack bar
- ilyebxam....bottling plant
- inmostam....triplex
- Islama tistam....madrasa
- itistam....college
- iznunuam....retail establishment, retail store
- iznunuen nam....retail store
- jagatam....elder home
- jagatbikam....convalescence home, elder care facility, nursing home
- jatistam....kindergarten, pre-school, preschool
- jebtam....lodge
- jeeb tam....summer house
- jeeb tistam....summer school
- jeebtam....dacha, summerhouse
- jobyixpuram....rental car agency
- jogat datibam....youth hostel
- jogatvyakxam....borstal
- joutistam....post-graduate school
- jubdinam....news station
- jwajatistam....prekindergarten
- jwayekam....lab, laboratory
- jwobirnam....clock shop
- kafeylam....café, coffee house, coffeehouse, café
- kanseloram....chancellery
- kaxwasam....lost-and-found
- koam....hideaway, shelter
- kotam....cloister, shelter
- kotilam....hideaway, speakeasy
- kua tamdeym....side yard
- kutamdeym....side yard
- kutam....shed
- kyatambesut....scatterling
- kyebuk yiplam....asylum, refuge, sanctuary
- kyenekam....casino, gambling casino, gambling house
- kyinaram....weigh station
- kyinnagam....weigh station
- kyobexam....detention center, detention facility
- kyoembam....parking garage
- kyotambier....settle down
- leovolam....pastry shop, patisserie
- levafil nam....liquor store
- levafil vyusobam....distillery
- levelam....confectionary, confectionery
- levelyigam....candy store
- lotajbam....abortion clinic
- lotambien....uprooting
- lotambier....uproot
- lotambiwa....uprooted
- maagiluam....filling station, fuel station, fueling station, gas station, , petrol station
- maar abtamas....sun roof
- maegil buxram....gas station
- maegilam....gasoline station, petrol station, service station
- maegilxam....gaswork
- mageltam....cookhouse
- magujbutam....fire station, firehouse
- maka yafonuam....electric power plant
- makifekam....arcade
- makyafonuam....electric power plant
- malyomkipam....snow ski lodge
- malyomkiparam....ski lodge
- malyomtam....igloo
- marteaxam....observatory
- masofnam....carpet store
- maysam....cupboard
- mebtamog....cabin
- mebtamoyg....hut, mountain chalet
- mefxam....brick factory
- Megsexutam....Masonic lodge
- meimpoptam....lodge
- meimtamag....country estate, domain
- meimtamoyg....lean-to
- melyexam....farmhouse
- melyexiram....barn, hangar
- mempuram....carport
- merteaxam....planetarium
- meszam....stoop
- meylzasam....tanning salon
- meys beaxam....gatehouse
- miektamaz....sandcastle
- mila suzyanam....aquatic museum
- milapyoxam....shower house
- milbyekam....wellness spa
- milmaka saxam....hydroelectric plant
- milmakyaflam....hydroelectric power plant
- milmeykam....watermill
- milyepam....bathhouse
- milzam....waterfront
- milzyepam....natatorium
- mimanurtam....lighthouse
- mimkum tam....beach house, shore home
- mimparam....boathouse
- mimpurexutam....pilothouse, bridge
- mimpurizbam....bridge
- mimpurizbutam....pilothouse
- mimzam....oceanfront, seafront
- Minima tamof....yurt
- mogxam....crematorium
- mojam....nightspot
- mojtilam....nightclub
- mompurposam....spaceport
- movuam....smokehouse
- movyebam....columbarium
- mugilxam....foundry
- mugoyebixam....smelter, smeltery
- mulvyixam....refinery
- mumpur posam....metro station, subway station, u-bahn station, underground station
- myekxam....mill
- nabtam....row house
- nam....retail establishment, shop, shoppe, store
- namzam....store front, storefront
- napeltam....anthill, formicary
- nasam....bank
- nasdubam....treasury department
- nasefatam....almshouse
- nasgon buiam....stock exchange
- nasmugxam....mint
- nasvekekam....casino
- nasvekiam....gambling casino, gambling house
- nasyefam....credit union
- naxgox nam....discount store
- nazagam....treasury
- nefxam....spinnery
- nexam....storehouse
