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Mandelbulb3D/Reference/Formulas/Formula tabs

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Formula Tabs

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Mandelbulb3D can combine up to six fractal formulas. Each is controlled from a tab near the top of the Formulas window. The selected tab provides access to formula parameters, descriptions, and Just-In-Time compiled formulas.

Formulas tabs are calculated from left to right. This is the Formula tab sequence. The sequence can be one to six formulas long. Empty formula tabs don't create shapes or perform transforms, but they do count toward the number of Iterations.

Add Formula

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To add a formula, or to change the current formula, select it from the lists of Formula types, or type the name of the formula in the Formula Name field below the Formula Type pulldowns. The default formula is IntegerPower. If you don't want to erase the current formula, right-click the current tab and choose Shift formulas a position to the right.

Remove Formula

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To remove a formula, simply delete the text in the Formula Name field. This may have unexpected results depending on other settings, particularly Repeat From Here and DEcombinate mode.

An alternate method of removing a formula is to select the first entry in the 4Da formula list. Hover the cursor over the 4Da button and select the blank entry at the top of the pulldown list.

Removing a formula leaves its tab empty. To delete an empty formula tab, select the formula to the right of the empty one, right-click, and choose Shift formulas a position to the Left.

To disable a formula without deleting it, set its number of Iterations to zero.

There are two methods for moving formulas to other tabs. Right-click on a formula tab for a context-sensitive menu, or use the red left and right Exchange arrows near the bottom of the Formulas window.

Formula Tab Right-click Menu

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Copy This Formula To Formula X

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Copy the current formula to another numbered tab, overwriting whatever's there.

Shift Formulas a Position To the Left

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All formulas after the current formula are shifted left, earlier in the sequence. This overwrites whatever formula may have been immediately to the left of the current formula. This command is used primarily to remove any empty formula tabs.

Shift Formulas a Position To the Right

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All formulas after the current formula are shifted right, later in the sequence. This command is used primarily to add a new formula in an existing sequence.

Copy the Values

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Copy parameter values from the current formula to the specified formula. The two formulas must be of the same Formula Type.

Exchange This Formula

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The red left and right arrows near the bottom of the Formulas window can swap adjacent formulas. Exchange this formula with the next one swaps the current formula with the one to the right, and Exchange this formula with the previous one swaps the current formula with the one to the left.

Formula Description

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Click the i button to display the developer's notes about the formula. Usually this takes the form of the mathematical description of the formula. Depending on the current Theme, the descriptive text may be difficult to read. Select the text to highlight it if necessary. Click the i button again to hide the description and display the current fractal parameters.

Hidden Formulas

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Click the Hidden button to display a list of hidden formulas. By default, no formulas are hidden. To hide formulas, use the right-click menu in the Formula Type pulldown lists. To unhide formulas, use the same right-click menu within the Hidden formula list.

Load a New Formula File

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Click the folder icon near the top of the Formulas window to browse for a .M3F Formula definition file.

JIT-Compiled Formulas

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JIT (Just In Time) Compiled Formulas

See Also

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