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For some reason I was on a huge ship.

Day and night, the ship expelled black smoke, cutting forwards through the waves. The noise was terrible. But I had no idea where the ship was bound. From beneath the waves the sun would rise up like burning, red-hot tongs. It would rise until it was directly above the main mast and appear to be suspended there for a time; before I knew it, the sun would pass and be ahead and beyond of the ship. Finally, like burning, red-hot tongs, it would sink beneath the waves. Each time the blue waves would boil furiously in a dark red colour. Then the ship would make its terrible noise and trail after the sun. But it never caught up.

ある時自分は、船の男を(つら)まえて聞いて見た。 「この船は西へ行くんですか」  船の男は()(げん)な顔をして、しばらく自分を見ていたが、やがて、 「なぜ」と問い返した。 「落ちて行く日を追かけるようだから」  船の男はからからと笑った。そうして向うの方へ行ってしまった。 「西へ行く日の、(はて)は東か。それは(ほん)()か。(ひがし)出る日の、()(さと)は西か。それも本真か。身は波の上。(かじまくら)。流せ流せ」と(はや)している。(へさき)へ行って見たら、水夫が大勢寄って、太い()(づな)()()っていた。


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To do:

Kanji Kana English Notes
ふね ship, boat
乗る の・る (1) to board (a vehicle)
(2) to step up, get up onto (something)
(3) to take part, be involved (in response to something)
毎日毎夜 まい・にち・まい・よ every day and night
絶る たえ・る (1) to stop, end
(2) to interrupt