- nexun ay ojbuen nasam....savings and loan bank
- nofnuiam....mercery
- novsam....linen chest
- novyilxam....launderette, laundry, laundromat
- nozam....jewelry shop
- nunam....emporium, mart, shoppe, store
- nunpuranyanam....caravansary, caravanserai
- nunuiam....trading house, trading post
- nunuiendubam....trade ministry
- nunutyanam....guildhall
- nunuzam....goldsmith shop, silversmith ship, silversmith shop
- nunyivxwam....franchise
- nuxapetam....livery yard
- nuzam....jeweler, jewelry shop
- nyebam....storage, store, storehouse
- nyemsam....chest of drawers, coffer
- nyexam....storage place, storehouse
- nyexunam....entrepot, godown, reconditory, storage facility, storehouse, warehouse
- nyifsaxam....ropery
- nyofam....film studio
- nyufbam....packing house
- nyusbam....packaging center, packaging firm
- nyuxer tamtyal....deliver take-out
- oafwa tilam....shebeen
- obdubam....vice-ministry
- obtammas....foundation
- obtyodebam....vice-presidential residence
- obzam....bottom
- ogasanxwam....backwater
- oglayavilxam....microbrewery
- ogtames....hut, hutch, shed
- ojnuxam....credit union
- ojvadebkyaxam....pawn shop, pawnshop
- opyexdubam....defense department, defense ministry
- otambiwa....unoccupied, unsettled
- otamkyoxwa....unsettled
- otamxwa....undomesticated, untamed
- ovolam....bakery
- oybdubam....sub-ministry, undersecretariat
- oybposam....substation
- oybtameb....submaster
- oyebmemdubam....foreign ministry of foreign affairs, state department
- oyebtam....gung
- oyebtyalam....cafe, café, outdoor restaurant
- oyebvyifxer ha vabam....clear out the barn
- oytampoput....hobo
- oytofdazam....strip club
- pansinam....cinema, movie house, movie theater, movie theatre
- pansinxam....motion picture studio
- pasyafwa tam....trailer
- patam....birdhouse
- patijbam....hatchery
- patnam....bird shop
- patyanam....aviary
- paxyafwa tam....mobile home
- pesam....wait station
- petam....animal shelter, holt, hutch, lair, pen
- petbekam....veterinary
- petifbekam....pet care center
- petifnam....pet store
- piam....departure lounge
- pipam....natatorium, swimming hall
- pitam....fishery
- pitnam....fish shop, fishmonger's
- podizam....circus arena
- ponjob tamog....vacation cabin
- ponjob tamoyg....vacation cottage
- pontam....hotel
- pontamyog....flophouse
- popyuxlam....travel agency, travel bureau
- posam....station
- potam....lair
- potkextam....lodge
- potojbam....slaughterhouse
- pottojbam....abattoir
- potyanam....menagerie
- puenam....arrival terminal
- puix ifekam....baseball stadium
- puram....garage
- purexen tistam....driving school
- purkyoembam....parking garage
- purnam....car dealership
- purpuen dyezam....drive-in theater
- purtabyexam....body shop
- puxrun saxam....ammunition factory, cartridge factory
- puxrunyam....ammo, firepower
- pyexer tamigpen....hit a homerun
- pyotam....den, lair
- rusmeimtam....dacha
- safeylam....teahouse, tearoom
- sagvekiam....gambling casino, gambling house
- saxam....factory, manufacturer
- sinuam....showplace
- sinzyefnam....mirror shop
- sizam....painting gallery
- somsaxam....carpenter's shop
- sonilkyebam....cannery
- sultanam....seraglio
- sumtam....boarding house, boardinghouse, bunkhouse
- sumtel poptam....B&B, bed-and-breakfast
- sunam....bazaar
- suzyanam....museum
- taam....home, menage
- tabnuniam....bordello
- tam....abode, home, house
- tamag....domain, manor, manse, mansion
- tamaz....castle
- tambeser....be lodged, dwell, live, lodge, reside in
- tambier....occupy a dwelling, settle, take up residence
- tambuer....house, lodge, provide housing, settle, shelter
- tamdeym....yard
- tamdomtwobet....homeboy
- tamdrev....homepage
- tameber....master
- tameb....head of household, master
- tamem....messuage
- tameon....duplex
- tames....maisonette
