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Jánua Linguárum Reseráta/Vestibulum

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Jánua Linguárum Reseráta by Author:John Amos Comenius

Jánuæ Latínitátis vestibulum The Portal to the Gate of Latin
Veníte puerí,
Discite latínam linguam.
Pulchram et élegantem.
Come children
Learn the Latin language
Beautiful and elegant
Pró vestró captú
Et variás rés,
Sapientiæ sémina.
Understand it
According to your capacity
and various things,
the seeds of wisdom
Deus vós juvábit.
Praeceptórés amábunt.
Alií laudábunt.
Ipsí gaudébitis.
God will help you
Teachers will love you
Others will praise you
You yourself will be pleased
Sí príncipium difficile,
medium erit facile.
Fínis jucundus.
If the beginning is hard,
The middle will be easy,
The end pleasant.