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LMIs in Control/pages/H2-Optimal Filter

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H2-Optimal Filter

The goal of optimal filtering is to design a filter that acts on the output of the generalized plant and optimizes the transfer matrix from to the filtered output.

The System

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Consider the continuous-time generalized LTI plant, with minimal state-space representation

where it is assumed that is Hurwitz. A continuous-time dynamic LTI filter with state-space representation

is designed to optimize the transfer function from to , which is given by


Optimal Filtering seeks to minimize the given norm of the transfer function There are two methods of synthesizing the H2-optimal filter.

Synthesis 1

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Solve for and that minimize the objective function , subject to

Synthesis 2

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Synthesis 2 is identical to Synthesis 1, with the exception of the final two matrix inequality constraints:


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In both cases, if and then it is often simplest to choose in order to satisfy the equality constraint (above).


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In both cases, the optimal H2 filter is recovered by the state-space matrices and


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The problem of optimal filtering can alternatively be formulated as a special case of synthesizing a dynamic output "feedback" controller for the generalized plant given by

The synthesis methods presented in this page take advantage of the fact that the controller in this case is not a true feedback controller, as it only appears as a feedthrough term in the performance channel.

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A list of references documenting and validating the LMI.

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