- tameyb....mistress
- tamfibexen....homemaking
- tamfutop....poltergeist
- tamien....settlement, taking up residence
- tamigpen....home run
- tamik....houseful
- tamiper....leave home, resettle
- tamkexer....house hunt
- tamkoyepen....housebreaking
- tamkoyeput....housebreaker
- tamkum....side of the house
- tamkyaxen....change of residence, relocating, relocation
- tamkyaxer....change residence, move, relocate
- tamkyaxwa....relocated
- tamkyobeser....stay at home
- tamkyoxer....domiciliate, move in, settle, take up residence
- tammag....hearth
- tammagmeg....hearthstone
- tammem....estate
- tammipar....houseboat
- tamnefxwa....homespun
- tamnig....houseroom
- tamoben....uprooting
- tamober....unhouse, uproot
- tamofem....camp, campground
- tamofempen....camping
- tamofemper....camp out
- tamofemput....camper
- tamofen....tenting
- tamofsum....sleeping bag, tent bed
- tamoftem mag....campfire
- tamof....tent
- tamofum....campsite
- tamofut....tenter
- tamog....cabin, cottage
- tamogut....cottager, cotter
- tamoya....homeless
- tamoyan....homelessness
- tamoyat....homeless person, stumblebum
- tamoyeba tulxun....cookout
- tamoyeba tyal....outdoor meal
- tamoyeba....outdoor, outdoors
- tamoyebifa....outdoorsy
- tamoyeper....go outdoors
- tamoyg....hut
- tamoysen....becoming homeless
- tamoyser....become homeless
- tamoyxen....depriving of housing, making homeless, uprooting
- tamoyxer....deprive of housing, make homeless, uproot
- tamoyxwa....deprived of housing, robbed of house and home, uprooted
- tampen....going home
- tamper....go home
- tampeta....housebroken, tame
- tampetan....tameness
- tampet....domesticated animal, house animal, pet
- tampettel....pet food
- tampetxea....domesticating
- tampetxen....domestication, housebreaking, taming
- tampetxer....domesticate, housebreak, tame
- tampetxut....tamer
- tampetxwa....domesticated, housebroken, tamed
- tampetxyofwa ....tameless
- tampexwa....house-bound, housebound
- tampiea....moving out
- tampien....leaving home, moving out
- tampier....leave home, strike out
- tampuea....moving in
- tampuen....arriving home arrival, moving in
- tampuer....arrive home
- tampya....gone home
- tamsaxwa....domestically crafted, home-made, homegrown, homemade
- tamsomyan....house furnishings
- tamsonabteaxut....chamberlain
- tamsyob....home base
- tamtaf....housecoat
- tamtayda....housewifely
- tamtayd....housewife
- tamted....houseparent
- tamtef....tam
- tamteyd....housemother
- tamtim....homeroom
- tamtix....home study
- tamtixun....homework
- tamtoyb....woman of the house
- tamtujer....sleep in
- tamtulxwa....home-cooked
- tamtuxen....homeschooling
- tamtuxuyt....governess
- tamtwad....househusband
- tamtwobet....houseboy
- tamtwod....man of the house
- tamtyaler....dine at home
- tamtyal....frozen dinner, in-home meal, take-out
- tamtyalien....eating in, having take-out at home
- tamtyalier....eat in, have take-out at home
- tamtyaluer....deliver take-out
- tamtyaluut....meal deliverer, take-out deliverer
- tamtyoyaf....house slipper
- tamuen....housing, sheltering
- tamuer....house, shelter
- tamuka grafilut....stewbum
- tamuka....homeless
- tamukan....homelessness
- tamukxer....deprive of housing, render homeless, uproot
- tamukxwa....uprooted
- tamup ivxel....homecoming celebration
- tamupen....homecoming
- tamuper....come home
- tamutyan....household
- tamuwa....housed, sheltered
- tamvob....houseplant
- tamvyixen....housecleaning
- tamvyixut....housecleaner
- tamvyixuyt....charlady, charwoman
- tamwat....househusband, man of the house
- tamwebea....dominating
- tamweben....lording over
- tamweber....dominate, lord over
- tamweb....head of household, lord, male head of house, master of the house
- tamwebwa....dominated, lorded over
- tamyan....block of houses, compound, housing complex
- tamyavla....house-proud, houseproud
- tamyeba....indoors
- tamyeper....go indoors
- tamyex....domestic chores, house work, housework
- tamyexen....telecommuting, working from home
- tamyexer....do homework, telecommute, work at home, work domestically
- tamyexun....telework, work from home
- tamyexut....telecommuter, work-at-home
- tamyipeyt....tabby cat
- tamyogdom....favela, shantytown
- tamyog....shack
- tamyuxleb....butler
- tamyuxlut....domestic servant
- tamyuxlutyan....domestic staff
- tamyuxluyt....maid
- tamyuxtwobet....knave
- tamyuxut....valet
- tamyyixer....houseclean
- taobif dezam....fleshpot, bordello, whorehouse
- taogoblam....butcher shop, chop shop
- taogyagolam....steakhouse
- taolam....butcher shop
- taolnyufbam....packinghouse
- tapifek tilam....sports pub
- tapifekam....sports arena, stadium
- tapiflan dezam....fleshpot
- tapsexam....workout gym
- taptyeniam....workout gym
- taptyenuam....gym, gymkhana, gymnasium
- tayam....pavillion
- tayebbikam....hair salon
- tayebsyenam....hair salon
- tayegoblam....barber shop, hair cuttery
- tayofxam....tannery
- teabarnam....eyeglasses store, optical store
- teaxam....theater
- tebokam....mental institution
- tedokatam....orphanage
- tedoyatam....orphanage
- tefnam....haberdashery, hat shop, hat store
- teiznam....perfumery
- teizxam....perfume factory
- tejam....abode
- tejdrasinam....life drawing studio
- tejsaxam....biofactory
- telam....eatery, eating establishment, restaurant
- teltilam....bar and restaurant, brasserie
- tepbakam....mental health facility, mental institution
- tepbekam....psychiatric clinic, psychiatric hospital
- tepbokam....asylum, insane asylum, madhouse, mental hospital, mental institution
- tepuzram....bedlam
- tepuzratam....mental institution, nuthouse
- tetam....parsonage, pastor's house
- tettuxam....seminary
- teupibbekam....dental clinic, dentist office
- teupibutam....dentists office
- tayegoblam....barbershop
- teyfnam....millinery
- tiavam....outfitters', shirt department
- tiibil neunam....blood bank
- tilam....bar, drinkery, drinking establishment, tavern, watering hole
- tiltam....pub
- tiltam....pub, bar, drinkery
- tistam....school, schoolhouse
- toda poptam....pension
- todam....household
- todnam....mom-and-pop store
- tofnam....clothes store
- tofsaxam....tailor shop
- tojatam....morgue
- tojxelam....mortuary
- tolam....grocery store
- tolnam....grocery store
- tolneam....food storehouse
- totifram....church, house of worship, mosque, temple
- tudetbikam....infant care facility, nursery
- tujam....dorm, dormitory
- tulam....restaurant
- tulobbekam....manicure salon, nail salon
- tunkexam....research facility, research firm
- tunvyankexam....research institute
- tutam....academy, institute
- tuuniblen yuxlam....intelligence service
- tuuxam....educational institution
- tuxam....school
- tuyepyex ekam....boxing arena
- tuyxam....training facility
- tuzdyezam....cinematheque, art movie house
- tuzun yaniblam....art museum
- tuzunxam....art studio, atelier
- tuzunyanam....art museum of art
- tyen tistam....trade school
- tyenam....studio
- tyenaram....tool shop
- tyenuam....training facility
- tyenyanam....industrial plant
- tyodebam....presidential residence of the president of the republic
- tyoyabzyun ifekam....football arena, soccer arena
- tyoyafnam....shoe shop, shoe store
- tyoyafsaxam....shoemaker
- tyuam....training facility
- ub taam....homeward
- ublam....legation, mission
- ujponxelam....funeral parlor, mortuary
- ukzam....poorhouse
- ummagelam....bakeshop
- umvab apelatam....skep
- umvyixam....dry-cleaner's
- updiwatam....guest house, guesthouse
- upetam....sheepfold
- upyotam....den, wolf den, wolf's lair, wolfs lair
- utistam....university, varsity
- utokyukam....warren
- uzaybmam....welkin
- uzipotam....pound
- vabam....barn, grange
- vafil nunam....wine seller, wine store
- vafil tilam....wine bar
- vafilam....enoteca, enotheque, wine bar
- vafilnam....wine store
- vafilxam....winery
- vakbexam....guardhouse
- vaybam....herbarium
- veeybam....granary
- veeybnyexam....granary, silo
- veeybxam....granary
- vekekam....casino, gambling hall
- vidazam....ballroom
- vinozam....gem shop
- vinuzam....jewellery
- vitamag....palace
- vitamayg....villa
- vitamaz....château
- vitapyekam....gym
- vituzyanam....fine arts museum
- vituzyanibiam....fine arts museum
- vixulam....beauty shop
- vixutam....beautician shop
- vobam....greenhouse, plantation house
- vobbikam....nursery, plant care facility
- vokam....deathtrap
- vosnam....florist shop
- voyaynxam....repair shop
- voytamper....home, return home
- vua yovbyokam....bughouse
- vutam....dump, flophouse, hovel, pigpen, pigsty
- vutamog....dump, ramshackle, shanty
- vutamoyg....hovel
- vutilam....dive, hole-in-the-wall bar
- vyakxam....correctional facility, penitentiary, prison
- vyamdezam....playhouse, theater
- vyantixam....research facility, research firm, research institute
- vyedam....relay station
- xam....atelier, office, workshop
- xeam....agency
- yabmostames....penthouse
- yabpatam....aerie
- yabyagtam....hi-rise building
- yabzam....level
- yafonuam....power plant, power station
- yafonuluam....fuel station
- yafxwam....fortress
- yagat bikam....elder care facility
- yagbexam....conservatory
- yanbewam....condo, condominium, timeshare
- yanexam....co-operative, coop, cooperative
- yanotpur posam....bus station, bus station
- yanta tilam....pub, public house
- yantambesea....cohabiting, living together
- yantambesen....cohabitation, living together
- yantambeser....cohabit, live together
- yantambesut....cohabiter
- yanupam....meetinghouse
- yanuptam....lodge
- yaozgobliram....sawmill
- yapatam....dovecote, pigeon coop
- yapaytam....columbarium
- yapelam....pork butchery
- yapetam....pigpen, pigsty, sty
- yatetam....deaconate
- yavilam....ale house, beer bar, beer house, brasserie, pub, saloon, taproom, tavern
- yavilxam....brewerie, brewery
- yavilxamog tilam....brewpub
- yazzansam....breakfront
- yeba yonutam....inner sanctum
- yeba zetam....inner courtyard
- yebam....inside, interior
- yebmem dubam....department of the interior
- yebtama....indoor
- yebzetam....courtyard
- yepetam....doghouse
- yevdam....tribunal
- yexam....shop, workplace, workshop
- yextam....workhouse
- yexyen tistam....vocational school
- yibdubam....embassy
- yibdubetam....consulate
- yibnyux yuxlam....mail
- yibnyuxam....post office
- yibpoxam....outstation
- yigvafilnam....vinegar store
- yijmem dyezam....open-air cinema
- yobam....downstairs, lower area
- yobsam....lowboy
- yokdezam....improv theater
- yomaybilnam....ice cream store
- yomkiparam....ice skating rink
- yomsam....freezer, fridge, ice chest, refrigerator
- yonota tilam....private saloon
- yonpyexrar saxam....explosives factory
- yonta tilam....saloon
- yotetam....rectory
- yovbyokam....calaboose, penal institution, penitentiary, slammer
- yovnuxam....penal institution
- yugtamulaben....topdressing
- yupetam....hutch
- yuvbexam....detention center, detention facility
- yuxlam....agency, service
- yuzbwam....enclave
- yuzovolnam....pita shop, taco shop
- yuzpur posam....bus station
- yuztama....around-the-house
- zam....forefront, front
- zanam....shop front
- zanunam....shop front, window display
- zatam....facade, front of the house
- zemulyaflaxam....nuclear power plant
- zetam....courtyard
- zotamdeym....back yard
- zoybixam....recess
- zoytamper....go back home, resettle, return home
- zoytamput....returnee
- zyabuam....dispensary
- zyadinuam....reporting station
- zyam....expanse
- zyapopnam....tourist bureau
- zyaubam....broadcast studio
- zyefsam....vitrine
- zyevtam....glasshouse
- zyevxam....glass factory, glassworks
- zyiovolam....pizzeria
- zyuabtamas....dome
- zyudezam....theater in the round, amphitheater, circus
- zyuktam....house on wheels, mobile home, trailer
- zyutam....roundhouse
- zyuykkyuparam....rollerskating rink
TEM Words
[edit | edit source]- The rootword tem means hall, hallway, gallery. Here are some words using this root:
- aagtem....lobby, main hall
- abtamasbwa yija yabtem....loggia
- abtem....attic
- bixpur pestem....train station
- dezam zatem....theater lobby
- deztem....performance hall
- drasintem....art gallery
- duztem....music hall
- dyestem....book gallery
- fyuzam tem....prison block, prison ward
- kutem....side hall
- melpien pontem....departure lounge
- mempuen pontem....arrivals lounge
- mempuen tem....arrivals lounge
- nuntem....galleria, gallery
- oyebtem....veranda
- pontem....lounge
- sintem....picture gallery
- teetem....auditorium
- teltem....cafeteria
- tem....hall, gallery
- tistem....lecture hall
- tuztem....art gallery
- vyakxam tem....prison block, prison ward
- yabtem....loft
- yabzyutem....gallery
- yagtem....gallery
- yagyijtem....gallery
- zatem....foyer, lobby, vestibule
- zetem....central hall, main hall
- zyetem....hall, hallway
- zyotem....corridor
- zyutem....gallery
TIM and -IM Words
[edit | edit source]- The rootword tim means room, chamber. The stub suffix -im is a shorting of tim. Words using these roots are listed here:
- tim amnag....room temperature
- tim ay tel....room and board
- tim bi avembiuti....chamber of deputies, house of representatives, the house
- tim bi yafuwati....chamber of deputies
- tim duz....chamber music
- tim duzarutyan....chamber music orchestra
- tim golar....partition, room divider
- tim jobnixen....rooming
- tim jobnixut....roomer
- tim yuxlen....room service
- tim yuxlut....room servant
- tim....chamber, quarters, room
- timag....hall, large room, salon
- timbesen....rooming
- timbeser....room
- timbesut....roomer
- timdet....roommate
- times....roomette
- timik....roomful
- timof....booth, lean-to, shelter, stall
- timog....booth, cell, closet, cubby hole, cubicle, pod, small room
- timuer....offer a room
- timyan....quarters, suite
- timyaneb....quartermaster
- timyuxuyt....chambermaid
- abdovyabxutim....senate chamber, upper chamber of congress
- abmeltim....terrace
- abtim....upstairs room
- abyijtim....atrium
- apetim....horse stall
- avaxlutim....deptuy chamber
- aybtim....garret, mansard
- beaxutim....guardroom
- bextim....holding cell
- bokatim....sickbay, sickroom
- dabubwatim....chamber of deputies, house of representatives
- datim....living room, living-room, parlor, salon, sitting room
- dezkutim....coulisse, theater wing
- deztim....auditorium, theater salon
- doebdalutim....congress chamber
- doublawatim....chamber of congress, chamber of deputies
- doublawatim....chamber of deputies, house of delegates
- doyevdibutim....judge's chamber
- doytim....clubroom
- dreutim....secretary's office
- dyestim....cabinet, den, library, office, studio, study
- ebtim....hallway, room in between
- eftim....bathroom, lady's room, lavatory, loo, rest room, toilet, w.c., washroom
- entoba tim....double room
- fyatim....sanctuary, sanctum
- glasumtim....dormitory
- kostim....closet
- kotim....oubliette, secret chamber
- kutim....adjoining room, side room, wing
- mapil oybtim....storm cellar
- meiltim....mud room, mudroom
- miltim....restroom, washroom
- mimpurtim....ship cabin
- montim....darkroom
- nunzotim....stockroom
- oyboybtim....subbasement
- oybtim....basement, cave, cellar, undercroft
- oyeba eftim....port-a-potty
- oyebtim....outhouse, outside room
- pontim....w.c., w.c.
- santim....centime
- sartim....tool room, tool shed
- sumtim....bedroom
- tamtim....homeroom
- teetim....sound studio
- tetim....presbytery, rectory
- tiltim....saloon
- tim....chamber, quarters, room
- tistim....classroom
- toftim....vestry
- toj tim....death chamber
- tojtim....death chamber
- tujamtim....dorm room
- twoba eftim....men's room, men’s lavatory
- tyal ay tim....board and bed, board and lodging
- updiwatim....guest room, guestroom
- vafil oybtim....wine cellar
- vitamagyontim....stateroom
- vitim....salon
- yabdoublawatim....senate chamber, upper chamber of deputies
- yagzyotim....couloir, hallway, lane, passage, passageway, thoroughfare
- yantim....suite
- yapetim....pigsty
- yavil oybtim....ratskeller, beer cellar
- yeba tim....inner room
- yebtim....chamber, inner chamber
- yepetim....kennel
- yijebtim....dogtrot
- yoba dovyabxutim....lower legislative chamber
- yoba doyafbuwatim....lower house
- yobdobubutim....house chamber
- yonotim....privy, sanctum
- yonottim....stateroom
- yujlarumtim....locker room
- zatim....antechamber, anteroom, forecastle, front room
- zotim....back room, backroom
- zyotim....hall, hallway
- zyutim....rotunda
- abdoebdalim....senate, upper chamber, upper house
- abdovyabxim....senate, upper legislative chamber
- afelayim....tearoom
- axlim....activity room
- azaxwim....strongroom
- azla bikim....ICU, intensive care unit
- baksim....convalescence ward
- beaxim....ward
- bekim....hospital room, treatment room
- belunim....cargo bay
- bikim....clinic
- biwa sim....occupied chair, occupied seat, taken chair
- brokuim....torture chamber
- dalim....parlor
- datibim....lobby, reception room, salon
- dazim....ballroom
- dibim....administrative office, chamber
- dobtojbim....execution chamber
- doebdalim....conference room, parliamentary chamber
- doim....hamlet
- domeim....canton
- dovyab xim....law office
- dovyabdrim....chamber of congress, legislative chamber
- doyevim....courtroom
- dresim....bureau, cabinet, den, library, office
- drim....scriptorium
- dunyim....flood of words, word stream
- dyazim....ballet studio
- dyezim....movie auditorium, movie salon
- ebdalogim....chat forum
- ebdaylim....chatroom
- ebtexim....deliberation chamber, parliamentary chamber
- ebzyim....layer
- efim....comfort station, privy, restroom, the necessity, toilet
- etyalim....lunchroom
- fyadilim....oratory
- fyaifrim....chapel
- fyamilbim....baptistery, baptistry
- fyaxelim....chapel
- fyaxunim....sacristy
- ifbuer sim....offer a seat
- ifekim....game room, playroom
- iftilim....refreshment area
- igef bikim....emergency room
- igefbikim....ICU, intensive care unit
- ilyujarim....tap room
- izbexim....control room
- jatixim....rehearsal studio
- jayekim....test lab
- jubdinim....newsroom
- kebidim....polling book, voting booth
- kodrenyontixim....cryptocenter
- kyitafim....cloakroom, coat check
- kyiunim....hold
- kyobexim....guardroom
- kyoejim....waiting room
- maarmanim....solarium
- magbaxim....stokehold
- magelim....kitchen
- mampar magelim....galley
- milim....water closet
- milufim....restroom, tearoom, toilet, water closet
- milyepim....bathroom
- mimparim....cabin
- mimpur magelim....galley, ship's galley
- mimpurebim....captain's quarters, stateroom
- mimpurim....ship compartment
- mimpurizbim....berth, steerage
- misoyebim....balcony
- miyomim....poolroom
- mogxim....cremation chamber
- movim....smoking den, smoking room
- nixbuim....salesroom
- novim....linen room
- novyilxim....laundry room
- nyebim....storage room
- nyexunim....stock room, storage room, store room
- nyexuunim....consignment room
- oa zyim....ground level
- obdodalim....chamber of deputies
- obdovyabxim....house of representatives
- ofwim....harem
- ovolim....pantry
- oyebim....patio
- oyixwa sim....unoccupied chair, unused chair
- oymtelnyexim....larder
- pansinim....movie auditorium, movie salon
- parsim....shay
- pesim....lounge, waiting room
- ponsim....chaise
- ponyef kaxim....baggage claim room
- ponyem bexlim....checkroom, consignment
- poysim....rest room
- puim....kiss-and-ride zone
- purexuta sim....driver's seat
- purim....car, wagon
- saxim....lab, studio
- sezim....sculpture studio
- simim....sitting room
- sinuarim....screening room
- sinuim....showroom
- sizim....painting studio
- tapifekim....locker room
- tapyexim....exercise room
- tayobiluim....sudatorium, sudatory
- tazim....portrait studio
- teapim....visiting room
- teaxim....theater, viewing room
- tejenim....wardroom
- tijpim....recovery room
- tildim....drinking fountain, water fountain
- tilsemim....barroom
- tistamim....schoolroom
- tixim....atelier, studio
- todim....living room, living-room, parlor, salon, sitting room
- tofabim....dressing room
- tofbexlim....coat check
- tofim....closet, clothes closet
- toj sim....death chair
- tolarvyixim....scullery
- totdilim....chapel
- toxwasim....lost-and-found
- toyb tofabim....boudoir
- tudetsim....highchair
- tujim....bedroom
- tulim....kitchen
- tunkexim....research lab, research laboratory